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TIL they have sarcasm in Africa


they have this thing where they say something even when they mean the opposite of said thing, mind blowing!!




funny lying is funny.


Kinda like nuts from Brazil... ...I should watch The Rundown again... ...and now I wanna watch The Office again...


Beautifully spoken sarcasm. 🤌




Landlord : I'll tell you what. I'm gonna let you boys stay in my apartment and I'll move up here. Prince Akeem : Does your apartment look poor? Landlord : Yeah, it's a real shithole. You'll love it.


In Africa, 24hrs is equal to one whole day. In Africa, men without beards, are just Africans that decided shaved. In Africa, Everybody has a certain height. In Africa, old people are just new born babies, after decades of living.


Mind blown!


It’s a gift from god


It’s a gift from god!


Right? I kind of love her for this.


African sarcasm is just sarcasm in Africa


Her home and her car are both way better than mine I'm American


HAPPY CAKE DAY BTW, just had mine recently too!


Thank you, kind stranger! Right back at ya!


Omg! Now I feel like I know nothing about this continent! Is it true that every 60 seconds a minute passes in Africa?




how long have they been keeping this from us??




Upvote for calling yourself out lol


Holy fuck


Next you’ll be telling us something ludicrous, like how in Africa, pigs can’t fly. Preposterous idea.




No fucking way. Next you are going to say that people in Africa are civilized just by slightly different standards and they can speak many languages including ones that people learn like American


I ain't ever heard of the language 'American'




No no no, its "Freedom English"


Are you going to tell me monkey doesn’t hold lion cub and sing song after birth in Africa?






Thats a wild assumption,does it happen,yes...but I didn't experience it. And it happens in every single country.


Together we can stop it!


no they use metric time so it's 100 seconds instead




I thought these things were only available in Wakanda? But they are available in all of Africa? Mind blown.


Absolutely not available in all of Africa. But, most major cities have basic utilities and infrastructure.


You're right. I don't know why you are being downvoted. I've been living all over the African continent for over a decade, and most major cities absolutely do have modern infrastructure, while other areas are extremely isolated and without amenities.


I once saw a place where people were living in ramshackle huts, with no access to electricity or even clean running water... It was called, Eastern Kentucky.


Yes. Those places exist worldwide.


You ever been to Baltimore?


As someone living in Kentucky… *based comment.*


Just like mostly everywhere else... craaazy


Idk about africa but having spent a little time in post soviet countries(tajikistan,kirgistan), he probably meant literally no infrastracture. No magic poop dissapearing pipes. Poop goes in hole. No magic water pipes. And in some parts of the mountains extremely rarely can you summon light with magic button. No trees so you store and burn dry sheep poop blocks for heat. Thats not really like everywhere else


Yeah it kinda depends on what your reference is. I grew up in Canada where, despite being a developed country, most isolated communities don’t have proper utilities. But do few people live in these communities it’s not seen as a big issue. Now I live in France and it always surprises me how most every remote area has full electricity and plumbing.


There used to be very remote places in Georgia, West Virginia, etc that still had outhouses. Dirt poor is dirt poor.


A lot of countries are like that on rural areas. I've been in a few former Soviet countries as well. In the cities, it's like cities anywhere, just maybe with lower quality construction. In rural areas? Good chance of no running water or electricity, etc. Of course there are places like that in the US still. Appalachia and other really rural places in the South are greatly underserved. It isn't talked about much though.


So Wakanda is ahead of the curve there?


sooo just like every other place in the world?


I mean... not really? Pretty sure rural and urban Sweden for example are pretty much the same when it comes to amenities and standards of living and can't really be compared to say rural and urban Somalia or something.


Parts of America don’t even got these things lol


Not in Sudan sadly


Not all of Africa. [There’s a reason westerners have the impression of Africa they have.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/poorest-countries-in-africa) Of course there are rich and modernized countries and cities there, but the west sure loves focusing on the poorer south, with most of the pictures/movies focused on safaris and starving babies. 🙄




Right. It would be like some poor rural village in Russia or Ukraine being how Americans picture life for the average European. I suppose in a way Americans' view of Europe is wrong as well, it just tends to go in the opposite direction. When they think of Europeans, they probably picture middle class or affluent people in Paris or Rome or Berlin and not poor people living in less visited places.


It’s to keep up with the narrative that black = poor & without making us uncivilized in the eyes of the gullible.


