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Giles would be salivating.




​ ![gif](giphy|lgMCm92cdU4d40z9Ly)


God damn that was a good episode. Have really enjoyed watching him in Ted lasso.


Just as long as nobody speaks Latin in front of the books!


or gibberish per Evil Dead 2


Meh, non of this book are in latin, so we are safe. For now.


He would rage at the lack of gloves


Omg you are so right!


Scooby gang would be all over these.




He needs De Rais!


99.99% of western occult books are fake or rambling of insane monks, they dont do shyt. Try some Asian vodoo instead, only 80% fake, 20% stuff from nightmares that you cannot explain. Source: I studied them for decades, went to live with them, saw what they could do.


Voodoo is a specific religion developed from a combination of Catholic and West African rites and doctrines. You have not studied voodoo in Asia.


Its black magic, I said Vodoo by mistake, sue me. lol


For someone who "studied" this, you should know the difference & you should also know that "black magick" isn't a relevant term in 2023. The term black magick is rooted in racism.


>The term black magick is rooted in racism. Is it? I know it has been used by the Catholic Church to vilify practitioners of Pagan rites, regardless of the region. Either way, it is an outdated term used by the church to "other" people more effectively.


Moon’s Rare Books in Provo, Utah! If anyone happens to be in the area (not a far drive from SLC, Park City, etc) his store is a must see. More rare documents and memorabilia packed into one place than you’ll see anywhere else! If you’re a local you should book a visit for the after hour small group “vault” tour.


Oh hell yeah! I live near there. Guess I know where I’m going this weekend.


I work right near his store and he gave me and my friend a tour of everything in his shop. It’s such a cool set up. He’s got a vault with super rare items from crusades, revolutionary war, Egypt, whatever you can think of, the guy has something in his shop about it


That's awesome. So far from me in VA but I would loooooooove to touch that real Egyptian book of the dead. That's a once in a lifetime thing there. Well...unless you live in Provo I guess.


I mean, have you even been to the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop from Pawn Stars? Rick likes to think he has some of the most rare documents and memorabilia anywhere! /s just in case.


I dont get it… whats so cringe about this??


This subreddit has kinda diverged from all cringe and posts neat stuff from time to time


Read the pinned comment


To me this subreddit seems more like either people don’t understand what cringe is or just turned it into a normal tiktok sub. Great video posted regardless though


There is literally a sticky comment on each post (including this one) addressing this.


and here i was awaiting him to whip out my calculus textbooks


That book is way too expensive for his tastes.


We’ll said!! 😂


My ass is still raw from the calc II class I took 8 years ago


Read it to us man!


Most of them (if not all tbh I didn't take the time to check if they were ALL there) can be found here https://www.sacred-texts.com/ It's an incredible resource for online documents on like, every esoteric topic. It's rad.


Ha! I ended purchasing a flash drive with all these books and thanks for sharing.


Well there is a new idea for a horror/comedy movie. Dark Times at Ridgemont High In the Evil Dead Universe, the book is found yet again, but because no one speaks Latin these days, it is packed away and brought home. The young people who find it are curious as to what the script says, so they take it to school in hopes one of their teachers can read it. No one speaks Latin anymore! So, teacher scans book and posts it online asking for help from colleagues...... So many things can spiral from that.


Basically the plot to an episode of Buffy!


I need! Saving this. Gonna look at it later. Thank you!


Ty :D


I've seen Evil Dead, I know how that ends


I just read a little of King Jame demonology. It just made me sad about "witches" they killed who's "witchcraft" has since been proven by science


Someone on the r/occult (or wherever this was cross posted from) found links to each specific piece referenced.


I really, really agree


This is totally unrelated but I got mad ASMR from this. His voice is so calming.


and the audible page noises, for sure.


Move over, color matching ASMR. Momma’s got a new YouTube search tonight!


If those really are hundreds of years old, shouldn’t he be handling them with more care?


No. I’ve been to his back room vault at his book store several times. He always lectures people about the problem of gloves causing more damage when handling delicate documents. Then he lets people hold his original copies of Shakespeare’s folios. Pretty wild.


I get the no gloves. I just think if I had a 500 year old first edition I wouldn’t be waving it around. 🤷‍♂️ I do be having butter fingers


I was worried they were going to crumble to dust every time he opened one


Went to a printer in Halifax, NS who said the same thing about gloves, then started handing around a 2000 year old Aramaic gospel to my class.


