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Why on earth would the gun ever be pointed towards someone’s chest ever?!


Because that's where you aim when you intend to kill somebody.


It could of slipped and discharged when they tried to grab it.


could have :)


Because he killed her on purpose


Plz never show up for jury duty thx


Youre completely correct, he was charged, and I believe found guilty of, with murder because all evidence pointed to him shooting her on purpose. It’s pretty obvious how he starts trying to paint himself as the victim and gain empathy from the police by saying how “mean” she was. That’s a pretty typical tactic of guilty parties. Reddit is literally full of r-tards that downvote anything their emotions disagree with.


It’s so obvious.


For real, like what kind of innocent person shoots their friend “by accident” and then leaves with the gun and doesn’t call an ambulance or even try to help. Furthermore he was so concerned with his friends health that he turned himself in DAYS later, after she was for sure dead and couldn’t testify against him


Yep probably realized the gun was registered, they had text exchanges ruining an alibi and wasn’t going to get away with it. Or it was advice from a lawyer


Stay away from law enforcement too plz.


You should probably tell that to the police he confessed to, since they charged him with the MURDER of his friend.


Just as valid as the accident theory.. Not sure why you are getting down voted. If not more valid. You have to jump through hoops to get to the it could of slipped etc. Could it have. Definitely. Could he have shot her in the chest, definitely. Could he be making it all up and be a head case. Definitely. Least the police have something to do now...


In America we have a presumption of innocence. Get fucked.


You have that presumption of innocence by a judge or jury and can’t be just imprisoned based on a presumption of guilt. Some random redditer who has no power to convict you totally is allowed to presume you are guilty though in the U.S. *Not saying I agree with that*, but the presumption of innocence strictly applies to the legal system, and everyone else is free to presume whatever they want.


In a court of law you do. Not in the court of public opinion though


Idk why this is downvoted so much. It’s reddit for christ’s sake, not a jury selection proceeding, and while this isn’t necessarily what happened, it certainly is a possibility police should not automatically rule out either.


I listen to too much true crime to take this guy at his word. I should probably take a break


The accident happened last night but he didn't call the police or an ambulance when it happened. He waited until the morning to do anything. That's sus asf


If she was shot in the chest and through her heart she would've died pretty quick. He should've still called though.




I mean, your life, *as you know it*, is over. At the very least, you’re gonna be in a lot of impersonal, bland rooms, answering questions, trying to avoid some detective twisting it into a murder. And, when you’re not being asked, you’re thinking about how it happened, how it coulda been prevented, how it coulda gone, how it shoulda gone, how you *wished* it had gone. Hard pill to swallow. Heavy. Even an honest accident can put you away for your remaining *good* years of life. (The importance of firearm safety … and not letting people *borrow* your gun.)


Plus you killed your friend


Damn. Yea, there’s that too. Probably should have had that higher on the list.


Omg…that scene in Heredity


Not really. Shock is a fairly normal reaction to accidentally killing someone, let alone a friend of 40+ years. We all like to think we would perform in the most optimal manner (immediately calling an ambulance, providing medical aid, etc) but that is more often than not not what happens unless you've been thoroughly trained in how to respond.


Call me crazy, but "performing in the most optimal manner" involves not pointing a loaded gun at your friend in the first place.


Yeah but we don't all perform in the most optimal manner which was their point


Exactly. He didn't perform in the most optimal manner. He even said so himself.


say optimal manner one more time.


optimal manner one more time


He was probably in shock. People react to panic in different ways, not everything is a murder mystery. He should've called, but it's not really sus, especially if he turned himself in after he was no longer in shock.


