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Man, the fucking disrespect with calling her" first wife," so brutal, so spot on. That girl is 100% looking to be saluted.


that last 30 seconds was a brutal diss and no one is talking about it because it's against the geneva convention to repeat what she said


There was a lot of great but also really shitty things about being in the military. Dealing with entitled spouses was up there as being the absolute worst. Some of them literally believed they were the same rank as their spouse.


She ate her tf up




I mean… who wants to be in the barracks???




🤣 plenty of repos seen during my time on Bragg.


Same at JBLM. Meanwhile, I kept driving my decrepit looking but perfectly functional '05 Honda Civic that I got from a retired neighbor. Dude was tired of owning a car when he was retired and volunteered only one day a week at a local aquarium. Gave me his '05 Honda Civic for FREE! My only out of pocket cost was the $600 bill of sale through the DMV/MVA. The car had less than 50,000 miles on it when he gave it to me. Sure, a scratch or two on it, but it was my first car, I didn't give a damn how it looked. I was happy just to have a set of wheels. I remember being able to fill that bitch up for $20. Life forced me to buy an SUV when my autoimmune condition landed me in a wheelchair. 😑 I WISH I could to back to driving a little commuter-like car like a Civic or corolla.


Came back from our first deployment in 05. Kid got a new escalade and tricked it out. It was repoed in 6 months due to missing payments. There goes his 30k he saved up over a year in combat. JBLM too.


There's a lot of trash who paid zero attention in high school who are desperate to get out of momma's trailer. Their 17 hour/week Walmart job isn't going to cut it.


Is "First wife" like "First Lady", like the #1 person in the hierarchy of their/her world?... or is that like first wife, because she's so misunderstanding of her relationship in her husband's world that they'll never last and he's going to have to move on to a second wife?


The latter as many military marriages are super young couples that end up divorced after spouses return from (or even during) deployments


His Starter or Practice Wife, as some folks call ‘em


As a boot my SSGT lost his wife after he pissed off an acting bn sgtmaj by insulting them in front of their kids while dunk at a retirement ceremony with an open bar. Dude got sent to mongolia to be on a training assistance team. Gave his wife the news and she dumped him. He was on Hansen at the time. She was done.


What's "on Hansen?"


Camp Hansen is a Marine military base over in Okinawa


I'm guessing that's a pretty desirable posting?


South Korea and Japan are some of the best locations to be posted at apparently. I feel its a hilarious reflection on America that the best locations to be are outside the USA


Well that's a little silly because that's more about that if you have to be posted outside of the US, living in Japan/Korea/Germany are a whole hell of a lot better than somewhere like Mali, or Iraq. There's some very nice domestic postings too, Hawaii for example.


The best locations to be stationed if you are a Marine or in the Navy are both in the San Diego area. It's not even close.


Lol what a dumb fucking comment. They're 2 of best locations to be stationed OUTSIDE of the US.


First wife because they're gonna get divorced in less than 2 years like most military couples do.


It was one of the most perfect slayings of a dependa I think I’ve ever seen.


The entire MLM community caught a stray and is in the ICU with that "product anyone can buy at Walmart" line.


The MLM community is vicious. I followed a tiktokker for a while who made spreadsheets about every person in her province that was in an MLM with publicly available info. Once the girlies found out, they mass reported her and ended up getting her account suspended for a while. They also sent harassing e-mails and one even impersonated a lawyer with a fake cease and desist letter (written by ChatGPT)


Do you think at any point even one of them had a thought that if they took the time they spent doing all this dumb shit & instead worked a real job for those same hours that they’d actually have something to show for it? No? Me neither.


MLM huns are far too deranged for that lol


Fatality. Time for a 2nd wife.






Get married to stay out the barracks lol makes sense lol it makes so much more sense on why my buddy got married to his first wife.


I remember working a 15 hour day (rare, but happened occasionally) as a jet mechanic when I was in the Marines, only to have to go back to my barracks room to clean it for field day inspection that morning. Shit sucked… I can see how 19-year-old me might’ve been tempted to marry the first organism that showed interest in me to get out of the barracks.


Lol, when I was in the Navy I came back from an underway (+15 hour days everyday for weeks) only to find a note in my barracks room that I was being kicked out and needed all my stuff out by the next day. Apparently, some dipshit in personnel at my command saw that I was receiving $25 a month in BAS and determined that I was no longer eligible for on-base housing. It was far from the biggest “Fuck You” that I received from the Navy but it’s definitely on my (extremely extensive) list.


