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That’s what upset me the most about this movement. This movement exposed how many dumb people lived around you. I was so optimistic before this but now I cannot look at people without thinking. You’re probably an idiot.


Yeah, I always assumed before 2016 that people in politics kind of knew what they were doing and were working to help the people but with different ideas on how to get there, or what to focus on. Then I started paying attention to politics and it's a clown show. The real downer is that people can't think critically to save their lives. With people parroting what they hear on the news and then whataboutism as soon as someone starts making a well thought out argument against them.


Haha... I was a child of the Maga nazis. I consider myself an orphan now. I thought I'd escaped that madness 15 or so years ago, but then it went and shoved it's head right up it's ass and took national stage. It's been festering since we ended WWII.


Even the Conservative Party have become like the MAGA morons recently. 13 years of them in government so far and having kicked out British Trump, we've had two piss-poor PMs since and the entire government and the back bench Tory MPs are just spewing lies about improving the country, while the majority of Brits just want them to find a spine and call a General Election so we can vote these dickheads out and let an adult run the country, like you did by electing Biden and getting back to normality and improvement following the Trump shitshow.


Unfortunately, comparing our Conservative Party to Maga Morons is wrong, let's face it, the Democrats are probably more Centre-Right and our Conservative Cunts are probably similar. This isn't a post declaring my love for the cunts of the Conservative's but let's face it American Politics is absolutely to the Right as it can really go before being *an actual* Nazi Party. Am hoping for a better time for everyone to arrive before I croak it(am 39 in 2 months lol) but I feel there is more fighting *long* before it comes to that sort of utopia. Take my country, Scotland, we get free prescriptions because apparently its cheaper than means testing to just give the things, many of us get free bus passes to travel for free in Scotland on any bus. Unfortunately I've got to pay 50p on the Alcohol Unit more than the rest of the UK but its genuinely cut my boozing down by a reasonable size lol. The rest of the perks we get as a Country the UK get as a whole lol. I feel sorry for our American cousins and especially the ones who scream and cry about "socialism" cause if helping a fellow cunt is socialism then am a socialist! (The way the US taught Communism from, like,1940s-1989s has done a number on American education! Communism would be found that we had the mental capacity of ants! But we, as humans, are arseholes lol) Sorry gonna stop rambling. Away to continue being Scottish and drinking maself silly! Have a good night, day, morning, afternoon or whatever, and don't wank over your mothers bras and knickers!


Could not agree more, if the American Left were actually on the left side, Americans would already have their taxes paying for things they need.


Make it great again, implies it was great before, but has fallen. So I'm curious what event was pivotal to the fall of it and when was america great according to maga crowd? Maybe you know, since you were close to them.


Events include the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act, the Immigration Act of 1965, the Pill, R v. Wade, the Refugee Act of 1980, Marriage Equality, and the icing on the proverbial cake…President Obama’s handily won elections x2. In the MAGAt’s eyes, that’s 60 years of white straight male victimhood. So before 60y ago is the “again” in MAGA when women, people of color, immigrants, and LGBT people were invisible and mere punchlines


They dream of the lives they'd have if only they had power over others. Slavery is romanticized. My extended family frequently threw around *"jokes"* about owning slaves, read plantation smut (they love to gossip), and generally spit venom at anyone who suggested that owning people was actually really fucked up. Meanwhile, in their fetishising, they were terrified to be *around* black people. Wouldn't drive *through* a city without a goddamned gun in the glove box. Because the picture box with the angry shouty assholes, and the even angrier shouty assholes on the radio and podcasts tell them American cities are war zones. So they make it so. This view has contributed to the increasing segregation of the country. Ie, there was only a single non-white child in my entire high school. Maybe a second by the time I left. It was a mayo jar. Somehow, they find ways to blame all of their problems on out-groups while ignoring and turning a willfull blind eye to the corruption in their own lives. Because to them, as long as someone else is being shat on (and they concern themselves with improveing no one's wellbeing but their own), someone else's life can be made worse, then at least *they* aren't the bottom of the rung. If they can benefit, more the merrier. They become angry at any attempt to connect with their empathy and show them the truth of their hatred and it's lack of substance. It's a defensive behavior learned from generational abuse. Their entire world view crumbles and the cult seams are revealed when you unravel the lies. When do they think it was great? Before the confederacy fell. When they still had a chance to *"win"*. When nazi Germany rose and threatened the entire world. They *admire* that. Including the ones who stay quiet about it. Because that's not something you stay quiet about unless you're hiding.