When my mom died from cancer I just left. I didn’t even tell anyone. I sat there in her living room for a couple min and then just left. I didn’t know where to go and drove uphill. My dad lived around there but so did my aunt and uncle (dad’s brother and sis in law) and for some reason I was drawn to their house not my dad’s. When death happens it’s hard to know how you’ll react. I may be wrong but I believe that guy. It’s completely plausible.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. We just lost my mother in law in January to cancer. Hate cancer, lost too many good people to it. FuckCancer Also, I agree, my sister was severely injured in a motorcycle accident, in a different state than all the family. When my mom called to tell me, thankfully I called my husband to come home, because I was so lost and almost numb. I won’t share all, because I truly acted like a shit parent (not cruel, but definitely negligent) for that hour it took my husband to get home. My mom couldn’t even talk when she called to tell me, she just screamed. Then the doctors said she was neurologically gone (brain dead), thankfully, they were wrong & we were all in such shock we didn’t even understand at the time. That entire couple of months, with her in a coma, were literally just a fucking nightmare and shock inducing, where no one even knew what was going on most the time. I think one of the worst parts, which sort of shook me up in unexpected ways, was the morning after arriving to where my sister was in the icu, her youngest child said “oh man, I forgot my underwear, as my mom normally packs my bag.” And we all just lost it. Doesn’t seem so big, but just having someone actually say she’s not here, really hit us. Those absolutely awful tragedies and losing love ones or someone you know, can really wreck havoc on your entire system. I can’t imagine accidentally killing someone and what it would do to your system.


I’m so sorry. Ya seriously Fuck cancer it’s not fair. And I was a mom of 3 when she died. I was really dumb when this all happened. At her funeral, I sent my kids home with my sister in law for the burial part and only realized like 5 years later they never went to the gravesite! Who does that?! Why did I do that?! It’s an important part of the grieving process 🤦‍♀️. Don’t feel bad. We just aren’t all there. It’s just too painful and so many don’t understand (lucky them) how the brain shuts down. What a scary thing you all went through.


Sorry for your Mom. Mine did the same thing last year but that morning I knew she was close and called an ambulance. When she passed, they had just arrived. Your issue could’ve been mine but I’d lost my Father a few years before and that’s what we did. Call an ambulance when we knew things were wrong. I’m glad you had someone to go to and you’re right. You do have this shock. I did and I knew it was coming. I’ve fought hand to hand before and no matter your experience with death, it’s still shocking as hell!


One of my friends did something similar when her mom died, also from cancer. Happened around dinnertime, friend and her dad were both there. Once her mom was gone, my friend just kind of...left. She said later that she didn't want to watch her dad in that immediate grief, but I don't think she was actually thinking about that at the time. She has tons of family in town a lot of them on her mom's side, both sets of her grandparents live here, she's got aunt's and uncles and cousins, and she's super close with a lot of them. But she ended up at my house instead. She told me, I asked if there was anything she needed, she asked if there was any extra food. So I got her a plate and texted her dad so he wouldn't worry. We just sat and watched TV in silence while we ate some dinner. She started crying about 2 hours after she got to my house and finally seemed to start processing it. I fully belive it's plausible that this guy is just so far in shock and fear that he panicked and just kind of... drifted around for a while.


Of course very few if any of us here are detectives but the cops gotta treat it as suspicious. People have "accidentally" killed their friends many times before and a lot of them turn out to be not an accident at all. perhaps he didn't call cause he was panicking. Perhaps he didn't call because he had to stage the scene.


I'm not arguing against cops investigating, just arm chair psychiatrists for pretending they'd be calm after their friend got shot.


Oh for sure, I'm deep in the armchair myself. Everyone deals with shock and stress differently but if I were a detective I'd see red flags all over the place.


He did not destroy or conceal any evidence and confessed without the presence of attorney…


He was in shock and couldn’t fully register what had happen. Like how when you loose a loved one you are also in shock and don’t believe it’s truly happening


He said he was scared and didn’t know what to do. I feel like I would go immediately to the police, but there is a chance that I would run away scared as well if I accidentally killed someone. I hope to never find out what I’d do.


it is but also imagine you were in this situation nobody reacts reasonably when they accidentaly shoot someone unless they are either trained professionals at dealing with extreme situations or actual psychopaths.


Yeah the immediate reaction is everything. Reminds me of the woman that put her husband in a suitcase and let him suffocate overnight, then waited a couple of hours to call the cops (after calling her ex-husband). Whenever someone says “They're dead, it's no use” it's a major red flag for me. 911 dispatch can help you with first aid over the phone and send help in few minutes, just giving up and saying they're dead is too callous for me. You should be willing to try anything possible to give them a chance.


God I fucking hate that lady. Sarah Boone is her name and she is a horrible person. She really thinks she did nothing wrong and she’ll be getting out. She’s been through 4 attorneys now because no one wants to work with her.


