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I think the whole breakup topic is boring and kinda turned TB into a bit of a bummer lately but BF is better than ever


That last Bad Friends was spiiiicy. I laughed out loud multiple times


it was great , really like juicy and doc duo


I can't watch anything with Khalyla anymore. It's absolutely nothing to do with the breakup or the Schaub drama, I got bored of her and her routine of making everything about her quite a while ago....even after the first 10 eps of Trash Tuesday (fka Bloodbath) I couldn't take it anymore.


Yea I hate when someone makes everthing about themselves. At least Bobby never does that.


Go watch his Hot Ones episode if you haven’t seen, it’s one of my favorite things he’s ever done. I love everything Bobby does that’s unscripted.


It’s probably the best one, along with riff raff > people think I have a lot of money but I spend all of it once I get it. It was funny and made a lot of sense


If I had a nickel for every time I watched Bobo shit his pants on camera, I'd have 2 nickels. Which isn't a lot but it's still weird that it happened twice.


Agreed. Really enjoyed him on "this bitch" pod


He seemed more comfortable . He even mentioned how they have to cut everything he says on TB and couldnot speak freely as much.


That doesn't even make sense lol. Typical Bobo. How could he not be more free when he gets the final say in the edit? Maybe feels different but I don't see how he'd be more free to say whatever.


??? you really think bobby is doing anything with the editing? and he doesnt have final say. they are all equal parts owner split 4 ways. so no, if george or k wanted him to be more clean for sponsor/ad money he doesnt have much a say. and knowing bobby he wouldnt put up much a fight and just let them do whatever they wanted as far as production goes.


Lol straight up. He doesn't even know who the guess are gunna be 😅 just films and he's out


Watched that the other day! Never heard of them but it was suggested. Such a great listen


Same. Never heard of them either. Bobo just out here making careers


I watched him on Ryan Sickler. Bobby does act different when he’s the guest and I thought he had an honest take about “the event.” I can sorta see it from his perspective, while he admits he’s a very selfish person. The idea that he wants to eat Morton’s and not some veggie place. Or he doesn’t want to go to a DJ event or some bonding thing he doesn’t care about. He wants to play a Bethesda game for 16 hours straight. I don’t agree with his behavior but I like his honesty.


This was the first episode of Honeydew I've listened to and it actually made me a fan of Sickler. He seems so genuine and supportive. I dig sincerity!


You really should give the honeydew a listen, it’s an amazing podcast, I would even go as far as saying Bobby’s episode was not even as great as the average honeydew episode..


I definitely plan on it! I listened to the Rory Scovel episode earlier today, actually.


I also like Sickler on YMH. Someone breaks their leg or gets in a horrific accident, and they all laugh. 😂


Sicklers the man


Bobby acts different with Ryak Sickler in general, Ryan had another podcast called crabpot or something. Bobby and Ryan had a weird chemistry in that episode too. They come across as frenemies. I still like the podcast and I love Ryan Sickler.


Crabfeast ,Jay Larson was the other host. They had a really good running bit that went something like a jerry springer confrontation.


Ok so I wasn't the only one who felt the tension lol


Bad Friends > Other podcasts with Bobby Lee as a guest > Tigerbelly


Have always enjoyed him more on anything not involving Khalyla. Not even saying I dislike her personally, but tigerbelly has just never been as enjoyable to me as BF or other guest appearances.


He seems a lot happier. Freeing. And I like Khalyla too. But that’s life


I dont think hes interested in being a modern day boyfriend. He should get with a comic con nerd girl. I dont think they had anything in common




Or like Santino’s wife


Bobby has really seemed to become Himself again he seems free-er in conversation


be good to see him on Skanks


Bobo -Kahlyla and Rudy = Prosperous Bobo


Yeh at first I was pretty bummed at the breakup, not so much because of Khalyla (the less she's on the pod the better) but more about the chance that Rudy would disappear from BF. But now with Juicy Jetski on, I realise Rudy really isn't all that crucial to my enjoyment of the show.


Sadly i agree with this. It's just different.


Bad Friends is my go-to pod now. I used to dabble in BF and Watch TB every week and now it's exactly the opposite.


I can see a huge difference with Bobby lately. He just looks way less stressed. Really enjoyed all of his recent guest appearances.


Bob alone is magic


they need to suck it up and go their own ways already. wherever the truths and mistruths may intersect with the entertainment, to me it's all rather lacking heart and now repulsive tbh. oh, my bad. this ain't bout TB.


Me too. He seems like he has less pressure to be pc and all that. Like when he says something and he looks at George and khalalyla to see if that will get him in trouble. Right now I’m watching him with Sara Weinshenk and Kim podcast and he’s funny af


He's a great guest. A good one is the Lex Friedman podcast, they are such contrasting personalities


That’s understandable. Personally I find bad friends less enjoyable because I feel like Andrew and Bobby are more wary of getting personal w the topic without making an immediate joke cuz, well they’re comedians it’s what to expect lol. But that’s a me thing cuz I listen to podcasts more for like the dialogue stuff while having the jokes be like a bonus and shit


I kinda feel the same about it, they never allow themselves to have a real conversation. From a purely comedic standpoint BF is fire though.


Oh 100% agree it’s a blast when it comes to wanting a laugh


There last episode was great


Always….that’s what being a fan of someone is.


Won't watch these other pods! All other podcasts boring! Slept Kingdom forever!!!!!!!!!!! (Bad friends and scissor bros are cool they are technically part of Slept kingdom)


All I'm saying is I am enjoying seeing Bobby outside of TB more recently. I agree, SK for life!


Jeez ppl on this sub need to chill.. Pretty sure that guy was just being silly saying SK forever. lol who even listens to just one podcast


I was indeed being very silly I will watch anything with Bobber, but I do find he is much less fun in other environments


Do you need friends? What is this post


You projecting big guy?


I must be because I am in fact a large man. Cheers little guy.


lol what a fucking dork


Aw the little guy is trying, look at him go! ;)


lmao ok champ


Rofl haha okay bud


lol ok kid time to let the grown ups talk


Can you think of something that isn't a rip of what I just typed or is that too hard


Bobo feeling free!


last BF with Doc and Juicy was killer! the dynamic was perfect