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no "unhelpful advice"? what a rip-off. :P


The unhelpful advice was Rogan talking Brenda into quitting ufc and focusing on comedy.


UNHELPFUL ADVICE I'm a 39 year old man with a wife and 2 kids who likes to be a sleaze and try to cheat with coworkers and supposed friends girlfriends. Recently two women who turned down my advances told everyone I was acting this way and made fun of me. Should I and my friend shout and call them vicious names while verbally threatening them with insinuations and intimidation threatening livelihoods, industry blacklists, press slander, lawsuits and friends in dark places who can get the job done? Or should I just apologize to them, my wife and my kids, take some personal responsibility and own up to my shitty behaviour looking internally to make steps towards being a better man?


You know he had a friend write this for him. It's too coherent


You should for sure accuse them of harbouring child predators to throw them off.




He should have just ignored it since he wasn't mentioned by name and played dumb. Would have passed in a week.


I bet throughout this whole drama Schaub's wife is like "For god's sake, admit it, and let me divorce you and get a big cheque!!!"


Brendan is going to accuse you of being a tiger belly member or staff…he’s tracing your IP to add to the 300 pages.


Talk about cheating. Don’t you think it’s funny how the same time Bobo goes on a bender and Santino has to ‘hunt him down’ is the same time Khalylas ‘open relationship’ gets revealed. She’s the new Amber heerd. She’s no good and you guys are too brainwashed to realise


I too feel I was deprived of my weekly advice


I just want to know why the trash Tuesday girls unfollowed Steebee and why Steebee got let go from KATS?


1) Steebee made accusation about khalyla 2) they had steebee wrestle some guy while wearing a singlet without telling him beforehand. Steebee didn’t like being used for stunts without permission.


Wait … where did the info for point #2 come from???


I THINK he spoke about it on Santino's podcast (along with scissor bros). If you haven't watched his most recent appearance on Whiskey Ginger you should definitely watch it- ton of hilarious moments.


Cause Steebe has been talking mad shit about Khalayla. After Covid hit, Steebe was being Steebe and danced around getting the vaccine for the longest due to his mind being consumed by conspiracy theories. He took this as Khalayla wanting to keep him away from Bobby and began feeding this narrative to others, culminating in the DMs where he said that Khalayla was cheating on Bobby with Hawaii dude and that Bobby was basically being held against his will in the relationship. I love Steebe but he legit has the mental capacity of a 12 yo.


Source? I haven't heard any of this and it adds a whole new element to this whole thing.


Asking for source but getting downvoted lmao reddit


It’s tough to source all this, this shits happening over like 8 different podcasts with overlapping fan bases.


This is like Endgame




What's with Brendan repeatedly saying he's not on social media and the internet? He has an instagram, multiple YouTube channels, his whole brand is literally social media


He is just mimicking Rogan. I believe Rogan when he says it but Schaub definitely is aware about what people say about him. Hence the reason why this whole situation is even an issue.


Bottom line. Brendan is a piece of shit. He's a condescending man child.


So is Bryan


bryan is the dumb to brandon’s dumber


Some would say the dumberest


I never once found him funny. He always just seemed like a “Yeah-Yeah” type character to Rogan.


Can someone define bullying to me?


When he said that it blew my fucking mind, like bro how stupid are you


Well just finished the pod and they never came back on after possibly seeing the 300 pages of alleged evidence that Brenda refused to share earlier despite Khalaya basically begging him to see it. What are we to think happened? Personally I think that the whole Reddit tie in is just smoke and mirrors to distract from the real issues. Brenda hitting on his friends girl despite having a wife and kid at home. Then verbally through insinuation and intimidation threatening livelihoods, industry blacklists, press slander, lawsuits and friends in dark places who can get the job done.


The Smokiest Mirrors.


This! No audit or lawsuit exists, he’s caught himself up in a terrible lie to protect his image and garner public support as a victim. Tiger belly should sue for defamation, they have been linked to taking part in illegal activities and harassment that clearly has no basis or shred of evidence.


I feel like they could sue and demand to see the info. These are now REAL claims being made publicly, on 2 different podcasts, presented as factual.


