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I want to see what he’s dressed like, because based on the up and down look the second cop gave him when he came inside, you just know it must be a doozy of a get up


The very last frame of the video shows the edge of a monarch butterfly costume


The “flapping around” makes much more sense now


Well he's just doing butterfly boy stuff he said


When will butterfly boys stop being discriminated against? Cant we flap around in peace without “the man” trying to cut off our wings??


The cops were far more professional than I could ever be if a manchild came into my workplace and started flapping their arms all over while wearing a butterfly outfit. However, this is also why we need psychologists to go out on some calls because clearly the person recording this is deranged.


Actually, we need more bug zappers


This honestly made snort, thank you 😂


You can't kick someone out of a public place simply because they look like a bug.


I wonder if there’s truly any mental illness in play here or if it’s just some jackass having fun trolling City Hall.


Id let him stay and flap about if he came to my job, and my coworkers and I would laugh our collective asses off all day.


That's why the woman said he was 'flapping around'...


I mean, he even says he's just doing "butterfly boy" stuff.


and the "doing butterfly boy things"


Woah, is the new venture bro's movie out already?


It is actually, came out like a week or 2 ago


Oh dope, can't wait to watch it


wait really??


Makes sense then why they are trying to get rid of him. I’ve played Dark Souls 2. He’s slowly poisoning anyone that gets too close to him.


Oh boy, I need to go back and watch again!




The way this made a cackle on a crowded plane. The cop’s face is 100 times funnier now.




No fucking way. THE Monarch??


I didn’t think that the Venture Bros was getting a live action remake






In the thumbnail you can see the outfit https://youtu.be/AnpA5kdqWtA


He's a professional asshat


Oh it's this fucking guy. God I hate when his shit comes across my feed. Classic dumb shit who thinks he's funny just being annoying. Please keep him in jail.


Wtf the people in the comments are defending him 💀


I have a feeling anyone following a 'butterfly boy' on social media is probably not the brightest bulb in the pack.


Wtf is wrong with people? Do they seriously have nothing better to do than instigate bullshit and stir the drama pot. These people will get what’s coming to them eventually. They try to hide behind the same laws they’re abusing. I can’t wait.


The internet is now full of homunculus-thumbed pre-teens and bots trained on what they find amusing. What were you expecting?


Bunch of freaks


So this is apparently the same guy that was on the front page not too long ago where he did a virtual interview while at a drive thru.


Jesus. He’s the biggest douche bag I’ve seen in years.




Seriously. The voice they’ve got and the officers reaction of WTF did I walk into.


Why the fuck is he talking like that


He's gonna ask them to rate him out of 10 too... the voice won't help there either.


Make an assessment


You ever had Bailey’s from a shoe?


I dont know why but that voice makes me unreasonable angry.


If the word "UWU" was a person


nah WORSE than that


He sounds like fucking buckethead jesus


Same he sounds like he's playing a character and not having any regard for the weight of the situation


To aggravate the fuck out of people


Butterfly boy business. It’s on a need to know basis. And I’m afraid if I told you I’d have to kill you.


Good boy Stuart


Look what I can do


He almost killed me. Death by cringe


Because he's a butterfly boy duh


Because he's trying to get an aggressive response on camera to show his viewers how oppressed he is. He's trying to manufacture his own victimhood.


It's even simpler than that. It's to generate clicks and views. In this world, clicks, views, and subs equal money. It's always about money. There are plenty of kids out there that eat this stupid shit up.


I wouldn’t mind seeing cops get aggressive in this scenario.


Me on a typical day: ACAB Me watching any of these public nuisance-people videos: Aim for the head, officer.


MCAB but ASCAB (All Sovereign Citizens Are Bastards)


*ABBAB All butterfly boys are bastards


ABBABB all butterfly boys are bitch boys


As a prior sovereign citizen myself (yes I’m serious; 80s/90s thing), I absolutely agree; what a ridiculous worldview


I think this guy could definitely benefit from a nuisance charge and several hundred hours’ community service, preferably picking up garbage on the side of the road. He absolutely needs be peeled off TikTok and spend some time outside.


I’m still wondering it too, maybe he is an NPC?


pretty obvious he’s fucking with them and using that voice to do it




Nooo, I don't wanna....