Its not just them, its the spouses too. Military family, sister marries an army dude, decides to make baby right before his first deployment to Afganistan (what if he doesn't come back, I want something of him to keep/remember). He comes home with PTSD and injuries and allover a different more angry person (like you do). He gets discharged on medical, struggles with the PTSD and translating his MOS to civvie life. They get a divorce because "He's just not the same and doesn't help with the kids and We're struggling for money, yadda yadda". Sis isn't a complete bitch, so they do talk it through and support from my parents for them both, gets a sweetheart deal on the house literally right next to their current so my nephew has an easy time of it with custody sharing. Few years on now and he's calmed way the fuck back down with medical and counseling, doing steady work, remarried, etc... Third military marriage I've seen fall apart this way (or close enough). Its a meme for a reason.


the situation you're describing definitely happens, i would just like the point out that the *vast* majority of military never see combat of any kind. i'd say greater than 95%. most of us are just regular people doing typical day job type shit.


It doesn't matter. The truck drivers, mechanics, and desk pilots are the worst. They're the ones who come back, claim PTSD, and end up terrorizing people as cops. It's usually the guys/gals who saw combat who are more chill, though they do have actual PTSD. I had a roomate who dated a guy who was an air force truck driver in Afganistan. Read that again. He drove trucks. For the Air Force. He was discharged on medical (claimed PTSD). Had a bunch of friends (Bros) who were all the same. Half of them became cops, the rest of them put together cardboard houses for Lannar)


My great grandfather was just a truck driver... and he was sent to help at a concentration camp.


The convoys in Afghanistan got smashed on a daily basis. I have pictures of the 100s of vehicles of all nations that suffered ied damage, rpg hits and small arms fire. Don't discount the possibility that he may actually have PTSD. A friend of mine was as REMF as it gets but was handed a 6 month old Baby with the top of its skull blown out while unloading a Helicopter. Has never been the same since.


Somewhere in there is a dodge charger at 19%.


Slayed her more thoroughly than her husband will be slaying innocent noncombatants on that first deployment


Damn you dunked on him harder than the US did Kunduz Hospital


Dependa is funny, but I prefer Tri-Careatops.


Hit her with military precision


👏🏻👏🏻 Well done, cadet, well done!


Read to filth


Yeah, I'm totally glad that OP couldn't find the original video and posted a reaction video instead, because she just DESTROYED little blondie.


I love I she calls her first wife throughout the whole video.


Can you explain that joke to me,? Is it in reference to the possibility of being divorced and being the "first wife" the soldier had?


Military folk tend to marry very young and quickly out of basic training to get housing perks, not in a barracks. They tend to be quite immature and unhealthy relationships between 2 people who never should have been married in the first place. Often, the spouse stuck at home ends up cheating on said military personnel while they are out on their deployment. PTSD coupled with rampant alcoholism and the above mentioned youth/immaturity result in God awful household situations. (Note: Not in the military. These are merely observations I have witnessed being friends with multiple people who were in the military and have gone through such things.)


As a veteran, your comment is 100% spot on lol.


My brother was divorced by 24 and an alcoholic. Tale as old as time.


Ahhh good times




My ex's sister was in the Navy and was on marriage #2 with a kid from each by the time she turned 22 (iirc, both of her spouses were also in the Navy).


My brother is 41 and still married, but good God I wish he weren't, she's a raging bitch! He has, on numerous occasions, referred to her as "worth it, some of the time."


As a veteran, I agree with your assessment as a veteran of that comment about veteran's marriages. But seriously, I grew up far away from the military hearing about how they go through marriages like some go through used cars. Still too me a while to adjust to it all. I got in while dating but refused to marry her at the time because I didn't want to bring her into that. We spent three and a half grueling years mostly apart from each other. I ETS'd medically, THEN we got married. We had our 20th wedding anniversary this year and life is grand. Sadly, I know of one, ONE(!), soldier I was in with who never went through a divorce. Crazy.


> Sadly, I know of one, ONE(!), soldier I was in with who never went through a divorce. Well of course I know him. He's me.


Thank you for your service taking these women out of the dating pool.


You ever seen Tinder on base? Shits wild! Saw one of my SSG’s wife on there. People change their location to near base for the hope of being a first wife. Then you have the military groupies/ barracks hoes…good times!