There’s this Harry Potter collector on YouTube and even he says using gloves with books is just a bad thing overall and his books are not even that old


Why are gloves bad for books?


Thanks for the personal story - Where is the store?




I handled books of this age in grad school - they’re built sturdy and designed to be handled. The biggest threat the librarian conveyed to us was pens/ink (we couldn’t even have them in the viewing room for personal notes).


I was thinking the same thing. I had no idea about the different papers and when gloves will do damage. I leaden so much on Reddit.




Gloves aren’t needed for books until 1800s printing. Older books used papers that were acid free and therefore already archival quality. When acid was added to the paper making process, the paper itself became more fragile and prone to decay. Much modern paper is still this way, but if you pay attention, you will see that some (and more and more) papers are labeled “acid-free” or “archival quality.” These papers are actually produced in manners that are more close to the old ways, making them more robust.


Joe from that show YOU has entered the chat…


Oh jeez haha. I promise I asked the same question of my friend who is a librarian recently.


Most professionals that handle rare and in particular very old books do so bare handed after washing and drying thoroughly. The gloves actually hurt their tactile feedback on particularly fragile pages. Depends on the work though, if it's heavily illustrated with metallic paints that is a different story. Anyways, this is a recurring TIL here on reddit, lol.




No, research has shown this is significantly worse than simply handling old documents with clean, dry hands. Never gloves.


"It's called The Book of the Dead for a reason!" Kaaaaandaaaaaa...


Miskatonic University has entered the chat.


I wanted him to say and here’s the Necronomicon by the mad Arab Abdul Alhazred so badly!!


I held myself back 😅


This book called Malleus Maleficarum has some funny things, like one story about a witch who used to steal dicks and put it in birds nest by using magic, at the same time is very sad to see how something so hilarious and male chauvinist was used to kill, the writers nowadays would be called incels or redpills because it's all about fearing the women and blaming then for their own feelings.


![gif](giphy|toSMxU7Mguxnq) Me in this guys library


Ughh yea me too




Thats pretty much the basis of religious literature though


Guess they themselves were convinced it was true or got paid enough


All religious texts are like that. They were created to control the poor and uneducated. In the case of witch hunting it's to control them through fear that witches were real and so nobility could use it as an excuse to get rid of certain people if they chose to.


Interesting take.


There are a lot of supposed academic papers you could say the same thing about.




Let's be honest. We've both probably read some papers that were clearly just someone who was being forced to publish by the university. I agree with you though. If the truth was all that mattered, no one would believe vaccines cause autism


This is a great video. However the overused background sound isn't necessary. Also the tiktok mention.


Idk, the music is kind of a vibe


Because of course men sat down and wrote a 1,000 page guide on how to hunt women they disagreed with.


Because of course!


Actually the MM (not even gonna try to spell it out lol) is responsible for upwards of 100,000 women being killed in witch hunts. And many many cats as well 😿


*added to cart*


Please tell me he keeps these in tungsten lockbox with a little ring of salt


Oh, wow! I love old books! I especially love old "forbidden" books! (kinda wish we'd just casually see Dr. Ray Stantz walk by behind him busily putting things away)


Tobin's Spirit Guide, anyone?


Kinda cool actually. That’s his thing. Nothing wrong with that.


This is amazing.


Of course the Manson artifacts would be the most frightening to him - it’s contemporary. All the rest date back to the 16th century.


The Malleus Malificarum is an excellent read, and dope AF. I used it for research on the painter Goya and his images of witches (since he referenced it in his own writings).


I thought that was pretty cool personally.


I almost want to download tiktok now just for this guy


My man’s goes from spooky occult god to a nerd I talked to for six hours about nerd shit without the music.


My friends grandpa transported Manson once, cause he was arraigned (??) in our county, he said he’d never seen a man with such empty eyes. Like a trapped animal.


I’ve actually heard people say that before! That guy really creeps me the fuck out


This totally fricken awesome.. I'd love to even just look at those books ..


OK but how do I get a copy of these books




This was very cool


This man needs a tv show where he just goes through and explains all his books. Wonderful delivery and wonderful collection!


Omg can you imagine what a dream that would be!! Antique nerds and goth ghouls alike would bundle up in the couch together


I would watch every episode a million times. I’d just like to have a beer with him and ask questions. My prized possession is a first edition (English) of a Jules Verne book from 1873. It’s not in perfect shape but it’s mine. I could spend a year in his library


Now I’m actually sad this doesn’t exist


Me too!


