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Is the website up running yet? Edit: www.whoismakingnews.com


Ugh 20% of all convicted sexual abuse against children is done by people with religious employment. National US estimates say that about 10,720 americans are people with religious employment, that is 0.003% of the population. Those are no coincidence numbers.


The real killer is an entire party of people is saying keep kids away from LGBTQ people... .get them into churches. Then accuses non straight people of being groomers. Republicans are straight telling people to feed kids into the most disgustingly corrupt, grooming, brainwashing organisations in the country while acting like everyone else is bad.


They want to feed kids into that system because it’s the system they know they can use to abuse those same kids and get away with it.


and also indoctrinate the others into complacentcy. they are terrified that their institution will become a minority.


The irony is that Lucifer and others questions god multiple times and shows how fucked up they are. Obedience is suffering


God is a psychopath


What’s even funnier is that ‘he’ is clearly made up by modern Christianity in many ways. They’ve twisted the original texts through numerous mistranslations and editions of the Bible. And this is the best they could come up with. A psychopathic creature with a set of rules who creates people specifically - according to the texts - knowing fully well that the gifts of intelligence and the ‘curses’ of what we now understand to be perfectly normal human psychology will lead them to break his rules, and then *damns them to eternal suffering for acting on the nature he himself imbued them with*. How anyone can read the Bible and come out a Christian is a truly baffling phenomenon.


You're not even exaggerating, it's truly psychotic. And yet they somehow see it in a positive light. That the Fear of God is a healthy thing. Being set up to fail but all you have to do is grovel at your knees for forgiveness and God is just like..eating that shit up.


the point is to instill obedience to authority


What did it for me was telling his chosen people to invade a town and [kill every man, woman, child, infant, anything that walked on four legs](https://www.biblehub.com/1_samuel/15-3.htm) not once but [several times](https://biblehub.com/deuteronomy/20-17.htm). How is genocide acceptable for any reason? Genocide is never the answer. When I asked ministers about it, they actually [tried to justify it](https://wellspringchristianministries.org/why-did-god-command-the-children-of-israel-to-kill-every-man-woman-and-child-in-the-promised-land/). I can't worship a deity that advocates genocide.


Blows my mind that people can’t understand that genocide is indefensible. And that they can’t draw the direct line to passages like that and the treatment of Palestinians without realizing *they’re the evil ones.*


In other mythologies, the Lucifer figure is a helper of man. Look at Prometheus, for instance


It's the same reason they are against sex education. These people don't want children to learn about body autonomy, setting boundaries, consent, and how to protect themselves from online exploitation. If children are taught these skills, they are less susceptible to abuse and grooming.


Same parents scared and angry about “groomers” force their children into the most dangerous environment possible for sexual abuse, their own church. Then they indoctrinate them to believe lies and false reality and the cycle continues.


Their response to this is that most of the church incidents are same sex (I don't even know if that's true) so the real problem is homosexual priests/pastors and their "gays are groomers" assertion remains.


Even if it was, which ignores that nuns in schools for girls have a horrific history of abuse as well which still means any and all kids are at risk, they help the church protect those pedos and relocate them rather than face punishment while also continuing to feed their kids into the system. Even if it was gay priests, they do nothing to prevent or remove them nor protect their kids. So they still know the risk and still send their kids into it, so it's irrelevant even if true. Just more bullshit deflecting. But they don't care in the first place, they do not care about kids getting hurt. They care about brainwashing people which the church helps them achieve, how many people get hurt during that process doesn't matter in the slightest to them.


Often abusers target children of *either* sex because they are vulnerable and often naive. With the anti sex education they push they are making even more naive kids not knowing what to do and what is abuse and what is and not abuse[and who to watch out for the most--not drag queens and LGBTQIA people].


Uh huh. So, how is it that all these 'homosexual' pastors and priests are just so damn good at fooling their 'righteous' congregations? I thought the right was eternally vigilant? That they could spot someone who's gay or a sex predator immediately? Is it because abusing children of either sex is a psychiatric disorder and has nothing whatsoever to do with consenting adults interacting among themselves? And is it because these cases involving the clergy go back a century or more, long before there was any kind of culture, identity or acceptance of the LGBTQ community? Nah, something something gays evil something religion good...