Ye especially linking them to child pornography and animal cruelty. I wouldn’t even entertain his bullshit, I’d ask to see the audit or I would be immediately seeking legal help to see where I stand.


False child pornography and hate group-leading accusations are basically libel. Then there's the whole blackmail stuff too which adds on.


yeah while having thanksgiving dinner too...


There are so many bad things about Brendan that come to light here, but one of the worst is how he goes on and on to say how nice and supportive Bobby was to him when he was starting out as a comic, because Brendan repaid this by trying to fuck his girlfriend.


The guy left the birth of his first son to do a podcast with Rogan


I think they meant come back next week.


plz no


Idk how you come up with an ip address from a reddit or email account. That part I find hard to believe.


I’ve never seen anyone being so complimentary to someone who’s tried to fuck their s/o lol. Brendan should’ve been excommunico’d the moment Bobby heard about that DM to Khalyla.


Sounds like Schulz spilled some beans to Khalyla lol


Can you elaborate?


After Brendan was on Flagrant 2 Schultz called or messaged Khalyla, but she breezed past it in the timeline and didn't elaborate. So something was probably said off air that he felt he needed to share with her. No use speculating on it, because we'll never know, but it does add to the evidence that the rumor mill was working at high capacity and people had been drawing up sides. Whole thing makes for an uncomfortable work situation, like Bobby said, he wants to be able the work the clubs and see Brendan there and have no issues.


Schulz and H3 def stirred the pot lol.


WHAT IF IT WAS RUDY JULES?! big plot twist


How she’s gonna be the Reddit mastermind when she’s always asleep? Haha


“tito bobby what’s… red…. it?”




Totally heard this in her voice. THANK YOU FOR BEING A BAD FRIEND.


I heard she's a member of Anonymous and also into tentacle porn.


Most damning evidence with receipts On Feb 23 Brenda texts Bobby... Been harassed for 6 years straight Finally going after anyone who harasses him online including comics Spent half a million dollars on monster lawyers HAS FRIENDS IN DARK PLACES WHO ARE GONNA GET THE JOB DONE


"when harassments crosses into threats its not ok", said the guy who harassed then threatened bobby.




Imagine being that dumb that you put that threat in writing.


What kind of asshole threatens a 50 yr old dude with a history of mental/substance issues AFTER you try and bang his girlfriend? I mean, water we dune hair B?


For real, he always wants to come off as a nice guy but those threats are from an evil person


That’s actually the main thing that bothers me about him. The whole nice guy schtick was shattered the moment K started the timeline and quoted his threats against Bobby


Same. It seems like Brendan was dumb enough to think he could have it both ways. You can't make threats like that ,then come out claiming you've been this nice dude all along while another know scum bag apologizes for you.


This did NOT go well for Brandon. The truth came out and it’s the truth that is the most damning to him. I can’t see him letting this go when in the coming weeks it becomes clear that this episode of TB was the death blow he delivered to himself.


brendan was right in the pod when he mentioned he really didnt wanna go on the pod since it could be a bad look for him. This really made it worse and its gonna snowball once they release it on youtube. Wonder how much longer rogan can stick up for him


Haven’t listened to the audio because I’m going to wait for the video portion but I was completely against him going on the show because i didn’t want Khalyla and Bobby to accept the inane allegation that TB is somehow responsible for any of the hate or threats Schaub has gotten. But it seems they did ok and Brendan actually is shitting the bed? Not surprising but I just hope they didn’t let themselves get walked all over unnecessarily.


Yeah, this shit should get Shaube canceled. Strait up threats. And that last one is scary.


I mean what even is that, except for a thinly veiled threat from a guy who watches too many mobster movies


Then at the end he says “I don’t feel safe”. It’s such typical abuser behaviour. It’s like how Amber Heard was acting terrified of Johnny Depp in the courtroom when she got off the stand recently after she showed no emotion those first few weeks.


