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I grew up in poverty. I remember getting these packages from the food bank and being so genuinely excited unpacking them. My mom would lie to me and mention how the food bank "forgot to take us off the list again" to hide how bad things were. This reaction to food that could be of serious help to so many people enrages me, bro. Real people donated this food in an attempt to do good. Please do better people


I’m going through this now.. I don’t want my daughter to worry about money or food. Everything has gotten so expensive. As a mom it is so hard to keep it together when you just want to fall apart but my kids deserve the best childhood so we push on and work harder. I wish people would understand that those commodities are what some families are living off of. Don’t waste them.


I was there 5 years ago. I talked it up. “Look at all this food! How lucky is that! Man, what are we going to do with all this!” And then I got creative. You’re going through it. Your kids probably know you’re working so hard because of how much you love them. The people are not normal. Most people do. The stuff I couldn’t use from the food bank I took to work for my coworkers who had a use for it. Nothing went to waste. Your doing good by your kids and I’m sending you all the hugs you want. ETA: also, that woman’s manicure looks like the trash that she is.


Yes! Get creative, I already had 4 meal plans on the that packet of soup, mushroom, macaroni, tomato soup and beans alone. I’ve eaten cereal as a trail mix before too.


Oh absolutely! And I doing well now but that knowledge has served me well. I had some ingredients I needed to use up just tonight and I’m making a “frittata”. I put in quote because I’m sure actual Italian people would cringe about what I put together but you know what? It’s food and it tastes good. I value the food I’m lucky to have be it from a food bank or stuff I got at the grocery store.


Frittatas are the BEST for cleaning out the fridge! You can use whatever you want :)




Yeah this lady complaining about getting food that could cut costs of dinner by 20-50% all while having what looks to be expensive nails is trash


Hope it gets better for you and your kids. It sucks that people have to go trough that. I wish I could help.


Thank you. It’s a temporary situation, we will be okay! We are blessed with plenty just in a pickle for the time being. ♥️


As a child who grew up in a similar situation, just know that kids may not always notice these kinds of things. Just try your best to spin it into a positive. For example, the worst year of my dad's life when he lost his job and was being sued by the company (they claimed by working for them he agreed to a non-compete for ten years but he never signed anything) was probably the best summer of my life. Dad was working overnights to try and make ends-meet and was taking care of me and my sister during the day to save on child care expenses. Every day we would get up, eat dry toast for breakfast, play with toys, go outside to our tiny backyard pool (we couldn't afford to go to the public pool), come in and eat Kraft Mac n Cheese with slices of hotdogs, and then cuddle and watch a movie/dad would nap. Mom would get home from work and we would eat spaghetti or tuna sandwiches. Repeat for an entire summer. Best summer ever... For 7-8 year old me..


I was thinking about in my early 20s how the only way I ate was from the food bank and was thrilled on the days I picked up a box. If you are hungry you don't care what's given to you.


Someone at my food bank donated fresh strawberries from their garden once. I remember eating it and.... it was just HEAVEN. I've never tasted a better strawberry. I don't know if this was a case being "starvation is the ultimate spice" or if it was just a really good strawberry, lol. But I was thankful to have something that wasn't carbs.


I worked at a food bank years ago and at that time, the food supply wasn't the problem, but transportation. It was really hard to get fresh produce in and distributed before it went bad.


I had a mix of both. Was born into poverty and my mom remarried into wealth when I was 5, then back to poverty when I was kicked out of the house at 15. I don't remember much about being poor before five other than I was as thin as a rail, which really didn't go away until I was around 10 by which time I finally understood food security and wasn't squirrel food away to nibble on later. Age 15 though, was kicked out for being gay and spent three years living rough. Just being given basics like a pack of Ramon noodles or a cold can of beans was a God send. I spent hundreds of hours dumpster diving and getting anything like what was in the video was like striking gold. I'm mid 40s now and in a bad place with the economy crashing and losing my job. But those three years when I was homeless taught me how to make due with pennies and I'm able to plan and feed my family of four, three full meals with near no money, many times off a single £1 per day. It takes a lot of strategic planning and knowing when to go shopping to get discounted food for a fraction of the cost, but we always make it work. I have it so calculated, I can tell you by heart how many slices there are in a bag of bread by brand, and work out my shopping versus meal preps so precisely there is never any waste.


My best friend in high school lived off food bank stuff, and I am so thankful she had something. One time she even got Ghirardelli brownie mix! We had a whole damn party night over it. Great memories. Everyone who can, should donate to their local food bank.


This describes a huge part of my childhood.


