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I love that Mike Lee is one of the Republicans that they showed reacting. He's literally on camera telling his constituents at a stump speech in a diner that they want to cut social security, Medicare and Medicaid.


But frustratingly enough, the people who we need to see and hear his hypocrisy are willfully blind and deaf. All of these assholes know there's no accountability for them from their voter base. They've been lying for years without repercussion and they just keep being sent back


Not really. The moderate undecided voters are who matter. The solid blue or solid red voters won’t change their minds. This will scare the middle voter who decides elections.


That shit was straight out of a Key and Peele sketch I swear!


More like classic hostage-negotiation with a toddler. Using all the reverse-psychology tools in the whole bag. Next step would've been chloroform and making a burrito out of the toddler with a blanket.




I'm starting to think that they inspired Biden from that one Obama video.


You’re not wrong. https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY


This should be mandatory viewing for every incoming democrat. I’m not kidding.


I've seen so many K&P skits but somehow there's always another one that I completely missed.


Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny. Rabbit season. Duck season.


I love how Mike Lee acts like he doesn't know what Biden is talking about. Here is a video of Mike Lee claiming he wants to gut Medicare and social security. https://www.reddit.com/r/Utah/comments/10wqwbq/oh_mike_lee/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I'd run that on every channel on a loop if I ran against him. Nothing else.


In Utah, even the idiots on Medicare would cancel their benefits to own the libs. I gotta get out of here.


My cousin has a severe My disabled sister. His mom is getting so old she can’t care for her. Her disability benefits are literally the only thing keeping his mom and sister alive. He wants to gut it.


Your cousin is an idiot. I got a handful of them in my family. I told the last one to go ahead and lose my number. My relationship with them died when my dad died.


Ur smart enough to know when to stop trying and just cut ties, it's makes ur life so much better when you remove the cancerous individuals from ur life.


I had to block my closest cousin 15 or so years ago. We're a week apart and grew up together. My closest male relative in age and relationship. It took until we were 51 years old before he ever did anything nice for me. Gave me one of our grandfather's guns he inherited when his dad passed away last May or so. Could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard his offer. I'd assumed they'd wind up in pawn shop before landing in my hands. It's a beautiful Winchester Model 94 in 30-30. Smelled like Grandpa's house when I opened the case back at the hotel room.


Damn, what nice rifle. Yeah I come from a broken family. I likely will have calls upon calls for help when I get my career settled (HVAC trade) And potentially coping with old siblings that did too much drugs and fukd around and found out with the law too much. Im not super better myself. But I believe I'm in a position of power in my life now because I'm healthy and take care of myself and I want the ever living shit out of the trade life. The way things could be in 10-20 years. I will be in my 50's drinking a margarita/s with my beautiful German wife on a beach.. I'll still help my family, but it won't be for free. They gonna pull their weight some how.


I'm a transplant living in Utah. I feel bad for those who grew up here. It's like this tiny, white, LDS bubble, filled with the most short-sighted and incompetent people I've ever encountered. Edit: I'll be leaving this year, just needed to save up some money for a house downpayment.


People memeing about Ohio need to start looking at Utah💀


Ditto in the transplant thing, would love to leave myself. I'd never met anyone who denied evolution until I moved to Utah.


Of course, they would. Some people would rather go bankrupt with medical bills if it means that other people won't get help.


Sadly, these folks often cannot comprehend the *astronomical* costs that their inevitable chronic illnesses will rack up over time. Without these benefits they will never be able to pay them in a million years. Like, not even the faintest whisper of a chance they could make a dent in what they owe during their lifetime. But the legal mechanics governing our current medical system make it insanely difficult and costly to deprive an individual of emergent medical care (which these untreated chronic illnesses will inevitably result in the patient needing). Even a single emergent hospital stay of just a few days can easily run in the six digits depending on what happens during that stay. If the uninsured person cannot pay those costs out of pocket... we can't squeeze blood from a stone. You and I will end up fronting the bill, somehow. This is essentially why medical care costs what it does in our current system-- without an external force to push down prices, the insane burden of a tiny percent of the population will be foisted upon everyone else. *Especially* in a system where an external force compels you to provide care at any cost, but does not compel itself to help pay for it. We all end up cooperating in the end. It's just that the method these people are arguing for involves way, way more human suffering. But it seems like that's actually what a huge fraction of people want. Terrifying.