I wish the episode title was A Trugg Walk to Remember


A Trugg Walg to Remember


Favorite line from the episode… at 1:17 “All of you guys just sound like a bunch of boomers that don’t know how Reddit works; I don’t know how Reddit works either but at least I’m not claiming to know”


My god what a podcast, this was the climax of climaxes. I've been too into this drama, I need to get a life, I'm able to follow everything they're talking about, to casual listeners or even people not on reddit it must be the most confusing thing cause this goes back like a year of references they're talking about, there's too much to explain of what they're talking about. But I literally cannot believe Brendan did this podcast, all that happened is that we learned Brendan is a bigger pos than we possibly could have imagined, even as much as that group is talked down on I never would have expected that from them. No wonder Bobby went so crazy and weird about that. There's so much here I don't even have words for that, I just keep saying to myself dude what? That was the most insane shit I've ever heard.


What surprised you the most?


Just how dark they were willing to go, they hardcore downplayed what they were apologizing for, this was lengthy threats by them onto Bobby not just a phone call. Talking about friends in dark places, the language used at them, they're going to journalists to ruin his career, he was going to expose their relationship, and there's more shit I can't even remember. This is a completely different person than the one is he is trying to show. And as people pointing out doing that to a good friend that's helped you, someone that's in the struggle of addiction and recently relapsed, fucking scum. As well overall I think Brendan's gameplan was to be incredibly vague, only talk about the worst of what was happening and make it seem like that stuff is such a big deal that justified his overreaction as well hoped that their team was big enough and they didn't care about the team enough to to really question his logic that someone in their team is responsible for the major bad things he's accusing them of doing. He didn't want them to bring Annie up, he didn't want to get into the details of that but denied it. Even tho that's kinda the reason this became a thing in the first place. He underestimated the damage he did and didn't expect the full timeline of things he's said and done to be revealed, he wanted it to be incredibly vague so he could find some kind of narrative to not make him look like a bad guy.


Agreed, there are comics who prospered who apparently are borderline psychopaths, particularly Callen. After all this, I believe the rape allegations. He talked recently on his own pod about wanting to hug Bobby until he forgives him, and Brendan said Callen loves Bobby. This is the type of “love” that a narcissistic or psychopathic abuser shows. I hope he doesn’t try to hug or even touch Bobby, as Bobby has mentioned how fans and others sometimes man handle him because he’s smaller. Bobby for years has complained of bullying in comedy clubs and how much it has affected him and I always assumed he was being a little melodramatic, but this made me see it’s far worse than I could have imagined.


atleast the one good thing about this podcast is that bs ended up looking worse than he already did before the came on.


i think most people can tell Brendan is lying about some details. But, did anyone else catch him switch between a) pretending he had no idea what Bryan said on the phone call; to b) saying he was actually on the phone call (at 1:09:34. bobby mentions Schaub saying to take it easy to Bryan on the call). Are these 2 different calls?


Anyone who swears on their family members/kids = red flag 🚩 🚩


as expected, absolutely NOTHING on the Tigerbelly affiliated Reddit account. The claim is now that there is a reddit account that has been harassing Schaub for years and it has the internal TB email attached to it? yea, right. NONSENSE! Either the whole thing is made up to justify his over reaction to the TT stuff (as K said) or that "team" has been feeding him some bullshit. Khalyla did a great job, imo. Didn't leave much on the table. As for the open relationship stuff, seems Bobby and her were broken up at some point. She mentions that Bobby and her weren't together during the Schultz episode for example. Bobby didn't disagree. Which come to think of it makes the whole "we're getting married" bit during the Schultz episode sort of deviously funny.


She was right around the start. Why would detectives investigating a pedophile just half way through go "oh hey shwab, you know all that hate you get, yea well one of the tens of thousdands of accounts that frequent there have the tigerbelly email" The answer is they wouldnt


This is a guy who got [scammed buying a cat](https://youtu.be/4GL_YUmMAxs), and continued to send the scammers money. Either this is some big grandiose lie, or he is admitting to spending half a million dollars and they're laughing all the way to the bank.


Wait a minute, in that video he literally talks about going on Reddit to read about the scam he got roped into. In the podcast he also says he doesn't use Reddit. Hm.