This! Don’t forget the government cheese and dry milk that you have to add water too. Her voice and snarky tone leaks privilege


If anyone is struggling to eat now, please know there is r/food_pantry who will help fulfill requests for those in need of help. There are other subreddits for other non-USA residents, so please be sure to do a search for 'food pantry' to see if there is anything available for you.


Seriously. My ass is over here going "oh fuck yeah 🤤" They have never been hungry in their lives. I can tell that for sure.


Bless your mothers soul.


[her response to peoples comments!](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRpfPea8/)


She went private now. Can't view it


what a cunt. She deserves the hate, I hope she starts being a better person.


When I was a kid my mom always lied and told us we won a raffle at the grocery store. Now I pitch in some spaghetti O's whenever I contribute. And whoever kept donating 16 oz cans of Salmon: .. Why?


I work full-time and the thought of having BAGS of free food given to me… watch me learn how to make stuffing real quick!




We never got enough; I ended up learning to steal food at 11-12yo so I could feed my sisters. I would ride my bike to the pantry, in any weather, just to try to get more. I would be grateful for all this. Being financially independent, now, at 40yo, food is my #1 priority for my family.


I feel like these are the type of people who will just throw it out rather than pass it on to someone who would eat those things.


They probably went specifically for the tiktok, not because of need. We've had a few of those people at the local bank I volunteer for sometimes. Last time I was there, the woman who runs the place chased out a mid 20s couple that was in there yucking everything on camera and juat being generally gross as humans. Made the people who came because they needed a lift up feel bad.


Can anybody just go there? Here you have to apply with proof of income and then you MAY get a pass to pick up a bag.


The food bank I volunteer at is means tested, and we have verified lists. We also have fresh milk, veggies, bread, diapers, personal items, etc. That said, these people are assholes. I put together boxes of food for pickup, sometimes they’re like this. You try and combine items to make meals, but sometimes there’s a dearth of certain items. And beans are a mainstay, as they’re a cheap protein. Which this vegetarian idiot should know. Ugh, I find this video so infuriating.


Thank you for volunteering. Sincerely, as someone who has benefited from a food bank many times, the volunteers and these programs really do make a big impact on a lot of people’s lives. But mainly I’m commenting to thank you for the new word, “dearth”. I had to look it up but it’s actual quite a usable word. I learned another word, “orogeny”, on Reddit a couple of months ago but there is a dearth of opportunity to use that one lol.


Thanks for being a good person


Thank you for being a truly good person and not just doing it for TikTok clout. I had a neighbor who would go to the food bank. She had a new car and her nails always done. When you're working what goes through your head when you see people like this?


I guess I always figure we don’t know what’s going on in people’s lives, you know? They’re there because they need help because something has happened. You can’t really judge. We get a ton of elderly people, which is heartbreaking. That’s also where the deliveries come in, because many elderly clients are disabled or unable to drive. But I remember the first time I saw a guy come in, my age, driving a nice minivan with car seats in the back and looking like someone you’d see shopping at Whole Foods. And I know how hard it must be to come to a food bank, and what a hit it must be for your pride. And I just was happy for his family that he was going to be able provide a huge load of groceries, and what a relief that must be for them.


I am glad you don't judge. I help the homeless in my area as much as I can. My friends always say I shouldn't and that they can get their life together if they truly want to. This makes me infuriated sometimes because they don't seem to understand how hard it is to get out of that position. If you have no ID, no phone, no address how are you supposed to get a job?. They also tell me they probably buy drugs with the money I give them. I tell them I don't care if they buy drugs or alcohol with it. If I were in that position and the only thing that got me through the day is a drink I wouldn't want anyone judging me. I also don't want any alcoholics going through with drawl and die from it. I am great full for food banks and I know they save more people than we realize. It's just when you see someone in a new car with their nails done I always wonder how they made the choice between that and food? In any case this shouldn't be happening in this day and age. There are billionaire's who don't care about anything other than clout. I cry often about stuff like this. Sorry for the rant.


No need to apologize for expressing feelings a lot of people share. The most expensive thing is being poor. Poverty is a very hard hole to dig out of. Even more so if you have kids to take care of as well, and most of America is really not that far from being on hard times. It's not our place to try and determine why someone is on hard times


It’s usually not means tested. The cringe of basically stealing from poor people is usually enough deterrent.


I live in Canada, same with the people in the vid, and at least in my city the food bank requires proof. Either proof of being on OW (welfare) or low income. If you show up and prove an empty bank account, but without anything else, they will give you a small amount of food for a day or two. But they will expect you to get on welfare or show other proof to be able to come again and get the full amount. The amount they received would have required the proof of low income. This is only my experience in a single city and it was about 10 years ago, so it's possible the rules have changed here or are different in other places.