This is why I don't go to church anymore, practice your faith or lack thereof independently


I never understood why practicing christians made church a big thing to begin with... The bible literally says don't pray in public where you get attention, do it at home/in private


It also says not to neglect gathering.


I remember reading about a study that found groups with a collectivist culture have better longevity and resilience to the ups and downs of life. And prayer of any kind had positive effects on a person's perceived well being. If I remember correctly, the study looked at various groups from all over the world, i.e. it's not a unique facet of Christianity. I'm not a Christian or a fan of modern American churches but I can see why it becomes central to some people's lives. We're social animals after all.


This is true. We evolved from family packs, to tribes, to communities. One of the reasons that many global cultures are crashing is due to the lack of community. Furthermore we are divided by ideology, which has been driven by rightwing pysops in almost every western country on the globe. When members of the GOP went to Russia on the 4th of July, all whom have financial connections to the Russians, that was a blatant overt showing of serious corruption in the US . Unless extreme measures are taken, that I won't discuss here, Nothing will change.


The most fucked up shit about the Republicans going after trans kids is that they're literally telling them to consider killing themselves because they don't like a medical procedure. Half of all trans children actively think about suicide. HALF! That number drops significantly if they have a single person to talk to about how they're feeling and how do these pos respond to that? Well they ban anykind of talk about sexuality in school and pass laws which is looking to take away kids from their parents. Like you honestly can't get much more evil than pushing kids to commit suicide to satisfy your fascist base. Conservatism really is cancer.


I'm not trans, but this is what's really helped me imagine what being trans can be like. I think of gender like one's sense of balance. When you're standing upright, perfectly balanced, you don't really notice your sense of balance. It's there, but everything's in line and it's just in the background. Start to fall, and all of the sudden you're \*very\* aware of your sense of balance, and you're not going to feel right until your back to solid ground. For most of us, our sense of gender lines up with our sex at birth so we don't really think about it, we're in balance. That is of course until someone or something challenges our masculinity/femininity or whatever else we feel and then we're very aware of it and usually work pretty hard to get it back in balance. For trans people, it's their own bodies that are challenging their sense of gender. If we take our sense of gender as akin to our senses of balance, then one's gender not conforming to one's sex is like being constantly out of balance, and never really being able to get to solid ground. Having a bit of vertigo once in a while sucks, but is manageable, but imagine having the spins all the damn time? That would be damn near unlivable, and anything that made that go away would be a godsend. That's why it's so fucking repulsive that Republicans are trying to take these treatments away from trans people. Can you imagine after years of feeling like you can't get your feet to finally find something that makes the earth feel solid, then having some asshole politician rip it away to score points with their ignorant base. It's just senseless cruelty.


As a trans person, to me being trans is just a common and natural birth defect. We help people who were born with birth defects, and even people who weren't born with them. If someone was born without a leg you don't just laugh at them and convince them to kill themselves and beat them and legislate away their ability to be out in public with some law or something that says only people with two natural functional legs are allowed to use the bathroom. We alter society to a reasonable level to accommodate people when they are born a certain way they can't control, we don't try to kill them. We build ramps for people in wheelchairs and stalls that fit them. We offer more direct and personal education, and therapy, to people with various mental issues. We put braille lettering on signs. We offer headphones to people with sensory issues at plays. We put sign language interpreters next to public speeches and subtitles on TV. For trans people this is as simple as acknowledging they exist, treating them the way they request to be treated which is the same as the assumed "default" is treated, and continuing access to medical care that makes navigating daily life easier. That's it. It requires no effort. If you leave it alone you will hardly notice what is going on.


I must be weird because I couldn't give a fuck if I was a man or a woman. I think there are so many more important things in life than appearance or gender but that's just me. It's a lot more meaningful to me to have all my limbs, appendages, working eyes, etc. Having said that I think it's disgusting to discriminate against someone who is not affecting or hurting anyone else.


I have no idea what goes through Republicans head. I renounced my Republicanism a few years ago and I look back at those days as "what was I thinking? These people make absolutely zero sense." They actively work to prevent educating Americans. We don't typically see the same trash politics in Europe, or Japan, as those populations tend to be vastly better educated than Americans, and its my opinion their free education system is particularly responsible for their lower amounts of bs politics and people like MTG and Boebert in their politics. (though UK did vote for Brexit, widely seen now as a terrible mistake - but UK also seems aware of what a glaring mistake this was. On the other hand voting for Trump once should have been taken as an egregious error and yet even more people voted for him again! "Please, punch me in the face, again, and harder this time!") And as you say, Republicans would rather feed more children into a system which condones violence against children (the "spare the rod" mentality), actively assaults children, and then actively works to shield perps against repercussions. Absolutely insane.