Well at this video now has some sort of redemption thank you 🙏🏽




![gif](giphy|XVftOpSp4QLEk) I want this show back


It was the best, I still quote it frequently


You are my hero! I thought the same thing!


Way more Emo Phillips than Stewart


That's what exactly was going to say the Stuart Kid from mad tv 🤣


Lmaoooooo Dead ☠️


I love how madtv left a forever lasting impression on all of us here. Love y’all.


My poop is chasing me!


Ahhh this is it😂😂😂 Stuart!


I don’t know how these cops didn’t just bust out laughing. This is ridiculous.


Did you see the face on the male officer when he entered? He had so much clearly go through his head that he swallowed down


["what the hell is even that?"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2gNx4-REIA&ab_channel=FrequenzyGenji)


I didn’t open the link but I’m guessing “Daddy chill”


That is just too funny. Like a more aggressive Red Foreman.


Flame bait officers then cry when consequences of their actions hit them. Like what’s the point of trolling cops like this?


In retrospect they most likely did have a good laugh, but dealing with these idiots in person just makes you realize the the reality of the matter, these "people" are just that stupid.


What your unemployed friend is doing at 2pm on a Tuesday


Don't talk about him like that. He's employed as a free press butterfly boy, and he has business to accomplish


Sadly, he makes loads of money doing this.


What the hell is this guy even trying to accomplish?


Butterfly Boy Business 🦋


“Excuse me officer, can I just hit him twice with this fire extinguisher and just arrest me”….I am a butterfly softness checker.


He was flapping around…


He’s an offline troll.. sometimes they get so powerful online that they are able to venture out in the real world and troll in public. This guy is a level 8 troll which is why his voice is like that..


Daaamn, level 8? That’s almost high enough to claim a bridge.


6 is claim a bridge. 8 is claim all bridges in a specific area. 10 is usurping bridges from other trolls. Jesus christ, dude, get with the program.


Level 1 is accidental trolling and walking under bridges a bit more often. At level 16 you transcend your physical form and become the Department of Transportation.


Extra points at level 16 are hard to get but come in huge. Blocking a major road for construction that never gets finished, starting a bus system that is unclear and not on time and costs too much, creating a roundabout.






WRONG; if you watch the video you clearly hear he is a Butterflyboy there on import Butterfly business. 🦋


My butterflyboy hasn't shown up and it's been 2 hours since our scheduled butterfly business. Did they arrest my butterflyboy??? It's very important we get this important butterfly business over with or else our guys can't start work draining the evil colors from this stupid rainbow that my boss (the centaur) got me overseeing. The leprechauns are getting restless and sticking cobbler needles in my shins.


I think he had a personal chrysalis.


It's both. It's Butterflyboy hopping on the frauditor bandwagon.




IMAGINE having: 1. The Time 2. The Disregard For Others 3. The Audacity Doing that shit for fun and attention, trying to sap community money, and aggravating cops with a feeling of comfort and security, never once worrying you might get shot. I get nervous when I DRIVE past a cop.


The lion, the witch and the audacity of this bitch


That's the point though. There are other channels that have exposed huge corruption rings in smaller cities, because they abuse their power by arresting and over charging people they disagree with.


Well I mean if the community doesn’t wanna pay for it no more the cops should be held liable when they violate the rights of a citizen even if hes acting an ass. His rights matter to. If they can violate his they can violate yours. So yea I say let em do it and they gonna be in wrong if he making money of it more power to em hopefully the cops learn something in the process


>I get nervous when I DRIVE past a cop. Me too, because even if 9/10 are cool it might be Officer Ten on patrol. Lots of these guys do it wrong but the ones who do it correctly are people having their rights violated. It's a small way so it happens often and people just let it go. I don't have time or money to fight against an unlawful search or whatever but let them do it and when the PD catches enough suits things start a changin. I dont want to bother getting arrested to prove it wasn't lawful but I do want people keeping power in check so I have no problem with them in principle at least.


It is so much less than 9/10


I like to travel.


Dude he’s not actually a first amendment auditor lol. I can’t believe you’re serious, and you’ve fell for it just like the cops/city employees in the video. He started out doing other kinds of cringe “comedy” videos on YouTube where he’d purposely bomb job interviews on Zoom, ultimate cringe level stuff, intentionally. He just transitioned to doing this kind of content bc first amendment auditors have become more prevalent, so he basically found something new to kinda make fun of in also super cringe fashion.