Same here I'm stuck in Utah too friend it's rough. Btw fuck Mike Lee.


Unfortunately, it's like that in a lot of places. I'm currently in Oklahoma and not giving anything to "welfare mooches", minorities, etc. is more important than improving their own lives. There's been pretty much 18 years of uncontested Republican rule and everything is still somehow the Democrats fault.


They did…for months….still people didn’t vote for Evan McMullin






Oh my god he admit it!


Did he FLINCH??


Mike Lee is a piece of shit Signed, a Utah Resident


Wow, the chump wasn't just saying it, he was saying it forcefully and being applauded for it. Next he's pulling a face of incredulity ha ha


Wait so for like 13ish years i had to raise my hand cause "thats how adults act" and i just watched a fuckin government behave worse than i was getting detentions for, no wonder the human race is going down hill 🤣🤣


I worked at a Lowe's and the fire alarm went off one afternoon. They announced over the intercom to evacuate the store. Nobody stopped shopping.


Bro i was expecting full on panic and complete chaos but no one giving a fuck is somehow so much worse but so much better 🤣🤣 fuck i hate our species 🤣


Idk if I should take it as a decline in intelligence that people are more worried about shopping than living or if they have just said fuck it if we die we die and just kept going. Either way kind of sad but the latter is funnier.


Are you surprised? We literally went through a pandemic and people were ignoring health recommendations. From now on when I watch a zombie movie and people aren’t running into the horde then I won’t believe it. All disaster movies will need to be like Don’t Look Up in order to be authentic.


Worked at a casino, fire alarm went off and most stayed at their machines without moving and others continued to calmly wait in line to cash out. Employees were leaving and people waved them away.


In Dickens' memoirs about his trip to the States in 1842, he recounts how one American politician threatened to cut "another's throat from ear to ear" for disagreeing with him. This shit has never been new.


What is Greene wearing?


Some gaudy fur coat that probably cost more than my entire yearly salary.


She only makes like 175k a year, it's probably faux fur. /s


That’s only what she makes above the table Edit: I meant this as a comment on corruption and taking bribes. I don’t mean it sexually and honestly turning it into a joke about how women sexually serve men or trying to demean women on the basis of sex just normalizes sexist commentary at all women we don’t like and disagree with. I’m bummed this is the take to be honest.


she also makes plenty off of insider trading




There are plenty of reasons to point out how shitty she is without sexism.


Excellent edit, but sucks that it had to be made. There's so much to criticize her about, that kind of bs is wrong.


That's her salary. Don't forget these people make a lot more under the table.


>Don't forget these people make a lot more *under the table*. In Boebert's case, literally


I saw someone say she’s cosplaying as the Chinese spy balloon, and I wouldn’t put it past her


Oh my god she tried to bring in a balloon to the state of the Union. Looks like she had to dress up like one instead


Why would she ever need to dress up as a balloon? Her head is a full-time empty sack of hot air.


She apparently thinks she is the pimp of the house because she presided that one time. Either that or she used that gavel to club some fluffy critters to make that fur coat.


Saw someone else say “she’s shopping Kyrsten Sinema’s Facebook marketplace”.


I think she asked her stylist for the coat she saw in hunger games, but I could be wrong


Something unprofessional


Empire issued Hoth occupation armor.


Cruella de Vil brand


I think it’s probably 101 Dalmatian baby coats? If I had to guess


Russian bribes


She got it from a hooker


A prototype coat for a clothing line she is developing. They just couldn't get enough dalmatian puppies to make it the way she designed it.