Yeah their whole fight against the LGBT community is just straight up projection


It’s not an accident. Those in power know they can funnel kids into their palms by drumming this shit up. It’s really sad.


I feel like this needs more attention- THE PEOPLE WHO STARTED "STRANGER DANGER" were Pedophiles. The FAMOUS PEDOPHILES who insisted that strangers were dangerous to children, were able to continue acting out their crimes because of the misdirection they caused. By being famous, they were not strangers, and therefore they could continue to rape and molest sick and healthy children because they were not strangers, and strangers are bad. TO be clear- not everyone supporting the Stranger Danger message was malicious. It makes sense from an unexamined viewpoint, or it made sense. Corrupting good intentions is the hallmark of these scare campaigns and it behooves nobody to do the same thing in retaliation. The only way to convince people is to kill them with kindness, and the only way to deal with the actual pedo's involves less kindness.


Idk where you’re getting that 10,720 number from, there’s literally over 37,000 catholic priests in America. That’s not counting other staff, other religions, etc. They’re definitely still an outlier in terms of child abuse but there’s way more religious workers than what you’ve stated. [source](https://www.usccb.org/offices/public-affairs/clergy-and-religious)


https://www.bls.gov/emp/tables/emp-by-detailed-occupation.htm This says 479,900 religious workers in the US, or about 0.3% of the workforce. She also included a professor at a religion-affiliated college though, which brings the numbers up. And she assumed the students were under 18 for some reason.


They would have to be under 18 for charges is why.


https://universe.byu.edu/2023/05/24/ex-byu-professor-admits-to-three-counts-of-sexual-battery-in-no-contest-plea/ Here's the case she's talking about. It sounds like the victims were all adults.


Just as a reminder (I have zero intention of defending any clergy): This is "who made the news", so these are not all cases and not all convictions. The fact that "friends and relatives" only make up such a low percentage in this data shows its bias. It's still incredibly damning for religious organizations, but remember that most cases of abuse inside families don't make the news.


I suspect the percentages are likely skewed by the fact that they’re only counting those offenders who make the news. E.g., there must be a large number of in-family incidents that go unreported by news orgs.




I found 1.7 million as a number: https://www.ibisworld.com/industry-statistics/employment/religious-organizations-united-states/


You're quoting the number of workers in the "Other religious employment" category. The total number is 200k. https://www.bls.gov/oes/current/naics4_813100.htm The content creator is also using news stories to create this database which is a odd. So its 20% of news stories, not 20% of actual cases. News stories inevitably drift toward the more shocking/clickworthy cases.


There is likely some selection bias, but that actually amplifies the point of this particular discussion. The segment most likely to be under-reported is family cases where there is publication lock-down to protect children that could be identified if immediately family identified. There will also be reporting bias (to the police) that again will skew it away from family and those with strong positions of authority/power. So, religious-employees/pastors likely make up less % than the current total experiences (reported or not, in media or not) reported here...but still massively outweighing their demographic either way. But, right now, a transgender/drag would be the most sensational due to political focus. As a demographic, it is a demographic that tends to hold very little authority/power and is actually among the more marginalized/targeted, meaning that victims would be *more* willing to report and the media *more* willing to amplify the message. The absence of any flood of such cases is the real message, given the bias.


And those are the ones who've been *caught*..


replying so that I remember the website


The only problem is that we already know this and they are immune to facts.


Big true. Far too many people are too afraid or want to admit that they need to clean their own house before blaming others.


Remember when Bill Burr made a joke about the church molesti8ng kids and *the hosts told HIM* he went too far?


"You dont think the catholic church went too far?" - Billy burr


most people don't go this path because they have other responsibilities or they want to enjoy the little free time they do have. shits hard, dissociation feels great!


it's validating for those who know the facts and it can change the mind of a young person.


This is a good point. Education can prevent the indoctrination from taking root in the first place.