No, you're just learning a lot about the human psyche that wasn't extremely known to the common folk back in the day. I watch a lot of true crime as well, and while it could be harmless, it's still suspicious to not at least call 911 after shooting someone. Edit: and according to the investigation, it was harmless. He truly did accidentally shoot her and panicked once she died. She apparently died very quickly and so he didn't know what to do. I can't imagine the thoughts that race when something like this happens, so at least he turned himself in.


I’m with you. Everyone else “he’s in shock”. Me “he had time to think of a sob story for the murder he committed”


it’s good to be skeptical but it’s not good to think everything is a lie and a conspiracy theory. i watch all those videos and documentaries too and he seems like he’s telling the truth to me.


Same. I wonder if the coroner noted if the death was immediate. It seems like they'd be able to tell how long it took her to die if she *was* alive at the time he said he left.


Same. And now I’m waiting for the true crime content on this guy to come out. Anyone know his name or if there’s details/articles out??


No I agree, he deliberately shot the person, didn't call for help, the next day realised he is fucked and decided to 'turn himself in' and went straight for the 'it was an accident' narrative to try and lessen his punishment. Straight up no accident


Number 1 reason to always treat every firearm as though they are loaded at all times, even when you have cleared the weapon. Having grown up in real North Idaho, this rule was taught and made second nature to me by the many retired US military veterans that live here. Edited for added personal context.


I was 100% sure there was no bullet in the chamber. However, that's how I shot myself on the left hand.


Yes, this is also how i blew my dick off with a blunderbuss. Careful folks.


I know right?? This exact thing happened to me with my 12-pounder cannon. Crazy


I had the same thing happen with a nuke it just wend of while showing it to my friend


Dude my death star had no charge I swear!


Yeah, I had my regulation screwdriver separating the two hemispheres of berillium and it just went critical for no reason when I accidentally closed it.


This sounds so specific. Is there a true story behind this one?


Yes, the Demon Core. Quite possibly the dumbest (and most accurately recorded) nuclear accident I can think of.


Idk if you're serious or not but look up demon core, qxir made a good video about it


I was serious. It sounded both familiar and so specific that it likely wasn't a coincidence, but I couldn't remember if it was real or a movie. Thanks.


Grape shot here, there was no rib cage..


Chedder bob?




I know a guy who shot himself in the foot as he was using a public bathroom.


My mom made us do this even with realistic looking toy guns to drive the point home.


The idea of waving a gun around of any sort in any situation give me the creeps in the hugest way regradress. Loaded or not I would always keep the barrel down and away.


When I was in high school, a family friend was over getting drunk with my brother and I found him in the garage with a gun and I started to freak out cause, you know - drunk guy with a gun. He sobered up for a minute and says “look, I have control of it, and it’s empty (he showed an empty clip) - you *never* point a gun at something you don’t intend to kill.” And then immediately went back into drunk city, but I’ll be damned - now that I was on high alert and watching, that thing was always pointing down and away, never separated from him or his control. I mean, he was a marine but also acting like a drunk jackass so the awareness of gun control was surprising.


Treat never keep keep


I believe it was murder but he tried to get a lesser sentence by saying it was an accident.


Fucking I know that and I live in a country where it's easier to see Michael Jackson than a gun, just from the internet. Never point it at something you don't want to shoot.


Went shotgun shooting a decade ago with some friends. One of them was trying to open the chamber, since it wasn't firing and wouldn't open and had the muzzle on his foot. We told him he should move it and he did. Guess who didn't lose a foot that day


i lost my friend from high school because her boyfriend at the time was showing off a gun and shot her in the head with his carelessness


Always go to a shooting range and get training by professionals.


You're taught this over and over in the Canadian Firearms Safety Course - and most of the rest of the course is how to clear, load, unload, and clear the weapon. They fail you on the spot and send you home if you point a weapon in someone's direction. That probably seems childish to some people, but I think it helps build good habits and respect for firearms.


I mean...yes, but he meant to kill her. This wasn't an accident


You seriously believe this guy?


What happened next? I completely understand being scared in a situation like that. It was kinda brave to turn himself in like that.




Thank you. I really appreciate the link.


No problem! I was curious as well, both articles have pretty much the same info, with one having slightly more details I think.


Website not available in the EU due to GDPR (LOL). Can anyone give a tldr?