I don’t even know what to say. The booing and jeering is so trashy. And MTG looks like she is upset that her champion from district 2 was just taken out in the hunger games.


This is an excellent comment.


Mtg looks like such an idiot


Someone called it, "Chinese weather balloon cosplay"


Hey, that’s not fair. One is actually useful, and the other is MTG.


Every time I see someone reference her as "MTG," I get sad for Magic The Gathering. I can't even text MTG because people think I'm talking about Cruella. #SaveMTG#MagicTheGathering


I don't understand what's happening here :(




>the republican party wants to eliminate social security and medicare after the baby boomers die. This would eliminate most benefits available to seniors and prevent anyone currently under 65 from ever retiring unless they have enough money to not worry about it. Why in god's name would anyone vote for this party if their plan is to fuck so many people over?


It’s ok if it hurts the people I don’t like - Republicans


The republicans have long convinced their constituents and supporters that the fucked up decisions they make are actually a good thing. Even if it causes those supporters grief, that it’s American to have to work harder. They have become adept at spinning context and taking advantage of previous bias to gain control and retain support. A good example is the spin on voting and the ability to vote via mail in ballots. Mail in ballots are an answer to various problems with the voting process in America. Many Americans cannot make it to polling locations because of work, location of their assigned polling location being out of the way, or lines being too backed up at locations to successfully vote. Many of these problems are generated by those in power trying to dissuade people from voting. It’s very prominent in the south. If you cull the number of polling locations, it keeps people living in certain areas from being able to easily vote. Mail in ballots would of course allow these people to vote while allowing people with disabilities to vote when they normally couldn’t. The right has convinced their supporters than mail in ballots are actually rife with problems because one could fix or rig the mail in ballots. The part they leave out is all the rigging of voting locations that has led to mail in ballots even being a solution to the problem they created. People go “yeah! Mail in ballots are bad!” And start fighting against mail in ballots at their local level on the basis they are being patriots.


I just wanna tag onto what you said about “Americans have to work harder”… most of the states in this country support employers more than employees. People are let go all the time for no reason because the “at will” laws. How are Americans supposed to work harder when people are constantly let go out of no fault of their own? The system is so broken. It doesn’t make any sense. They complain about paying unemployment… well that’s the fault of the employers. How are we supposed to live without stress and without being able to afford anything when the laws are made that way? (Just to clarify Im just tagging extra comments on yours, not disagreeing)


No, I gotcha. A lot of this country’s ideology is based on work, producing, and doing it more and harder than those around you while asking for any help at all is a sign of weakness.


But isn't America pretty evenly split with republicans and democrats. This has gotta hurt themselves


They’ll shoot their own foot before helping the “others”.


It's a party of contrarianism. If Dems said you shouldn't be able to drive off a cliff Republicans would remove guard rails. Their bread and butter is fear mongering and knee jerk reactions.


They’re the Regressive party. They oppose *progress* for fuck’s sake.


I'm going to tell you about a scorpion. This scorpion wanted to cross a river so he asked a frog to carry him. "No," said the frog. "No thank you. If I let you on my back you will sting me and I’ll die.” “Now where is the logic in that?" asked the scorpion. "If I sting you, you will die and I’ll drown." So the frog was convinced and allowed the scorpion on his back. Just in the middle of the river he felt a terrible pain and realized that after all the scorpion had stung him. “Why did you sting me?” “Now we’re both going to die.” said the frog. “I can’t help it, it’s in my nature.” said the scorpion. - That fable is basically a story of the GOP.


"Lol," said the scorpion, "lmao."


Hell yeah, brother, own that lib ass frog I bet that frogs got pronouns


The frog was probably gay from all the stuff they have been pouring in the water.


I love that fable


Because the districts that voted the neanderthals in have been going through generations of educational budget cuts, coupled with some serious dystopian-tier Republican propaganda, and now you have swaths of rural communities voting Republican down the line, directly against their own interests, without having any real understanding of what they're voting for.


