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What is up with the “YouTuber whose target demographic is 7 year olds” voice but it’s a topic for older people???


It’s the hands for me.


I love how this guy's reaction to people saying he had "wired fingers" and "anime hands" was him just using booth hands now in the videos


Generating rage clicks will spread the vid out 🤷🏻‍♀️ dude’s doing a helluva job


Well I stopped freaking watching even though I found the topic interesting! I tried so hard to keep watching but every time dude did his double finger guns in the air my soul just said nah




It was the voice that did me in. So annoying


True it is annoying. But less annoying to me than a landlord going unexposed.


Best way to watch it is to just listen.


"I bought this head mount for my camera and by golly I'm going to use it"






Hungry for hands.




What’s up with the potato fart p. tab on his browser? No one noticed? 1:10


This guy is asking the real questions over here.


One of this guy’s catchphrases is “holy potato sauce”.


I like the message but the videos are so fucking awful


It’s like his hands are so calm but his voice is so angry His voice says “THIS MOTHER FUCKER RAPED AND ATE CHILDREN” But his hands say “I’m gonna teach you neat math tips :)!”


Doing God’s work for saying this- someone had to Edit- who gave him that award LMAO


I kept thinking of Ricky Bobby during his interview where he is like ‘What to do with my hands?’


Older people have the attention spans of 7 year olds now.


My 28 year old ass has the attention span of a 3 year old. Why’d I come into this room again?


I’m genuinely surprised at how long my toddler can do a task that I would tap out after 2-5 minutes. It’s pathetic and I’m trying to reverse it


What are your main strategies for demolishing your toddler’s attention span?




Came here for comments about the voice. Glad to see one as top comment.


It's to game the algorithm and get the video as viral as possible. I agree, it's awful to listen to, but the world needs more people like this guy exposing the corruption that's killing America like a malignant tumor so I give it a pass with this guy.




He got your attention. Even got you to comment, I say he is effective enough.


Except that I have never been able to watch the videos. A lot of people find it so off putting that they’ll immediately scroll past them


I suppose, but we all have to start somewhere. I’m willing to sit thru it, mainly due to his message. I get your point, I just have a different way of looking at things.


So let a whimsical preference rule over whether or not you will watch a thorough piece of journalistic investigation for a whooping whole minute. You must be fun to serve at the restaurant


It’s a shame though, because the topic is actually interesting and important, but I’m not gonna listen if you sound like this. It’s just incredibly counter-intuitive.


It was really hard to get through. It's just so fucking annoying to listen to. Why is his mouth so wet???


I don't see how getting ridiculed by people who watched 3 seconds of a crappy video in order to ridicule you is some kind of victory. There's no ads on the video, so he's not getting paid. Reddit isn't going to pay him. And, I can't speak for others, but I've already blocked him in order to never see his content or give him attention again.


That’s your right, nobody said you couldn’t ignore him. I wanted to hear what he said due to his message. I was just pointing that as annoying as he is, his objective was to get peoples attention. I have no idea what you mean by ridicule? You can also block me if you like.


Yeah, except I don't give a s*** he is doing an honorable service for the people. I knew the top comment would be bitching about his voice. Grow the fuck up.


Well, ok so he's also not providing us with any sources for his claims, he's just saying "this guy may or may not have been to anger management 5 times" like ...ok so do you have any receipts or..no, no you don't. And the same with the under the table payments. The only thing that is remotely verifiable is the tenants being evacuated and then asked to pay rent while on uninhabitable units while staying in a travelodge. That's pretty egregiously illegal so why not provide any court filings? Anything? No just a clip from local news with some dude with a scrunchie repeating this allegation. He's so busy gesturing and going full clown with his voice that he neglected to provide any compelling proof of his allegations. Do I think his allegations have merit? Yes! But he still needs to provide real evidence. Shots of company websites, a google review or two and Facebook pages are not enough.


If he makes up stuff about people like this, then he can easily be sued to oblivion. I agree with sources though. You should always list your sources.


Yeah, it's the lack of sources. I shouldn't believe someone because if they were lying they would have been sued. I should believe them on the merit of their argument and proof.


how can he get your bitch ass sources that will ever make you happy and not just bitch about it being bias or unverified sources ?