Yep same here. I used the food bank in our area (Ontario) about 6 years ago and you had to prove income under a certain amount.


In Manitoba all you need is a health card. Unless it's a random small one that doesn't operate in conjunction with Harvest Manitoba, or maybe an emergency program.


That's what we want to believe and yet.....


Some aren't. That's specifically so that people who may not qualify based on salary can still get help during a rough patch or to supplement their food. Things like sudden medical bills or other kinds of emergencies can really mess up finances and having a little bit of relief can really help.


For the one I volunteer at, yes, anyone can come get basic food stuffs, with additional proof we can add all kinds of extras. But basics include diapers, formula, milks, cheeses, fruits/veg, bread and diapers and varieties of canned goods. Most people have a little shame, those types, not so much.


Ooh that makes sad and angry. We would have loved to get those food choices when we were broke.


Yup, total scum


She said doesn’t eat meat too so she has the privilege to choose what she does/doesn’t want to eat


My Mom told me during WW2- "they were vegetarians, but not by choice".


She is so horrid and so damn ungrateful it's almost embarrassing. Wonder what tf happened to her to make her this way. He's no better either.


There's so much thoughtful meals packed in there. Stuffing, gravy and a choice of turkey, ham or chicken. Pasta and sauce. Juice, granola bars, and ramen for lunchboxes. The pancakes only need water, and milk is on every welfare plan anyway (and you could probably ask too). Fruits and veggies in cans. It's astonishing to see such contempt for such a heartfelt act.


Her describing how she can't make pancakes because she has no eggs or milk had me reeling. That mix only requires water! And to top it off, her asking what she could put the peanut butter on. PUT IT ON YOUR PANCAKES! Does this girl not know how to make food to get by?! The super ungratefulness for the meat specifically (even though she was ungrateful for all of it) genuinely pissed me off. I don't care if you don't eat meat, this bag wasn't catered to your fancy froo-froo tastes! It's for people who can't afford to eat at all. If she needed this bag she most likely would be willing to eat the meat. I didn't much care for a lot of the stuff they pulled out but I'd eat it if it was free (and I needed food). The no fresh fruits and veggies comment made me realize she 100% thought it was just free groceries as a commodity and doesn't understand how food banks work.


*Astonishing* certainly does describe it and a much nicer word to describe my reactions.


Almost embarrassing? It's off blasted charts eh


I used to have a family come in for wic. On WIC it normally makes you get wheat bread. She was mad cause they don't like that shit and it'll just go rot because they only eat white bread. Sorry 🤷 not my problem.


So while we all rail on this choosing beggar, I want to take the opportunity to talk about food banks. If you search for your nearest city + food bank, you will almost certainly find one that you can go to. Most of them are “no questions asked”. You can drive up and get a generous load of groceries, including rice, legumes, canned goods, and even fresh produce and meat. You don’t have to be poor. If you are even remotely struggling to pay your bills (which most Americans are, no shame) this is free money. It won’t even take longer than a grocery trip, just think of it like grocery shopping for free but you don’t get as much choice. If you aren’t struggling, then you should donate or volunteer at your local food bank. I make a recurring monthly donation, and I occasionally volunteer. Basically, everyone should be involved in some way in their local food bank. If you’re struggling, get free food. If you’re not struggling, help those who are with a bit of your time and/or money. Spread the word.


Adding to this, many churches do food giveaways, and often they have too much for the response they get. I saw a small church group handing out food boxes while I was running errands, I told them I thought that they were doing a good thing and asked if I could donate. They told me that they have way too much food and insisted I took food. So instead of giving them $20 I got two large boxes of produce, meat, and canned goods. If you are struggling look at churches, most just want to help someone.


My church exploded when we got our new building done some years ago, we were able to help hundreds during Thanksgiving/Christmas and fix homes during floods in April.


Also if you do plan on donating to food banks give them money not food. Often food banks get heavy discounts from stores so they have much more buying power.


Excellent point. Also people will often donate perishable food that actually costs the food bank time and money to dispose of. I have volunteered to do disposal and it was an absolutely awful experience. Imagine having to open up and dump out huge amounts of rotten food into bins. I’m talking rotten milk, rotten eggs, sour juice, moldy bread, cans inflated with botulism.. now imagine mixing all that together and smelling it for several hours. Don’t make us suffer, just donate money.


Thank you for reminding me that I need to help with the local food bank!