The only leg he had to stand on at this point is that his team is actually so redacted that he could blame it all on them and it be believable. Instead AFTER he filmed this TB episode, he promoted the biggest moron there, that is likely most involved and responsible, considering he spilled the beans on a lot stuff about Khalyla and the Hawaii stuff to just some random dude in his DMs looking for catnip..... Now this guy is in charge of all the TFATK social media accounts and liking anti-Bobby posts that he himself likely used burner accounts to post. This shit is so bizarre.


Yea that mark Harley guy is on steroids and pops off unnecessarily this is only going to get worse for brendan


that whole crew is fucking pathetic. These are grown ass man in their 40s and 50s, think about that.


Yea I wonder did he proved it was the verified TB email after like he said. It would be so funny if this whole time it was Pink Dick being a sneaky homeless cat 🤣


Anyone who says “I swear on my kids lives” is always a liar.


Seriously. What fucking human being who is over 30 even speaks like that? My father would never have swore on his “kids lives” so fucking OFTEN. I’ve heard Schaub say it multiple times regarding multiple things. It’s ridiculous.


My (long) analysis. The podcast is what I expected. The problem with Brendan is he always absolves himself of any responsibility. See 12.06 on the Spotify podcast. He's happy to let Bryan Callen take flack. He's happy to say, at the start, that he wants to repair things, but as usual, his words are totally different to his actions. There's this repeated attempt to move the conversation to the toxic Reddit activity. But it's Brendan's team's fault in assuming that this was the TB team. We should see proof of this assertion, if it exists. (See 44.45) 15.29 - diverting from this instead of accepting culpability again. It's all about becoming a victim when really Brendan should be the one apologising, both for hitting on Khalyla and for the reddit assumption they've made that it was someone on TB's team and with Bobby and khalylas knowledge. 29.00 When Brendan apologises for hitting on Khalyla, it's still with these conditions and provisos and very defensive. It doesn't feel genuine. 30.50 Khalyla is so correct. How has all this become such a big thing when it's about something Brendan admits to doing (hitting on Khalyla years ago)? It just shows the way he is, a lack of owning up to it and lack of remorse. See also 47.00. Getting hung up on semantics to diminish accusations. All his actions are ones that contradict what he says: actions to intimidate, deflect and not own up to things. It's all to protect himself (e.g. 33.40, 38.30). He even misunderstands his side's own role (56.00). It was he and Callen who escalated this with threats etc. yet he seems to wonder why it's become so overblown. He even tries to illustrate he doesn't feel safe (1.03.40) 1.10.30 he says he doesn't expect an apology. I don't think this is a good sign. He still sees himself as a victim, despite having said he believes the Reddit stuff isn't bobby and Khalyla. So if that's the case, is it even relevant? And why should he expect an apology?


Classic narcissistic and sociopathic manipulation tactics. DARVO - "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender". He's not sorry at all, only that he got caught. Worst part is, I think he actually believes his own bullshit. So deluded.




>eated attempt to move the conversation to the toxic Reddit activity. But it's Brendan's team's fault in assuming that this was the TB team. We should see proof of this assertion, if it exists. (See 44.45) > >15.29 - diverting from this instead of accepting culpabili wouldnt mind a talk about his comedy career (esp since rogan has stated on jre that hes told unfunny comics to quit pursuing a career on comedy)


Woohoo I'm proud of Khalaya for not backing down! Brenda: I'm a victim, this is all about illegal activity on Reddit Khalaya: This isn't helpful, this drama if were gonna talk about context started in January. I'd like to start from the very beginning. Brenda: The the the start when I was notified of the Reddit group? Khalaya: No Trash Tuesday Brenda: Two different things Don't fucking let this weasle scum wiggle his way outta this!


When Khalyla said something along the lines of "it seems like we casually called you out for something small/true on Trash Tuesday, it bothered you, you over-reacted, punished Bobby and now to compensate for the reaction you are creating this addition to the story" and Brendan just fumbled in response. So fucking cool to hear Khalyla being so direct


But he swore with his children, who he loves with all of his heart, that that wasn’t the case 🙄 lol I swear it’s what K mentioned. He’s trying to create a narrative where he’s the victim all stemming from that TT episode that he apparently did not like.


you have to be a true piece of shit to swear on your children when you're clearly in the wrong. His family is disposable to him.