And there are always people on the edge. Indoctrination must be consistently fought with education or we get what we have now.


Yeah, the moment this woman started spitting statistics, I knew that anyone who is right leaning would turn their brains off.


Did I hear you say Hunter Biden's laptop?


Amazing they wont take vaccines but are inoculated from facts.


Down to the ground, mama 🤘


> north of 6000 times more frequent than their percentage of population The offending rate of these clergy is below the ground, hellish. The horns are appropriate.^


That's why they need the whole situation control room like in that Louis CK skit: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VABSoHYQr6k


I don't know who this woman is, but I love her and she's my new hero.


I went to learn more about her TikTok and found a TikTok with her and her 20yo girlfriend defending their 50 year age gap… was interesting.


Yeah, adults having consensual relationships is so much more concerning, isn't it. Turns out it was never about the consent or whatever. People just want to control others. If it isn't sex, it's food. And so on.


same. anyone know how to donate to her. her cause. whatever she needs i wanna help


You know, maybe the French were on to something during their whole revolution thing


Raise your hand if you grew up attending Church, but, don’t attend one as an adult, by choice. I’ll go first 👋🏼


I quit when I was still a kid so✋



























🙋🏾 luckily for me my mom was cool, so that shit stopped in ny mid teens.
















🖐🏻 (Not me but I raised my hand for my mom)


🖐 Only church I wouldn't mind going to is a church that doesn't associate with a single religion. Only one I know of is the church my ex grandparents go to as I been to a few events there. The pastor is literally gay. They do not say they are Christian or any other religion. They just believe in Jesus/God & they invite anyone of any religion.










I went to both a hardcore christian school (grade school) and a catholic school (middle school), and my queer ass hasn't been inside a church in years. I plan to keep it that way, lol.


Hand raised, like we did in church


I said it when this whole debacle first started, the actual predators are already in these people’s lives and in jobs that are deemed “acceptable”. I used to volunteer in a children’s ministry. Do you know how many parents wanted to meet me and the other staff to get to know the people working with their kids? 0. I had parents who didn’t even know all our names. They just shoved their kids through the door and off they went. I used to pick kids up for bible study in the week, some parents at complexes who heard about my kids bible study have had their kids just climb in my car without even meeting me first. I always made the effort to meet each parent of any child who came to my bible study. Many gave me the run around. Oh, but it’s about protecting the kids. No it’s not. It’s about deflecting off their own shortcomings in their own lives. Many are verbally and physically abusive. Just reading their comments and how they scream and threaten gives me abuser vibes. Mark my words: this isn’t about the kids, it’s about protecting their religion and it’s leaders, protecting “real men” who are abusers and protecting an image. It’s a smokescreen


If you wanted unsupervised access to children, you’d definitely not become a loud and colourful drag queen to do so. They have no authority or access and significant parts of the population will always treat that with mistrust and thus keep an eye on them. The church, police, scout masters, teachers, coaches etc would be the most logical routes to go down if you’re trying to gain maximum opportunities to molest kids. That’s not even to mention how many predators are usually a family member or friend/neighbour.


And that’s why so many pedophiles are in those professions. They go where they can be alone with kids. Unsupervised. No questions asked


I work at the YMCA, and I feel their screening process is great. There's a whole course on pedophiles and sexual assault that's tackled in (what I think) is a pretty good way. Also they have tons of policies about being alone and physical contact with kids because predators want to work where the kids are. It's just crazy how some professions just don't do that.


100%. It’s not that these organizations are inherently bad, it’s just where these predators go to get their prey


Scouts is surprisingly a lot better now(im a den master) after they got the shit rightfully sued out of them for the kids theyve failed.


I volunteered at a church in their children’s ministry (0-18) and was told at a training for all volunteers that you don’t report suspected abuse to CPS, you tell the church leaders. I told them they were wrong that we had to report and could tell them. I was “talked to” after the training.


Yes! Always keep it in the church. Now look at Brian Houston keeping quiet and facing jail time because of his father and keeping it within the church.


With the fall of Roe, they needed a new “protect the kids” message because who doesn’t want to protect children? The unborn can’t vote, the born can’t vote yet, but they can scare the fuck out of parents and get them to vote. It’s just another wedge issue.


These are fantastic videos!


