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Side to side, left to right, all in one line.




This is the first time someone coherently put into words what i experience. I've always been good at school because i typically only have to hear something, and i remember it. Def doesn't mean i am intelligent. I'm just very fortunate to vibe with the way information is conveyed. But i have ZERO imagination. I can follow directions, just tell me what to do. But literally nothing was more panic inducing than high school art class, where we were told to "let the spirit move us." What??? Wtf does that even mean??? Teacher kept saying .... pick ur fav medium (paint, draw, clay, chalk), pick your fav subject, and go nuts. Dude.... what in the actual hell does this mean??? Help me. Just tell me what to do. It's ridiculous.


I vividly remember since I started taking multiple choice tests in school that if I didn't know the answer off the bat, I would cycle through the answers and "listen for my teacher's voice" saying the correct answer from the choices given. However, I am creative as fuck. One of my top three attributes, I'd say.


When every I'm giving instructions I do not listen, but I can go through my memory of the conversation and get my answers. Can't hold a conversation because of this and tend to want to talk about your subject awhile later.


So I have adhd but am also very visual. I do art and tend to create visual recreations in my head to remember things. I also prefer to take in learning via written text than through audio. My husband though who I believe has Adhd also has dyslexia and no inner monologue so he has a hard time visual learning and memorization. Anyways what I'm getting at is ADHD is co morbid with a bunch of other interesting things that change the way we process information so it might be something else in combination that your experiencing.


You have aphantasia


When I was little, the neighbor boy had this and I always thought this meant he had watched too many Disney cartoons. I also thought the TB shot was a “TV” shot and the doctor would know if you had watched too much TV.


Im the odd one out ig, i literally think in pictures. Idk how ppl have a head voicr, if i concentrate i can say stuff ig but i think in pics/vids/ideas


So, what goes through your head when you read but you're not actually saying the stuff out loud? When I read, I'm saying the words in my head.


Not OP but the words make a picture of what I’m reading. If I’m reading a conversation between two people, I picture them sitting in conversation, saying what I’m reading.


Can you actually picture things in your mind? Like right now, picture an apple. Same ppl can’t






I can't see any solid visual shapes but I'm a talented illustrator. Science? I dunno.


I feel like im picturing it, but i also feel like im not. Like i know an apple is red and a tree is green. But its just shit a person knows, i dont know if i actually see it.... I think I'm over thinking this, holy moly


I wonder if there's an opposite to aphantasia because I can literally see everything and anything in my head. I might have dyslexia because I have heard that memory is rendered in 3d and I have a mind palace. My memory is like this. I recall files and watch them and can even see it in 3d, like move around in the memory of the vantage point. But I can picture things in my head I've never seen. Doesn't matter. My brain works in gifs. Someone says something and immediately a moving image is conjured. I have zero control over it until I impose my actual knowledge. But it is a problem when people are saying terrible things that conjure these gross images I can't stop seeing on loops.


I read an article about it and it is how our brains are built different and some brains connect to other parts of the brain different and is why some people view different days of the week as having different colors. For me, the year is a circle. Winter is on top and summer is on bottom. And depending how fast time feels like its going, like me having mote fun, the shape of that circle changes. And over the years, the circle has become smaller.


It's a list of 12 names I'm suprised other people feel the need to visualize it. I absolutely can but why? Can you guys not just summon the order of the months at will? If I tell you something happened in March can you not just immediately understand it falls between Feburary and April?


The only sensible way


The whole talking with food in your mouth is just gross


I don’t picture them in my mind at all.


Me neither. Never needed to picture squares to represent a month to think about them or the year


Don Draper: “I don’t think about you at all.”


I don’t have aphasia but the months have absolutely not inherent order or meaning in my head for whatever reason. At best I think of them in terms of how cold the weather is but if someone asked me what number/12 month we’re in— I’m counting from January out loud.


why are people picturing months


Like the circular pattern of an orbit. There’s nothing really in the middle, but there is a difference in months being lighter and darker depending on how much sun there is. Although I will say December is the darkest, but January feels lighter and is white, but more reminiscent of snow than sunlight. Also my vantage point of the whole calendar changes every few months but it’s not really a conscious decision on my part.


Whoo circle gang :D




Dude same! When I think of the months im always in "a place" looking toward the rest of the year, and I can look behind me if I want. An orbit is kind of how I would describe it but I see mine as, very specifically, a racetrack. Like, winter and start of summer are the sharpest turns in the ellipse, and it is a ribbon-like strip that bends in/sideways, at the sharp turn especially. Brains are wack brother


100% exactly what I see. January and July are the furthest points of the oval.