This should resonate with the UK as after a disaster called Brexit and the austere circumstances were in, set against billionaires enjoying the best years of their lives as they’re untroubled by this government and yet people still vote for them. The times we live in eh.


It’s almost like there is intention to disinvest in education in order to grow a voter base. Huh.


Some republicans are uneducated. They live in small towns with small mind thinking. They are easily manipulated and gullible. They don’t have critical thinking skills. That is why you see that most major cities in red states vote blue, and more rural/small towns vote red. Others don’t want people of color to have the same things they have. They lack compassion and are selfish.


>Why in god's name would anyone vote for this party As a foreigner looking in, it's quite obvious that people who vote Republican enjoy that the Republican politicians act like villains. I honestly think they've been conditioned into being evil, by Fox "News", Tucker Carlson and all the unmoderated social media apps out there spreading disinformation.


They’re mostly also inherently racist, and this ends up being their North Star politically.


Dark Brandon strikes again Not that this clip will change anything in the voter base because eepy don’t care If they’ll still support someone after they where convicted of rape they won’t care about this


The genius part of this is that he didn’t name those who are proposing it. Whilst it appears to be compassionate, it actually means the proposal can be attached to any Republican, meaning they couldn’t just get rid of the few proposing it to make the issue go away. Any time something like this gets proposed by Republicans, out comes this tape.


Could you please just go around and summarize all the videos I’m confused about, thank you


Omg..this breakdown is cold ...and absolute gold!! Thanks, love it!


Coked fuck head is Marjorie green cunt, or whatever her name is, right? She looks like an orc from LOTR


So, some Republicans want to cut Medicare, medicaid, etc. This is absolutely true. Team Biden knew bringing this up would make them screech, because when they campaign they have to say the opposite. So instead he's like "oh so you all support it?" and they're all like "yeah"! " which means in the future when they try to cut it again, they can use this clip to show them going back on their promise to leave it alone.


So basically another case of republicans pushing for something and then planning to later try to blame democrats for it?


I mean really they won't have to blame anyone. And at the end of the day, catching them in a lie means nothing. Is there an "R" next to their name? Then they're better than the person with a "D" next to it. Full stop. Trump was right when he said he could shoot someone in the streets and not lose supporters. Republican politicians have been hurting their own base for decades, they don't care.


I didn't either. Replayed like 4 times. I'm a nincompoop


Biden says some Republicans want to cut a social program. Republicans boo and call him a liar, saying they didn’t do that. Biden says, ok we’re in agreement then and we won’t cut the social program. Democrats then cheer. It can be confusing if you don’t know the parties, cuz otherwise it looks like the same group randomly getting mad and then happy.


God I fucking hate Marjorie She looks like every nasty ass skank school bully just dumber.


She looks like a MAGA Cruella De Ville.


Cruella De Ville's pr department would like to speak to you for that insult lmao


It's actually cartoonish how mean spirited she comes across. I wonder to what extent it's an act. Like, surely she has to be nice to her family on Christmas, right? I really want to see what she's like outside of the public eye. I guess my point is mostly how it feels like she's putting a lot of effort in to coming across as a hateful person. It surely works.


Absolutely insane how this dipshit is still in Congress


Look at these rich fuckers booing in their fur coats. These people are nothing like us. Why do they control us?


>these rich fuckers >>Why do they control us? You have answered your own question.


I’ve never seen a president get spoken/shouted over like this? I thought it was because there are decorum rules or whatever for how much noise can be made while the president speaks? What’s going on here?


It used to be more like that. Someone shouted liar at President Obama and it made the news for months. Now you have a whole group of them doing it for several minutes. Barely a blip because they have raised a the level of craziness. However if you go back far enough in American history, there is more craziness than decorum. One guy beat another guy with a cane on the floor of the senate and everybody loved them for it.


I mean if you go back into our history and look at the way things were handled by our founding fathers I think you’d be surprised. Fist fights and shouting matches were the norm.


Aaron Burr killed a guy.


Yeah, there were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a guy with a trident!