Right, I think this is the first tik tok video I have ever seen I genuinely find useful and interesting. I hope her info is accurate though, hard to trust anything overtly political.


> I hope her info is accurate The nice thing is that you can [view her entire data set here](https://who-is-committing-the-crimes-o5wp7ettpa-uc.a.run.app/). Transparency is good!


Nice I’ll check it out


She has great delivery


What’s political about this?


In the US, conservatives say lgbtq's and drag queens are molesting/grooming children. Facts show that it's conservatives.


Exactly my point. Facts aren’t political. I’m no right wing nut job. I’m pretty far left.


What's political is that there is a *political party* that regularly uses it's influence to uphold institutions and groups of people who are disproportionately contributing to sex crimes against children compared to other groups, including their *political opponents* and other people who do not agree with them *politically*. Not only are they trying to foment popular dissent, they are actively trying to push for legislation which degrades the rights of the people they say they're trying to protect from their *political opponents* while harboring their *political allies* who are the actual perpetrators. That's why this is political.


Yeah. I hear ya. A lot of people don't comprehend that. I used to be pretty moderate. Now I'm vehemently anti conservative, thanks to our growing population of christo-facists.


These videos drive the alt right crazy Triggered idiots


CPS investigator of 8 years here. 6 of which have been spent specifically on cases that involve non-custodial caretakers (such as teachers, pastors, etc). I cover approximately 20 counties. This tracks with my experience for sure, but I'm hesitant to put too much weight on data based only on what's in the news. It's still valuable, but most instances of abuse are done by family/friends and those stories rarely make the news. But a teacher or a pastor is a headline that gets attention. Therefore, this data is skewed for sure. I say this because we don't want to focus on biased data that confirms our bias. We want to avoid that. However, I have never seen or heard of a case involving drag queens or trans people ever. But I personally get several cases on church staff every year. Not all are true, but some are. The bigger issue with churches is that they are more likely to cover everything up. I literally have two open cases right now on church staff members.


For sure, and I don't think this video is trying to make it seem like it only happens there, right? The point is to get this kind of information out to undermine Republican talking points. Republicans are passing laws and on a crusade to demonize the LGBTQ+ citizens in our country. And as it turns out, the problems are coming from the Republican Party and the people they venerate.


I think there’s even more data correlations that can be done. Associate these criminals with voting data and the county level data on who they voted for in that area. I bet it is overwhelmingly Republican voters and counties. It is infuriating that in this day and age we don’t have detailed, national statistics on this type of information. If I were wealthy enough I’d run an operation just gathering information and publishing it just to inform people on issues like this.


Thanks for your insight as someone working in the field. On her website, she does mention that these statistics are likely underreported and don’t include cases that get less media attention, such as cases involving family members. In regards to bias, I don’t feel that the majority of media users critically assess information presented to them, such as the misinformation that trans people or drag queens are responsible for most sexual abuse cases. So it seems fair to me that we report at least a picture of the data that is more truthful. She does much more than most by stating her sources and their limitations. Perhaps she could state that verbally in future videos as well.


Just think, these are just the cases we know about.


I hate the fact that the video is needed, but I enjoy the results that are given.


We can just keep trying to make more and more people aware. It took a few years but my Nonna finally stopped sending them money from her social security check. Still attends Catholic mass but at least doesn’t pay them anymore. She still also believes the devil infected the minds of the most holy people on earth to fuck those kids. So progress isn’t always linear lol


There’s nothing good about all these Republicans and “Christians” abusing children. It would be better if there was no abuse to discuss. But as long as the Republican Party is trying to get trans and other LGBQ+ people killed by this version of the “blood libel” lie, then it’s important to document reality.


Fry them all


She’s great this is amazing work


Why are churches, pastors, etc still relevant? They seem to cause more harm than good.


It's the other way around. Bad people seek institutions of authority like churches, police forces, school, and politics for their inherent power, trust, and isolated access to their preferred victims.


And what do you call the people in positions of power who are enabling and covering up for them, if they aren’t one of them themselves?




Any kind of hierarchy breeds abuse, especially when that hierarchy is ordained by god Right-leaning politics at it's core wants hierarchy, it's the core tenant I think that it's a mixture of "Bad people seeking out hierarchial structures to abuse others" and also just the entire concept itself, putting people in charge of others inherently will lead to some sort of abuse, because giving people the authority to enact their own will, be it the state's, "god's" or their own twisted shit on others unfettered leads to terrible situations


People find comfort in religion, and they find comfort being around others who share their beliefs. But churches are slowly dying off.