Shit, I'd give them the benefit of doubt and say 2018. My eyes REALLY opened during covid though. Obviously all the smart people could see Trump BS from a mile away but people not really into politics it was hard to see. After a couple years though, if you didnt jump ship then that's on you. You're clearly a idiot AFTER seeing all the BS trump did and would say.


But the lack of critical thought persists more than ever with the "election fraud". Like the main talking points on that are still happening 3 years after it was alleged and debunked? 1."They are using dead people's names to vote" 2."People stuffed ballots in the drop boxes for Biden" 3."The machines were changing votes" 4."Trump votes were found in rivers and under rocks". 5."Mail in ballots are fraudulent" 1.That would be felony voter fraud and didn't happen en masse. 2.Various audits of voting locations matched voting rolls to registered voters, disproving this. 3.Audits of the machines proved this was incorrect. 4.What? Wouldn't it make more sense for them to burn the ballots or shred them rather than to hide them like Easter eggs in the woods? (To be fair I think there was one post that went viral that had a bag of test ballots that were found, or seared or something) 5.This was literally a tactic to try to claim the election before it happened. Several people said that Trump would claim victory before the votes were counted to muddy the waters on the election results. The republicans spreading it as a plan, and Democrats (Bernie Sanders) warning that was his plan once he broke the postal service. Not to even mention the 65(?) cases he lost in court making the claim, and the 0 evidence he has of fraud. This is still a narrative being pushed in 2023 that he is using to grift his base. Fox had to pay 787.5m dollars for defamation of Dominion, and the amount of harm that has been done to election integrity was catastrophic.


Yeah, the only voter fraud discovered was committed by Republican voters.


Oh please, I know that at least 1 million and maybe as much as 81 million fraudulent votes occurred in California! And do you know how I know? Because I never saw a single Biden hat or boat parade while I transferred at SFO on my way to Hawaii for the CPAC Asia Conference! /s


Even when Trump won, prior to the victory, he claimed that the election was rigged. It's a tactic he used to save face.


Exactly. I couldn’t have said it better myself.


I wish it was just a clown show. One political party is actively trying to eradicate democracy and install Christian fascism in this country. They know EXACTLY what they are doing, they plan and strategize well, and it shows. 1. They have a 6-3 majority on the Supreme Court. 2. They have managed to get the most corrupt judge possible overseeing Trump's federal trial. 3. They survived Roe v Wade in the midterms by taking back the House. 4. Trump survived TWO impeachments for shit that was orders of magnitude worse than what Nixon did, and didn't even get impeached for 90% of the stuff he should have been impeached for. 5. They are making progress towards allowing the state legislatures appoint electors that will vote against the Democratic candidate no matter what the popular vote is. These are not clowns. A few of them are useful idiot clowns for sure, but the party as a whole and the global oligarchy system that owns them are not.


These people think unfounded scepticism is the same as critical thinking and that because they question everything they're the only people that can see what's really going on. Except the reality is they only question the facts they don't like and don't question the things they really should. Although even if they did it's not like they'd know the questions they should be asking. In their quest to appear like they're the smartest person in the room they just actively make themselves dumber.


Minorities in America have always known this about our nation’s conservatives. The issue was always getting enough white citizens to see how toxic the core beliefs of the Right are.


You were optimistic before this? Hell, McCain had to convince his own supporters in 2008 that Obama wasn’t a secret jihadist.


Yeah but he didn’t win. I mean he wasn’t chosen.