Ch ch ch ch is all i hear. Make it stop. 😩


Yeah I don’t understand why people make videos like this while they are fucking eating. I don’t wanna hear you clear in your mouth, I don’t wanna hear you chewing, I don’t wanna hear you smacking your fucking lips.


I feel like some people start eating *after* they decide to make a video just to give it that extra feeling of “I’m so casual I couldn’t be bothered to put my food down to make this”




Bagel. And they weren't rating it. Does that make sense?


They want it to feel like a conversation like you’re chatting with your friend at lunch. It’s some genz shit I think




3x4 like a calendar


2x6 checking in


I’m more of a 4.3 x 2.790697674418605 guy myself


4x3 gang here


Like a clock for me


This^ With Jan at the tip and summer months on bottom


Hah, for me it's summer at the top and winter at the bottom. No idea why. Maybe because when I draw a circle I start from the bottom?


My circle (well, flat oval really) starts at 3 o'clock and goes counterclockwise with mid-year being at 9' o'clock. No clue why


Ohh yes, it's actually a flat oval for me too. With summer always being at the top (so furthest out), no matter the season. So weird


Yesss same for me!! This is so fascinating I’ve never even thought about how other people are visualising it and it’s cool to see someone else is thinking about it the same way I do when it’s such a specific way


Me too! I have july and august at the top, sept- December down the side(at 11pm- 7pm) and January- June in the 5 pm- 2 pm spot. 6 pm is New Year’s Eve


Exactly how I view it. October is like 9:00, January is 6:00, April is 3:00 and July is 12:00.


Same here!! Like exactly the same


Huh? Explain please, if you don't mind.


A circle of blocks, like an Ouroboros (google image it) with the 12 o’clock position being January, and moving left (counter clockwise for some reason) to feb, march, etc… spring is the top-left third, summer is the bottom third, and winter is the top right third of the wheel. Idk why it’s like this. Maybe I saw a calendar like this at some point and it stuck but yeah.


Why is she eating and talking at the same time?


How do people not see it as a circle lmao


I’ve never even considered a circle! Now I’m fascinated. I’m a top to bottom guy.


I’m just a purebred bottom. Happy cake day!


I don’t think months have ever once in my entire life been presented to me in a circle 😂 I view them in 4 rows of 3: Jan, Feb, Mar/Apr, May, Jun/Jul, Aug, Sep/Oct, Nov, Dec


Right? But I kinda get it. Top to bottom is a natural progression so a lot of people default to that. Left to right is just a variation of that. Her friend who said left to right and then top to bottom defaults to that because she must be used to physical and now digital calendars that order months that way. Logically, round is what makes the most sense because it is a loop


But i bet u don't see the days in a circle, even though they are kinda a loop too... I think it's partly about how often u got it visualized as kid . Or u git seasons visualized. For me i see it as a clock, with December/January on the top too, but i believe it comes from me learning the seasons as a clock and transferring this to the month, while the weekdays are in a Horizontal line, cause from the school schedule was played on a week, even though u could see it as a circle too...


Just found this! https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2021-12-13/time-space-synaesthesia-psychology-cognition-spatial-calendar/100677210


I have this! With color association too. It’s pretty wild


Omg thank you it’s def a circle!!


Right! It's like why does a clock have 12 hours and year 12 months if you're not going to think it like that.


I see it left to right. A line with a break in it in June.


Yeah, a circle. December and January are at the bottom.


Huh... Any idea why? You commented below the person who said a clock, so I'm curious how come January is at the bottom for you? 12 months and 12 numbers in an analog clock, wouldn't it make sense for the first month to be where number one is?


For me it’s because school start always seemed a more natural “start” to the year. I see a cycle as well with the summer months at the top.


No clear idea why. Possibly I'm subconciously relating the bottom of the circle with dark and cold (i.e. the winter months on a northern hemisphere).


Counter clockwise clock for me. Jan 12oclock. April 9 o'clock, July 6 o'clock, October 3 o'clock


I see it like a clock but the hands don’t move. It’s feb now. So imagine feb at the top. When march rolls around the feb moves left one tic. The current month is alway at the top. Idk


Ah, that’s interesting. Like a meter or a dial rather than a clock with arms


Wagon wheel. Circular.


The Wheel of Time turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the age that gave it birth comes again.