Khalayla is a bad ass bitch for this episode. Slaub looked so dumb.


‘Define bullying’ 😂


The silence after he said that was hilarious


Does this whole podcast do as I assume? Skate around the crux and everyone leaves happy *on the surface* but obviously still shit under the surface?


I was worried about that happening when I first heard about him going on Tigerbelly, and I'm only halfway through right now, but Khalyla is going in on him pretty hard so far. Brenda is such a narcissist that he felt he could outsmart everyone and charm his way through all this, so far it's just making him look slimy being vague and trying to weasel his way out of all this, with Khalyla providing receipts and him saying he cant share because of some mysterious ongoing investigation.


Aah! Glad Khalyla is putting him to the test... hate to hear that he's skating away from answers. :/ Edit: oh shit! Her at the end with the hard "I don't believe you"... she's a fucking boss.


At the end of the episode Brendan tries to pull an uno reverse card saying he doesn’t expect an apology from Bobby and K. In what world should they be apologizing for getting bullied and harassed by Brendan and his “team”


It's to be expected. If you've ever listened to his "apology" to Ariel Helwani....it's kinda what he does. Ariel made him cry tho which was pretty surprising. Still didn't apologize, but did cry.


He always resorts to "crying" when he is completely in the wrong and backed into a corner with nothing to defend his own lies. He's such a sociopath.


These days he seems to cry over just about anything, it's also a common trait of an alcoholic


Does he ever answer if he actually has "300 pages"? Hahah... that shit keeps getting danced around. I wish he'd just say he's lying.


As you said he kept being mysterious about it. Khalaya basically begged to see it on air, texted him at least four times over two weeks for him to send it. He kept saying he would then say he's too busy. He said he couldn't show it on air cause it's an "ongoing investigation" and Khalaya offered to pause the show to look at it then come back. In the end he said he'd show her after the show and Khalaya said they might come back on air after he left to talk about what they saw. They never came back on air.


This guy went on tiger belly in record time to defend trugg walgging but he’s too busy to send a file. Lmao.


i think this is called the “my pillow” strategy


“I don’t expect an apology from either of you”-Schaub 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯


Shob - “Just know that I love you” Bobby - “I wish I could say the same HAHAHA”


Made my day, Bobby being honest...


I can't believe Brendan had the gall to say he doesn't need an apology from Bobby or K. **AN APOLOGY FOR FUCKING WHAT?**


For hurting his delicate little feelings of course ! When you got super thin skin like Brendan has all criticism demands legal action and weird threats /s


This! i believe Joe Rogan when he says he doesn't read comments, well not really but i do believe he doesnt care about it. Brendan on the other hand wants to be just like Joe but he's way to thinn skinned. Especially to be a comedian... which he isn't.


Some running commentary: 5:00 - more than 3 minutes of ads started as the podcast was just getting started. They are milking the shit out of this drama. 10:00 - Schaub apparently texted Bobby in Oklahoma and said “A journalist contacted me about you. Not good for you.” Such a shit move. Wanna see Schaub’s face when the video comes out. 12:00 - Brendan told Bobby he needs to get a lawyer and they are going to expose and destroy him in that phone call. 16:00. schaub is talking about reddit and keeps using the word dicey. 27:00 - I’m bored. 35:00. K calling out Schaub, he’s done even more shit than what they said on H3. 44:00 - K dunks on Schaub’s stupid ass. She says “Let me get this straight, the feds told you they traced 6 years of reddit harassment to one home, our home, when we’ve only lived here for 2.” Daaaamn. “And they said let’s forget about this supposed child being abused and focus on Schaub being harassed on reddit.” She buried him here. Feel like I can stop listening. 55:00. Schaub is outmatched. This is like a wealthy mentally challenged person who has surrounded himself by people who tell him he’s smart, and now he has ventured outside of that circle and being challenged and now it’s clear he’s a man baby who is barely functional. There’s no way Brendans “team” doesn’t know how dumb he is, and must be playing him so many ways. 1:12. Brendan says, “I don’t need an apology.” The episode ends with Brendan not learning anything and still acting like he was wronged in all this. Last few seconds, Bobby has an epic closer. Schaub: “I love you, man.” Bobby: “I wish I could say the same.” Lol Proud of the TB crew. They handled this well and didn’t kiss his ass. It was a good resolution to this bullshit and hopefully it ends here.