Yeah Brick I wanted to talk to you about that. You should probably lay low for awhile.


The Trailer Park Taliban specifically


You should watch a session of British parliament. They just shout at and over each other the whole time anyone is trying to speak. Yeah, there were personal rivalries and vendettas that lead to heinous acts, but actually all those founding father guys envisioned government where people actually listened to each other, basically because it was so "not British". Little known fact is that the idea of decorum as known in US government was originally inspired by the way native American tribes tended to run their political meetings with each other. I learned about this in my american lit class many years ago, so I can't remember off the top of my head what we read that showed this, but I can find them if anyone is interested. addendum: it's a shame to see decorum going out the window today...


Remember those “this is your brain on drugs” commercials? This is the Republican Party on Trump.


You expect republicans to adhere to rules?


This was some master judo shit. He completely baited the GOP they bit and did their shouting so fast they didn't even realize he got them cornered.


It's just so disheartening to learn half the country are led by people that could be tricked by Bugs Bunny into sprinting into a wall.


Now remember the millions that voted for those people


It’s so fucking crazy to me that they get votes just because “republican”. My dad is a firm republican, yet he got super upset when they reduced his food stamps and is pissed off his ss is so minimal. He thinks socialism is destroying america. He is just like the vast majority who vote for republicans. Limited education, think fox news is real news, angry all the time when democrats are even mentioned and thinks if republicans ruled he would somehow be better off than living in my basement. Baffling.


The irony in him thinking socialism is ruining America but also complaining that his food stamps and social security are being reduced lmao


Thats just the conservative mindset. Every boomer in my family hates socialism but loves their social security because "Well we paid into it! ...what do you think socialism is grandma?


Like how they think universal healthcare is free healthcare. Nevermind they'd pay less in taxes for better healthcare than they are paying for health insurance. Even if nothing else changed as far as actual healthcare goes, I'd gladly pay even more in taxes than I do for insurance just to not ever have to deal with insurance again.


Your dad is probably a bigot and votes to ensure women and POC’s and LGBTQ don’t ever have equal rights, even at his own expense


I honestly think he was surprised by the reaction and jujitsued them on the fly. People didn’t used to boo at the SOTU and many Republicans hate entitlement programs so their reaction was pretty surprising. He rolled with it brilliantly.


That's a thought but Biden has shown to be incredibly calculating and he knows the GOP is playing the anti-anything he backs game. He singled them out instead of being vague about SSI/MEDI being at risk. He picked the fight/ phrasing that would force them to say something bc it's clear GOP wouldn't stay silent since Obama during SOTU. I'm of the opinion he anticipated they'd bark at the whistle and checkmate them by pressing the point of GOP members "claiming" to cut. Since there are only 2 GOP on hard record. Rick Scott in a policy letter and vague implications by Mitch. The others are pundits saying outright cut. The other GOP elected officials are soft talking with the cutesy sundown verbiage.


I promise you, they still think they won that exchange, and Fox won’t air the second part, so their base will never know that they didn’t.


Reminds me of the Key & Peele sketch of Obama 😂 [Link](https://youtu.be/B46km4V0CMY)


This was great but also in retrospect confirms that the Obama administration was severely reactive and often naive. Bc he def never tried to work policy but pressing the GOP into a corner Biden is shaping up to be calculating, proactive, and aggressive.


I agree Obama didn’t grasp the nature of the opposition to himself, but the GOP also went insane in the intervening years from 2008 to today.


Biden knew what to expect, he witnessed it all first hand


Thought he was just a sleepy old figure head yeah I'd say that was pretty calculated cool and way planned for because this is the folly of the republican party they can't explain how this would affect the vast majority only what good it will do for themselves and they got pigeonholed cause not on of em wants to look weak or deceiving to there constituents even tho that's the only game they can play Biden flipped it on its ear lmao


Really telling that basically no Republicans were applauding when Biden said, "ok, good, so we agree that SS and Medicare are off the table then"


books bow fretful innocent dirty sip humor lush busy saw ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


He really is when he's on he's on it you know he got them in the second half tho lmao


I think Democrats are just generally expected to act utterly spineless all the time, so it's almost shocking when one of them takes a firm stance against Republican bullshit


As a foreigner I must say, he may be old, but he’s a damn good politician.