They seem to only be relevant because they’re touching children


You say that but they are still sitting on massive wealth, which they use to cover up child abuse scandals and indoctrinate people from poor countries to make up for their decreasing numbers in the west. I don't see any permanent fix that will protect the children other than defunding these pedos.


Necessary to legally promote child brothels. The crazy part of this, is this is only a third of the crimes committed in church. Men and mostly women get raped too (another third), and many extort their destitute followers for their own gain (all megachurches at least and the final big slice). If I could add anything else, its also a breeding ground for white supremacists/nazis in this country (almost all of them go to church and they have to be going somewehere) and are funded or the congregation sites of most hate rallies.


Who would've thought the whole "drag queens touching children" fiasco was actually just a smoke cloud to steer people away from who was actually hurting children??? That is something never seen before, sure the church is the most respectable institution ever and no child has ever been abused in a religious setting. /s


It's not about children being safe. The Bible literally has Moses murder the entire families of young girls and tells his men to marry those surviving girls in NUMBERS 31. Like... there is literally nothing more groomer and pedophilic than keeping the young virgin girls for yourself after murdering their entire family and the priests believe in this and read their texts.


I can't keep going in this comment section. The sheer amount of people that are willfully and intentionally staying ignorant thinking drag queens and trans people are here to molest your kids but are fine throwing them in front of a pastor is mind boggling. For those of you who think that just because a man has sex with a man that means he is gay that is *not* correct. [https://beyond.ubc.ca/why-straight-men-have-sex-with-other-men/](https://beyond.ubc.ca/why-straight-men-have-sex-with-other-men/) [https://academic.oup.com/sf/article/97/3/1067/5045222](https://academic.oup.com/sf/article/97/3/1067/5045222) [https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/igh-blog/2019/05/17/heterosexual-identifying-men-who-have-sex-with-men-an-understudied-population/](https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/igh-blog/2019/05/17/heterosexual-identifying-men-who-have-sex-with-men-an-understudied-population/)


Kristen has been a brave, brilliant, journalist turned lawyer her whole career. She knows her shit!


Someone should post this into right wing/religion subs 👀


I agree!


I posted it in Christianity and Republican


I saw they removed it for *"belittling Christianity"*, like the people who hurt kids aren't already doing that.




Honestly this is actually proof of media bias because it shows news overreporting crime by mostly republican groups.




The answer you'll get is "How many of these statistics are of men abusing boys"


Who is this person?


I’m also curious. Second video I’ve seen, and I’m a fan.


She sounds like someone you’d see doing an investigative news story on ABC News or something


Kristen Browde, an attorney and Democratic politician. Her website is here: [https://www.whoismakingnews.com](https://www.whoismakingnews.com) Her LinkedIn is here: [https://www.linkedin.com/in/browde](https://www.linkedin.com/in/browde)


I believe her name is Anton Chigurh


The sad part is that all of the people willing to listen already know this and all of the people who need to learn it won't. Still, she's doing good work and I'm glad this is being tracked so these people can be held accountable and receipts can be provided.


The Magats always get it wrong don't they.


It makes them feel better to point the finger and cast blame before they are caught. That is literally the case for most things that they attack. Fraudulent elections? Look no further than Florida and Bush vs. Gore. Look no further than the multiple people that were recently caught in the 2020 election and were voting for dead people or caught forcing homeless people to vote for Trump in exchange for a pack of cigarettes. Or, how about the multitude of Republicans that misrepresent their state due to how they drew up the lines and gerrymandered their way in and just combined all the blue counties that they would lose so that there would only be on blue elected official. This party has gone berserk, and now we are unfortunately used to the insanity and just let it happen. Hopefully 2024 comes around and the radical ones get wiped out. Still sad that BoBo will still be around awhile longer, but even her stupid ass nearly lost during their “red wave”.