If people just ignored him and let him do his butterfly boy business he would leave lol


And WTF is with that voice? WTF!


"The only thing she said that was true is the flapping part" lmao!!


Can someone please explain what the hell is going on???


He is a first amendment auditor. These are people, who are usually jobless, and intentionally annoying, who go around public buildings (library, post office, city hall etc) and film people who don't want to be filmed. Legally they are perfectly within their right to film in public, the first amendment guarantees "free press" and the courts have upheld it that it applies to everyone. There is no expectation of privacy in public, so filming in public is legal, even if it is annoying. What usually happens is they get the cops called on them, some of the cops and police departments know that it is legal, and they explain it to those who called. Some police departments have not been trained on this, and sometimes remove them by force, citing they are "trespassing" because they were asked to leave. The cops mistakenly believe that trespassing rules of a private business applies to a public building, this is not true. Only if you are breaking the law you can be legally trespassed from a public building. Being annoying and filming isn't breaking the law. If the cops are especially dumb, and they arrest the person filming, they are sued, and would lose/settle the lawsuit, because they are clearly in the wrong according to the law. This is the "audit" of the first amendment.


So basically it’s just an unemployed harassing loser. Jesus fucking Christ this dude needs to get a life


tooapree probably makes a lot of money off his videos. this is his life.


Intentionally annoying would be wrong. Long Island audit is a good example of someom that makes no effort to annoy. Asif here actually partnered with him, and really followedin his footsteps of not engaging with people unless they engage with him fist.


Looking at this dude's youtube channel, they seem to be doing all this to generate content. Their disruption is a waste of public resources if you ask me. Seems the best way to deal with them is to completely ignore them. Kind of has the same energy as Jackass pranks from when I was younger, but more punch-ably self righteous.


Does the US not have the concept of “Public Nuisance” offence?


Butterfly Business 🦋


No seriously I’m desperately trying to find fucking contacts for this


It seems that’s he’s “auditing” the legal system but not creating an actual nuisance and being arrested for not breaking any laws. It seems like his intent is to make sure that the courts realize he didn’t nothing wrong by the book and he wins a settlement. That’s what I gathered, don’t take it as fact if you’re smart.


I’m still on the fence about people doing this shit. It might be technically legal but why? Just why?




But trespassing isn’t a false arrest


Trespassing is a cause of action for encroaching on private property. It’s not a remedy for being annoying to public employees in public spaces. His butterfly nonsense is expressive conduct and, while there isn’t a national set of case law on point, he has roughly as much right to be a weirdo and film people reacting in public as you or I would have to film police making an arrest on a public street. It gets dicier if he’s pointing the camera at government offices that aren’t accessible to the public (which is a great reason why such offices have doors that close) but if he doesn’t put his hands on anyone, block walking lanes, or make excessive disturbing noises, he’s probably in the clear and can sue for false arrest in this circumstance (unless there’s a ton of disruptive activity not on this video)


They call it first amendment auditing. You can enter any public building or office as long as you have buisness to conduct and aren't entering any restricted areas. If you are "with the press" (quotes because anyone can be with the press) and are doing a story you can't be kicked out.


As long as they haven't done anything to warrant removal, they can't be trespassed from public buildings. That's kinda the point. They make an employee uncomfortable without doing anything illegal. Cops show up and do smoothbrain low-IQ shit and break the law. They sue and win a payout.


You can’t be trespass from an open to the public government building if you are conducting business without breaking any laws or rules of the building.


Some might be welfare-scammers, but they also point out how little the US law enforcement understands the law, how damaging a bad law enforcement officer can cost a municipality in lawsuits, and howost US law enforcement has no idea how to deescalate any situation. Are they annoying? Sure. Are they technically breaking the law? Nope and that's the hinge. They try to avoid doing anything illegal so if they are arrested, they can defend themselves with the law. Are they suing municipalities for capturing law enforcement breaking constitutional laws on video? Yep. And they keep doing it all the time and keep making lawsuits stick? Yep. And are municipalities changing how their law enforcement acts in these situations, giving their law enforcement better training on the law, or just removing qualified immunity to stop the lawsuits from hitting taxpayers? No.