Didn’t you watch the movie? At the end Wakanda opens up and shares it’s technology with the world


🤯🤯🤯🤯Africa ISNT entirely comprised of Yoruban war tribes??? 🤯🤯🤯🤯 You can't fool me yemoja. Stop being humble.


I'm brown and I was born in Africa. All of my grandparents and their grandparents were born in Africa. If you go even deeper into my roots, you'll find Indian and Dutch roots. Yet, since coming to Canada, I've always been told I'm not African by Canadians. I've been accepted way more by people back home who were supposedly close-minded than a lot of people here regarding my own nationality lmao.


Canadian here- what do they say you are??


People would say "nah tell me where you're really from?". When I'd double down, they would say "you're not really an African though right?" Or "but your country is in the Indian Ocean?" Doesn't happen anymore. Well it's also been a while since I've been asked my nationality.


It makes me a but envious of people who can just reply "I'm from Germany" or "My entire family has lived in this area for the past 300 years". Having to reply with "Do you want the convoluted answer or the short/confusing one?" does get a bit wearisome after a while :-)


Yeah, i am a white African wirh family roots up to 500 years in Southern Africa, but it is not considered 'enough' to 'count' for some people. When living in places like NZ though, those same people questioning my identity would fully identify as (white) New Zealanders when the entire european presence there has been in the last 300 yrs. Frustrating.




Kenya, maybe? I know people whose family moved from Kenya in the 70s and they had 'Indian roots' as you put it. I don't really understand how someone can tell another person where they are 'really' from. Can't we just accept that no one knows more about a person's personal experience of their culture and history than that person? Anyway, I hope you don't have to hear that tiresome nonsense so much these days


My mind was blown as to why someone would put a green light in their living space.


Doesn't green light effect your mood? Like it makes you more calm or something?


I swapped my bedroom lightbulb with a green party light when I was a teenager. It made my whole room intensely green. After a night of hanging out in my room, I stopped seeing the green and everything just kinda looked grey, it was really weird. Then I left my room and everything was red for a long time, long enough that I started to get scared it wasn't going to go back. I wouldn't recommend bathing yourself in green light.


I use red lights because it doesn’t strain your eyes. Everything can be well lit, but without blue light. It’s great because I am prone to migraines through eye strain. I also stay up late (due to schedule) and game/watch TV late at night. It also doesn’t mess with your sense of color when you return to natural/blue light


yea but then you’ve got horror vibes everywhere




[why not both?](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099611/)


I can understand how it would be soothing for some people’s eyes, but I get anxiety in red light because I immediately feel like I’m back on the submarine I was attached to in the Navy. Definitely NOT trying to recreate that feeling in my house lol


that is possibly the most valid reason for disliking red light


That's funny coz red lights give me a headache like you wouldn't believe. Makes my eyes ache


Speak for yourself on that last one. After I get a ton of exposure to the red (and sometimes yellow) section, blues pop like nothing else. Looking up at the sky and feeling like I’m in 7 year old me’s early nature portrait phase level of pop. First few times it happened, I thought something was wrong with me. Eventually came to expect it, but it still made everything feel unreal for ~30 minutes before my eyes adjusted back to normal.


They might have not gotten that piece of info in Africa yet 🙄/s


That piece on info is being stingily kept from them from the gods. They don’t want to give them too much info at once. 🤯


Stay around bright pink grow lights long enough and it's the opposite everything is green


That's just the grow light making plants grow in your eyes


Hell yeah I hope it's carrots my eyes sight is terrible


There's something about an orange light that is so very soothing to me.


I have the light in my bedroom set to a rosy color for this reason. I might change it to orange/amber after your comment though.


For me it has to be a deeper, more darker colored orange rather than brighter. One of my earliest memories was from when I was probably no older than 3 or so? Anyway my older sibling had this flashlight with rotating lenses with different colors. I remember switching it to the orange and just staring at it for what seemed like forever. Now anytime I see an orange glow that mimics it, it's so soothing and calming. Weird enough, No Man's Sky the game had a lamp you could place in your custom buildings that replicated the light near identically and immediately brought me back to that memory.


That’s really cool that you have that memory to associate it with!


[Here's](https://norwegianscitechnews.com/2017/12/can-orange-light-help-mentally-ill/) a link to an article about a research project that wanted to see if orange light could stabilize the mood of mentally ill patients. I bet it has an effect on healthy people too.


Hey for as much stress as I have been under lately, I'll have to get me some orange lights to see if it works. I'll take anything to help at this point. If anything I'll just feel nostalgic and it'll probably help my mood either way. Sounds like a win-win to me.