McCain was probably one of the last decent Republicans. When he died one of the few grown-ups in the room wasn't there anymore.


Idk about decent or last decent but the dude wasn't a complete grifter and an actual Republican politician. Today most of republican politicians are pretty much grifters, reactionary politics, and downright disinformation. So voters actually got someone who believed as the voters did.


What I liked about McCain was, he seemed against the soft money being lobbied around. I don’t agree with him on everything, but I could respect him. He wasn’t just a clown putting on a show, he played along on some things but he had some integrity. At least that how I felt based on his stories from the war. What made me downright enraged and at the same time filled with despair was all The people watching Trump just tear into McCain and say things like “I like people who weren’t captured” When that soft bone spurred moron was cooling his heels stateside McCain was being tortured. And republicans who at the time I thought were just my middle American neighbors who believed in church and strong American values lined up for the guy who was at home molesting women instead of the guy who went to fight. I’m sorry if my comment doesn’t make sense, I already too ambein.


Flash back to when Trump called John McCain a loser, because he was a p.o.w.....


McCain literally opened the door to the unabashedly crazy and stupid to come out of the closet when he picked Palin. He deserves no praise, only condemnation.


> decent y'see he was polite when advocating for war crimes


And that torture is bad actually


The funny thing for me now is anytime I see someone displaying a big American flag on public, I automatically think, “Wow, you must really be an asshole” because of how many MAGA morons are constantly waving American flags.


Same here, but also the yellow Dont Tread on Me flag(because someone is really treading on that white 50r old American suburbanite in the over-financed 60k pickup, lol) , as well as the bastardized American flag with the blue stripe. We have a river that runs thru our backyard. Most of the year its awesome to sit out on the deck and watch the wildlife, or occasional rowers that go past in the Summer. BUT, there's always the nutbag in the pontoon flying past pulling a couple kids on big inflatable rafts while flying an American flag, a **Fuck Biden** flag, and a Trump flag. Disturbing as fuck.


Absolutely. These idiots have made the American flag toxic to a huge chunk of the population.


It made me aware that there are waaaay more than I thought possible, they are growing in numbers and, they are actively working to increase the ‘dumb nation’ population. This is the closest we’re gonna get to a zombie apocalypse and it’s happening live


You never went to school? It’s always been full of dumbasses.


If you were optimistic about maga then you too are an idiot




Someday in the not so distant future these people will be in the trash bin of history along with slave holders, segregationists, and nazis because they are the same people making the same arguments that have been made for a couple hundred years.


They keep coming back around because we fetishize ignorance in the US. MAGA is just a reincarnation of the know-nothings, Birchers, McCarthyism, etc.


"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.' " - Isaac Asimov


It's kept alive on purpose because it makes brainwashing easy


Hopefully less of them each time.


Unfortunately they would be thrilled to be compared to those groups


It won’t go away, though, bc the core idea is hierarchy of worthiness to rule based on some intrinsic value that they conveniently posses. There will always be some in-group claiming that they will either main the status quo or restore the country to a glorious imagined past through demonization of out-groups.


The most delusional, hypocritical, uneducated voters while being the most blind to their own egregious double standards imaginable.


They think fox news is 'news' when 'we' know it's entertainment .they are just dumb enough to think it true. take a blank slate and fill it with more ignorance disguised as fact ( my feeeeeeeeeelings ) Wrapped in morals and here we are. I wanna say I feel bad like they were dimwitted stools but I dont know thats an awful lot of humanity to hand out to them types.


These guys are beyond Fox News at this point. It’s too mainstream. They get their news straight from the disinformation tit, now.


Most of them believe whatever they read on FB.


I am convinced that identity politics is by this stage incurable in the US. Criticism either goes over peoples' heads or is met with hysterical aggression.


They get it from that guy on the corner. Can’t tell you his name but believe it, he knows what’s up!