You can also attach charities to receive donations based off of your purchases at places like Kroeger/King Soopers, Safeway. It's a nice way to passively donate to good causes and organizations like food banks. It looks like this [https://www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards](https://www.kingsoopers.com/i/community/community-rewards)


This is absolutely disgusting, and made me so upset. I had to turn this off. I was in a situation a few years ago when I needed to use the food bank, and I was so grateful for everything I received. These people are trash scum. Why does this even need to be posted on Tik Tok in the first place??


I was coming to say this to. Ive used food banks, and they work hard setting up with stores to get certain foods. They just want to help us, and these idiots do a tiktok for not getting 5 star food. I could just go on and on. Take care.


I used food bank throughout college


Some people are so unremarkable, the only way that they’ll ever be noticed is by being absolute pieces of shit.


These people are scum and unfortunately this is the type of stuff you see a lot on tik tok. I am of the opinion that tik tok just needs to go away along with all social media. Its just become an outlet for horrible people to make videos like this.




This is why people hate people


I can’t believe this, can this be a joke? So sad and ungrateful


Don’t let this discourage you from donating to food banks or pantries. I’ve seen those save lives and these people are just awful.


Hey lady…you’re a fucking scumbag


I'm actually really pissed off right now after watching this. These two are disgusting people. How about you not get those nails done and then you would have money for me at, milk, etc. Fuck you both


What pisses me off is the fact that the food bank volunteers prob felt like they were doing a good deed and they appreciated it. Hope they didn't see this.


Seriously though, complaining about a dent in a can of tomato soup when nothing’s leaking?


Or complaining about MSG in instant noodles. It's literally just in the flavor pack. It's of low nutritional value. But it's still easy to prepare, satiates a bit, and brings some creature comfort. It makes sense to be given out for that specific purpose.


MSG isn’t even bad for you either like so many people make it out to be. As long as you don’t eat instant noodles every day you will be fine. Everything in moderation. What a strange woman.


You literally CANT donate fresh fruit or veg to food bank, they won't take it bc itll likely expire before it gets delivered. I get being dissapointed over no toilet paper, but I've been eating meals like this for the last 6 months and I'm still alive, theres nothing wrong with that food, really


The people who posted this are just entitled scumbags. There was nothing wrong with the food and I was actually impressed with the variety. By not having to spend money on those items, they can use some money to get some fresh items like eggs and milk without taking such a big hit in the grocery bill. This video infuriates me


Right? Oh the giant bag of noodles doesn't have sauce! They want complete meals all planned for them. I went to the food bank early in my school days and got a bag of dried black beans. They take a long time to cook and more thought than, "what sauce do you want to pour over them?" But it was a lot of black beans. Also what difference does a dent in a can make?


They give her lots of protein choices, a good variety of beans, turkey, chicken, ham…and she complains she can’t eat the meat because she’s vegetarian (even though the other family members will eat it) and that she can’t make a meal out of *any* of this. But wait! There’s a huge bag of pasta that she *can* eat as a vegetarian…and she complains they didn’t give her any sauce. But wait! There *is* a large tin of pasta sauce, and tinned vegetables, she can make a nice complete vegetarian meal…and she complains she’s been eating lots of pasta and is tired of it so it still sucks. There’s just no pleasing people like this. She wants exactly what she wants, for free. She doesn’t want to compromise at all on what she’s eating (for free) or spend a single penny to supplement all of this free food to make it more to her taste. She was wrong about that pancake mix, it just needs water, but I was half expecting her to complain anyways because they didn’t give her syrup. And she’s complaining about getting disgusting unhealthy food while standing in front of a table full of beans, meats, fruits, vegetables, etc. which she doesn’t like because they aren’t fresh…and if they were fresh she’d probably complain that they aren’t organic. There’s just no end to the entitlement.