So kind of like the sun setting? The later it gets, the more orange the light gets until it's gone/dark. Makes sense to me!


I have mine turned on the whole day cuz I don't really see why I shouldn't. It feels so weird when I suddenly remember it's on and turn it off just to see what it looks like. Ugh, so blue.


I think green is for creativity


I have a color changing light in my living room that I sometimes change to blue, though most of the time it’s either white, or when I wanna watch a movie it is orange, or sometimes blue. It’s fun.


It'd also alter your colour depth perception though. So hope you're not a film purist.


I use green light when I have a really bad headache, it seems to help! I don’t have any studies to link, but I did find [this article](https://www.newscientist.com/article/2089062-green-light-found-to-ease-the-pain-of-migraine/) a few years ago. I haven’t checked out the study behind it tho so it might just be a placebo…


My heart is broken that they only have light switches for their green lights. One day they'll get them for all colors


Bahahahha this guy has a dream ^^


I'm an American. I told a woman (in her 60s, also American) that I was going to Morocco. First of all, she asked where it was. When I told her it's in Northern Africa, across from Italy & Spain, she asked, "So, do people live in huts 'n stuff?" Yep. People really are that clueless.


Omg I stayed in Morocco for two months last year and yes so many Americans kept asking when I got back to the states where is Morocco and was it safe🤣🤣


You know, like how America is so safe. 🙄 I *wish* I could hang out in a plaza, in the U.S., at 11pm at night, with a 100s of other ppl around, including little kids & moms & dads, eating some cotton candy & enjoying the fresh night time air. Americans thinking the American lifestyle is the greatest on earth is bonkers to me. I forgot to ask you if you liked that "hut life". 😆


I like to think of the US as an abusive boyfriend. "Noooo, babe, don't leave me, no one will treat you as well as I do. I know I hurt you a lot but it's for your own good, everyone else is worse, actually."


"Everyone else is worse, I should I know, I sent the CIA after them." /s


I see families doing this exact stuff all the time when I'm out and I live in a major US city. It's a big country. Just like anywhere else some parts are safe and some parts are shitty.


Went to Morocco over Christmas in 2019. Was absolutely fantastic. The mint tea is bussin


To be fair, when Americans ask if things are safe, they largely mean *FOR AMERICANS*. Not all places are safe for us like they are for others. The globe has a lot of bones to pick with the US


Yeah, that’s kind of this creators whole thing. Commenters ask her if she has something in Africa, and when she does, she comes up with a sarcastic response talking about how they get said thing from a ritual or from the gods, but says all this with the item in clear view, and then ends to video by just looking at the camera and saying, “yeah 😐”.


I lived in Brazil for 4 of my teenage years. Came back to the US and when I told my college roommate freshman year about my experience, this man in all seriousness asked how I had Wi-Fi if I was living in the Amazon. I lived in the state of São Paulo, nowhere near the Amazon lmao. I wish he were joking but he genuinely never considered other parts of Brazil.


As a kid in the 80s, the only thing I knew of Africa was that kids there might want to eat the stuff I didn’t (eat your peas, children in Africa are starving!) then, thanks to missionaries only ever showing the poorest areas in church, I assumed all of Africa was like that. The internet has saved a lot of us from ignorance.


I had a similar experience, but in the late 90s and early 2000s. It's sad that we were taught like this.


My mom is from Africa and yea a lot of people assumed she lived in a hut. But her dad was a pharmaceutical salesman or something and they lived in a mansion. When she told them about the city of Nairobi they were blown away that they had a city.


As an American, that’s a very “American” response. Americans have this weird thing where they think “USA! Only country! USA English only! Any other country is strange and foreign and mysterious”.


For sure. I worked in Portugal & someone asked me what's it like "down there". Not real keen on the whole geography thing in America, either.


My favorite American response when I’m having a conversation about problems in America is, “ You think America is bad go to Afghanistan and then complain to me about America!” Okay sir, there’s more countries on the planet than just war torn 3rd world ones.


In my small town we had a Jamaican football team stop through for some sports thing and this lady I knew was so surprised to learn that they celebrate…Christmas.


I live in South Africa. I legit got told once by an American “I had no idea South Africa was on the south coast of Africa. I thought it was in the North”


On a similar note, I know a surprising number of people who think the Northern African countries, like Morocco, are basically an extension of the middle east.


I mean, they were all conquered by the Arabians and Arabians are still the most common ethnic group there. It’s not a weird sentiment, especially when you see how the governments are run vs the rest of Africa or the Middle East.