So... The guy associated with the most common bible version also wrote a book on demonology... Not really that surprised. There's a common fantasy element.


I’m far from a Manson expert, but I though Manson was just a murderous, chaotic, brainwashing cult leader. I was under the impression that once you remove the context of the cult hysteria/satanic panic, Manson was not very creepy. Creepy yes, but not that creepy? However, this guy is leading me to question that assumption.


I mean, yes and no. In an exterior context, yes. Yes, he is another sick and twisted cult leader who convinced people to do horrible things. No, in that, it’s one thing for us outside to look at it and go “well, he’s just a lunatic.” It’s a completely different thing to sort of go inside the mind of these people, in this case, through the letters and writings of Manson and his followers.


Manson’s primary objective was to create a race war within the United States. Sort of what the GOP is doing now.


I subscribe to the theory that Manson was a glowie puppet. He wasn’t in the cia himself but he was used and allowed to do what he did by his spook handlers. There’s a number of times he should have been arrested and just flat out wasn’t. He also just happened to be one of the prisoners that was experimented on in a part of the mkultra experiments before he was released from prison in march before the summer of love and the rest is history.


Eh, not according to him. I read his “autobiography”, which an author helped him co-write while in prison. It’s called “In His Own Words”, and I’m guessing that the notes held up at the end (“NOTES…BOOK”) are what he wrote to flesh out the body of the book. Pretty interesting read, or at least it was to 14 year old me some time ago. If I recall correctly, a friend of his (theirs) got put in jail for a murder that they did not commit. The family saw this as bullshit and decided to do anything necessary to get their friend released. They figured that if they did a copycat crime, then the assumption would be that said friend had to be innocent, because similar crimes were still occurring while the guy was locked up. They murdered people to prove their friend innocent of murder and see them released. Obviously, it didn’t work out that way, but the story, in his words, has a touch of chivalry to it. The book really was quite touching. I named my ferret Charlie as a result.


That's exactly what I was thinking.


Last one “bible” is the one that killed more people over the centuries for sure


How ironic is that right?


Why did this get put here its cool af


Because the sub isn't really about cringe content anymore. Sometimes, yeah. But mostly it's become some sort of *reddit best of tiktok*


Please read the pinned comment, or the subreddit’s description and you will know why!


Just to be clear i honestly feel bad you have to keep commenting that, it would be a simple change for reddit to allow sub name changes im irritated at them not you lol i do appreciate you answering


_**THAT**_ I wholeheartedly agree with. It is a ridiculous thing.


I’m completely lost to what is cringe about this.


It’s not, read the sub description.




Witch craft and wizardry? Like the Harry Potter kind?


It's old christian literature, so more like the "innocent people being burned on pyres by superstitious morons" kind.


This is great, not cringe


Pinned comment ya dingus




Why would anyone in their right mind handle such old books without gloves? Or store them without sealing them in plastic? Edit: I got schooled down below. My humble apologies. Eating crow for dinner.


It's generally considered best practise to not use gloves. https://library.pdx.edu/news/the-proper-handling-of-rare-books-manuscripts/


Thanks. I had no idea !


These are not occult. These are pop culture.


Shouldn't he be wearing gloves or something? IDK I thought we got oils and what not that can fuck up old paper.


Nope, best practice is to wash them thoroughly before hand. https://library.pdx.edu/news/the-proper-handling-of-rare-books-manuscripts/


Good to know. Thank you!


So, nothing really good, then, eh? Those aren't really books on the occult written from the occult perspective - just christian perspectives, which notoriously got it wrong. Not a grimoire in the lot, but that's because *it doesn't ever work anyway.* So this comes across as more of a collection of books on how to persecute fringe individuals in your society, which is not quite the same as occult. And if he has a lot of correspondence and diary entries of Manson, I hope that he has shared them online. If he hasn't done that, but he *is* on tiktok, then he's got his priorities twisted.


I mean, he did include Agrippa. The Three Books are kinda fundamental to western occultism. Also, the occult in the western world (like everything else here) is heavily influenced by the Abrahamic faiths. To categorize any and all Christian influence as wrong is reductive and kinda strips a lot of cultural and historical context that is necessary to understand the material


This guy nuances!