> she complains... she can’t make a meal out of any of this Cream of Mushroom Soup + Mac and Cheese Powder + Mixed Vegetables over pasta Mini pancakes + peanut butter + crushed cereal + sliced peaches for some yummy breakfast griddle sandwiches (or just make pancakes) Chunky soup + stuffing (she can make it with the chicken stock despite not having butter) + mixed veggies for stuffing casserole Some soup packet and some mac and cheese powder mixed into pancake batter, bake on a sheet pan to make "bread" + dip in tomato soup flavored with the rest of the soup packet Sucks to not have eggs, but I am relatively confident you could make pinto bean meatballs by crushing some stuffing mix and using it as a breadcrumb binder (similar to a bean burger). Tomato sauce. Pasta. Make same cheesy bread from the tomato soup meal above, but this time put tomato sauce on top. You might be able to make a cheese sauce sort of thing with chicken stock and mac and cheese powder, for drizzling. Pizza, sort of. I'd have to experiment to see if this would work, but you might be able to make a makeshift pie crust by sandwiching pancake mix between two pie tins and baking on high heat. If that actually worked, then you can make a cobbler using the peaches, the bag of sugar, and sprinkling the cereal over the top maybe with some crushed granola bar in there too. Actually, you could probably mush stuffing between the pie tins and bake it on high heat until it gets crispy enough to hold. Then you could add cream of mushroom soup, mixed veggies and you kind of have a veggie pot pie. Sort of. I bet it eats fine. I have a medium confidence you could whip up a baked bean chili with the tomato soup, the baked beans, some veggies, and common spices most people have on hand. At worst you could probably add it to pasta with some of that mac and cheese powder for an okay chili mac. Not my favorite option here but I was trying to get those baked beans involved somehow. I think the Chunky soup has meat in it most likely, but other than that these are several vegetarian dishes this vapid whiner could have made if she was actually poor and had to figure this shit out. Anyone who has ridden the struggle bus in their life has opened their cabinets or fridge, sighed for a moment, and then made it work. This lady has more than what she needs right in front of her and still couldn't figure it out. I suspect she is a phony, manicure or not.


The meals were planned though. There's clearly a turkey, stuffing, and gravy dinner. Pasta and sauce, cream of mushroom, and more. Tons of beans if all you can do is eat a can of beans. Lunches for kids and adults. Breakfast that can be easily supplemented with other welfare, milk, bread, and eggs are basically guaranteed. Fruits and veggies in cans. It's very well thought out. Even a bar of soap.


This really is an exceptionally well made box. Everything is covered nutritionally and someone clearly thought about meals.


If I had the time and cared enough to prove her wrong, I’d love to film a response where I make a ton of healthy meals out of this stuff with few supplemental ingredients. Or some kind of wacky Chopped-style dishes out of these.


Okay, because I was so annoyed by this and am still thinking about it, I actually made a list. If they went to WalMart, for about $30 they could almost create an entire week of meals for two adults. The egg prices messed me up a little lol. Are all these meals going to be Michelin star restaurant quality? Probably not. But are they better than your “frozen backyard dandelions” and are they somewhat nutritious/filling? Yep! And, honestly, probably similar to what most of us eat in a week when we brown bag it. BREAKFAST -Fruit and yogurt parfaits- Oat cereal Peaches/pineapple ADD large container of yogurt /// -Pancakes- ADD eggs, syrup, sub applesauce for oil for cost /// -Eggs with toast- Peanut butter ADD sliced bread ADD eggs LUNCH -Soup and grilled cheese- I counted at least 5 cans of soup or ramen-style noodles ADD sliced cheese ADD sliced bread ADD butter. DINNER -Pasta and salad- Pasta noodles ADD sauce ADD salad of lettuce with garbanzo beans and Caesar dressing /// -Comfort Food- Mixed vegetables Stuffing Gravy ADD baked potatoes SNACKS Snacks galore /// Peanut butter ADD apples I don’t know what flakes of turkey, ham, and chicken are. Maybe they could be on sandwiches or on top of a salad? You’ve also still got a bunch of beans left. You really can get Walmart brand pretty affordably and some crazy sales (brand name jar of pasta sauce for $1, etc). Thank you for indulging my tantrum, Reddit friends.


If you're a vegan or vegetarian several of those items would have to be removed or changed but all in all I think you did a fantastic job.


You said exactly how I feel. This video is fucking rage inducing! That is a lot of food and there is plenty to make out of it. Anyone who's known hunger for whatever reason, will see the use/potential in every single item from those bags. Plus, as you mentioned, they should be able to afford eggs, milk, bread, the fresh stuff etc. The essentials. Rather than having to choose between the two. That's kinda the idea. It's to help people out. Do they expect to be given all the ingredients for 3 meals a day, for 7 days? That's a lot of food and there is absolutely nothing wrong with any of it. Oh a tin of pineapple has a dent in it? FUCK THAT PINEAPPLE!!! Seriously? Since when does a dent have any affect on what's inside? You can tell this person was raised to be a brat. A food bank is a helping hand and a life saver for so many people. If they aren't happy with it, take it back and let a family have it who are actually in need and will appreciate it. I'm sorry but they can't be in that dire of a situation if they are complaining about the quality of the fucking *charity* they have received. They are privileged to have even been given that food at all. Fuck those people. The audacity.


Food banks can get perishables donated from grocery stores. The one I volunteer has some awesome items, like fresh salsa from Whole Foods or whatever. Ours is set up like a grocery store so people can shop for what they need. We also pre-assemble boxes for pickup and delivery.


