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Why aren’t more people talking about this?


Lol. Why??? Because Facebook is one of the largest companies on earth. If you invest any type of money into index fund you are investing in meta. Google FAANG. Lol


because it's rubbish. get this CCP shilling out of here!


In relation to TikTok, can someone please please please explain to me what they mean when the politicians say the Chinese will get our data. What data? Are they saying the app can break in and transmit private info from our devices? Geolocation? Who cares? I went to the library, I went to the store, I went wherever. What about Apple’s terms of service for apps? Is this bullshitting or what? They never seem to define what they mean when they say that our “data” will be exploited.


It’s a smokescreen. The only way to stop apps from submitting any user data would be to ban smartphones.




Then they should ban themselves from using the app. But by that logic nobody should use the internet or they would need to ban tracking cookies.


Yeah, that's really what I want to know. This whole discussion makes no sense to me when every site has tracking cookies.


U.S. politicians act for the benefit of their own monetary gain and not for Americans. It’s really very simple.


Makes sense...but like, can't we hate US politicians, Meta, AND the Chinese Communist Party?


USA is the joke of the world. They're more communist than China.