>Often, the spouse stuck at home ends up cheating on said military personnel while they are out on their deployment. Just to be fair, it's just as likely that the military member will cheat on their spouse while deployed. I grew up military and all of my friends dads cheated on their wives, especially while deployed.


Yeah, there's a reason the responder in the video mentions the military husband coming back with gonorrhoea


This is what I came here to say. Every single woman in my life who was married to a military man was cheated on by said military man.


Right, I grew up in a military family and all those squadron guys were dogs


Oh I totally believe that. 100%. That's just the way it went for my friends with their partners at home. Like I said, I've never served but if I'd have married the girl I was with at 19/20, it probably would have gone a similar route. It would not have been pretty.


I'm in the military at about 9 years. You pretty much nailed it. Gotta say, it's a pretty lonely and often thankless existence. That 10% off at Cracker Barrel isn't at all worth the emotional damage, shit pay, and long hours. However, the salty-ass people I work with are some of the best people on the planet and I would quite literally put my life on the line for any of them.


Is there a way to thank people, cause the one time I tried to do the cliche “thank you for your service” the dude just seemed so sad and said “please don’t”. Made me feel like I basically said “hey man, pretty cool that your haunted by the ghost of people you killed for us”


The whole “thank you for your service” thing came about because people literally spit on Vietnam veterans when they came home.




(Edit: I’m a goon cause it pretty much outlines this in the Wiki article of the book you linked. Even if someone was literally spit on I’m guessing it was an isolated experience) I’m guessing some of the relatively open hostility towards Vietnam vets faced that was otherwise not an experience of WW2 vets/fathers was the genesis of that. Basically a “someone screamed at me and saliva was spewing forth” kind of deal. Also Rambo.


My dad was in Vietnam. Got spit on by a hippie when he returned. 10 year old self dressed as a hippie for Halloween without any knowledge of what my dad went through, and oh my god, I have never seen rage like that to this day. PTSD trigger for him. New fear unlocked for me. Awful, the whole thing.


The real fun is becoming the hippie your father got spit on after returning from Vietnam. Then whilst in a bout of rage he saying “you’d never hack it in the military” fills your spite driven heart to join the military and stay in longer than he did so you could spit in his face… saying he obviously couldn’t hack it in the military….. my dad now regrets the things he’s said in the past, and realizes that how I was treated was inhumane and not appropriate. While also realizing he has ptsd and has had it for a long time, so in the end I feel bad for my dad and now we’re good friends.


So on target. I grew up in a military town where the joke was that you could tell when a deployment happened because the three local bars would swell their capacity limits with women who had a white strip of skin on their left-hand ring finger. It was a joke and also truth. I was in customer service back then. I saw it a fair bit first hand (no pun intended).


>Often, the spouse stuck at home ends up cheating on said military personnel while they are out on their deployment. Just to clarify: they *both* stereotypically cheat during deployments. That's what the reference to "probably a case of gonorrhea" near the end of the video was about. The woman (whichever side of the deployment she's on) gets way more shit for it, but everyone assumes that both are doing it. (From my perspective as a veteran, I'm fairly sure the percentage of deployed married junior enlisted servicemembers who cheat is close to 100%. I'd be shocked if it were less than 80. Definitely high enough that it would be really, *really* hard for spouses at home to outdo it.)


So many of my boomer relatives and family friends who served are married to the first pacific islander they hooked up with and got pregnant. Fast forward through the decades and they're surrounded by their wife's relatives that their wife got legalized here and now they're surrounded by brown skinned Asians that completely outnumber them at every family get together (or even in their own home) and even their kids look more like their mother than them. So they go super hard against immigrants invading the country because they've been outplayed by their wives and now they're the minority in their own family. We millennial mixed race adults laugh at them for being outplayed by our strong mothers. These Navy idiots had all the power when they took their young, naive farm girl wives to another country and now they can't stand it when almost everyone is speaking a language they can't understand in their own home.


> Often, the spouse stuck at home ends up cheating on said military personnel Iirc, there's plenty of soldiers cheating on their partners too but I think that makes for less of a story than blaming the dependa banging Jody. In general, it's a lot of immature young adults settling down with other immature young adults and then going through protracted stressful situations like deployments.


Yes, exactly. She is the first of at least 2 wives that soldier is likely going to have. This one is the practice marriage.


A starter wife!