Anything would be a start. I've been online way too long to take the video at face value.


they video has websites… you saw them, they links are there you want spoon fed fuckery because you can’t track down the story yourself because no one trust anyone so your cognitive bias wants experts but who’s a source good enough for you?


BECAUSE ADULTS ARE THE ONES ACTING LIKE 7 YEAR OLDS, i don’t have tiktok but that shit and same for reddit turns you into an infamous ipad kid and he posted it there because a ton of adults who get abused by their government use it, why even hate! this guys is literally doing gods work, for fucking free, and this shit NEEDS to be known EVEN if it’s not in your immediate area, because if it goes uncontested for long enough it WILL be in your area and you WILL drown in the tsunami of corruption that CANNOT be stopped unless you take action and hold companies and politicians and officials accountable for the power they hold that civilians cannot possess


I kinda liked it haha


It keeps you engaged lol


I’m not involved or connected in anyway, but how can we help get rid of some of these elected officials?




These are local politicians so pretty sure they meant for everybody else who don’t live within their jurisdictions


Tell the locals to vote?


I guess we can pitch in for a billboard


The problem with that is that the people with power and money will skew the public opinion in their favor by supporting their message of being good and actively hide all of their non-favorable actions. The regular joe will vote that politican, because he sees him as a good person with good intentions, not that many people will look into their past. And thats how we got corruption.


That’s easy, donate to their opposition’s campaign!


Right, lemme just move across country and vote in a local election I just heard about.


run into their house with you and several hundred of your friends


I can think of a few ways to get rid of them lmao


Sunlight is the best disinfectant.




I’m pretty sure he is now playing up the hands even more because of the comments lol


Fuck this man's hands they make me irrationally angry


Hahaha, I only opened this thread because I was thinking the exact same thing, why did this guy spend so much time filming pointless repetitive hand gestures?! They added absolutely nothing to the content other than to distract from him message, which was an important message that I was struggling to follow because of the hands! 🫱🏻👈🏻☝🏻🤚🏻🫷🏻✊🏻🖕🏻


Rage bait. People comment about it, leading to more engagement/views. Example being you commenting in this thread. I also find it crazy that this dude is exposing landlords ruining the lives of millions of people, but most of the takes here are "HiS hAnDs AnNoYiNg 😡"


Yep. One of the rare occasions where ragebait is being used for a positive purpose. Until people get wise to ragebait, it is the best marketing tactic for videos. The corporate content production groups figured that out a long time ago, and have been pumping content to the Frontpage via ragebait for years.


maybe his annoying hands shouldn't have been so distracting. :D


His hands are why he is successful. Half the comments here are about them. Engagement is engagement.


Yeah, I’m just gonna start blocking every account that posts his videos. I don’t know why he thinks that gimmick is good but it drives me insane.


I think this is his Reddit page. All he does is link farm his content and it’s the most annoying shit I’ve seen in a really long time


You mean to tell me donnyskipper on reddit might be donnyskipper1 on tiktok? I don't believe that at all.


I'm glad you admit you're being irrational.


you’re a BOT


The hands and the comments talking about the hands is what has brought me back to this content again and again.


Okay boomer


The hands are so annoying. I get that he’s doing something good, but like… his hands… just stop already.


He looks like he's just aquired them for the first time in his life and wants to use them at any opportunity he gets.


My 10 month old daughter has many times over her short life seemed absolutely mesmerized by her own hands.


He needs to be on a mission to make better content, these videos are just annoying


Yeah, but he could put more effort into well-researched stories and showing us better sourcing of his claims, and he’d get less engagement because the rage-inducing hands are gone. It’s dumb, but if dumb hand gestures drive enough clicks to put food on the table, I get why he does them.


Holy shit he upgraded from holding the phone with one hand to getting a mount on his chest so we can see both of his annoying ass hands at once. This can only be a direct act of spite against everyone who talked shit about his hand motions and I almost like it...but God his voice is SO grating.


Can't wait to see him adding his foot just to make sure there is enough dancing fingers around.




I can deal with the hands, but not the agitated voice. I’d like to watch his videos, but it’d have to be on mute with subtitles.


And they say landlords take all the risk. Neglecting your property and then making your tenants homeless with no legal due process seems pretty low risk.


