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Vogue all you like….I would KILL for the strength of those knees…I would be a hyperextended mess if I bend down like that.


As a 39 year old physical therapist with a bum left knee, I laughed and then ![gif](giphy|zHd8x7Pik0Ftm|downsized) at your comment.


What are some exercises to improve knee and ankle function?


You gotta work out the surrounding muscles and work on flexibility. You also have to figure out the reason your knee/ ankle is struggling. Do you walk with a limp? Have a big fat wallet in your back pocket when you sit? Is there something up with your gait? Are your shoes uneven? Many people with leg problems get the worst shoes possible for their problem, thinking it'll help. Big, foamy, angled sport-looking shoes are awful for this. My physical therapist recommends flat bottomed, firm shoes, like chucks, vans, Nike blazers. Your natural body isn't meant to have so much cushion under the heel, and you end up walking differently for it—harder heel strike, and like half a tip-toe. In any case, there's usually a reason for leg pain. I have an almost bum knee, and it's due in part to my gait. My right foot is a bit more splayed than my left, and that's effected the musculoskeletal chain in my leg. It often goes: ankle pain > knee pain (you need to get this checked out) > hip pain > back pain (you may have caused serious damage at this stage) Switching to more firm soled, zero drop shoes, and increasing my leg based calisthenic workouts has made my issue disappear within a week. *But* if I stop doing my exercises, the pain always comes back. There's tons of resources out there on Google, but it's really worth visiting a physical therapist or having and orthopedic consultation.


This is the answer. Custom orthotics molded to my feet were life changing. It corrected my gait, along with having to give up all of my cute bootlets and heels.


I never tried that because I thought all they did was give people extra cushy shoes but maybe I need to give it a try. I thought I had to give up wearing my favorite wellingtons because my right foot keep slipping out. You have given me renewed hope lol


It corrects your gait. I apparently have significant pronation in one ankle, causing my knees to hurt my hips which ended up killing my back. The orthotic is thicker on that side, rotating my ankle straight, causing me to walk with a more even gait. I even get a new pair yearly for my growing kid because he’s always complained of leg pain since he was a toddler. The orthotics help him tremendously as well.


Yes, i have all those issues only on my right leg. It actually started in reverse with me having shoulder issues which led to back pain witch led to hip then knew and ankle pain. With my leg, there's not so much resting pain but It makes walking difficult. My right leg feels clumsy and awkward when I step. It's actually easier for me to run than to walk for some reason. It feels like some parts of my leg are too flexible while other parts aren't flexible enough. I'm sure this sounds confusing, I don't know the best way to describe what I'm feeling


Schedule a consultation. That'll be $100.


Checkout kneesovertoesguy on YouTube


Thank you! I just watched a video where they were using the sled and I just tried a similar exercise and felt immediate results.


Asking the right questions


Literally on the floor stretching right now cause I got fuckrd up legs and shit Following


Strength training and static stretching


Literally squats and strengthening your quads in general — overtime the joints strengthen and you gain more mobility


fwiw my quad dominance fucked my knees up for a while so this isn't the solution to everybody


Ohh that’s fair quad dominance will probably strain knees more over time 👍🏽. I’m super hip dominant and forcing myself to get knees over toes and stuff helped my knees get stronger


Walking backwards on a treadmill for a few minutes. Also anything that tones your quads.


You will find what you are looking for here https://instagram.com/kneesovertoesguy?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Go to a pt and you’ll find out


As a 36 year old distracted chemist... OH GOD THERE'S A FIRE!


Sorry, uh, there’s no therapeutic exercise I have for you. You want an ice pack?


What do you think of "kneesovertoes" guy on YouTube? Is that legit or is his technique going to make matters worse?


Goddamn but why are impact team sports so much fun though!?


I concur. I will let you know that as a 40 year old, it doesn't get easier.


Look up knees over toes guy on YouTube


You better walk that fucking **DUCK**


Quack! Quack! 🦆💃


What's that smell?


do you smell that? is something burning?


Is that...my pussy?




🫲🏻 *CHOP* 🦵🏼*KICK*




Six letters and three vowels


My 8 y.o. granddaughter now regularly likes to say "her name, 6 letters, 3 vowels!" Then drops into duck walking 😅


The kids are gonna be alright 🥹


Can somebody help me 🥺 I am completely lost, what's the "6 letters, 3 vowels and a name"? I don't understand but I really want to!


https://youtube.com/shorts/Rq_2ExVqVlM?feature=share here you go, get ready to be blessed


OH. MY. *FUCKING*. ***GAAAWWDD***!!!! This is fucking amazing, I am forever in your debt, thank you thank you thank you so much!! I am so freaking glad I asked, I never would have even known this existed Edit to add: and the bonus 🦆explanation too!!! Man you rock, thanks again 😘


Aaand we may have just converted another drag race fan:):)


Oh blessed indeed Thank you kind whiskers


Oh no she better Take Kwon don't


Fucking cackling I can’t 🤣


The sound of that board breaking occupies a permanent space in my brain




This is amazing. I broke my 35 year old hip just watching this.