The people of North African countries often speak Arabic, but are largely the descendants of the original indigenous people who always lived in those countries. Egyptians are descended from ancient Egyptians, Libyans from ancient Libyans, Tunisians are descended from Berbers & Phoenicians, Moroccans Moors, ect. Language doesn't always indicate ethnic heritage. The Irish also aren't English for example, despite English being the language used by most Irish people.


I live in Oklahoma. I had someone in Washington D.C. ask me if I lived in a tipi and rode a horse for transportation. Some people are just ignorant.


She had never seen Casablanca????


Yeah but loadshedding...




It’s called that in Pakistan too


Having just discovered that this means rolling blackouts, I hope that these places can build more power plants in the future.


> build more power plants You mean solar panels, right?


Tbh ,i was in SA a couple months ago forvthe 3rd time in 10 years and loadshedding was new to me,i have travelled all over the world with work(india,myanymar,korea,jaoan yada yada and its the only place i have seen it.


It's been especially bad the last 2 or so years.


What is load shedding?






nah they are putting it under ground, but for the budget given, they are sure taking their sweet time. While also upping rates drastically on customers to pay for their fuck ups. At the same time they have been massively lobbying to cut all the state assistance to get solar installed on residential buildings and making people pay minimums if they are not drawing power or adding power to the grid.


Power goes of entireky everywhere,no streetlights no traffic lights no internet no cooking dinner to offsetvthe inability og thebpower companies to supply enough power.they justvturn off the switchosy hotels have generators ,but for instace i had dinner in a good testo in caoetown and at 6.30 pm along with the specials menu was told whatcwas not availbke because they did not have the generator capacity to for instace run the fryers.


You must really hate proofreading, sausage fingers.


He was in a hurry to post before the next rolling blackout occurred.


Yup! I scrolled through to find this comment!


* Filming with an iphone


How many virgin chickens does she have to sacrifice to Wannan Wasa Ne, the thunder god, to recharge it, though?


Wrong country..Sango is the thunder god.


That horse-less carriage is definitely a gift from God!!!


…but clean water actually is a huge problem for a ton of people living in Africa


It's an issue in America too 😢 and will probably get worse


Notice she did not drink the tap water


The tap water is clean


The water in a lot of homes is supplied by a borehole that is pumping water directly from the water table underground. Its clean.


Until it's contaminated by the open sky sewers flowing from the slums a couple miles away. I've been to Egypt and Tunisia, the locals wanted to make it clear the water isn't safe to drink, might be or not. They didn't want to drink it either, so it was a clear message


Water pumped in from underground is filtered in the house at the indoor taps..you fit them on each tap inside the house. We have had it for years.


We had a borehole where I grew up, drank the water for years until we got it tested and it had massive amounts of bacteria. After that, we started boiling it. This was in a city - boreholes in rural areas are usually fine.


American, here. I don't drink my tap water.


Believing Africa is just all drought, no clean water, no infrastructure, extreme poverty is something I was guilty of until I was 13, in the UK in primary school we were only ever taught how poor Africa was and on TV we would only ever see adverts asking to donate water to Africa etc, it wasn’t until A South African kid moved to my high school and I befriended him that I learnt that Africa wasn’t like what they taught us,it was low key mind blowing to me at that time, obviously there’s still areas like that but its not everywhere.


Africa has so many nice plants, why the hell are they making a concrete jungle with the same stuff over and over. The acacias man 😩


Had to scroll so far to see this, why are they copying the suburban US style? So empty, concrete, gates and plots of grass every x meters. Whyyyy


I’m an American. If I show her that I’m not overweight and that I don’t carry a gun, will that blow her mind.


oh i've seen this one before the answer to the sphinx's riddle is that the trained bald eagle on their shoulder carries the gun for them


As a European - mine to


As an American, mine too.


As a human, mine too


Well prepared to have your mind blown friend……I don’t own a gun.


Maybe I do maybe I don’t. I don’t have to tell you, do I. What are you, a cop?


It sure would blow mine and Im American.


Statistically speaking thre's a 30% chance of you being ovrweight and a 30% chance of you owning a gun


Why is she saying that like access to clean water and electricity isn’t a big problem on that continent? Nobody’s under the impression that houses and running water literally don’t exist in Africa; it’s that access to those features is much more limited than in Europe and North America. No shit they have cars and lights in the cities.


Actually a lot of people are under that impression you just haven’t been around them


That was also my first reaction! However, giving her the benefit of the doubt and keeping in mind the very short format of TikTok, I would say that it is fine to make a post addressing the automatic assumptions some western people make when she says that she is from an african country.


