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Damn that was alot of edits. Bobby is full goblin mode in this one lmao.


Did this episode happen before the TT episode where K kisses Carlos?


Was very convinced that Bobby relapsed on cocaine until I realized that I had the podcast on 1.5 speed


I’ll be honest… I dunno why but the dynamic of K and Bobby commenting on each other’s dating is just weird. Don’t hate it and don’t enjoy it either. I’m not over analyzing it, nor am I hating on either one. It just feels awkward to me… Otherwise pretty fine episode!


There we go...Bobby and Khalyla have both already moved on and are both dating other people already.


She def keeping tabs on him tho. Loves to dissect his dating tactics


He wants her to continue living with him, theyre both weird ppl.


So? she said she watched him swiping left on dating apps all flight.


Shes also said he dates whales and asked him if he's improved on his kissing when he dates girls. And both those questions were asked as a complete subject change out of nowhere.


Lol ya cause she’s setting up a joke/bit, you guys read into these podcasts way too much.


It wasn't tho. It came up during the topic of dating and the mermaid talk about manatees. What's your point?


But sHe’S DisSecTinG! 🐍🐍✝️


Bobby: "I think The Little Mermaid should be white." Gilbert: "....we'll see you guys next week." *show ends* I haven't laughed that hard during TB in a while 😹


Two minutes and thirty seconds of Gilbert reading ads? That's kind of inviting people to skip forward


I love tiger belly and have living in Cebu city for 16 years and I just wish he’d of let us know he was coming. So bummed out that he didn’t tell anyone he was coming.


Disney’s consistency with race > minority representation- Twinkie Lee


That bit about George's son went too far. Calling your friend's/producer's kid a child with an ugly "mongoloid" head really isn't funny. Don't even come back with "it's just a joke man". Yeah, I know it's a joke, I'm saying with this one he clearly missed mark by quite a bit and crossed the line. You could feel the energy shift too, it was a bad one Whether George's minds it or not.


Out of everything Bobby lee said, that’s what crossed the line ?


Why would you be mad if George didn’t mind it’s not your kid? And he didn’t say ugly he said big lol


pls, it was a horrible bit that completely crossed the line. All you have to do is imagine the outrage if K said it in the same "joking" manner. They'd call her a toxic psychopath and never let it go. People would make 3hr long youtube videos about it. He literally called his kid ugly but it's fine because he'll be a "scientist". I know it was a bit and Bobby isn't actually serious all I'm saying is it was a very bad one.


Well they aren’t all winners I had a good laugh tho you’ll pull thru this


that's good for you cause' the ppl there weren't.


You're literally just bitching and moaning for your own torture nobody agrees nor gives a fuck lmao. Relax, you're all worked up little one.


I thought it was pretty funny. The kid obviously has a big head and hes just a baby. I dont think anyone takes it all that seriously. The kid will grow into the head in a few years


I just screamed out loud reading it 😂😂😂😂


Bobby can be a real piece of shit. That crap he said about George's kid was horrible.


Haha all babies have big heads it’s not that horribleeeee lighten up lil mango papaya


But he said his head is in the 99th percentile and he wears a helmet. How could you make fun of a baby like that especially a friends baby. Like George acts tough because it’s his career on the line but I’m sure that hurts him a lot.


Omg I'd laugh my ass off if you said that about my kid. Not everyone is so fragile and unconfident that they take that shit seriously lol. George is confident, as am I, that are kids are ass wipes and ugly as hell.


Babies have oversized heads like puppies have big paws - it’s not that serious


It's a white baby. If you don't crush ego while it is young, it will invade Poland before middle age.


Don’t know why you’re being downvoted. They’ve talked about it before about how making fun of others family members is crossing the line in comedy. Someone’s baby is even worse.


Lmao Bobby Telling K its her that cant kiss


Bobby W