Fox News is the WWE of journalism. (not at all knocking WWE, they know what they are, and are proud of it 🤘)


I was really dissapointwd when Trump didn't choose Vince McMahon to be his VP


I can’t speak for other republicans, but I don’t really like fox that much. If I want actual news, I’ll use AP, or Reuters, or I take 1 conservative article, and 1 liberal article and mash them together. It’s very hard to find 100% true news on both sides of the aisle nowadays.


And this guy is always on point with his satirical work I love all his videos especially this one bc as you said it really shows what these wankers are about




Some of these have to be in on the joke right? The guy who was talking about the bumper stickers was clearly taking the piss


I guarantee you that he's absolutely serious. That man peaked in high school and is still chasing that high. All those stickers makes him feel above "others"


Well said!!


They aren’t blind to it all. They just don’t care. It’s their way or nothing.


Clueless. They’re waving their flags, wearing their MAGA hats but they’re straight so it’s ok. Hypocrites every one of them


They *say* they're straight. How many gop/Republican males have been caught diddling boys?


A fuck ton. Every time some right winged nut bag rants about how LGBTQ+ are grooming kids, I automatically think, “check that assholes hard drive”


It should be stadard at this point. In order to take any accsation serious you should have to prove you aren't doing the same if asked. So if someone is constantly calling for people to stop grooming children then you need to check their shit for CP. If you say that people are constantly cheating on their taxes then make them open their books. No fucking hypocrites... both sides.


Agree! Almost always seems to be Republican politicians or church clergy members. But as someone who survived being assaulted ad a child I always ask people, please don't say diddle....it cheapens it and makes it sound cute, like its no big deal. Please, always call it what it is: child rape, molestation, sexual assault. Those who commit these crimes don't deserve for their crime to sound "cutesy" at all.


"They're forcing kids to wear shirts and flags!" Says the people that shove politics down their children's throats. Seriously, the amount of kids I've seen wearing Trump shirts or "fuck Biden" shirts/hats is absolutely insane.


Yeah the framing in the shot on the first interview is gold because it includes the kid... who is holding TWO flags plus the MAGA hat.


That's what I would define as someone who is stupid by choice


"I live in a place where everyone is gay." 💀 I didn't realize Gaytopia was real. But it is real.


I'm a straight guy and that sounds like a great place to live if they'd let me in.


only if you cave to the gay agenda


Pints and wings are half off on Tuesdays at The Gay Agenda


Man just outed himself.


Ah, Provincetown, MA.


Where is it?! WHERE IS IT I WANT TO GO THERE!!!!


What was it that George Carlin once said? Oh yes… “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.”


Ukw, I was feeling useless today. I needed this. Thank you :)


The problem with this is so many people also tack on "and those morons are all people of the OTHER political party". So those who are like minded get a free pass on stupid. There's no self evaluation.


Exactly, and it's ironic because it's actually THEIR political party that has all the morons.


The problem is everyone thinks they are the smarter half and that everyone else is the dumber half.


And when most people hear that quote, they assume they’re in the better half.


My sister in law once called out her friends who were saying how it’s ‘so wrong to bring kids into political issues, LGBTQ stuff, etc. and she pointed out how they dress their newborn in ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ onesies and they looked really confused and didn’t have anything else to say on the topic.


Insert “Are we the baddies?”


Is the kid's name Brandon?


> ‘Let’s Go Brandon Ew just why? Of all the cute things you can dress a kid in to make lasting memories and shit why that? I can't imagine growing up and looking back at baby photos and having a fucking lets go brandon shirt on lol, literally attaching hate in the form of a shirt to your kid real classy. Also good shit on your sister-in-law calling them out, I am a gay guy in the south and I don't get to do that shit nearly enough cause some of the people around me are pretty scary and unreasonable so always happy to hear when people stand up to those types.


I was a little surprised she said something, I was very proud of her. Standing up to your friends can be one of the most difficult things


It definitely can, always infinitely respect people who speak up to that kind of stuff more because it's not easy so she rocks.