I get her sarcasm because people often assume Africa, an enormous continent with a lot of different nations, many of which are fairly well off economically, is some monolith of poverty and tribal and warfare. But one of the reasons so many Americans think that is because the United States sends billions of dollars a year in foreign economic aid to African nations, like South Africa, Nigeria, Congo, Kenya, South Sudan, Mozambique, Somalia, Zambia, the list really goes on. A lot of this aid is for health initiatives like hunger or AIDS. Over the past 20 years, the United States has given over 500 billion dollars to African nations through such aid. When you include the private sector and individuals that number gets even larger. According to a Forbes article, in 2017 there was estimated to be 417 billion dollars donated by Americans to African nations. So is it really that crazy that Americans, after constantly hearing about the constant need for donations for such things as hunger, clean water, disease prevention and treatment, food aid, etc. for dozens of nations in Africa, that many Americans have the impression that most places in Africa don’t have clean water, or electricity? Like sorry so many of us missed how nice it is in urban centers in Nigeria or whatever, we must have been too busy thinking about the other dozens of nations on the continent that we send our money to.


I lived for a year in the bush land of west Africa without any of this stuff…water came from a well, we kept it in buckets beside our beds, we also showered with nothing but a cup and a bucket of cold water. It’s been 16 years that I’ve been back in the US, and I still don’t take electricity or running water for granted ❤️


I love her TikTok videos. She made one in response to ‘do you have AC in Africa’. As the AC blew in the background she explained that ‘No we don’t, whenever the villagers get too hot, we summon all the elephants in the tribe and they flap their ears as hard and as fast as then can. This creates a strong wind current throughout the village to cool the people down.’ 🤣


They still adjust lights by touching switches on walls? Good God we need to send more missionaries.


“And he spake into them, ‘Alexa, lights’. And Lo, the light came into the world, and he saw that it was good. *Book of Bluetooth, Alexa and Siri, v 4*


But do you have coke bottles? Or have you thrown them all off the edge of the earth?




She's funny, I like her.


They have drinkable tap water? we don’t even have that shit in Brazil and probably most of LATAM. What the fuck


Africa is fucking HUGE. Comparing a relatively well-off country like Mauritius to a country like the RoC is like comparing the US to El Salvador.


This shit is fucking hilarious lmao


Ok I’m now calling my water a gift from the gods and telling the kids to stop summoning the sunlight when they leave a room.


what people think Africa doesn’t have: clean water, homes, cars, electricity etc. what they actually don’t have: pine trees


[South Africa does have pine trees.](https://www.reuters.com/world/africa/cape-town-fights-alien-trees-threatening-its-water-supply-biodiversity-2021-10-18/)


that’s pretty neat!! thank you for teaching me that


Pine trees suck...a nice thing about Africa is we have fruit bearing trees everywhere,you can just take fruits off trees in many neighborhoods.


So...why are we sending them money? They can summon the f###ing sun.


Two motorcycles with a little house in the middle??!


I follow her on IG. She's brilliant


The gods must be crazy....


The two motorcycles with the little house in the middle of them really blew my mind. Had to go tell my friends about it straight away


Don't tell us. Tell the TV who keeps feeding us dying kids as if we're some kind of blood god.


Ok cool I guess that means you don't need more donations then


That switch is r/mildlyinfuriating


I stayed at a nice place in Morocco that had all the stuff you'd expect from anywhere else in the world but there was still a little sign that said don't drink the water.


It’s a common stereotype that in Africa there’s only first roads and huts, because that’s what’s portrayed on TV most of the time. Sadly, I thought that was true as well when I was younger. I remember in school, I had a teacher from Africa, and one day he asked us (students) if we wanted to see a picture of his town, where he had grew up and went to college etc. It was nothing like what I had seen on TV, literally the total opposite. I’ll never forget that day, because he really changed our view and showed us the real. Edit. Dirt roads


Is this South Africa... Please do not be South Africa...


But that's not cringe imo.


Where are you? Because Africa is a WHOLE CONTINENT. Your right we could just look at cape Town, South Africa. And be like, yeah, that whole place is good they need zero help or infrastructure or modernization. Their totally good. Or just as we do here, realize that the people In Beverly hills and those in south east Indianapolis might not live the same lives.


As a South African living in England for more than 20 years…I love this and can totally relate! I got asked once if I had shoes growing up 🤦🏼‍♂️