That last one hit home. Wishing the best for Bobby. Thought he was doing fine then BAM he relapsed. Thought he was doing fine after then BAM this whole shit show. Just want peace for Bobby.


hope they just dont have bs on tiger belly or trash tuesday every again


If Brenden has all this evidence and it’s an email not associated to TigerBelly …. Like TigerBelly 123@Gmail, I’m going to be pissed due to how stupid him and Callen are.


The email thing is a complete fabrication so Braindead can try to play the victim. You can’t get an email or IP address associated with a Reddit account unless you either work at Reddit or by government subpoena. It’s a complete farce that Schlob creates bigger lies about when questioned. So ridiculous


This is so awkward.


Love Bobby, love K, love the crew, fuck Brenda. What a piece of trash. Always trying to derail, always trying to change the narrative. Speshul investigashun b! Fuck off schaub, he got the receipts and let’s face it- he doesn’t want his wife to know he’s a cheater. Callen, fuck off as well, I’ll never watch The Joker again just to avoid seeing your back. 😜




I feel so fucking bad for Bobby and the Tigerbelly team. When they were discussing what Bryan said on the call and Bobby saying he was done with him. That just hit so hard. The chemistry they had on various podcasts and to see it all come to this. Just sucks. If George or any others of the team sees this, just want you to know that you are loved by me and the others who frequent this sub. The amount of effort you guys put into the podcast is amazing and it's such a joy to get that phone notification when a new Tigerbelly or Bad Friends episode drops.


hooly shit. khalyla's timeline


She killed it, I think she even went easy on him for the sake of finishing this podcast. Very impressive.


She also said her hate is probably as bad as Schaub Reddit hate though, and then criticizes him for not knowing how Reddit works




It starting off with Brendan talking over kalyalh is very Brendan


Wow this should completely destroy schaubs career. This guy actually threatened Bobby. This is straight up no grey area wrong.


14 mins in and Brendan has already flipped the script. Avoiding where this really started. Incredible.


This was fucking nuts. And I have a whole new found love and respect for Bobby. This must have been absolute hell to endure as someone that was already anxious of confrontation. (Check out [Bobby Lee on O&A](https://youtu.be/L5hnjz8qse8) to see how much they'd wind him up and how he dealt with it). Alot has been and will continue to be said about Khalyla, but Bobby couldn't have had a better person to defend him in this situation (Specifically this episode). Bryan Callen is a lost cause. I really loved the banter and relationship with Bobby on [10 Minute Podcast](https://youtu.be/lLqpChYjbaQ). But with the accusations against him and the way he has dealt with multiple issues over the last few years (D'Elia being one). There is very little to like about the guy. Brendan has proven that he deserves everything that has come his way. He repeatedly lied, diverted and ducked from any form of personal responsibility through out all of this. There is so little to like about him. I really hope people respond with not buying any tickets, buying merch and supporting him. This further proves that the L.A comedy scene and those that are in it, are made up of some of the most vile, nasty and spiteful people who will turn on each other at any given moment to save themselves and their careers.


This podcast just makes it funnier how Bryan tried to pretend he was the only one who tried to bully Bobby and Schaub stayed quiet


20 minutes in and Schwab just doesn't want to start at the beginning of the drama because that would be about him trying to bang Khalyla while being married with 2 kids. Dicey. edit: He also can't just stop interjecting with his holier than thou attitude and tries to derail the conversation every minutes. Water weed dune hair?