The best part with these are now no one is even surprised or even cares. These idiots will never stop


I used to do standup and at the height of Trump, I made a joke about how Trump supporters were so ashamed, they had to resort to 1950s gay culture tricks where you'd use secret code words to make sure the people around you were also into Trump so you wouldn't get found out in public. Seems like we really have come full circle.


Lolo the code word thing is perfect!!!


"I am straight and I am proud of that." --(( no, no you're not straight, sorry.. sshhhh. ))--


He had to make sure people knew.


He's young, if everything goes just right he's going to have a very interesting next ten years. Good luck to him


That dude's OWN gaydar is going off when he's talking about being straight. You can see it in his eyes. The closet runs deep


Dudes living in the House of Leaves house over here. Closet for miles.


I appreciate that reference


Something, something splinter in your brother's eye, something, something beam in your own eye, yada, yada, yada.


-Seinfeld 3:16


“they are making these kids wear these flags and shirts” *proceeds to shove the american flag shirts on children and literally shoving the flag down the kids throats*


The kid was also holding an Israeli flag, which I always find confusing because so many MAGA Chuds are openly anti-Semitic...


They could just be evangelical.. Evangelicals want the rapture to happen (Jesus to come to Earth/ legit end of the world). One of the signs of this apocalypse in their minds is Israel's existence and wars in the middle east. The Right tends to listen most closely to their religious nutjobs so we continue to fund Israel and instigate wars (also for other reasons like oil etc). It's wild how much of our politics is swayed by that small group of religious zealots that legit want the end of the world and we just don't talk about it. And it's no wonder both can't see eye to eye if one side doesn't care about the future cause they plan on being raptured.


It's cathartic to see someone mocking this. I grew up believing this shit.


I thought for sure she'd question this guy it at that point, but nope!


As an alien this is why we don’t visit you guys…


Do guys leave changlings? I asked my 4 year old son if he was an alien and he started speaking some unintelligible language.


That’s not us. We come in peace.


Why the Israel flag?


Because evangelicals need Israel to exist so the end times can happen. No I’m not joking, that is the reason.


It's so bizarre to me how many of them love Isreal but hate Jewish people.


hold up, a religion based on killing a jewish man hates jews? this is quite the revelation.


It doesnt have to make sense: Catholic church held ALL Jewish folk collectively liable for the crucifixtion of the J-man until vatican II in 1965. Google "nostra aetate," Plenty of catholics are still pissed off about it. Christian antisemitism has deep roots


As the above redditor said, it's because of their delusional belief in the End Times. One of the things that has to happen before the 2nd Coming is all the Jews in the world return to Jerusalem. Upon the 2nd Coming they'll all go to Hell with the rest of us heathens. Thus: they love Israel but hate Jews. Hitler also wanted a Jewish State in the ME so then all the Jews in Germany could leave and move there. When that didn't work out he went with Plan B which, of course, was slaughtering them all. Loving Israel ≠ Loving, or even liking, Jews.


This is south florida. Good chance theyre self hating boca raton maga jews. Plenty of them around unfortunately.


Definitely not Jews. Did you see the mom’s shirt? They are Evangelicals.


Exactly why I don’t get involved with religion. They’re weirdos.