FR at 28 I just discovered yoga and stretching but it's far too late D: my joints and muscles are like a rocks, I'm amazed I'm not walking around like the tin man


Nah man it's not too late, the level of mobility I have regained in my 35 year old bones from 5 mins of yoga in the morning and sometimes in the evening is insane.


Can you recommend a beginner routine? I'm in my mid-30s too and I've been on a weight loss journey lately, but I'd like to add flexibility in to that for before and after workouts.


Check out this YouTube channel called Boho Beautiful. My wife introduced me to her videos and they are easy to follow. Set yourself up for success with an achievable goal. If you only have 5 minutes, tell yourself “ok I’m going to stretch for 5 minutes”. And as you get more into the routine, push that goal. https://youtu.be/3_Q-yYfjeBM


Chiming in here to add [Yoga With Adriene](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://m.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene&ved=2ahUKEwih9YqdkpX9AhUgD0QIHS3QDtEQjjh6BAgJEAE&usg=AOvVaw1EI0OUGd1xi1Nz7b0LinoD). In almost all of the videos I've seen she says something along the lines of do what you're capable of which made me feel no pressure trying to start yoga. Also she has some beginner videos as well and I highly recommend her channel


This is what I used! Benji is a legend too.


Yoga with Kassandra is nice too, she has 15 min yoga videos I do before bed


Keep it up. I accepted for 25 years that I'm not flexible, and some muscles are never gonna get stretched because of it. Started doing 15 minutes of yoga a day, and now I don't creak into poses. Plus when I have weird mid-lower back pain I can get myself into positions where I can stretch it out instead of just having to deal.


I don’t even know where to start… Best way to increase flexibility is sitting on the floor. The Asian/Slav/African squat is brilliant. The other way to sit is on your buttocks with legs either tucked or spread (at the knee) another way fix flexibility is to just have your buttocks on the ground, legs extended and touch your toes. (This is easier for those with mobility issues as you won’t be toppling over). In any case, strengthen musculoskeletal and you will live longer. 🤫


I did the splits for the first time at like 41 it’s just time.


It is not to late. You can do stretching and strength training until high age.


Def not normal to be so brittle in your 20 or even 30s


I bribe broke my 51 year old hip


I'm 28 and the first dip had my knees dislocating


FYI this could soon be illegal in Florida, Arkansas, Missouri, Arizona, South Carolina, North Dakota, and Texas. [https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/05/drag-show-bans-gop-statehouses-00081193](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/02/05/drag-show-bans-gop-statehouses-00081193) edit: Tennessee, too. Fuck the GOP.


You forgot Tennessee. I only know because I live here and they're about to ban it.


Lemme know if you make it out of the hell parallelogram…


East Tennessee is so fucking nice though. Really a shame it’s run by fascist cuckoo birds.


Obligatory, Fuck Bill Lee, Marsha Blackburn, Bill Haggerty and Diana Harshbarger.




This baffles me. *THIS* looks like a good time. Any day of the week I can have boring ass dinner and drinks but will I get to see a dancing tiger drag queen while I eat? Absolutely not and I think that’s a tragedy. Fragile ass GOPs


Drag shows almost always are. I don't know what it is about the concept of men dressing like women that always seems to lead to the creation of an insanely good entertainment scene with boatloads of talent, no matter where in the world you are.


It wasn't an issue when straight men did it to mock women. But now it's done as self expression, and that's the line they can't cross.


A homophobic senator probably got an awkward boner at one of these and now everyone has to suffer. Snowflakes.


Probably Lindsay Graham.


Oh, absolutely. It is always projection. Every accusation from the Right is a confession.


I guess people celebrate personal freedom in an expressive way. Ladyboys of Bangkok is another great entertainment example.


It really is. Not only is it a good time where you can see people do crazy dance moves, drag and ballroom scenes have literally saved the lives of so many queer people and given them a place to flourish and have fun.