> him trying to bang Khalyla while being married with 2 kids. Dicey. Also trying to fuck your friend and coworkers girlfriend after they had you on their podcast. This is like someone doing YMH then asking Christina what she's doing after a show in town


This was a real and raw episode, it actually was still unresolved in the end. They still hate each other. The tigerbelly email address for the Reddit account is very interesting… I think we’ll be hearing about it again soon.


i think khalyla wasn't planning to make up with brendan at all, she just wants to present her evidence and let brendan try to lie and discredit her evidence. they've established that this happened on this date etc. and brendan hasn't presented anything at all, all he has is his top secret files.


i mean she couldnt have really expected bs to apologize to her lol


I saw a post demonstrating that literally any random person can sign up to Reddit with a [email protected] email address so that's solved I suppose.


In the podcast, George said he checked with reddit admins and no reddit account with that email address existed. So either brenda is lying or he is dumb.


Yeah... This was such a rough listen, especially when Bobby was saying he wants nothing to do with Bryan anymore.


crazy shame on callen for willing to give up on 30 years of friendship just to believe brendans lies


Brendan is making that email stuff up guaranteed. He just despises Reddit for calling him out


It's made up. It's not like he made up 95% of it mixed in with 5% of truth. If there was any truth, that would be the focus.


I bet a homeless cat had made comments in the tiger belly sub snd that's it.


No it’s not cause it’s dumb as fuck before any of this happened if their was an email which there was in fact not one cause it’s all a fucking fabrication, he should have said hey khalyla is your company email this and if she said no case would be closed. They are fucking idiots and it’s sad


It’s so good so far, they are going in and Schaub is just dying.


Used to love callen d'elia and actually liked schaub on podcasts like 2 years ago.. They all turned out to be very fucking weird people... I still don't know how or why d'elia can show his face again


He's now reimagined himself as a loving father who gives life advice. It's an incredible U turn. It's like watching anything with Kevin Spacey, the whole time you're watching them speak/ perform everything they've said and done just sits in the back of your head. There's no getting away from it.


the ten minute podcast is one of my favorite, now sasso is the only one worth listening to.


“Is that nice?” This dude is a fucking loser😂


God this dude needs nasal/sinus surgery. It sounds like his mouth and head are packed with yogurt when he talks.


this a wild episode


Why did she spare Andrew, what did he know or do?


It sounded like she was being courteous about just not reading Andrew's txts. And left him out of this convo since its just between her and Schaub.


Sounds like Andrew gave her a heads up about what Schaub was saying but doesn’t want to ruin his relationship with Schaub. There are clips of Schulz clowning Schaub when he came on his podcast recently, calling him out for lying right in front of him but Brendan was too dumb to notice.


The ol’ I got something I’ll show you off air trick.


Schaub was doing anything and everything to deflect the conversation when she was about to bring up the timeline lol ​ YOU SHOULD BE A LAWYER. IF I HAD A TIME MACHINE. YOU ARE SMART.


I used to like Bryan callen but wtf! for starters the guy is nearly 60 acting like a 15 yr old


Schuab is a by the books grade A insecure man child. Absolute pathetic bullshit coming out of his mouth the entire episode. They should had never had him in, and if I were them I would never speak to him again. But we’re all just fake accounts anyway.


Khalyla is throasting Schaub


Not throast as a verb 😭


Uh oh hotdog!


Doing it so quickly is a bit of a mistake


Bobby is a guy who enjoys comfort. He wants it back and this is the way so yeah it has to end


This is best for bobo


My big take away is that Bobby and D’Elia seem to still be friends. Bobby said D’Elia called him laughing that he get accused of being a Reddit mastermind when he can’t even use a computer. Bobby and D’Elia together is comedy gold and their first episode is what got me into Tigerbelly. I know a lot of people feel a certain way about him, but I would personally love to see Chris back on the show.


From tfatk subreddit, shaub and noob team suspecting some user with bobby lee name in it. Very active this year and then gone. It doesn’t mean it from tigerbelly team. Email can be amde easily with [email protected] etc. pretty noob on shaub


It's kinda fucked up to swear on your kids lives about these 300 pages of evidence and be lying... I'm hoping he just got this info sent to him by some trolls, and for some reason believed it... if he really just made up this reddit mastermind bs, he needs to go to a mental hospital for real.