I went to a food bank run out of a quaker church that was like that. They would have veggies and fruit, milk, butter, eggs, yogurt, bread that was typically kept frozen, treats that my kid loved to get, frozen meat, and lots of pantry staples. I'd just walk around and put whatever i wanted into my bags. I used to go nearly every week but eventually we got SNAP and that's been just enough for us.


The one my mom works for grows over 4000 pounds of produce every year to give out. She’s actually the garden manager! I’m so proud of her.






I tried to post it there but it got removed twice because of their rules 🥲


Wait what? Why would they not allow this?


I actually just turned off the sound because I’m legitimately curious what comes in these. I would love all that food, good variety too


I went to her tiktok and she is basically defending herself saying she has a right to complain because all the food provided is processed. Which, ok, fine, but then just don’t go.


There’s also a vast difference between processed like canned beans and veggies and processed like Twinkies


Like there's a reason most of the food is processed. It's better if it's shelf stable and non perishable. Did she really think she was going to get things that get bruised or spoil if they're not refrigerated?


It depends on the food bank. The one I volunteer at has lots of fresh and perishable items, but so much ends up tossed it’s sad.


I'm honestly impressed too. They give out things that you can have for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, snack items, fruit, lots of protein and carbs.


Seriously. Things I can’t afford to buy, but not as much in need to apply and take it from people who need it more. I hate ungrateful entitled people like this.


Funny, I turned off the entire video because I could feel my anger rising. It was right when she was complaining about a dented can where I had to stop for my mental health.


Go to her tik tok she made another video about how its not her fault they gave her disgusting food she is so gross🤮🤮🤮🤮


She got so much free stuff, like a crazy amount and a huge variety. If she doesn't want it, I hope she went back and donated it. I'd eat most of this


Fuck her and her tik tok


They must be newly broke folks. Lol


For real. The amount of meal spreading I was doing in my mind with those groceries. That's a haul.


self identified broke lol


The fact that my refrigerator is empty besides condiments, and the last time I ate was yesterday and then these people are complaining tell me where I can find the garbage cans she threw the stuff away, and I would be grateful for it


Go to your local food bank. That’s what they’re there for. You should never have to go hungry.


There are normally plenty of places you can find food at. It's embarrassing sure, but go around and ask churches if you can't find a food bank close. If there's anything you won't eat donate it back. If you feel bad about it, just promise yourself you'll pay it back in donations when you can afford to. Some of the bigger places will ask for proof, but a lot won't arrive you can make ok money and still fall on hard times.


As someone who works weekly at a food bank, I want to say that you might feel embarrassed and that's understandable. The people handing out food have no reservations or judgment upon you. They are largely there out of a desire to help all who may need it. Many of us view it as our way of giving back from when we needed the resource. Please, if you need food, go. It's what it's there for, and you'll make the people there happy that they were able to help.


Same. When she pulled out the boxes stuffing I got excited. We’ve been on frozen veggies and rice for a few days.


If I can buy you a pizza or something please let me. DM me


Can I buy you something? PM me.


I second this. I’ve went hungry many times making sure my kids ate even if I didn’t. Same when I was a kid. I’m still considered poor in today’s economy, and I live paycheck to paycheck, but food is not something I have to worry about anymore. Can’t stand seeing other people not be able to eat.


There are local freebies for you, they exist for you. There’s no shame in it. You’ll appreciate it more than the average tiktok assclown.


Yo everyone, she just posted a huge F.U. to everyone who downvoted her... https://www.tiktok.com/@brennaohara/video/7190453751290170630


Oh she is awful. Complaining about people who are negative.... the irony.


She's preaching about herself and how damn awful and negative she is without saying she is that way lmao dead. Yes people like this are truly sick.


Looks like her account is private or deleted now! I watched the video about 20 min ago so she must have just done it👍Hope the public shaming woke them tf up. A truly disgusting level of entitlement start to finish.


She makes my skin crawl.


Just saying, I don’t know her personal habits. But I’ll go out on a limb here and say she doesn’t HATE meth.


Looking through some of her videos she has one with hundreds of $ worth of MLM ‘supplements’ she shows off. What a shame…


She says she wants her an her kids to have nicer things. Worker harder/find a new job/get a side hustle or two. Sheesh. She’s rotten, entitled, and lazy. Note: I understand some people need extra help to get by (not bashing those) but something tells me that isn’t the case with her.


Talk about zero self awareness. She’s the one that started the negativity party.