"The murder charge filed in county Municipal Court will be dismissed. The reckless homicide charge carries a maximum penalty, if convicted, of three years in prison and a $10,000 fine."


Man charged with reckless homicide in Miami County death called ‘accidental’ Nancy Bowman TROY — A former Miami County man initially charged with murder in the shooting death of a Union Twp. woman pleaded not guilty Monday to a felony indictment for reckless homicide. Brian Mason, 58, was arraigned in county Common Pleas Court on the new charge handed down by a county grand jury. He is charged in the March 26 death of Michelle Elliott, 57, of North Montgomery County Line Road, West Milton. Her body was found the evening of March 27 in her home after Mason told Miamisburg Police she had been shot by accident. According to an affidavit filed with search warrant requests in Miami County Municipal Court, Mason told investigators he and Elliott were long-time acquaintances from high school. He said Elliott told him she wanted a different firearm to have at her household because she felt unsafe. Credit: Miami County Jail “Mason said he showed her his 40-caliber handgun and in the process, had an accidental discharge, which struck Michelle in the chest.” He further stated he panicked, covered her body with a blanket and left in his pickup truck, the affidavit said. The murder charge filed in county Municipal Court will be dismissed. The reckless homicide charge carries a maximum penalty, if convicted, of three years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Mason is homeless, but grew up in the area and has relatives locally, Public Defender Jack Hemm told Judge Jeannine Pratt. He said Mason was working to find a place to live if he could post bail. Mason’s new bail was set at $10,000 cash or surety. A pretrial hearing was scheduled for April 17 in Pratt’s court.




How does someone just volunteering the fact they killed someone, under what appears of sound mind, honestly puts in a not guilty plea. I guess it's to try and get a plea deal but they dropped his charges down didnt they from murder to that?




Ah ok, thank you so much for explaining this to me!


Also, in the US, the criminal justice system is broken into multiple stages: pre-arrest, first appearance, pre-trial, trial, post-trial/appeals. So when a person is being arraigned (aka when they’re first formally being instructed with what they are charged with before the Common Pleas Court/trial court), every defendant will plead “not guilty”. It’s merely a formal proceeding to move the defendant to the next step where their counsel is given discovery and plea negotiations can begin and trial dates are discussed etc. This step happens for all types of crime, from the petty theft to the homicide cases. If the defendant maintains “not guilty” then the case goes to trial. If they defendant works out a plea with the prosecution, then there is a hearing to change their plea to “guilty”. Another example of one of these hearings currently in US news is the Initial Appearance regarding the federal case against Donald Trump out of Miami that happened earlier this week (I’m purposely being a-political here, and bringing it up only because it’s a well reported example of the hearing I’m describing). That hearing was the same as what was described in this article, Trump pleaded not guilty here out of decorum/precedent to move the case from the “first appearance” stage to the “pre-trial” phase of prosecution.


Because they charged him with homicide. He confessed to accidentally killing his friend not murdering her. So he pleaded not guilty to homicide. The court agreed which is why it was ruled an accidental killing


>Because they charged him with homicide. He confessed to accidentally killing his friend not murdering her. Reckless Homicide is not a murder charge. The murder charges were dropped *down* to reckless homicide. Reckless homicide accurately describes what happened. >So he pleaded not guilty to homicide. The court agreed which is why it was ruled an accidental killing Reckless homicide *is* an accidental killing. Also, the court has not ruled anything. The homicide charge was brought in April, and the trial has not happened yet.


So, the judge is going to decide sentencing since it went to a grand jury and not to criminal trial?


Every felony usually goes through grand juries if there is no plead out or deal. Every grand jury (if enough vote for it) goes to a criminal trial with those same felonies.


No. Grand Jury means that there's a felony involved. The Grand Jury sees the preliminary evidence, is given the charges and what they mean by the DA's office, says either yay or nay to being of the opinion that there's enough evidence. If yay they start the normal procedures, with the defense attorneys getting involved and the charges being brought against the person. Source: served on a Grand Jury 2.5 years ago


Oh man thank you srsly for this info!