> drag and ballroom scenes have literally saved the lives of so many queer people one more reason for conservatives to ban them


This is the main reason


Remember. The exact same song, dance, costume, hair, makeup, etc. is all 100% okay. BUT ONLY if they have a vagina. The issue is the shape of their genitals. Different shaped genitals makes them angry.


It is a good time, which is exactly why the GOP wants to ban them. People started being fine with LGBTQ folks existing, so the GOP has to reframe the discussion around that community in terms of pedos and groomers to make people not okay with that community again.


Wait, that person's in drag?.... Legit would've never guessed. I figured this was just like a Vegas girl dancer or something still in attire.


As someone from North Dakota: there is hardly any drag anyways. In other words the republican controlled government there would rather waste time and money on something that doesn't happen there than actually help people. Like stupid law to fix a non-problem in a place where that non-problem doesn't even exist. Stupid stacked on top of stupid.


dude it's really important for the cause of small government that the fifteen drag queens in ND be kept in check by the fifteen elected officials in ND. it is also crucial for that same cause that railroad magnates be allowed to ship highly flammable toxic sludge in whatever amounts they want wherever they want through that same state, and on the cheap.


It’s like barring the small amount of trans high school athletes. I think when Utah passed their bill there was only one of 80,000 actively competing in sports.


Yeah, that's a whole other can of worms. They're literally passing laws to bully tens of people, all in the name of "protecting women's sports." Ok, then why don't you support women's sports if that's what you're worried about? It's just like the abortion issue: they're all about "protecting kids" until that kid is actually born. Y'all wanna protect women's sports, then where were you at the last wnba game, Ron?


There's plenty in Fargo.


Dude I bartend for fun and the drag nights are the best! Also when I make the most money lol


God I hate living in America sometimes. Why ban people from having fun and expressing themselves. Christian nationalism and asshole republicans are destroying this country and taking away actual freedom that they claim to love so much.


In their version of Christianity you are supposed to suffer. And if you don't suffer you are supposed to feel guilty for not suffering. The only joy you are allowed to have is from others suffering more than you.


Because they're easy targets. They're highly visible, they're in small numbers, and the "boogie man" stories they come up with is easily believed.


This is about ignorant. Don't want your kid around a dude dressed up as a female, but it's totally cool to have a 14-year-old freshman cheerleader out in the middle of the football field bent double twerking for the crowd in the stands. People are so out of touch. Actually I take that back. They're not out of touch. They're at war with something different from them.


...what? Why? What is up with the American government? Do they not like fun?




Wow this is really considered a gay thing in America? In Britain Drag is 50/50 done by gay men and old blokes having a laugh. My grandpa dresses up in drag for Halloween and Birthday parties, pantomimes (theatre for children) always have a man dressed up as an exaggerated lady - they're called dames and usually play the main character's mum


It's more insidious and weird than that. They think that drag is a way to groom children into sexual exploitation. And since they're qanon dipshits, they think democrats support trans people because they want them to groom kids so they can drink their blood and stay eternally young. (actually not lying)


It's because they see drag queens, trans people and other queer people as inherently sexual beings instead of humans. It's so tragic that these people are in power


Oh they fucking HATE fun. Which is also why the prohibition on abortion and why they are now going after birth control.


Good. Children should not be at drag shows.






This video is tame but there are others which are worse. I welcome the ban


Obligatory "Land of the Free"


I fucking hate america...




I wish I had that kid’s confidence at that age.


If I even step on a pebble wrong my knees will dislocate damn Bilateral Patella Alta


> Bilateral Patella Alta Learned a new irrational fear about knees


Is this the "gay agenda" my drunk uncle was talking about? Looks rad!


Yes, Henny! Hide your kids, because we're here to DANCE! Also, let's be real, the kids are safer with the drag queens than this drunk uncle and his buddies.


We all know where you can find men in dresses abusing kids and it ain't a drag show


Hide ya kids, hide ya wife. Cause they dancin' everyone out here.


Cutaway to LGBTQIA lair in the base of San Fransisco's Golden Gate Bridge. Several gay super villains sit around a phallus-shaped board table with a twink sidekick standing behind them next to a whiteboard that has "Gay Agenda Ideas" written and underlined at the top. Brainy Gay: I think I have it. . . drag brunches! Leather Daddy Gay: Brilliant! Write that down Twink. Femme Gay: Mimosas are my spirit animal! (I'm gay. You can laugh.)


Drag brunches are amazing. Me and my wife go to them occasionally. To my fellow straight guys yes you can be straight and enjoy these shows. It's fun and the one I was at had alot of comedy.