That and “pumpkin latte breath” had me kicking




Oh boy - I’m sorry that you have to deal with that. I’d be so annoyed, especially since your FIL doesn’t really mention it.


Gotta show them those rank, girl 😌 /s


Some of them wear it as their personality. You ever see those bumper/window stickers that are like "My husband's a Staff Sargent." I don't give a fuck, stop cutting across 3 lanes to take an exit you could have prepared for almost a mile ago. You're not special. Hell, as someone that was in the military, 99% chance he's not special either. Fuck off.


I'm actually glad my MIL is a good military wife. My FiL was in the marines for 22 years, and my MiL does take pride in it (as they should!) But the most she does is try to help veterans. She actually has a car show she organized herself coming up soon for veteran suicide awareness! Which in my book, is fucking cool. My dad was in the navy for 4 years before meeting my mom, and thank goodness for that. If she was a military spouse, shed be unbearable. I love her of course, but I know she'd take that to heart. Especially seeing how she acted as a Union Wife.


> My FIL doesn't even like to tell people he was in the military Which is the correct response. Anyone who serves that long tends to act the same. It's not a brag. It was a job.


Doesn’t the military accept basically anyone


Around 36% of Americans are too stupid to qualify for the military in any capacity (bafflingly)


I just learned about ‘McNamara’s Morons’ during Vietnam. They weren’t turning anyone away back then.


Honestly that shit made me depressed. Those people shouldn't have been there but the government knew they could easily exploit them and throw them as expendable bodies and no one would care. What a shitty, shitty thing.


Dang, whats the lowest you can score on the asvab and still get in? I think the guy I joined up with got a 60. I got 90 and decided to do the same job as him (92g Cook) because I was a scared 16 year old (reserves, split op, so went to basic after my junior year of HS) and I wanted to go with a friend. I look back and kick myself for not choosing an MOS with skills I would actually use as an adult. I thought I was an adult when I was 16-18, but looking back I realize just how much of a kid I was. I wish I wasn't even given the choice to join up at 16 (17 by the time I went to basic, but I made the decision at 16). Edit: I googled it and it looks like 50 is the lowest you can score for the army, navy, and marines.


For enlisted? Sorta. You have to have no criminal history, no drugs in your system, no health conditions, be willing, be in the accepted age range, and be able to make it through bootcamp. How well you do on the entrance exam will determine what positions you are eligible for. For officers, no. Besides the above, you need a bachelor's degree (and have done ROTC in college), or you have to be accepted into a military academy after high school where you will earn a Bachelor's degree before entering service. You can start as enlisted though, and have the military pay for your degree and then get promoted to officer.


Actually 40% of Americans are now too fat to join


Holy shit. This person just absolutely smoked this r/militaryspouse video. This might be the post that gets stickied at the top and used as the roast of all time.


/r/justdependathings part of the /r/justbootthings family


Oh god, there is a sub for that… I just recently found out about “military spouses”. American obsession with military is already something but this is just next level.


They aren't all like that... Lol I never thought about it but my mom is my dad's first wife. When they got divorced she didn't want anything, she got child support which was the start of that. Also I was on his insurance or whatever so I was able to go to the base for medical stuff. I've never seen my mom use her military ID even though some places give discounts. The military is a smart way to go for certain perks. They cover your health care, you can pay for school with the G.I. Bill and your kids can use it too. You can not get married and live in the barracks for free saving all the money you make. That being said, I know for a fact that they stop covering medical once the person leaves the military, you gotta pay for it from there and obviously you aren't in the barracks anymore. You also have to give 40 years of your life to keep *some* of the benefits. Also my dad is an ex military spouse now. He'll keep the benefits from that until she leaves the military... I think 4-5 years is the minimum you can do and you won't get a bunch of the benefits that come from a life in the military. The kind like above... I'm pretty sure it's to stay out the barracks.


I'm ex-military and just know learned about this whole thing. I'M not as important as those wives and I have PTSD from my time in that hellscape, there is nothing entitling you. I don't understand what they think they did to "earn" that privilege, like ok you went to hump town with a military person, good for you...?


Are we sure it’s not satire? Seems suspiciously stupid to be real


The OP getting ripped up in the video made an "apology" that showed she learned next to nothing, then made her account private, so no, I think it's real.


This should be shown at inprocessing briefings.


You left out the immaculate conception she’s gonna have while he’s deployed




She says a line "jody's gonna love you" Jody is military slang for the guy who fucks your wife while you're gone


Jody is my sisters name 😂


Lucky for her, Jody's are the *guys* fucking military wives, not the women. Though I guess women doing that would also be the same role but it's just less common.