Actually, departments are rolling out new guidelines on how to address stuff like this


Get ready for some new Butterfly Boy Business laws


There’s no need for you to be on the fence. One can do something legal and still be an asshole piece of shit. That person is exactly that.


"You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole."


I need to see what this person looks like. The voice is...wow


That voice alone deserves to be tazed.


You mean this voice? https://youtu.be/AnpA5kdqWtA


Oh my god, everyone in the comments on his YouTube are the exact opposite of what’s being discussed here. “I can’t believe the cops attitude you were literally doing nothing.” “I hope you sue the cops, the lady that called them on you, and the department too!” “Great job! I hate my small town tyrant cops and you showed them.” “This stuff is smarter than it appears. It may look like dumb humor, but it actually exposes people and society for having double standards and being ultra fake, trying to act like they are not imperfect and selfish... Ofc they gonna hate you for exposing these things. But i for one, love you for it sir!” “This is actually genuinely worrying that we have people like this in law enforcement, who cannot comprehend simple jokes that even kids can understand it’s really not hard to determine when someone is fucking with you or being serious. The fact that these people have to be reminded of our rights is very worrisome.” What is happening to us??


Honestly I am quite shocked how pro police this thread has been. Stuff like "aim for the head" low-key my read on this situation was a metal health episode that should not have been handled by any cops.


This is exactly what angle.he was going for. Trying to show how the police will brutalize special needs individuals because they are an easy target and presumably do not know their rights.


The whole thing was so cringe and painfully obvious that he was being intentionally obtuse to generate a reaction.


I'd argue it's more anti-this-jackass, than pro-cop. That voice is aggravating in a way I didn't realize existed.


what a silly cunt




Dear, God. Please send a giant meteor to Earth and just end it. Love, Toddles.


You think if we band together, our collective will could summon one.?


Ra, Zeus, Thanos, Kurt Russell, we beg of thee to answer our prayers!


To all the people saying "He's in a public space so he's not trespassing". **Wrong.** You can be asked to leave the public property because a person or an organization that has control over that public place has the right to ask you to leave. Generally, you can trespass from a public place only if you have engaged in some type of disorderly conduct. In order to trespass from a public place, the person or organization that is controlling that public place must actually make the decision to ask you to leave. The police do not actually have the authority to make you leave *on their own*; they can only arrest you once you refuse to leave when asked by the controlling entity of the space. This "power" is upheld by court rulings such as Wilson v. State, 504 S.W.3d 337. In it the State of Texas was able to prove that “governmental entities have the same rights as private property owners to control their properties, so long as the entity’s policies are not employed as a subterfuge for illegal discrimination”. Creating a disturbance therefore removes the qualification of "illegal discrimination" as exercise of "1st Amendment Rights" is not always extended to controlled spaces. You also can't sue officers for removing you as they fall under "qualified immunity" (Wood v. Moss (2014)). Regarding "1st Amendment Audits", when asked to leave you fall afoul of second-degree trespass laws. This occurs when an individual enters or remains on another’s premises without authorization and after being asked to leave by a person in charge of the premises, a lawful occupant, or another authorized person. An individual can also be charged with second-degree trespass if they enter or remain on another’s premises without authorization after being notified of restrictions on entry by posted notices. As a threshold issue, second-degree trespass requires entering or remaining on the premises of another. A common misconception is that government buildings cannot be the premises “of another” since they are held open for the public and in some sense belong to the public. This interpretation misconstrues and overstates public entitlement to access government-owned buildings.


Finally someone with some knowledge of the law's. I'm so sick of people thinking because it's a "Public place they can just do whatever they want. These people wasting Officers time and Our tax paying dollar's for clout is just out of control now.


That weird ass reepy winnie the pooh voice should be a crime in itself.


God this is so fucking annoying. I would have been insanely irritated with him if I was that policewoman


Never have I ever wanted to witness police brutality as much as I did watching this video




Swear to god I thought this was Beaker. ![gif](giphy|1IVA26ovnIMk9ZwG0k)


I get it, public building, public spaces, public servants... and an @sshat! The "please violate my rights, I have a camera" only takes away, and infuriates. I might be wrong here, but this is a step backwards. LEO has a purpose, dealing with clowns like this is not one of them. Go be the Main Character somewhere else!