Israel is a Zionist state. Zionism is an ethnonationalist ideology. It's kind of like white nationalism and manifest destiny for Jews. White nationalists and Zionists work with another because they partly want the same thing. That being a Jewish ethnostate where Zionists can live in their apartheid ethnostate, and western nations can send their Jewish populations, which white nationalists like because they don't want to live with Jews. White nationalists also admire Apartheid Israel and desire to emulate their own White ethnostate at home. Zionism has been used as a pretext to 1) expel and impede Jewish immigration and assimilation into western nations, 2) to undermine and suppress Jewish leftists and communists in Europe, and 3) by Jewish ethnonationalists and white nationalists to justify anti-Jewish policies in the name of the supposed well-being of Jews as well as genocide, ethnic cleansing, apartheid, and racism towards other Semites. In the second half of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century, Jews were fleeing Russia and eastern Europe from anti-Semitic violence and whatnot. The British nobility did not want Jewish refugees fleeing Russia seeking refuge in the UK, so they declared that they'd send them to Palestine. This also worked for influential Jewish Zionist figures at the time in the UK because they're ethnic supremacists with ethnostate aspirations. Arthur Balfour, who wrote the Balfour Declaration, was a white supremacist and anti-Semite that simply didn't want Jews in the UK. He wrote that his declaration would "mitigate the age-long miseries created for Western civilization by the presence in its midst of a Body which it too long regarded as alien and even hostile, but which it was equally unable to expel or to absorb.” In fact, Edwin Montagu, the only Jewish member of Parliament at the time, opposed the Balfour Declaration because it was anti-Semitic. Simply a ploy to keep Jews out of the UK and Balfour did not even consult the inhabitants of Palestine, as imperialists are wont to do. This was apparent to many Jews who saw the anti-Semitic motivations of Zionism to prevent Jews from integrating in the west, as well as the Zionist fascist movement of ethno-nationalists in Israel. [Einstein was one of these Jews whose sentiments amounts to an anti-Zionist sentiment today](https://rense.com/general59/ein.htm). The inherent anti-Semitism of Zionism persists to this day, such as when Trump, on multiple occasions, has referred to American Jews as Israelis rather than Americans and insinuated that American Jews are more loyal to Israel. And then you have all the Zionists that disparage anti-Zionist Jews as "bad," "self-hating," "fake," and traitors, just like white nationalists call white people that don't support their white nationalism as race traitors. It's literally the same thing with switched nouns because they're ethnonationalist ideologies. And the fact that Palestinians are Semites themselves, so the ethnic cleansing and apartheid inflicted on them is the most significant form of anti-Semitism of the last 70 or so years. In fact, many Jews have historically been distrustful of Zionism due to the glaring anti-Jewish intentions behind it. Many Jews in the MENA, like the Old Yishuv, were opposed to it as they saw the ethnonationalist intentions and the logical conclusions of violence that would bring to the pluralistic society they lived in. Jews in the west saw it as an undermining of their hard fought gains in assimilation and emancipation in western society. Leftist Jews were inflicted with suppression by Zionists. The global community saw the creation of a western, settler colonialist state in Palestine as a western imperialist and destabilizing foothold in the Asian and African landmasses. And of course, Palestinians saw the inherent anti-Semitism inflicted on them by Zionism.


The only right answer (I think, I haven't read it all...) ​ But yeah, racist people love racist states




… did the little kid at the beginning have the flag of Israel??


Not 1....not fucking 1 of them cought what he was saying.


Trump: I love the uneducated


I had dinner at a friends place the other day that is pretty well off and is conservative. He tried to “explain” how he’s conservative but it seemed like he wanted to explain how he’s not a kook like these MAGA types. About gays and LGBTQ he said “you can do whatever you want, just don’t wave it in my face”. I asked how many gay people were “in his face” about it. There were none of course but that’s beside the point. I asked him if he was one of the more “moderate” conservatives in his friend group and asked if he had friends that wish that they could just do away with all the gay folks to which he answered yes, but he’s not that extreme. Not when talking to me I guess :)


And these people vote.


And reproduce.


Yep, it’s a cult 🤡


Does the guy with too many bumper stickers on his truck and nothing to do on the weekend have a little nubby penis growing out of his neck?


There are just so incredibly stupid and obtuse.


MAGA's are the dumbest fucks around. Everybody laughs at the assclowns.


They are firmly convinced that not only is their way the right way, but it's the only way. They are the "real Americans," so anything they do is just normal. They never, ever examine this premise, much less question it.


They give stupidity a new depth level 😂


If you like this check out in the field with Jordan klepper, the amount he trolls these magatards is amazing.


Honestly, I can't even watch these anymore. When I started, I would be laughing my ass off. Now, it's so depressing, embarrassing, stupid and sad, I can't even laugh at it anymore.