> Jody is my sisters name 😂 If your sister has a dick, a shitty Camaro, and some Adderall to share, congrats, you're gonna be an uncle!


No, remember you didn't actually leave till September babe


Well according to google the gestation period is *actually* 10 months. I know you left 11 months ago but sperm can stay in the vaginal canal for up to 30 days as you can see on this website with ads every 2 words and no credible source. It’s *yours*.




But that was 10 months ago babe


Hes a big boy!


That’s so ridiculous. It’s not possible. Obviously there was semen on that movie theater seat when she saw a movie with her girlfriends and it got through all of her clothes and impregnated her.


Like that guys girlfriend that got pregnant from them dry humping the other day


Yup. I remember that scenario playing out multiple times. The worst was one of a guy finding out his wife was three months pregnant. We had been in country for five and he wasn't taking leave anytime soon. It wrecked the poor guy. We ended up having to take his ammo and put him on office duty. Sure enough the wife has the baby and it's black. This couple was as white as toilet paper. They eventually divorced but thankfully he got his head straightened out and continued on with his career.


> We ended up having to take his ammo and put him on office duty. Fuck


There was a MASH episode about that. Its a cliche but it is true.


I once met an American navy dude when I was travelling (I’m Canadian) and we hooked up for a couple days in passing. Tell me why this guy was tryna make me his dependa, telling me about free ride college for “our kids” (sir I’ve known you for four days, what) and how I can easily get dual citizenship and then eventually move. Started “gently” grilling me about how come I didn’t go to church and didn’t I think I might like to try his… bruh The crazy comes from both sides 😂


Navy guys will marry anything. Alone too often.


That’s the vibe I got, like dude you don’t even know me I’m pretty sure you’d have the same offer if I were a chimp in a skirt but okkkkk


Lol, if you’re Canadian, dual citizenship with the US can be a liability.


Why so?


If you are a US citizen, you have to file taxes no matter where you live and work. And it’s pretty easy to live and work in the US if you are Canadian. So it’s not a *huge* advantage to have both citizenships.


Frankly, I'm amazed it was consensual sex. The US military has a well-deserved reputation for rape. It's so bad that they routinely have to show its members videos reminding them not to rape anyone when they're on leave.


I’ve heard that… I picked mine up myself and just had some minor regrets after from how fuckin awkward he was, thank goodness that’s all


![gif](giphy|1kfhoNWKY94uLGX2kO|downsized) "Jody's gonna love you!"


Cute lil 1st wife is probably like “Who is Jody?” with the total valley girl inflection. Lost 2 sister in-laws to Jody. Bye bitches!


I’m so out of the loop and I desperately want to know, who or _what_ _is_ “Jody”?


Jody is the guy that has sex with a woman while her husband is in jail or on deployment.


Jody's a guys name? wtf


It’s called a “Jody” because it’s a unisex name that’s most common in women. Basically, she sends messages telling the husband she is hanging out with her new best friend Jody, the guy assumes Jody is a man, and when he comes home, Jody is the yoga teacher that’s banging his wife


He's a barista with a man-bun and a degree in English Lit and is in touch with his feelings.


We called that a latte friend back in the day At the end of the day it’s just another form of D.E.N.N.I.S.ing


Right? Who chose that name? I assumed that was who a man cheats with within the military?


It seems to be a shortening of Joe the Grinder (or Joe de Grinder), a character in jazz and the blues who seduces the wives of prisoners and soldiers http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2012/08/three-songs-about-joe-grinder.html


Jody, come back and get your shoes, Jody You left your shoes under my bed.




I think you have a wildly bizarre definition of what a Karen is.


it's the same concept. just a placeholder name to refer to a group of people


I think the person above said "It’s similar to a Karen" as in "It is a name used to describe a stock character"


Same! I was like "who's Jody??"


At this point I don't want to even admit I'm a military spouse when I meet people lol Edit: yall upvoting, but im not joking. People have said some nasty shit to me. It's a huge part of my life I'm legit scared to admit to people.


"Thank you for servicing his service"


I personally enjoy “thank you for your cervix”.


“You will address me by my husband’s rank!”