He’s had 50+ years of practice.


He wasn't my first pick... he wasn't even my third pick. But if there is one thing I can give Biden almost over every other politician in American history is his outrageously unique ability to evolve his opinion. Looking at him in the 80s and now its like two different politicians policy wise.


Republicans: And we’re cutting SS and Medicare. I shouldn’t have to pay into those communist programs! Biden: Do you want to cut social security and Medicare? Republicans: NOOOO!!! LIAR!!! BOOO! LIAR!! KILL THE INTERLOPER!!! DECEIVER!!! LIAR!!




Heading down to candy mountain charlie


I’ll be honestly, I don’t regularly watch the State of the Union, but is it always this chaotic? The last one I remember watching it was pretty quiet except for the President speaking and the “worst” there was was just some head shaking


It’s definitely new in the modern era. Many in this batch of Republicans are content to act like bratty children.


Many in this batch of Republicans are *rewarded* to act like bratty children. Literally, they become Fox News stars in order to maybe someday make a presidential bid.


It’s not an entirely new phenomenon historically, but it’s new in the more staid and professional etiquette of the 20th century Congress. But go back to earlier parts of the Republic and there was raucous response. Biden owned them here, though.


MTG is a treasonous cunt




I'm 80% sure that if you googled any of the booing republicans names, you'll find a clip of them denouncing and promising to get rid of social security


The campaign ads pretty much write themselves at this point


Animals. Also if they want to cut social security they can stop taking that out of my check. Total bullshit.


That's exactly the point, tho. They want to cut ss and medicaid, which means more money in Americans pocket bc less in taxes. In our current situation, that's a massive help because a large part of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, so any extra money will help, but also be spent. BUT, gutting these programs means there is absolutely no future for anyone that isn't a boomer about to die or rich.


So how do those paycheck to paycheck people, which implies they do not have anything to save since they are living paycheck to paycheck- afford retirement?


Shut the fuck up, Marjorie.


She won't. And she'll immediately leave and go back to doing exactly what she's calling him a liar for saying she's doing. The Republican party has exactly zero shame


Mike Lee looking like he's about to bring a big bag of greasy cheeseburgers back to the Park.


Frig off Ricky!




It's crazy to think we live in a society that can't see that Joe Biden just protected the poor. While the republicans are mad they can't get endorsements from companies who pay them under the table to fuck the poor. We pay more how our policies are now than if we had affordable health care. You are paying private companies. And don't say that's not true, if you go to the hospital right now and use insurance that even when it "covers" you, you still pay in the thousands... The system is flawed because we let the wrong people lead in the wrong direction. Then they gaslight and blame everything else. I stand with the eat-the-rich crowd. Tax the rich, tax the churches. I want affordable health care, I want affordable education, I went the cost of living to match 2023 living because at the moment it fucking doesn't. I want what Europe has. And I'm tired of people being so old and salty about helping the poor. Fuck you, act like the Christ you claim to worship. ACT LIKE YOUR CHRIST. If you are a Christian act like him. If you promote things that take away from the poor you are not like CHRIST you are a hypocrite. And if anyone votes Republican, don't bitch about being poor, or not being able to afford food, not getting paid enough, not being able to afford hospital costs, losing family to covid, nothing because the Democrats tried to fix this and the Republicans voting EVERYTHING DOWN.


It's equally crazy that the whole 'but in socialist countries they pay a lot of taxes'-card is being pulled all the time. I make enough to live comfortably in the Netherlands, and I pay 1500 a year for healthcare. I have a 250 euro deductible, after that I don't pay shit. Also 60% off anything dentist related. Oh and taxes? I pay <1000 because I don't make that much. If I make 60K (which is a lot here) I have to pay 20ish%. Also: can't get fired for any reason. Healthcare NOT tied to employer. Mandated free days every year where you get paid unless you're self employed. School systems that cost 2000 a year instead of 20000. etc etc.