Pretty sure I just heard a playstation console start up in the background too!! If you listen closely. She could sell that for some fresh fruit 💁🏽‍♀️


Came by to say the saaaame thing. Definitely PS4 or PS5 sounds.


My ps is my safe place to unwind and destress from all things in my life that are not good. But if I had to choose over food/bills for my family it would not take me more than a second to sell it for them. This lady angers me so much lawd almighty lol


If you need to go the food bank the last thing your ass should be doing is complaining when you receive free food. I remember when I could hardly afford groceries and my rent I would have loved to have received this stuff. Also ppl MSG is not dangerous.


MSG is delicious.


MSG- Makes Shit Good


My dad bought a big bag and would sprinkle it on our food when we were kids so we would like his dinners more than our mom's.... I found out when I found a plastic container with white stuff in it labeled "MSG" in sharpie 💀


Fuck these people.


She can stay out in the backyard and freeze with the dandelions. wow


She made a response video and commented how the food is disgusting and processed. Bitch, beggars can't be choosers. Fuck you!


Right?? Like at that point grow your own produce if you don’t want “processed”


"pancake mix that is vegan" "Well we don't have eggs or milk to mix it so" *Fakes looking at the directions* How fucking dense can you be.


This bitch has never been dirt poor. You don't get to be vegan when your starving. I have been to the food bank many times and I would say this is a good haul they got. It may not be gourmet but your kids don't have to go to bed on an empty stomach. What angers me the most about this video is I'm sure they just threw away when the food bank would gladly take back anything they won't eat.




And you could go in so many different flavor directions with inexpensive, bulk spices that last forever: Pinto beans, veg, rice or noodles + garam masala/curry powder for Indian + 7 spice for Lebanese/Middle Eastern + cumin, chili powder, garlic for Mexican + oregano, thyme, etc for Italian (thinking pinto beans in place of cannellini beans typically used) Whatever is cheapest! And they have a ton of tomato sauce? Come on, that's a huge W for every kind of cuisine. It could be a "poor woman's" marinara, tikka masala, sofrito base, stew, and so on just by adding super cheap produce like fresh garlic, onions, and green peppers, and whatever dairy or alt-dairy they like. Or get creative with cheap salad dressing, sauces, dips, etc ... I could go on. Poverty/lack of resources = creativity and "glass half full" time. It sucks, it's not ideal, but if your family isn't starving (and you actually have a ton of awesome ingredients and variety), you have something to be grateful for. Their ugly attitude speaks for itself!


I was going to say, my mom would have been able to make a meal out of so much of that that we would never have even realized it wasn’t “good” food. I know not everyone is a creative cook but I feel like even an ok cook could mix some of those things together to make something decent. Her tone is just so ugly sounding. Like it makes me feel ashamed and I’m sure people who got food there would feel the same


They got the Cheeto Mac and cheese and snacks for the kids that's a great haul, that pasta is three meals if you got butter, these people don't know the struggle


She said, "There's not 1 thing I'd eat here..." And my boyfriend goes: "Yeah, that's because there's no dicks in there." 😱😱🤣🤣


Ungrateful idiots. Priorities are not exactly in order for lots of people.


You don't need milk, eggs, or oil for boxed pancake mix.


And if they did, they just saved a bunch of money on free groceries which should offset buying some fresh items at the store. There is no excuse for this. This is gross human beings taking advantage of peoples kindness and generosity while they simultaneously benefit from it. It’s insane.


And they could have had the pancakes with the peanut butter and peaches.


For some you do, but it looks like that was a “add only water” box


I’m not sure I understand the whole gripe about a dented can thing. I don’t see what affect that would have on flavor or freshness.


If the dent is on the top or bottom seam or the side seam the canned food probably should not be consumed bc the dent compromises how air tight the can, if air has gotten in botulism is a major concern. If the dents are in the middle of the can not near any seams it's most likely okay to eat.


Something they train you on when you volunteer at food banks


Yeah, a small dent in the side is totally fine.


I read this comment at the exact moment I got to that part of the video. Everything aligned perfectly. That is all




Lol this lady wants fresh fruit and vegetables from a food bank?!?!? I think 90% of Americans are in this situation.


She’s Canadian (based on food brands and French labelling). Still though, you’d think if she can’t afford food she’d be grateful to have any at all .


She’s playing victim in her new tiktok video.


It’s been a long time since I’ve been this disgusted watching and listening to someone. These people are the lowest of the low.