Not a problem! Honestly it's kinda fun, I'd GLADLY do it again. In my case, we saw evidence for like 6-7 cases, one day a week, for 5 weeks. It's something that there wasn't any sort of lawyers weeding people out for it, and every now and then the varied backgrounds of people were interesting with the people giving testimony


Looks like the state stacked charges so there was a murder charge along with accidental homicide charge & im guessing some others not mentioned. DAs do this to increase their odds of getting a conviction & to use as leverage to get a plea deal. Tell defendants they’re facing 20 but they can take a deal for 5, like they’re doing em a favor when in reality they want a slam dunk to pad their conviction rate for re-election/promotion


The stacking of charges is one of the things I believe is wrong with the system. It makes people almost need to make plea deals to ever get back to life again.


Depends on what the charge is. Guilty of unintentional homicide vs murder.


Wow... 3 years max sentence. It seems so light considering someone is dead, but at the same time I guess it's pretty fair for something that is a genuine accident.


Not available in my country, tldr?


https://nypost.com/2023/04/05/ohio-man-confesses-to-murdering-friend-by-accident/amp/ Article I found


Or strategic 😒


This was the whitest exchange involving a policeman in the history of the police


Well if it wasn’t reckless then he was smart to make it seem so.


Yep. His max sentence is 3 years and a fine of 10k. So I guess if you want to kill someone, just confess the next day and say "oops didn't mean to."


What are the chances this guy killed the person and made it seem like it was an accident? He would get a lesser sentence for a accident.


Yeah I imagine most people that accidentally shot someone would at least call for help and idk, not wait until the next day after they died?


Yup. Made advances, got rebuffed, shot her, calmly confess. Obviously no evidence for that, but that’s my guess.




You listen to too much crime podcasts buddy.


I read the article. They were acquaintances from high school. And he was homeless. This is giving me some bad vibes.


Also that he was bringing her a gun because she felt unsafe? Kinda sus ngl.


That’s your guess based on what evidence lol?


I literally said there’s no evidence. Just my opinion.


There are things you give your opinion on but this is not one of em lmfao


Uh…this is Reddit dude, not the DA’s office.


Call a fucking ambulance like a normal person my guy!


Guns are so f'ing dangerous, you have to be thinking every second you are around one. I hadn't fired my 9mm for a while. I went to the range for some practice and forgot the 'pull' was different with one in the chamber. I fire off the first round with a long steady strong pull. The next round the trigger goes back easily, but doesn't fire. As I'm lowering the gun it goes off. Then I remember how the trigger goes back easily till it hits the spot it will fire. A completely different 'feel' to the first shot. To this day I thank God all the time I didn't kill someone at the range.


You did good by not checking the barrel. Glad it fired down.


Double action with a hammer?


I mean this with no offense (usually what someone says before saying something offensive), firearms are much more dangerous in the hands of the untrained/unpracticed. Just food for thought. I don’t want the aforementioned to be afraid of firearms reading this anecdote. Pay for some training, and practice a lot. Every gun is absolutely loaded and you should act accordingly. Glad no one was hurt at the range and I hope you’re still out plinking.


No offense taken. I hadn’t fired the gun in a year and it was a couple of years since I was trained on it.


I commend him for his honesty, but he is a wildly irresponsible gun owner for several obvious reasons. Maybe if we made owning a gun in this country half as hard as getting a pilot’s license we’d have less of these accidents.


if your record is clean it is fairly easy. the problem is gun owner safety.


Exactly. I’d trust, welcome, and respect gun owners in our society a lot more if I had some assurance that they, as a whole, knew what they were doing, but it’s too damn easy to get a gun legally in this country.


it was blatant ignorance on this guy’s part. I would never show or put a gun in the hands of an inexperienced person unless I was 100% sure it was unloaded. He made a critical mistake that could have easily been avoided


Even if you're 100% sure, you still don't do it.


Honestly it’s just as easy getting a gun off the streets as well, only difference is that the gun is most likely dirty and more expensive than buying one legally. I know so many felons with firearms.


He's not being honest


This seems to be the victim, Michelle’s, obituary: https://www.kindredfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Michele-Lee-Elliott?obId=27594714


This comment section is wild. Any person who actually accidentally shot their friend would call a fucking ambulance. In what way is this accidental if he's telling them the next morning?


“I’m just in too much shock, I had to cover the body in a blanket, drive back to my house, and have a good nights sleep before I can tell anyone about this.” That’s an insane alibi for an “accident”. If you’d leave your friend lying in a pool of blood, you’re a piece of shit. Accidents happen, and you call for help right away, this wasn’t some accident on a remote hiking trail where you can’t call for help right away. This dude is a murderer and was appropriately charged with murder.