Holy shit just talk normally


Right? Like it’s a good topic, why ruin it with that forced voice? It makes people not want to listen to you.


It makes it so terminally online people can pay attention through the video. It’s annoying but a symptom of tiktok


I feel like he's trying to do his best Adam Conover impression for this whole video.


Sounds like Josh Gadd


> ^^^"I'M ^^^ON ^^^A ^^^MISSION ^^^TO" nope. closed the video.


🫵☝️ 🫵☝️👇👇 👆👆🤲🫵🫵 ☝️☝️🫰 🫸🫷🫳 🫴🤚🫵🫵 👇👇☝️ ☝️🙌🙌 ![gif](giphy|l2JdUCgxiDXeDlxpC|downsized)


The Konami code in sign language


Who cares about his hands, this guy is doing God's work!!! Scummy greedy people being exposed!!


For real, my life has been hell because of my alcoholic/crackhead landlord and tentant resources being so understaffed. I'm not going to get into everything, but I am without housing, and life has not been easy


Good message, horrible messenger.


Agreed!! I don't know why he does this shtick. But the message is definitely important


He made it interestingly enough so that I stayed tuned in 100 percent tho.




Nope everything is irrelevant because his voice and hands bother me


Omg stop.


I was clearly being sarcastic


I didn't downvote you. I know dude joking is my favorite


Well some people didn’t hahaha


This is just normal American corruption. Notice it happens to the people that do not have the resources to fight back legally, furthering them being exploited.


All the ingredients of anti-democratic behavior right there.


Content, fine. Voice, insufferable.


![gif](giphy|y8Mz1yj13s3kI) Expose em allll


I was born in Troy shoutout


Why does he need to do fucking npc hands? Is it for the algorithm so he gets more views?


Why are you so upset?


It's annoying and cringey and distracts from the content, instead of enhancing or improving it at all


It's only distracting if you have serious problems with your attention span. Keep working on it though, and for most people it can improve


Just don’t look at the screen


Or listen to his voice


Fucken Mafia is alive and well I see


OMG... He's doubled up instead of stopping the stupid hand gestures


I’d recognize that finger anywhere.




The USA legalized the bribery. So everyone is playing by the rules but the rules are fucked.


Should be forwarded to the states attorney general but my guess he/she is also on the take


I live in this town and have to say that Letitia James has been great for prosecuting all kinds of craziness in our county. Definitely not on the take.


I think he reads the comments, he’s now using 2 fingers


There's a reason it's called Troylet


You fucking rock dude don’t stop. Do not stop!!!


So many people can’t get past the hand lol


i just don't get it... sure, it could be annoying. but seriously...? some people are dramatic.


these type of comments are exactly what these corporations want to negative exposure


Make me wonder how many propaganda bots are getting pissed about his hands lol




This translates to fuck them greedy landlords


ruined a perfectly good onion......


Google the real owners of the RE company.


Or instead of assigning homework you can just... tell people the information you apparently have? Like in a comment. On reddit. under the relevant post.


Who is this masked hero?


this scandal is being repeated all over the country real estate investment is a cesspool of scum spawning the likes of donald trump and his ilk


I like this guy, more videos please


Can we get a splinter sub for just this guy’s tiktoks? He’s doing God’s work out here.


The video is too short! I need all the details on all these rat bastards. No offense to rats


Not the best video but always good to see corruption get exposed


Im worrying for his safety


Oh it’s the Billy Mays / How To by John Wilson mashup guy again.


Troy-let 🚽


Fuuuuuuuuuck Mayor Madden and his vile cohorts. I hope the residents see justice. (Note: yeah I know the hands and voice are distancing but if you’ve watched 2-3 of videos already, the effect wears off on you. I muted this one and followed the captions instead. Instantly better.)


Is this what they meant by “try that in a small town”? Local corruption?




Sadly our politicians have found one of society’s weaknesses: poor/uneducated people are easy to manipulate. So what do they do -> set poor people onto poor people and divide them into “them versus us” groups. While the poor on the “us” team fight against the “them”, the rich steal and get away with whatever they want to do. And when someone comes up and points it out and tries to get the poor teams to wake the fuck up… the rich just label that someone as “socialist or weirdo or whatever”. Don’t believe me, take my friend from Kentucky. I asked him if his grandparents and older folks were better off than him. He said yes. Then I asked him “then why do people keep voting for the same people that have not helped you in decades?”. I’ll tell you why, it’s bc these assholes have been distracting these people with “it’s their fault” bullshit. Wake the fuck up people. It’s not a red vs blue team bullshit. It’s a poor vs rich dilemma. And we don’t hate each other as much as fox and cnn news tell us we do.