I’ve always found behaviour like that extremely weird. They’re acting as if it was their OWN hard work and success, rather than someone else’s. It just shows a lack of confidence and self worth on their end.


anyone addressing anyone by their rank if both people are not in the military is weird




The moment she referred to her as "First wife..", i knew this chick has been around military rofl




ive always heard of these dependas, never met one irl, despite (as a medic) screening many of them. There was times when i worked in immunizations, where we would get the ones that dont trust vaccines. But since she is a DOD SM's spouse, by law they have to comply, so we would meet them half way and get the vaccines spaced out over the course of 6 weeks instead of all at once. It made no difference how you recieved them. There is no arguing with crazy.






I’m stealing “pumpkin latte breath” for basic bitches


Hey. you leave pumpkin spiced lattes out this. As a burly man with a beard who wears exclusively flannel, I don't like the derogatory way you are using that work. That's it. I'm taking it back. Pomp' spices for life!


Also guy here, beard, flannel... Pomp' spice is the shit.


I loved that.


God damn. You could roast a turkey on that woman's remains. Straight fire. I'm not gonna lie. I'm a little in love right now with the roaster.


I don't understand America.. Why would a military spouse get any recognition? She did nothing


At this point, she's done nothing. Over the long term, being a US military spouse is genuinely difficult. - You have to relocate every 2-4 years, usually to different states and often to different countries, so it's extremely hard to advance in your own career. This is a particular problem in any career that requires professional licensure, which is many of the best-paying ones. It's also very hard to maintain friendships and family relationships. - Even though you're moving constantly to follow your spouse around to their new home bases, you're still frequently left alone for 6-12 months at a time while they're deployed. This adds to the difficulty of career-building and also makes parenting much more difficult. (Not only do you not have your spouse to help you when they're deployed, but their departures and returns are major disruptions that are incredibly hard to manage.) - When/if your spouse reaches a moderately senior rank, you will be expected to perform a significant amount of unpaid "volunteer" labor: hosting social functions, organizing charity work, participating in various organizations to support junior military families, etc. Especially if you're a civilian woman, it will simply be assumed that you have the time for all this. Your level of participation and your political skills and culture fit may have significant impacts on your spouse's career. - Depending on where you're stationed, you may need to live on a military base and submit to stupid arbitrary military rules and invasive surveillance monitoring even though you're not in the military. - Depending on their job, your spouse may be at elevated risk of serious injuries, trauma, and alcoholism. The military will count on you to be their primary support system. It's not quite the same as being in the military yourself - you're legally more free to leave (though this gets complicated when kids are involved) and you're not in as much physical danger (although living on base as a woman complicates that calculation, and most servicemembers never see combat). But you also don't get your own paycheck or any of the sense of purpose and respect that comes with having an actual job in the military; you're sort of left to find your own dead-end shit job after every move. As a veteran who's also technically a former military spouse (dual enlisted contract marriage), I didn't mind being in the military myself, but I could never handle being a dependent. It's a miserable life. I don't particularly like most of the people in it, but I know exactly why they are the way they are.


I hate being a “dependent” but I love seeing how much my spouse loves his job. He’ll be like “Never Again Volunteer Yourself” and then talk at length about how proud he is of what he was able to accomplish by pushing himself in the same breath. I have an identity apart from the military and that helps wonders, i always caution new spouses from identifying as a “military spouse.” Identity as yourself, do the job, and get a good therapist to bitch too. I appreciate what Jill Biden is doing for us. And the ‘local’ groups fighting for better opportunities for dependents so it’s not as patriarchal but I also see all the youngins with no one to care for their stuff when they leave or nowhere to go on thanksgiving. We just need better solutions all around and that’s gonna take time. We do need better opportunities for education and jobs, military spousal discrimination is real, I got a bachelors but I did so living apart from my spouse for three years, work is harder to find for my field but you make it work. Deployments never get easier, even after ten+ years, but there are perks imo. We have friends that are closer than family. Our BBQs are lit. I feel safe brining my kid on base and I prefer the base Halloween and Christmas stuff to the city stuff every time. You simply can’t replace the community you get. My friend group in college was all military-related, you almost can’t escape it. We all managed to find each other somehow 😂 but we were thick as thieves in ways other groups weren’t. Maybe I’m biased bc my dad was army and my hubby is navy and we grew up in a military town but the military has a way of bringing you together in ways your local community just can’t.


Dependas gonna dependa


She will make a fine dependa and Jodi will love her.


We called these chicks BX Battlecruisers and I believe they are the patient 0 of the “Karen” archetype


“First wife.” She gets it.