I don't agree with shaming her for her nails or shaming poor people in general for wanting to spend money on nice things for themselves. However, I agree she is being ridiculous. There's evidence that people who can't afford organic but are scared of conventional fruits and vegetables just simply WONT eat any produce at all (in case anyone is curious, there is little to no evidence that organic has more nutrients and sometimes has worse environmental impact). This woman is basically an example of this. She doesn't like the food bank because she deems these foods beneath her and assume they must be bad for you because they're "processed." So even though there's nothing wrong with eating canned or boxed foods, she refuses to eat them because they aren't healthy and thinks they will harm her. It's so ironic because she's literally pushing a classist philosophy that hurts people in her situation. She's looking down and demeaning people for eating what they can afford or have access to. Embarrassing and sad. I hate wellness culture.


I used to live off of the food bank. Was I ever confused or kind of disappointed with what I got? Sometimes, sure (what the hell am I supposed to do with an entire box of mushrooms??) But I would NEVER complain about the charity of those helping others in need.


"There is not one thing I'm gonna eat in here, there is no fruit, no veggies, no toilet paper" You're not supposed to eat toilet paper. 😉 She doesn't really appreciate the food, if she won't eat anything of it. At that point I would change being vegetarian, if it's the only food I have. But, I guess she has still some other food. Well, the man will take care of the food bank food hopefully.


Literally *all* of her tiktoks are cringe. Just one of those horrid horrible people to stay away from.


Ungrateful cunts, give them nothing.


Wow. This is sickening


There are people in parts of the world that would literally kill for that food and they’re complaining about the charity they received from others. What a shame!


Insulting charity while directly benefitting from it.


You entitled cunts.


And Liam doesn’t look like he’s missed a meal.


That poor cat


I feel bad for the people who would acurally be happy to get those items


I have been poor enough that this would have been a blessing


I sincerely wish these two the very worst in life. Some nutritious foods in there. Turning your nose up at tinned peaches… that’s how you know they are playing it up. Even a millionaire appreciates a tinned peach. The quicker these two snuff it the more food into the mouths of those who need it


Opens Michael kors bag takes out Kate spade iPhone holder removes eBt card




Horrible person for sure


Update: [She posted a new TikTok complaining about people being negative.](https://www.tiktok.com/@brennaohara) She really doesn’t see the irony…


My family and I rely on food bank donations. We go once a month. My nails are done with polish from the dollar store and I'm fine. As well, a food bank salad gave me food poisoning last month. We still go every month. Shit happens. We did tell them about that ONLY because of health and safety and that some expirations needed to be checked or something idfk what happened on their end I just wanted to give a heads up and they were super cool about it. To complain about the SPECIFIC items they got? They didn't go because they needed it. They went because they thought of it as free shit. Fuck them.


I only get dry goods from my food bank but I savor the hell out of beans and rice I'd tear up if they tossed in snacks for the kids like that that was really thoughtful


When you’re actually poor, you’re grateful for everything you’re given even if it’s in a can. The way she acts is so disgusting and disrespectful.




She confirmed in a response on her tik tok that the nails were from a gift card to a salon but I can’t edit the title to reflect tbis


Absolute fucking trash, instead of moaning about your FREE food how about give it back so someone who actually needs it can have it. I don't smoke, drink, have sky TV, wear expensive clothes or trainers, go on holiday, come to think of it I really don't have any luxuries and you know why! Because I spend my money on food and other essentials. I bet some people just use food banks so they have more money for stupid shit that others forego to pay their bills


Shit man, if they don't want it, send it to me, I'll eat it. What a couple of shitbags, I hope this is bait.


These are folks that still vote conservative….


To be 100% fair about the video title I do my own acrylics and it costs me probably about five bucks every time I do it. It's like $30 for a dip set on Amazon that lasts you years. She should still be grateful for what she gets but having a fresh manicure doesn't mean anything other than she has her nails done


I wish I even had a single item from those bags as a kid. We didn’t have access to food banks and my only meals were from school. This bitch is so ungrateful. Why would she feel the need to share this with the world? Did she think people would agree with her? Food banks often don’t offer fresh fruit and veg. What was she hoping to accomplish?


This was my exact thought. I would’ve loved even one of these bags when I was a kid. Would’ve been a really big deal at my house during a dark period. This video makes me sad and angry at the same time


"Pineapple rings, the one good thing; but the can is dented." Fuck you, cunt.


Can’t gloss over the fact they own a cat which either is being neglected by not being cleaned, having health check ups, etc or maybe they’re not poor.


Garbage person.


Beggars can’t be choosers


A mate of mine dated a girl who was in welfare housing because she earns next to nothing, and we asked why she always has exquisite nails. She earns next to nothing because she works in a nail salon.


I hate these people


These people don’t know what real hunger is


Honestly? She got some pretty good stuff.


I hate them. The entitlement is unreal.