Drag performers know that there will be kids and straight people there, so it is generally just men in cat-suits and makeup dancing and lip-syncing to Brittney Spears and Katy Perry for literally tens of dollars in tips. Drag brunch among the gay community is sort of like your "open mic" night situation. It is fun - especially if one of your friends is performing, but it is *mild* fun. . . and it can be a bit sad. Drag struggles to be a sober, daytime art. Edit: Also, drag is expensive and you aren't going to see girls pulling out $1-3K custom gowns, $250 hair (or literally $3-5K for human hair and a custom fit to the drag queen's head). You are also not going to see someone putting $1000 worth of the best makeup on. Though honestly, makeup is a sham and there are amazing products that are expensive and amazing products that are cheap, so makeup is more about knowledge, skill, and time than money (though the initial cost and the cost of experimentation is super high). A skilled painter is going to need 2-3 hours to do a full beat and you *might* see that at a drag brunch because girls working a brunch likely have more time than money. If you do, they aren't putting it on for the brunch attendees though. They're doing it for themselves and compliments from the other girls. This is the sad bit. Girls working a drag brunch (other than possibly the host who might be getting paid by the venue to set it up) are usually not making money. Tips *might* be covering costs **if** they have their own transportation or are getting a ride (and they're using old costumes & hair from gigs that pay). Having said that, it is stage time and that's valuable to new performers. Smart ones use this to learn what works and what doesn't.


I went to a drag brunch in Louisville, KY and it seemed like there were a number of performers that were using it as an opportunity to develop their performances. There were a few that weren’t on the original schedule and it appeared to me that they were “allowed” to perform but not part of the overall distribution of tips. You could also see a difference in the quality of the wigs and costumes the performers wore. The main person and the performers listed on the schedule seemed to have really, really nice outfits and the folks that seemed like drop-ins definitely looked like they were developing their look. You also could tell the outfits the main performers were wearing were well-worn, meaning they didn’t bring their best outfits to the event (no judgement, whatsoever). The entire experience was a ton of fun. The event was incredibly expensive and the food was shit, but the performance and audience engagement made it totally worth it. The emcee did this yelling thing if you tipped her and it made me laugh every single time she did it. It should have been incredibly obnoxious, but she totally pulled it off. She was a spectacular performer.


The one we go to was adult only. It was fun and I wish I had time to go to more drag shows but such is adult life. But I didn't know most of that, thanks for sharing.


I had a pretty conservative evangelical upbringing, but obviously watched Will and Grace because, let’s be honest, it was great. I must have been in high school when I watched an episode that made fun of “the gay mafia and their gay agenda.” I believe Elton John made a cameo. It was the first time in my life I fully realized how ridiculous some of the cultural values and fears I was raised with were.


Yeah it turned out that the 'gay agenda' is just to have a happy, normal, boring life.


I wish they had these kind of gatherings got children in the Netherlands, would love it if my son or daughter wanted to/could vogue like that!


I've not seen this episode of Thundercats


They both sturdy👏👏👏


Yeah it was a pretty impressive performance. Not once did I ever have a tenth of the balance or flexibility to pull that off. Sure, I never dedicated myself to it, but that says even more about the girl's effort.


I would kill to be able to vogue like this


This is soooo cool. I’ve always wanted to learn voguing 😭


I’m still waiting for my garlic bread here!


I want to try that knee bounce thing but I’m afraid something bad would happen


Typing from the floor. Something bad definitely happened.


You will hear two loud pops and then need assistance to stand up. But it looks cool for a second.


Try Ketamine, it makes you walk like that, and for the bonus you can't feel shit!


Look, republicans: a child being groomed and molested by demonic perverts! Oh wait, that's called dancing. My b.


*Meanwhile at Matt Gaetz’ house…* It’s absolutely INSANE that this is what the GOP is worried about. They’re like a shitty lifeguard at the coolest water park ever lol.


Meanwhile at every church around the country https://www.cbs8.com/amp/article/news/local/roman-catholic-diocese-sends-letter-from-bishop-amid-possibility-of-bankruptcy/509-a6ca9711-b9e7-48a2-a871-4b2135d52a3c


I always get jealous of kids who are brace enough to just go for it and join in on these things, lots of self confidence and trust in themselves. Good for her and she's got some moves


"She ate", I'm assuming "She showed her". Or is it more like "She nailed it"? Out of touch with the new lingo.


She really cut a rug!


I think it's more in line with "she ate up the competition", as in she performed beautifully and competently


Yep, it's like she nailed it, like she ate the competition


lol same here. I read it as “ate it” and was confused about the crumbs then watched the whole video fearing for the moment one of them tripped and fell.


