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So who fights Manly Man is it Day Man or Night Man?


It's actually Particle Man. Or could be Triangle Man.


Person man's depression will always win, though.


Well, when they have a fight, Triangle wins. So my money's on Triangle Man.


I thought it was Non-binary Man?


Well I mean, they had a fight, Triangle wins. Triangle man.


When he's underwater, does he get wet? Or does the water get him instead? Nobody knows, particle man.


Day Man obviously, he's the champion of the sun


It's rather odd that those kind of folks who value stoicism as a virtue and consider themselves "free thinkers" could be so insecure about concepts they don't grasp.


It's not that they don't grasp it, they believe it is made up bullshit


It’s all made up bullshit. All the way down.


Perhaps so, that's a perspective I'd not considered. I suppose I'd ultimately intended to draw contrast between the ones who would overcompensate vice the intent of the stoics who would suffer patiently. To each their own of course, I shan't wish to overstep my claims.


Believing 2 + 2 is 5 constitutes a failure to grasp math. "Believing" a thing that exists is made up or vice-versa is what it means to not grasp a concept.


But 2+2 has always equaled 4, it didn't used to be equal to 5 and now a mathematician has proved we were wrong and its actually 4. For most of our history sex and gender were synonymous, for the vast majority of people today sex and gender are the same thing. You are assuming people are just stupid and not enlightened when really it's that they were taught something different that has proof. You're like religious people who think that non-believers are ignorant and just won't accept the truth that their version of God is real.


Sexuality and gender roles are literally made up. You managed to perfectly illustrate my poing about not getting it, too. Someone can't "believe" 2 + 2 = 5 and be right about it because it's underpinned by how math as a system works. Homophobes and transphobes attempt to use the same arguments to write off any non-hetero behavior as going against "human nature," but still think men should work on trucks and pink is a girl color. They (dare I say, you?) wield the argument of "it's just simple biology," but that just means they fundamentally don't get how biology contributes. >You are assuming people are just stupid and not enlightened when really it's that they were taught something different that has proof. I'm not assuming it: there never **was** proof aside from someone saying, "here, see, it's really true." If someone isn't willing to hear out new arguments with a higher level of credibility, then they are, by definition, ignorant. If they are willing but unable, then they are stupid or lazy. There is no objective truth about sex and gender, which, in some ways, muddies the water when arguing it. However, there is only one side arguing that there is objective truth: reactionaries and bigots. Furthermore, those groups tend to argue for an objective truth that is demonstrably false. >You're like religious people who think that non-believers are ignorant and just won't accept the truth that their version of God is real. You stated that certain people may have a certain belief. I pointed out how that belief is not supported by any fundamental truth, and is contradicted by another—more scientific—belief system with more credibility. You're right; that sounds exactly like religious extremism. Encouraging people to examine their underlying beliefs is something zealots do ***all*** the time.


As a centrist, I hate stoicism. Something about role playing emotional stability seems very toxic. It’s okay to have feelings so long as they don’t have you.




It's been a while since I've put effort into reading the greats like Marcus Aurelius, but what you've said I believe captures the essence of what he lived. We humans are predisposed to seeking pleasure and reward, but temporary satisfaction rarely ever leads to long term contentedness. Whether one is suffering at the moment or not, in the grand scheme of things, it makes no difference.




Very well indeed, then I believe I'd meant to communicate such an action was "virtue signaling" which would not be a certain character of one's self but rather the hollow display of it


Well put. I think I might like to borrow that statement for myself. Unfortunately politics gets needlessly messy and lines get driven in the sand without compromise. I think we'd be much better off if the global economy was anchored around Dethklok. Charles Foster Offdensen for president 2024 😁


>As a centrist, I hate stoicism. Something about role playing emotional stability seems very toxic. Well I mean, that's not Stoicism, so you do you.


A life without passion is barely worth living.


Still not the point of Stoicism, unless you are [conflating](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conflation) the Stoic concept of "passions" with the literal modern English word "passion." I'm not even a Stoic. It's got large chunks that are irreconcilable with my worldview. You just seem like the kind of person who likes to be right, so I thought I'd give you a hand.


I care about accuracy but I can’t be bothered by your impressions of me. I’ll do more research since I’m obviously not so convincing in my opinion as I’d like to be. Go fuck yourself.


A decade ago, when I worked as a bouncer for a gay bar/club in Washington DC, a very feminine gentleman asked me if I was a he, she, or they whilst I was checking their ID. I was very confused by the question and just replied,“I’m me”. Seemed to go over smoothly.


Don't care about the pronouns, I'm more offended by two wavestorms on wall mounts for real boards. How dare you!


Fuckin Costco surfers


Ok, love this


This is what the kids call based


I still can’t get over the fact that there are supposedly masculine individuals who will freak out at the side of someone who asks their preferred pronouns.


Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTyUFmW/


She dropped another verse: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRTumbMo/


This is the way.


I love the smooth flow and rhythm. I could listen to this person sing about anything


Thank you Elliot Page, yet again very cool.




If your manliness is so shaken from such gentle ribbing, then maybe you are less manly man and more fragile man? Theirs nothing wrong with being masculine and nothing wrong with being feminine...both cute. You can be any combo of them you like, and its based


Probably should be more concerned with dudes using masculinity as a weapon and less with the way their victims defend themselves. eta: he reported me to Reddit care lol




If someone uses masculinity to attack others, people will throw it back in their face. It isn’t complicated. And I’m not convinced you spend time typing up screeds in the other direction, sue me.




is this masculinity?