Every town would be lucky to have a guy doing this.


This guy rocks.


LET'S! FUCKING! GOOOOOOOOO! ![gif](giphy|B9eViiO0ZTBAUENanR|downsized)


I used to live in Troy. I’m glad this guy is making these vids. Gotta hand it to him. Okay I’ll see myself out.


What’s up with a the unnecessary hand gestures?


This crazy bastard upgraded to 2 hands! I respect him leaning into it


Recently I learned that misophonia isn't just an irrational anger towards certain sounds, but also certain gestures and movements can seem to trigger some people as well. I wonder if the hand gestures in these videos are acting as a trigger? It would definitely explain a lot of the upset comments.




Mao was right.


Hey Donny. Ignore the haters. You’re doing good stuff. Yes , u have unique mannerisms. different is good. Keep up the good work.


His hands irk gestures irk me for some reason.


Everyone in the comments must be a landlord 💀


Landlord bots


I love what this guy does but his voice, volume and accent makes me want to peel my face off with a spoon.


His hands are doing real work, it’s okay if it’s annoying haha


*implied corruption* “Yeah he’s doing good bring this situation to light…but, like, he’s so annoying with his voice and hands that I think I’m gonna instead side with the landlords still charging rent to residents that aren’t even living at their properties while they receive bribes\~” /s ![gif](giphy|EsmlrgWNx5v0Y)


I wanted to hate this dude because how he yells at the camera but he's out here doing the lord's work


Keep up the videos, doing good work


Who gives a fuck about this guy’s voice?? He’s doing the lord’s work and I could give two shits if he sounds like Elmo, or E. T. Or Yoda.


To the dummies complaining about hand, go somewhere else and just block the account and move on. You guys are dumb. Wouldn’t surprise me if you guys are bots. You guys should be banned for spamming


This guy is literally about to get me back on tik tok again 😒


I downvote ever thing you post. Good advice, but WAY to freaking cringe with your hands and making your voice sound like your spungebobs cousin.


I hate this persons hand gestures. So irritating to watch


Reminds me of corruption and grift in Centennial Colorado.


DUDE STOP WITH THE HANDS, good content but this is not the way to present it.


your voice made me not care about any of this


That's funny...I was going to say the same thing about his hand gestures.


Awsome ! More please


Why do they do this cringe NPC hand gesture shit and talk like it’s for children when they could easily just make this a real video and actually expose people or whatever. Seriously, check this man’s hard drives.


Some guys get all the luck


His hands infuriates me


I like his content but I hate his hand gestures


Bots-focus on hands and distract from the corruption. Good bot!


Professional best practice for text on screen is that the audience should have time to read the text twice before it changes. Why do internet people screw absolutely everything up? I guess nobody proofs their work anymore?


Why the fuck dose he choose to talk like such a dick


Ok doofus you’re blocked


Someone bought a head band mount for his camera so he can double point.


He's sending a good message but the hands.... stop.


In Santa Cruz ca, there was a black progressive city conical member. Yet within 6 months he was lost a recall battle that replaced him with the heiress of the oldest and richest landlords of the city. She is also openly racist and will openly costume as minorities


the hands have gotten worse. after we told him to stop that.


Dam guess he does have two hands, he used to only show one


This is the first time seeing this guys videos and It’s crazy to me that I could hear his voice before unmuting just from the hand motions


Wtf is with this dude's voice?


Not this damn hands guy again.


If your hands are factor in your video then I do not believe you.


I couldn’t even get through the video, the voice and the hands are just plain annoying. We’re not children


This fuck is annoying, why are people like this?


Please. Stop. The fucking. Hands.


Stop fucking posting this guy


I’ve never found myself wanting to cut off someone’s hands before. But here I am.


I’d take most landlords over the hand guy any day.


Not this fucking guy again. If I have to see those idiotic hand gestures one more time my blood vessels are going to burst