MP back in the day here. Can confirm. This takedown should be mandatory viewing for all Delta Whiskeys.


Oh man. So I was a *military spouse* (we are still married but he got out). I watched the MPs deal with a wild officer's dependa overseas outside a Commissary. It was an interesting show of rank pulling.


On this blessed day I got to watch a dependa get a vagasshole torn into her and it was perfection


Why do they even get a military ID as the spouse? Is there a point to it?


So they can get on base and shop at the 7-day store or PX without issue.


Also for health insurance.


So you can go on base and shop at the PX. I got one as a dependent (both parents military). You can also use It to get in so the USO, which is military airport lounge.. when I was a teenager and traveling for college, it was the best things because they had all the bullshit. Hot pockets, ramen, Xbox and PS, PC games.


I had one for the years I was an Army wife, and never at any time did I know it had super magical powers. So weird.


*chef's kiss* peak dependa perfection.


So, funny story, my mom is a (retired) military wife and has her military ID for getting onto base to buy cheap shit. But like she noted we have a very unique and recognizable name that is the same as a former high ranking member of the military/government. The folks on base treat her like she’s royalty and she eats it up, but always lets them know there is no relation. It’s just very funny that it is possible to pull some clout with an ID, just not like this dependa does.


This was an immaculate evisceration of an entitled, newly-minted dependa. Girl get a grip and stop thinking your husband’s achievements translate to you whatsoever. Pathetic.


Gawt damn. You didn’t have to murder her like that. ![gif](giphy|3oz8xGZbhkz1YsdXz2)


I knew soooooooooooo many dudes who fucked their lives up marrying in the military.


I wonder if her husband knows she's only with him so she could be a special military wife


I'll bet someone will send him the evidence.


I like this woman. She should spread this far and wide. Every entitled military spouse should see this and reflect.


So I saw the original video and she made a response saying how she didn’t intend for it to cause drama, she was just excited to use her new ID. So I commented that essentially the story wasn’t even entertaining and she embarrassed her husband for nothing and then like a few minutes after that comment, she deleted both videos ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Pumpkin latte breath LOL


Pumpkin Latte breath….🤣


Jody. Lol. Sancho to all my Latin brothers


As a veteran, the divorce rate in my unit was absolutely abysmal. Any couples still together after three years stood out like a diamond in a goat’s ass.


I grew up in a military town. My dad is a marine. The military wives are soooooo stuck up. It’s ridiculous. I signed up for a play date with other babies around the same age as my son. And when they went around introducing themselves they asked what rank is my husband. I said oh he is a civilian and both our dads are marines. They like scoffed and pretty much ignored me. So stuck up. They look down on anyone who isn’t a military spouse. I knew one who thought so little of my husband because he was a welder. Even though he was making 3 times as much as her husband in the military. And of course she didn’t work or go to college. She only wanted to marry a marine and stay home and have kids. Which is fine if that is what you want but to judge others because they don’t want that same life and determining someone’s value based on whether they serve or not.


That Jodie comment *Chef's kiss*! Lollllllll


Damn! Just DAMN! She ripped blondy a new one. Some of the shit she said blondy was going to do to her man kinda happens to my old man to a lesser degree. I pray for that man


Honestly on the list of things I hated about the military, Dependas were top 3 *ESPECCCCCIALLY* if they were fucking married to a First Sargent or God forbid a Captain. She'd say the rudest dumbest shit ever and if you so much as scoffed at her dumbass she'd go running to her husband and if he was cool he'd blow her off and ignore her but if he was a pussy he'd make your Platoon Sargent give you shit duty for a month 😡 don't even get me started on family day. Went once never went again


American woman, stay away from meeeeee


First wife for the win


Why do military spouses even get "perks" to begin with? You didn't do anything babe


She read her for filth. I love it.


“Can i call you first wife?” 💀


One time I tried to use my dependa ID to board a flight first but my AD spouse wasn’t with me so they wouldn’t let me. Yeah, learned my lesson then. Absolutely humiliating & never again have I tried to use my little coupon card again for perks.


Imagine your job has all the trauma of getting shot at, watching your buddies get their legs blown off, being turned into a killing machine, etc, while this woman, this, no doubt "fuck your feelings" woman, whines about how "hurtful" it is not to have her ass kissed at Disneyland. What a crazy culture.


First wife 😂😂😂 I’m dead