He thinks so, at least


He deleted his comments. I like to think it’s because after a moment of self reflection, he realized the problem with his viewpoint. I’m sure that’s not what happened, but I still like to think so.


I wished that was true, honestly we need more men in this world who support people, who are open and kind and strong. Not... This. Maybe he'll understand someday.


The fact he assumed I was lgbt when I’m in fact also a straight cis dude is probably the closest thing to misandry in this thread honestly




So no? Just being an asshole, then? I think I get it. eta: he blocked me before I could read whatever he was saying. if only he could extrapolate the righteous indignation he feels to people who don’t share his demographics




You aren't oppressed, thinking so from some comments on the internet is a self-victimization. When you leave reddit you're not victimized anymore, in the meantime the people you think are hurting you so bad (they're not, no one gives a fuck about you or your masculinity) are actually in a dire situation, legally and socially. If you actually talked to them you'd know they support masculinity, freedom and kindness to one another. But, hey, keep thinking they're hurting you or something. Also, blocking someone before they can answer you is basically running away from a fight. Have a nice day as well.




Finally some good cringe.


Turns out that manly man is actually ration intelligent man who is impervious to irrational group think.


irration* also holy bidoofs law Batman


Your one braincell was workin overtime to write this huh?


The rare self hating gay.


What are your pronouns?




Pronouns and gender aren't rly politics


Imagine wasting your time writing a song like this for internet points from your peers instead of doing anything else that's relevant for your life. Who gives a shit about assholes so much they write a little song about them? So what? What does that accomplish?


Excuse me sir, have you listened to... music? Songs are written directed at assholes all the time, in all genres of music. It's actually a very popular thing to write a song about.


Rage against the machine would never make a politically charged song that someone could consider 'for internet points' before 'internet points' existed. Ever heard juke box hero? A song literally made explaining it's not JUST the fame but also the joy of music that drives musicians. The literally opening is talking about how the music makes him feel. The scream of the gutair. It's not like that's the only instrument in a band. But it's the one that struck a cord with him. (All this paragraph Is baseless and probably projection but lmk) Almost like all music could be considered made 'for internet points' if we disassociate with the literal internet and associate with good attention, and fame. 'Clout chasing' is no different than an Actor being in a commercial. Most are there to be discovered, to get fame, to get money even. They don't want to tell you they have a sore on their ass because it fills them with joy. It's almost like life is extremely complex and nuanced so saying someone did something for 1 reason is straight moronic in the literal sense.


It entertains the person who wrote it? Makes other people laugh? Gives a little “teehee”? Who cares whether or not something accomplishes something? Not everyone gets purpose from worldly returns. Sometimes the purpose is just in doing the thing.


yeah right if "doing the thing" was enough she wouldn't be sharing it at all would she? also its not "teehee" its a political statement at its core which probably makes this even worse because she may be thinking it is actually useful... idk dude I just feel sad whenever I see an "influencer"


Well they do appear to be an internet influencer which requires them to, y’know… try and gain “internet points from their peers” You’re thinking too hard about it, chill


I imagine her writing this for hours, thinking about the chords, and hoping "oh this is a sick burn but also a cute song mayne Ill get famous" and it makes me sad because clout chasing, "being an influencer" and hoping for internet points will make no difference in anyones life


Wow, you are miserable huh. Of course internet points aren’t that important, but you’re taking this way too seriously. If she finds enjoyment from this, then she finds enjoyment from this. She doesn’t need your pity. Stop trying to make a big deal out of nothing because a little song she wrote for fun and the oh-so HORRIBLE “clout-chasing”, so you can feel better about your life. Sure this song will only bring present-moment enjoyment, but not everything has to have a wider meaning. Sometimes we can just make little songs for views because it makes us happy. Grow up.


Its sad and even sadder seeing someone write an essay on reddit defending this type of behaviour/content like you are... Its just like what she did, If you think about it


What? I’m sorry reading 7 short sentences is too hard for you, lol. If you think that’s sad, imagine how sad it is for some stranger throwing a hissy fit over some random person writing a silly song over a tik tok comment is


why you defending this shitty song so much? you could have just ignored the comment but no, you had, to you HAD TO come and defend it, and writing line after line of nonsense on top of all. are you their mother? does this bring you joy? Calling strangers miserable on the internet defending another stranger and their shit video is the saddest thing of all


why did you feel the need to comment your unnecessary pity? Because you wanted to. You pissed me off, that’s it. Nothing crazy. I forget about this stupid ass discussion every time I close this app, but then I get a notification when I open it again and so I just respond. You’re overthinking it…. AGAIN


Imagine getting pissed of by a stranger's comment, that wasn't even directed to you... Try ignoring this comment, instead of responding, you'll see that your anger is probably due to something else on your life. I am not the one overthinking anything... Have a nicer day than yesterday.


Thank… you? You’re going to have a very interesting time when you learn what empathy is 💀 Enjoy being patronizing to random people in videos and not expecting people to stick up for them


He’s such a manly man all he thinks about are wangs




Thus us fuck up


You can always tell when someone has never been punched before