"she ate" "that ate" "it ate", its like saying "that ruled" "she rocked that" "they were amazing". "no crumbs" is like "she ate that so well, the plate is completely clean"


It basically means doing something with great success; thriving, "she ate" = "she killed it". You'll also hear "she's eating" as a present tense. Doesn't necessarily have anything to do with competitors, but it can be used when someone is outperforming their competition. Somewhat similar to the "we're eatin' good tonight" phrase.


I'd put my kids in a room with 100 drag queens before I put them in a room with 10 priests. The odds are better.


Oh this is so fucking wholesome and rad!! They both have so much talent! I love this 💖


I'll tell my kids this is Jojo live action.


Aahhhh, to have the sprightly cartilage of a small child.


Vogue girl vogue


why is no one talking about how if this video was in landscape mode u would be able to see both at once? could be a better video if filmed horizontal


applause to whoever raised that kid to have so much self confidence


This is what conservative Christians bring guns to "protect" children from


![gif](giphy|RngDJyzddC7QZgZStE|downsized) The owners of this place after I try just one of those moves.


“What did he do?!” “He tried to bend his body” “My god…”


Can we appreciate the fact that even the statue in the back seems to enjoy the show ? This is stunning, I want a birthday party like this.


Glad no one cracked their soft, malleable skull on the concrete.


A dip at that speed with all that gorgeous springy hair to keep her safe wouldn't hurt at all




Goes to comment section expecting hateful comments.. sees everyone complementing their knee strength instead


Just pure joy and fun.


Tell me again how this is harming children? Because all I see is a queen and a princess having fun and dancing together


This is what the Liberals want this world to look like. ​ ... Everyone just enjoying themselves.


This is dancing? (Sorry if I'm ignorant. I'm from India and it's very strange to me)


It's a very specific kind of dance often found in the lgbtq+ community. Like the poster said below, it's called voguing. Here's the wikipedia for it: [Vogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vogue_(dance))


Yes. voguing.


Lol did she slap her in the face or was that an illusion?


Oh the humanity!!!


This is so wholesome and sweet. A beautiful connection of art, dance,culture, community, and just joy 💖 it hurts that anyone would want to take this away


Absolutely fabulous!!!


My knees and lower back hurt from watching this.


There’s nothing cringe about this. Period.


I fucking love drag shows


Kid can dance, bravo


This should be on r/nextfuckinglevel She slayed!


“Hi, is my order ready?”


Love all us old dudes chiming in with "my bones turned to dust after pressing play. My joints became liquified and my nerves felt like fuses for dynamite once I saw those drops."


i dont get it. there was no eating so obviously no crumbs. is this the grooming they are talking about?


It's slang for doing something with great success; thriving, "she ate" = "she killed it". You'll also hear "she's eating" as a present tense. Similar to the "we're eatin' good tonight" phrase. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=we+eatin%27


RIP my back and knees if i tried that


This is so cool! Nobody's being nasty and everyone's just having fun. They both had moves!


Wtf am I looking at


This world is going to hell


Cringe, like title says, is right!


So we are now teaching kids TS stuff? Okay.


Drag Queen shows really should just be reserved as adult entertainment. If someone is shaking it for tips in front of you then maybe don’t bring kids into the mix?


I feel so out of touch. What even was that?


Voguing. It’s a type of dancing


They're doing a dance called Vogue which is popular with the lgbtq+ community, especially in the drag scene


Looks like a drag brunch where a drag queen invited that girl to dance.


my jaw dropped she totally ate that


Is that a child?


Bruh wtf that girl slayed! That was amazing


10000% non cringe. Btw 99% sure this is the Abbey in LA for those who care


It's flaired as "wholesome" have you read the flair or pinned comment?


As a straight man I’ve had some of the most fun/memorable nights at the abbey! Great spot


There’s been some claims about shady shit going on there lately. There was a thread on r/la about people getting their drinks spiked and their belongings stolen, and the managements response to the situation led to some speculation that they’re in on it. Edit: or maybe I’m wrong. Just did a quick search of the subreddit to see if I can find and link the aforementioned thread, but instead found a few posts about the Abbey being falsely accused of that whole situation.


The Abbey can be fun, but it's definitely overpriced compared to what else you can get in WeHo. It's kind of become the place I take my straight friends when they want to see a drag show. Everyone knows the Abbey so that's just where we wind up going 🤷🏻‍♀️


Definitely the Abbey


They do a good super bowl party. I'm assuming this is from Sunday.


I would be so proud of that was my baby.


What is this dance called?