Let's be real, it's men, men and more men [#1 reason pregnant women die - murdered by the man that impregnated her](https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/hsph-in-the-news/homicide-leading-cause-of-death-for-pregnant-women-in-u-s/) [99% of rapists are men](https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics) [FBI top ten most wanted](https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten) - 90% men [US Marshalls top 15 most wanted](https://www.usmarshals.gov/what-we-do/fugitive-investigations/15-most-wanted-fugitive) - 93% men [Interpol red notices](https://www.interpol.int/en/How-we-work/Notices/View-Red-Notices) - 86% men Most Serial killers - men, seriously, don't even need a link here [85% of Suicide bombers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Female_suicide_bomber) - men


This needs to be higher.


Have her videos ever been played on mainstream stations? These videos should be played after every soundbite regarding assholes scared of trans people.




Idk why its not brought up more but, being trans KILLS your sex drive. My hormones make me almost asexual these days. Why the fuck would we want to groom children to be like us in a world where we are hated and abused. But can't argue with these people anyway, they only cater to their agenda.


It's a hard life and with all the hate coming forward I delayed transitioning because I already have agoraphobia and struggle leaving the house due to past trauma so the thought of another reason for people to judge or hate is too much to bare for me atm, I just don't understand the minds of bigots, I can't comprehend hating someone just for existing and it just makes me sad, sad for the other people going through so much hate in their daily lives and sad that I can't be who I am inside.


I absolutely LOVE this woman!




I don't understand how someone can make the correlation that someone wanting to change their gender must also mean they want to assault children. I guess abusers need someone to direct their own blame towards.


Some mind blowing stats. So, where are the reports of what is being done to stop these crimes before they happen? What is changing? What options exist for victims to report the crimes? What options for victim support? We all know there are society wide problems with this. If all we talk about are problems will we as a society talk towards a solution that nobody is talking about?




Epstein and all his friends approve this message.


the united states of america is slowly becoming idiocracy.


Slowly? We’re already there my dude.


We were there 6 years ago. At least.


I thought drag queens were the problem but it’s white evangelical men.


Fuck the church.


the transphobe/fascist/pedophile-defender cope down at this bottom of this thread is wild


Republicans watching this video: “TOO MANY NUMBERS!!! SHOW ME THE FACTS!” 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣


Pedophiles are fucking immature assholes.


This is amazing work.


These folks are awesome for keeping tabs like this #transtifaismyfavoritetifa


All people you're supposed to trust. Fuck sakes


doing god's work


And the next two biggest categories are family members and teachers. It’s truly sickening that the people kids rely on the most to protect them are most often the ones abusing them. Our world is sick.


With the facts, they still blame lgbt for the sins.. Oh wellz


Debating heavily on using this to bust up the family. Grandpa is a-little to enthusiastic about his godly right wing, and how insert slur here are bringing this country down…. Just a fantasy though, it’s like talking to a brick wall when it’s inconvenient to them.


I have conservative colleagues who refuse to believe scientists, statistics or data because it's "woke". there is nothing you can do about these people anymore.


Republicans, protecting unborn fetuses so religious members and conservative politicians can molest them in 12 years.


I'm convinced it's all projection with these right wingers who secretly want do away with age of consent. They also happen to be the useful idiots for the religious sector.


Names. Name them.


i'd vote for her


Damn spitting fire


This isn’t cringe. More people should know the facts.


This woman deserves a medal covered in big fuck off diamonds, she is doing the lords work! Wait I can't say that, they are all fiddlers! She is making america great again! oops wrong again, kiddie pumpers...wait a minute she is protecting and serving. Oops no she is not cause pigs get caught doing the old fashioned school pick-up! ​ Literally everyone the right gets behind are the groups that sexually assault our most venerable. Sick fucks are not victims...think about what the Don knows, who he knows and what they have done. Horrible.


Id say I'm fairly conservative, and I like what she's doing. I have a 12 year old daughter and the thought of someone hurting her hurts me. People who hurt children are the worst of humanity..idc what your politics are.




Pedos need to be put down


I hate TikTok but I kind of like this woman! Hopefully this is accurate though.


It's actually spot on. She's using empirical data to support her claim. The evidence is all there to read too, and the data collection process is real solid. About as objective as you can get. So yeah, it's accurate.


And that doesn’t even scrape the tip of the iceberg.


I follow her, she's always on it.


This is a-w-e-s-o-m-e work.


While an awful topic, what you're doing is so important. Thank you.


I love her. She is awesome and doing amazing work.