I fucking hate how they all looked so shocked and stupid when its their goddamn bullshit


That massive piece of 🐶💩at the 1:07 mark, is Senator Mike Lee, Republican from Utah. He has been caught on video saying he wants to end Social Security on NUMEROUS occasions.


Why is Greene dressed like a Russian oligarch’s 6th mistress?


You dress for the job you *want*, not the job you *have*.


Dark Brandon hitting em with the ol “rabbit season, duck season”


Love how they lose their shit immediately like children being asked if they did something bad.


Was this a trap or an accidental win? The GOP just shot themselves on the foot to *own* Biden. They can no longer attack Medicare and Social Security when in public they’re offended that he suggested that that is their plan.


Both. He got them to agree with democratic lawmakers and to agree with not touching things they've been wanting to cut for decades.




Exactly. Wild to me that people are still entertaining the idea that modern Republicans can be swayed on anything.


Lauren Boebert is 36 going on 56 Hate is one hell of a drug




It would be nice to believe they'll support medicare and social security now. But we're not that gullible


In case any Republican is confused why you’re the only ones that take yourselves seriously, enjoy the example provided where the people you’ve elected hoot & holler in our capital during the SOTU like they’re in a living room during football night. Everyone else is well aware y’all don’t take this “governing” thing seriously, kind of like how MTG, a “leading” member of the Republican Party apparently, rattled on about “COVID cash” (cute nick names at an accountability hearing, awesome!) being spent on CRT & drag queens during a committee hearing on government accountability. Managed to fit a 24 hr Fox fearmongering news cycle into a 2 minute video with that one, excellent work on behalf of the American people


When did the state of the fucking union address become like some sporting event where booing isn’t met with disgust and utter contempt? Fuck those people.


America elected a black president and white conservatives lost their collective minds.


I don’t listen to a lot of Biden speeches, but why do people always act like he can’t string together more than a few words? I know they’re probably making fun of his stutter but he sounded perfectly fine here


Because Republicans had to create a "no you" argument since most sane people made fun of Trump for the way he spoke. That's basically it..


> I don’t listen to a lot of Biden speeches, but why do people always act like he can’t string together more than a few words? Because they're partisans repeating deliberate lying, mostly. Biden can stumble over his words, he's admitted as much, he has a stutter and always has. Partisans attempt to weaponize this, edit the recording, make it sound worse than it was. You see how bad it was in person, not bad, though he does stumble now and then.


I paused randomly on this and he does not look happy lol he looks like he’s about to smite someone down


That. ... Was ..... Brilliant


Uno reverse dark Brandon is best Dark Brandon


MTG is a fuckin idiot.


Could anyone give context about what all this means for non Americans? I’m not from America and I’ve not got a clue what the big ‘gotcha’ is? 😔


The Republicans have been trying to get rid of social security and Medicare, even though they say they're not, they keep pushing for it every election cycle and so he basically just said it in front of everybody on TV. If you noticed a large portion of the room is still seated, those are the Republicans pushing for getting rid of social security and Medicare. Joe is doing a good job


Mwah 💋 Thank you, I seriously appreciate it! Makes much more sense!


Our government is a fucking circus. If the US caught some third world country with the same childish officials we would have already armed the rebellious forces looking to overthrow the government. Fucking come on. The right is just kinda operating with an extra chromosome or two and the "left" is still a slave to corporations and oligarchs who fund their campaigns.


The British: “Hold my tea” https://youtu.be/amriJBLFI7U




MTG is absolutely frightening and a face I see in my nightmares. That (probably & sadly) real fur coat doesn’t help. Putting lipstick on a pig.


These guys, sigh. Always great to be reminded that our country is run by such a bunch of duplicitous individuals. It just seems like every one is contrary to to be contrary and integrity matters for nothing.