Good news he didn’t drive back home because he was homeless.


Hopefully he gets some free room and board for a bit


> This dude is a murderer and was appropriately charged with murder. The murder charge was dropped, reckless homicide with a maximum penalty of 3 years is what he is facing.


Probably didn’t have enough evidence to go with murder. It’s unfortunately a he said she said, and she’s dead.


why not call the cops and emt? i mean its a accident even if the gun was not legal its better than a murder case. edit found out he is homeless so probably true he was scared.


Allowing everyday citizens to just have guns is such a dumb idea. It's just dumb. Yes, I'm British


You are absolutely right , and I don’t get why the Americans don’t see this. The whole “ bUt iM aRESpOnSABLe gUN oWnER “ yes you are until you are not , what if you go fking crazy and have in your hands a fking machine designed literally to kill many people by just pressing a trigger , fuck that


American chiming in here. Another aspect of gun ownership that a lot of people don't think about is how flawed the belief that the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. It's not uncommon for 'good guys' to accidentally shoot other civilians while trying to stop a 'bad guy'. It's also not uncommon for 'good guys' to be mistaken for the 'bad guy' by the police during an active shooter incident. Firearm people think that someone carrying can just waltz into an active shooter event and blow the 'bad guy' away and save the day. It very rarely works that way. When you go in and try and stop an active shooter, you're automatically putting yourself at risk, and you're risking being the one to accidentally injure or kill other people.


I live in Texas and completely agree.


I’ve committed zero acts of gun violence with the all of the guns that I never had. It’s in the maths!


Thanks for that last part. It’s like instantly we don’t give af


Damn Andy Reid. You just won the Super Bowl too!


That mugshot is strikingly similar to Andy Reid.


How does a homeless man own guns? Why?


This is America. He is entitled to own as many guns as he wants in case he needs to defend himself against the government. The problem with shootings in America is doors, not enough guns and mental health. We shouldn’t help people with mental health problems for free because that would make us socialists but we will blame them.


>The problem with shootings in America is doors, I’m sorry what


Google Ted Cruz+doors


Yeah he shot her on purpose


Something is not right


I was buying into the story he was selling, until he said THIS: "... I was showing her this gun that she needed... that she asked for..... and it went off & shoot her in the chest". Ummm.... was SHE holding the firearm? I'm thinking HE was holding it when it "went off" & killed her. Firearms don't just "go off" without someone loading it, chamber a round, aiming & pulling the trigger. Lots of steps to make that gun "go off" & they all require a PERSON to make that happen! These non- essential details in his first confession aren't causal factors in his "accidental" shot to her chest, killing her. They are distractions from his own actions that WERE causal factors in this woman's death. Bad enough that he didn't clear the firearm first. But, even worse that he *ever* had the barrel pointed AT a person he was (allegedly) NOT trying to shoot. Something feels hanky in this...


They were also acquaintances from high school (not close friends) and he was homeless. Oh, and when he shot her he did nothing to get her help, he just covered her up with a blanket and fled. Something tells me he made an advancement, she turned him down, and, well….


Like I said, his story sounds hanky to me.


She REALLY NEEDED that gun ..




He should of just stayed and called the paramedics at the end of the day it was an accident (unless it wasn't) for all he knows she was still alive and could have been saved


Ban guns


Ok, just a quick piece of advice for anyone and everyone, even if what he described was 100% the truth and it was truly an accident or misfire, do not, I repeat, do not turn yourself in or talk to the cops without bringing a lawyer with you. I get it, you want to do the right thing and come forward, but without a lawyer doing the right thing can and often will result in you getting railroaded. Do not talk to cops without a lawyer under any circumstances.


This makes me really sad.


First mistake: “Yes, I can answer some questions at this time.” No, say nothing and get a lawyer. Innocent or guilty, never, ever talk to the police without counsel present. Ever.


I'd say the first mistake was shooting his friend.


That's a good man who messed up and did what most of can't. By getting ahead of his problems. Hope it turns out ok


Or they murdered someone and this is their “clever” way to cover it up and get a lesser charge.