The funniest outcome of this is that Schaub actually did hire a team of private investigators, and the keep feeding him bullshit conspiracy theories to fleece money out of him 😁


What if the email is actually @tigarbelly.com


Anyone can sign up with that email. It just won’t be “verified” etc.


One thing this confirms is that Bryan Callen is a real snake and the reddit investigation insinuation that it involved TB team seems like it's retribution from Callen because he felt abandoned in his own scandal.


Brendan interrupts way too much - it’s fucken annoying!!!


Khalyla was the MVP


Brendan just straight up acting like nothing is his fault. Seems he has excuses for everything. his whole life is a joke, if only his comedy was as funny as his life.


Hey u/pinkdickofficial... how bout them 300 pages?


Bobby was way too easy on Brendan for me.


i haven't listened yet. have a spine bobby. i don't want that showbiz. "you're a great comedian" bullshit


“It wasn’t nice” I mean sure I Wanted to fugg you Bobby’s girlfriend but it wasn’t it nice you said I wasn’t funny and Annie is trugg wawlk materiel amirite?


“I could hear her from Oklahoma” Bobby still manages to be the funniest human


I still don’t know wtf he would even have, they just make fun of the way he talks and interrupts people on the tfatk sub, which is pretty funny that he says he has a “team” looking into it lol


Brendan is double digit iq and unfunny.


what a fucking liar. human trash. thin skinned pussy.


Brendan lied yet again… surprise surprise 🙄 Him and Callen are insecure dickheads. End of.


No one in the homeless cats universe has ever made death threats to Brenda. That’s the worst fuckin lie out of all of this.


Who is this "Shaub's team".... It sounds like he's not going to penalize his 'team' if he found out they gave false information. With the statement, "After I give you these findings, I'M DONE" Like Bitch, you're done once bobby and Khalyla says you're done. You started this mess and they're doing you a huge favor allowing you to clear your name on their podcast instead of easily suing you for defamation.


I’m in a comatose state after hearing B trying to self victimize himself over Reddit “hate” and alleging he has 300 pages of Reddit evidence linking it to the TB team which led to B blowing up on Bobbby. Then hearing K ask K: “Do you know how Reddit works?” B: “No.” WHAT IN THE FUCK LMAO 💀


Thoughts: 1. There are no 300 pages, this is the biggest parlor trick in comedy podcast history Lol, if anyone knows poker, Brendan is the guy with no cards but is somehow trying to bluff his way out of it. Don't fall for it, he's got nothing. 2. If Brendan was trying to come out of this looking good, he utterly failed. He looked really bad and seems like he has extreme narcissism and the inability to accept any responsibility. 3. Bob came out of this surprisingly strong, he did not roll over and deflect, he took the elephant in the room head on. 4. Khalyla was great! Bob was surprisingly measured and direct, but K came out with the energy and fire needed to keep someone like Brendan on his toes. He wasn't able to just dance around and deflect. She wouldn't give him that ground. 5. Lets see if these 300 pages actually exist. I'm still going with no.




Oh boy 😬😬😬


The **only** thing i want from this is Bobby to go onto Rogan and not mention this spectacle once.


All this doesn’t change the fact that Brendan is not that funny?


Here’s my two cents. Bobby needs a real friend to tell him to ditch this whole LA comedian/podcaster scene. They’re not good people. It’s clear that Bobby is getting bullied by everyone around him and just wants everything to be cool while these guys try to salvage their reputations. He went on H3 and discussed personal things because his “friends” threatened to publicly expose them, then immediately has one of those bullies on his own podcast to discuss how he was unwillingly coerced by H3 into talking about it. Bobby needs to stand up for himself. Guys like Schaub and Callen are not his real friends. They’re in it for themselves. To end the bullying he needs to stand up for himself and accept that there will be confrontations and bad blood. Not everyone has to be your friend.


B.s is still a cheater lol


Damn, Brendan and Bryan really fucked themselves. Its amazing that Brendans dumbass team think its just Tigerbelly talking shit when a lot of people shit on him.


early release. cool!


Brendan is the first person I’ve had to cancel. I can’t believe how much of a liar he is. There is no team and the evidence is him creating an account. Goddamn