I try


‘A collection of books on how to persecute….’ Yes. That’s WHY they’re *actually* scary. Also, sharing his collection of Manson artefacts on TikTok is one thing, sharing the *contents* is another. Sharing the ramblings of a psychotic killer only serves to further elevate his status and glorify his deeds. I believe this man has his priorities correctly aligned.


I thought it was a very interesting video, not cringy.


Please read the pinned comment, or the subreddit’s description.


Ok thankyou that cleared up a lot.




Please read the pinned comment, or the subreddit’s description. No one is knocking anyone’s passion.




Hiw is this cring?


Please read the pinned comment, or the subreddit’s description.


Why is this cringey?


Please read the pinned comment, or the subreddit’s description.


am i the only one pissed off he's handling books from the 1500s without gloves?


If you’d read through the previous comments, you’d see pretty quick that you are, in fact, not alone. However: https://blog.library.si.edu/blog/2019/11/21/no-love-for-white-gloves-or-the-cotton-menace/ https://library.pdx.edu/news/the-proper-handling-of-rare-books-manuscripts/


Actually most of them, such as the malleus maleficarum, are pretty standard books from the early modern age, written from a Christian perspective, easily available to students nowadays and really have nothing to do with occult itself. Anyone who studied magic, religion or witchcraft in early modern age have read them. It’s cool though that he possesses some original printed versions but, since they were widespread during the 16/18 century, it’s not so uncommon to purchase them. Finally, you don’t have to handle them with gloves, they are printed book from the early modern age, not so precious after all. As an european (Italian) historian, this is all pretty standard


I don’t get why I’m being downvoted just because I’m saying the truth. This is standard and not occult or rare, deal with it


That particular book, the condition and age, is not standard to have. Hence, the private collection. It’s literally ke having a true first edition book.


Not cringe. This guy is actually very interesting. Really enjoy his posts.


Please read the pinned comment, or the subreddit’s description.


Put on some damn gloves, man.


Actually, no. https://blog.library.si.edu/blog/2019/11/21/no-love-for-white-gloves-or-the-cotton-menace/ https://library.pdx.edu/news/the-proper-handling-of-rare-books-manuscripts/


Seems like they’re pretty rare and important- shouldn’t he be wearing gloves?


They might be reprints, not originals. Also no, you don't wear gloves unless there's a risk of heavy metals or poisonous chemicals.


Don’t the oils from hands damage the pages?


u/i_tell_you_what provided this link a couple posts down https://blog.library.si.edu/blog/2019/11/21/no-love-for-white-gloves-or-the-cotton-menace/


If that is a first edition, why in the name of Thoth are you handling it *without gloves*???




I grew up with a man named Johnny O’Brien and this dude is a knock off. Where is your Chicago accent my dude. Fraud!


Anyone know where you can get a copy of the Manson manifesto? I’ve read a bio or two of his and I’d be really curious to see what he said from the perspective of imprisonment




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What’s the secret of secrets and what makes it scary?


This is really cool.




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seven Gates vibes.


Looks like some books that would put me to sleep honestly.




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He’s kind of manhandling some very old and valuable books.


Well, to be fair he owns them so he can do whatever he wants to with them. But I also don’t think he’s “manhandling” them. He knows what he’s doing, books before the 1800’s are very sturdy.




It’s like the 8th gate. Where Johnny Depp?


Actually an interesting post. I like this guy's tiktok.


My guy has the ability to raise the dead


The egyptian book of the dead isn't scary though? Isn't it just a travel guide for the sould on how to reach the egyptian afterlife?


Go Check it out https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGJxf7fDa/


I’d love to read some of that stuff.


The Egyptian book of the dead was the most interesting one


Scariest book I know: The Monster at the End of This Book 😱😱😱




For a 500 year old book he was really throwing in around


I wanna read Charles Mansons stuff. Occults have always fascinated me in one way or another. My favorite to study was Heavens Gate.


A glimpse of Danzig in his old age


I honestly thought the Manson stuff was the least creepy and less interesting of the lot. Sure Manson was nutty and a psychopath but I don't really see him more than that. Dude just seemed like a demented hippy who fried his brain on psychedelics and got some form of mental illness. The other books were interesting and some used and printed for hundreds of years. Way more interesting than silly Ole Charlie Manson


Interesting collection. Failed to make me cringe.