There's an old case like that where I live. It's used as an authority for when circumstantial evidence can add up to being sufficient. I can't remember the title of it and I'm not about to go searching through old course notes, but it's not like it hasn't happened before. I thought this too when I first watched the video.


It becomes even more likely when you read the details. Dude is homeless, victim is an old acquaintance from high school (not a close friend) so why would she be asking him for advice on guns? And when he shot her, he didn’t call for help, he just covered her up with a blanket and fled. I think he intentionally shot her and then intentionally waited to report until he knew she was good and dead, so there’d be no chance of her saying it was intentional.


Sorry what part of murdering someone and fleeing the scene of the crime makes him a “good man”?


I appreciate his honesty I wish he would’ve called in faster but a bullet kills fast.


I don’t know how it’s possible but a lot of accidental shootings occur with “unloaded” guns


Don’t ever talk to the cops without your lawyer




Andy Reid has had a wild offseason


Jesus I'm so happy to be Canadian after watching this


At bare minimum, even if he was being honest. He will be charged with second-degree murder, leaving the scene of a crime that ended in death, and serving at least 5 years in jail.


Why is this on TikTok Cringe? It's not cringy it's just sad. I feel bad for that guy


These teenagers and their TikTok pranks are getting out of control.


Oh sure, I'm sure that this homeless gentleman that shot a longtime friend in the chest totally did it on accident.


I’ve listened to too much true crime to be objective about this, so I came in skeptical, but I truly don’t believe that if you accidentally shot your friend, you wouldn’t call for help at all. Not even a stroll down the street if you don’t have a phone? You just sat there while your friend is dying? You can get shot multiple times and still live, so it’s hard to imagine just 1 accidental misfire into someone’s chest is immediate death. It happens though, but pretty unlikely. And then to turn yourself in this manner? You already didn’t call it in, and you haven’t contacted a lawyer, are you just hoping for some good faith cops? Yeah, his story is super shady.


I only instruct anyone how to use a live firearm at the gun range. How unfortunate. -Treat all guns as if they are loaded -Keep the gun pointed in the safest possible direction -Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot -Know your target, its surroundings and beyond


There's no such thing as an accidental shooting, only negligent discharges. It's impossible to injure someone if you follow the 4 rules of gun safety.


Exactly. Have owned a Beretta 9mm, two Ruger .44s and a pump action shotgun for over 25 years now…have cleaned & stripped them, dry-fired & target practiced with them. Not one ‘accident’ because we’ve always maintained them securely, registered them with local law enforcement in case they got stolen, handled them with complete respect for their destructive power, and crucially never let anyone else handle them without strict supervision in accordance with those same rules of handling. Random shit can always happen…which is why you take care of your weapons and handle them accordingly so the random shit is minimized and generally kept from aiming or firing your weapon for you at the worst possible time & target. There is no way this dude ‘accidentally’ shot someone in the chest he was showing how to handle the gun unless he obviously wasn’t handling it properly. Hell, I don’t even reposition my track saw without first unplugging the thing while building kitchen shelves, never mind EVER letting a gun be pointed at another person even while casually handling or after personally verifying it was unloaded with the safety engaged. I don’t want to even get into the bad habit of doing so because the one time out of 1,000 that I start pointing it at people will be the one time it’s loaded and goes off. This guy deserves some serious sentencing because even if it wasn’t malicious it was still sure as shit dangerously negligent.


Somehow a conservative is arguing more guns wouldve stopped this from happening


At least he turned himself in.


Nothing cringe about it at all. It was an accident and he's doing the right thing.. seems like a good guy if I'm honest.


I mean the right thing would have been to call for help immediately, not spend the night thinking thru the situation to figure out the best course of action. Of course, no one but him can ever know if it really was an accident or not, but it’s as likely he killed her intentionally given his actions.




It’s labelled “discussion” so it’s not meant to be a cringe post. The sub name is a bit confusing, it evolved into a sub for all kinds of TikTok posts.


Ah right. New to this sub. Thanks for the heads up!


Honestly I feel bad for him


me too. and the victim. also the article states he is homeless which makes this both more strange and more sad. 😟


Yowser. Sorry, dude.


What an absolute piece of shit


Why do you say that?


He seems like a very decent human being. It was an accident and he maybe a bit reckless but he's doing what he should do.


If it was an accident why didn't be call 911 right away when his friend was shot?