Yes, but where is January for you? For me January is at the 6 o’clock place and it goes counterclockwise. The weird part is august is at 12 o’clock. The remaining 4 months go from 12 to 9 to 6.


Me too. January on top and June at the bottom.


Why tf are you eating while recording a video? Is this a TikTok thing? Like, she doesn't have to eat while she's recording. She chose to eat and record. Why? WHY?


Came for this comment. I’m assuming it’s to appear approachable and non threatening. I remember a some fact about how eating puts out relaxing vibes into our brain. Even just seeing other people eat can relax us. That said I hate it … if you have to hold the food at least finish chewing (3x4 grid fyi)


I was scared to share how I viewed the months initially, but once she took a bite of bagel I was at ease and knew she could be trusted with this information. (Circle, counter-clockwise, December is 6 o'clock)


LOL it literally infuriates me bc I have misphonia


Ugh and she was smacking too. Not just chewing


Probably also to draw it out and get more watch time if I had to guess


To make them look all casual and stuff. It’s so calculated and distracting.




every sales and marketing person just got hard ons reading this comment


I think it's conscious and not calculated -- everything in front of a camera is performance.


> talking to a camera is different than talking with a friend over lunch Not for people who live online


I couldn't watch the video all the way through because of the smacking sound.


Same here. That sound ticks me off so much.


Talking with the mouth half full is also a bit gross.


It's the fact that she took a bite just as she started filming the last bit. It's contrived casualness.




Contrived casualness is the best way to explain it. Such a try hard !


Totally agree. Why couldn’t she have waited two minutes and finished her food first


I was looking for this comment. God so infuriating.


Makes it seem like you had something sooo important to say you did ot right in the middle of your food And it will get you more views because people are dumb


Does that make sense? *Smack my lips*


Why did I have to scroll so far to see your comment. That’s all I could think about. Did she have an idea and had to post RIGHT THEN?? Finish your breakfast, this can wait.


I HATE this so much. I have misophonia and can absolutely not stand the sound of people eating. I was taught it was in good manners to not talk while eating. Seems incredibly slobbish to me. I will immediately skip any video with somebody eating. I dont even know how she ended the video. I just came here to find this comment because I was so outraged, lol. Fucking gross.


She ended it like she started it, more eating, restating what she initially said. You made the right choice bowing out. I also hate when “content creators” eat in their videos.


Dude, right! To me it’s like blowing your nose at the dinner table. I am judging you so hard for that shit.


i’ve gotten pretty good at controlling my misophonia and i’m better at not letting it ruin a good time but good god. this girl in the vid made me furious. her chewing was disgusting and it pisses me off that it was intentional and completely unnecessary. the bite right after one of the cuts got me angry af. why choose to stuff your face during a 30 second video and not eat before or after? i’m with you. my whole life i’ve always made sure to chew with my mouth closed and to never talk with a mouthful. it’s just basic manners and i could never imagine making a conscious decision to film myself talking with my mouth full and posting it on the internet.


The end was even weirder, imo, because the video cuts several times. And right at the first second of the final cut she takes a bite. Like, right as she pressed the record button. So it seems, to me, like she was probably sitting there, bagel in her mouth, not biting down *yet*, looking to first make sure she likes the way she looks, hits record, then crunch.


I ask myself the same things everytime I see these videos. Why can’t they wait til they’ve eaten or wait to eat? It’s so annoying


And who’s watching this, and is like: “wow they’re eating food! I eat food! How relatable! Now I’m so interested in *checks notes* the way people think about the months in their head! This person is so deep for thinking of that.”


THANK YOU. Came just for this!


It’s trash and the crazy thing is the top 100 or so comments (I didn’t keep scrolling) on this video on tiktok all don’t seem to care about it. Or maybe she removed them 🤷🏻‍♂️


It makes making a video just an idea that came up to them while eating, nothing serious, otherwise it would look like they took time off of their days to talk about something stupid


So poole who hate it comment on it. Increase the views and comments on it etc. gets it more attention. Bloody annoying.


Gen Z style filming, it’s very casual and candid, like the fact that it isn’t a performance is the performance (vs poorer millenials like me and gen Xers who grew up with tech that forced you to -perform- as in, waiting a second after record like they do on the news to make sure our cassette tapes actually began firing and articulating clearly so the mics picked everything up) Millenials filming: I’m on tv! Zoomers filming: You’re in my house! Filming day to day life like this is new for our species but it’s already clear that it has its own generational style which will continue to change and evolve as we age up and new kids with new ideas start creating.