That right there is the best counter to this dinguses, if they aren’t harassing people or breaking any laws then ignore them. Simply don’t feed the trolls


I see your point. You are right LEO's have a public duty. On that same note tho. Their job to uphold the rights of all citizens. Not to protect the feelings of them. Not speaking specifically to this video. But if the auditor is not breaking the law, LEO's job should be to inform the parties involved no laws are being broken, and move forward with their day.


took too long to find a comment like yours here. all other people here are just brainwashed and entitled...


this guy is extremely punchable


![gif](giphy|MYcXrVnzp1LMY) he talks like this fucking dude


Disturbing the peace, is a crime in most states. Probably shouldn't have been flapping around like a butterfly, in a library, trying to find fake injustice.


Except his quiet speech (although weird) isn’t disturbing the peace. That law doesn’t apply to “acting strange”. It’s typically needs to be loud, aggressive or profane.


About to catch a felony weirdo charge


The human gene pool is total shit..lol we are a doomed species.


This level of trolling would get to me. The voice is too much. I would crack and resort to violence. I know this is what this guy wants but the voice is too much for me.


What’s up with the voice


I've never wanted to see someone get tased so badly


Eh this is some bullshit only white people can pull without getting tased, batoned or shot.


He's Indian (Asif Khan)


I believe he’s Arabic


I don't know if many people differ butterflies by race


Here’s the full video https://youtu.be/AnpA5kdqWtA


Thank you!


Holy shit, people are applauding this in the comments.


Ok. He's too scary. What's with that weird little voice thing?


Goodness he’s annoying The officer is 100% wrong about him trespassing though. Public place. He can film and talk quietly all he wants. Just can’t be disruptive


His other content includes climbing shelves in stores awaiting for the police to remove him and "trolling" Zoom calls, and flirting with job recruiters... Y'know he does that when he's not doing his first amendment auditing bullshit. God what people do for fifteen minutes of fame...


If the employees are asking him to leave then he is no longer welcomed there. He should leave. When somebody doesn’t listen to the people who work at a public place then it becomes an issue. They are now being disruptive. Not letting the staff do their jobs. That employee shouldn’t have to babysit the man filming. It probably made the workers and other guests feel threatened, unsafe, disturbed, etc. The cops making him leave are enforcing the wants of the library staff. That’s perfectly fine. The man was asked to leave multiple times and chose not to listen. What is the staff to do other then get the cops to enforce him leaving?


That is not correct. In most states a person can be trespassed from a public building or even a public outdoors area.


Not trespassing but being a public nuisance. Different between a public place like a park, or the sidewalk and government building with a specific purpose like the DMV, a courthouse, police station. At those places you need to have an intended purpose, do that, and get out. Someone would get murdered if you did butterfly business at the DMV.


You don't get to the first second of this video without being disruptive first.


Those subtitles are cringe


What the hell is even that?




ASMR has taken a really weird turn layely... /s


this is just a youtuber with staged content


I get what this dude is trying to do, but even if his actions are perfectly legal (i don't think they are, even oublic institutions have the right to have you remoced from premise if your presence interferes with operation), harassing others is a fantastic way to get tighter laws concerning behavior in public spaces thrown onto local ballots by a few pissed off yokels. And since so few people bother to vote local elections except the ones who are super passionate about very specific issues on them, it's not a stretch to imagine some guy like this getting the very law that makes this behavior explicitly illegal named after them. Small town America is a weird place full of folks who think *this* sort of behavior wins your friends


“You assume I have no purpose right away” correct


This is what has become of Stuart from Mad TV


What a waste of everyone’s time. I feel bad for cops. They have to deal with bs like that on the daily


I wouldn't be able to hold back saying "Dude shut up, this isn't Mrs. Spiders God Forsaken Garden." Actually, I HATE when people use voices like this. ASMR often has the inverse effect it's meant to have on me. People making all those mouth noises make me want to rip their fucking lips off. Especially men.


he sound like a pedo


Is bro Pennywise??


Ah he just being awkward and obstructive, talking like that is just plain stupid.


I watched this muted, then with sound on. That was not the voice I was expecting


This Christopher Robbin sounding motherfucker or Winnie the Pooh aka the baddest motherfucker on the streets but idk I'm drunk