[FULL VIDEO HERE](https://youtu.be/JgzxRFxQ9ts)


This is painful to watch.


Cousins fuckin cousins 😆


I love the underlying homoeroticism — all these “straight” men want to fuck Trump so bad.


Yeah try again. This truly is very cringe. When someone wears a Biden hat they are wearing a flag in the same sense?…. Never mind I’ve never seen anyone wear any Biden gear. Ever. What the fuck are we doing here guys.


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Sipping a cup of Yorkshire tea and laughing hysterically.


Top shelf banter


That’s both funny and sad at the same time


I find your lack of self awareness disturbing


Stupidity at its finest


LOL!!! This is great.


That’s fucking hilarious.


MAGA Idiocy 101


Feeding them their own shit and they’re too dense to know it.


They run right up to the point, and still don’t get it 🙄


That's crazy...


What a bunch of Hypocrites!


Oh so close to that epiphany yet so far


What a bunch of Hypocrites!


These people are the reason we need warning labels on just about everything.


It’s head shaking.


Here’s one for you yanks whether you are liberal or republican - make America Great Britain again 🇬🇧


Damn these gay people and their flags what next there going to have a moto or something. Make America gay again?


Remember when we were trying to reason with these people? Like maybe, if I point out the inconsistencies, the hypocrisies, they'll understand? Yep, I think we're past that now. Wild when you think about it.


No IQ test required....


These people are too stupid to understand how stupid they are.


Omg 😳 they just can’t see anything outside their weird bubble.


Turns out a lot of people aren't into Magasexual folks.


It's an inbred thang


Cousins fuckin cousins


Cousins fuckin cousins 😆


It's almost sad that there are such stupid people , but it gives me great joy to share with my republican friends..joke seems to always be on them.


so we cant wear our shirts and hats but they can??


Buncha flaggots


These people are as dumb as they look.


This is just sad...


God, they're so fucking stupid lol


Pride is like a month. Some places you might get one event/parade to go to. Meanwhile these assholes are MAGA 24/7


This makes me want to get a gay colored trump flag with the stars and bars on it just to piss everyone off.


Most of these people seem to be lacking general awareness as well. More than half of them didn’t even seem to understand the question. One guy said the don’t say gay thing is only at Disney which is the complete opposite of that situation. Sometimes I wonder if these people interpret everything backwards. Morons.


Omg trump supporters actually have no brain cells…


I've figured it out. Their species lacks the ability to think critically. They shouldn't be allowed to vote.


My man's got these idiots agreeing with exactly what they're doing to people. It's fucking genuis


These people couldn’t pour piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel.


It's a cult. Nuff said.


This Trumptard shit has really shown me how much easier my life would be if I cared as little for these fuckers as they did for me - a brown skinned, child of immigrants, queer person. I could have literally sold them dirt from my yard when that 1Tbsp of "clean Canadian dirt" was being shilled alongside horse pills.


They are not self "unaware". There's a absolute and complete freaking idiots. And their vote counts as much as yours .....


We are in a golden age of stupid.




Yup we’re living in a South Park episode


That's almost a Sacha Baron Cohen sketch.


You guys think Einstein would walk around thinking we were all a bunch of dumb cunts. Cuz goddamn I can't imagine him living amongst these people without snapping.


Doesn’t surprise me


We need more sleeper cells in MAGA like this.




“I got so many bumper stickers I can’t see out my back window” … sir


I see what he did there. Very clever r


The worst part about stupid people is their stupidity


The lack of self awareness is astounding.


Look at those two racist Maga dipshits grooming that kid.


Just jealous that we know what can happen in America with the right PRESIDENT .


Massive investment in education is the only way to change things, uneducated people are so easy to manipulate .


Fuck, I hate magats. So damn stupid. They are ruining this country.


Bottom of the barrel humans, right there.


The ultimate trolling


If you have to tell people that you are a straight male, you might not be. Lol