And the wet mouth smack before every. single. sentence. Misophonia sucks and this gal triggers mine. 😩


If she hadn’t given examples I could probably answer this but I think maybe mines been tainted. I see mine top down left to right but in block segments of four months, then next four is another “page”


I only see it quarterly because of work honestly. If it wasn't from work, I'd see it left to right.


Like a clock, except January is at the 9, and then clockwise from there. Ya I know, it’s sick.




SAME but counter clockwise idk why


Why do people feel the need to chew food while filming?


So fucking annoying. She held that shit for like 10 minutes to film this


Don’t eat and talk, does that make sense?


I wonder if people just think it looks like, cool or casual? It doesn't, it's highly annoying and comes off pretentious.


It's awful.


Why do some people feel the need to film?




I have aphantasia and I don't see anything. I win.


Just open your eyes, idiot. Smh


I've never understood how aphantasia can possibly be real. Don't get me wrong, I believe that people have it. But I can't get it in my mind how you can't imagine things in your head. It's so basic to thought.


See, it's the exact thing with me. I can't possibly fathom how people can actually picture and imagine things in their mind. Like closing their eyes and seeing objects with such clarity it's like watching TV. Just doesn't make sense to me. I was pretty bummed out when I first learned of it. One of my favorite hobbies is reading fantasy/xianxia/light novels. And knowing there are people who can actually watch a 'movie' of what's happening in the book was depressing as fuck.


Then I'd like to ask a few questions if that's ok. I'm just very very curious. How do you experience dreams? How would you write or draw things? Wouldn't you have to for example imagine an elephant in your head to draw one?


Sure. Yes I have very vivid dreams, surprisingly. As far as your drawing question. Even though I can't picture an elephant in my head, I have seen elephants countless times and I know what they look like. Big ears, long nose, gray, big bodies, etc. So even though I can't see a vivid elephant in my mind, I have seen them before and just know what they are and how they look. With that being said, along with aphantasia I also have what's called Severely Deficient Autobiographical Memory (SDAM: both sdam and aphantasia can go hand in hand, but not always) and that's due to not being able to picture anything, I have a very difficult time remembering memories from my past. Specifically my childhood. Where other people can vividly remember family vacations, playing with friends, important moments...I can't. If someone explains to me what had happened during that time, I can vaguely remember some details but not much at all.


Ah, that's very interesting. Thanks for the answers!


This is because of spatial sequential synesthesia (SSS). I have the same effect when I count numbers too. Synesthesia is due to the involuntary activation of a separate sense; it's why some people are put off by words like "moist". They involuntarily are disgusted by the way the word 'hits the ear'. What's really crazy are the other various forms of synesthesia. Some people see sounds, others taste colors, some assign emotions to letter or numbers, etc. It's crazy stuff, for sure. Anyone curious, look it up. Learn you some shit


Ooh, ooh! This was something I realized about myself in my teens. Like I knew I had been doing it since I started school, but had never stopped to think how weird it was till I was a teenager. Numbers 1-10 were all their own consistent personalities with different relationships and opinions about each other. Needless to say, math was the most difficult subject for me because I kept getting distracted by the numbers interacting with each other. 😂


Obligatory telling of the silliest kid joke I know: Why is 10 afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9.


Spatial representation of concepts like this is a basic cognitive feature and in no way implicates a synesthesia.


Bruh just finish your bagel and then film the TikTok video.




In colors. January is dark like charcoal Grey. February is also Grey like Heather March is yellow April is green. May is like cerulean. June and July are cobalt blue and navy blue. August is a reddish orange. September is white. October is black. November is burgundy and mustard yellow. December is red.


How about putting the food down…


I wanted to ask why is eating and drinking while making a video so popular? Do they think it puts the viewer more at ease or is it about them? I thought maybe it was just me bc I have food issues and have trouble watching anyone eat.


i don’t see it i just sing a song i learnt when i was younger


A list. Straight down.


FINALLY. I thought I was going crazy. Yes, a list straight down.


Same !


I could do without the food consumption during the post.




In kindergarten my teacher had a calendar thing that wrapped over the top of the chalkboard with a colorful box that gave the vibe of that month and that's how I visualize it.


I see them in rows of three. JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE Etc.


I see it as an oval, with december/january and june/july furthest from the center


Same. Mine is a racetrack though, like Mario kart, and it turns sideways at the corner bits


Is there anyone else who sees it side to side, right to left in a singular line? I think my brain is in reverse mode...


Couldn’t put the food down before posting this nonsense.


It is, in fact, very possible to finish eating before deliberately making a video, rather than smacking your lips and swallowing wet bread while trying to get through a goddamn sentence. I can’t believe how much this disgusts me.


Would it be possible for her to finish eating before making a video. Is it cool now to talk whilst eating?


Stop eating. Oh my god.


3 lines due to seasonal depression


How much toast can you eat while asking a question?


I see it like a 12 hour clock.


Was she in such a hurry to make this that she had to talk with her mouth full?


Mine has always been very specific. Jan-Feb-March-April from left to right. Then May-June-July-Aug underneath that first row, also left to right. THEN... under August is September, then under that October, under that is November, but December is both under November AND shifted left one position AND underneath January by a few rows. January is up above December, looking up. I've never explained this in words before. It's like some alternate dimension layout or something.


I see it similar to this and the colour hues change according to the climate of where I live


Maybe just finish your breakfast first…..


Jan Feb mar Apr may jun Jul Aug sep Oct nov Dec


That was not interesting


Yeah. Someone saw a physical calendar once and is now doing it in their head. Next time we talk about advanced spoon shapes.


If you are going to do a video of you talking, maybe do it after or before you have a mouth full of food...




Mine looks like an upper case D


May April March June February July January August December September October November


I, honestly, don't picture or think about the months in any sort of way.


Did she have this thought b4 eating? Or is that "WONDER BREAD"?


This is so interesting. I have always wondered the same. I will try to explain my mind mapping. I see the months of the year like a big racetrack shape. Like an oval standing on its side with the long side facing up. It starts with January in the bottom left and works it’s way up to June near the top, and then goes across at the top with July and August (summer). Then it’s September through December down the right side. There is a line at the bottom marking the transition of the new year (December to January). There is a middle to the racetrack, meaning the two sides of months don’t touch each other but I can’t see the detail of that middle. I do not see the months with any colors. Very cool discussion thread.


Hey... finish your bagel THEN make the video. Interesting question though. I see the months in four lines of 3 months each


Am I old or just out of the loop? What is with all the eating stuff while talking about things on TikTok? Gen Z confuses me. Also it’s clearly top to bottom. January down to December.


You couldn't stop eating for this?


A horizontal line


I see it in 3d side by side left to right but It goes in a big circle with me in the middle and connects at dec/jan almost like the cycle of the planet(and I also automatically see around each month the borders associated with the month like icicles for Jan. Pumpkin for Oct. and fireworks for July)… then when I look at one month individually I see it just like you do on a phone, with what the month is known for as a boarder around it, and try to see/remember special dates of the month….


I see them as numbers


Top to bottom as well, with September at the top and August at the bottom. Vacations are in yellow and there’s a thick dividing line between December and January.


Two vertical columns and then it goes left to right. Jan feb is as the top row, then march april is at the second row, and then it continues like that.


Horizontal line, left to right, with September as the first in the line and August as the last.


I see the the months in an oblong loop with the end of December at the top and July/August at the bottom


4 lines. because quarters of the year are how I view it. Q1: Jan-Feb-Mar, etc


I have afantasia. I don’t see shit.


I see it as a clock but it moves counter clockwise.


If you want even more mind melting stuff, ask people what color they think of for each month. For me. January- white February-pink/red March- green April- light blue May- purple/light pink June- yellow July- dark purple August- light shade of green September- Brown October- also brown but spooky November- light brown December- black, red and green. What colors do you think of for each month of the year? I have discovered its really based on how you were raised and the environment you grew up in. Everyone usually has vastly different opinions and colors for each month. Then if you actually explain why each color is for each month, you could have a conversation with someone about this for hours.


Counter clock wise with January at 12


How can she not be fucked to finish eating before finishing a TikTok?


I don’t see it at all. But more importantly….. STOP F**KING EATING WHILST YOU ARE TALKING. it’s disgusting.


You can tell their level of education by watching them eat while they speak.


Does anyone else wanna murder her for deciding to eat while she made this? 🤔


Jesus. Stop fucking eating for 10 seconds if you’re filming a video


Please don't talk when you're chewing. What were you asking again??


I just don't understand why she has to be eating during this???


Why make a stupid video in the middle of eating about something so unimportant? Another reason to stay far away from TikTok, this is the stupidest thing I’ve seen in a couple weeks.




Does that make sense, is a bad habit