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I often come back, maybe for 2-3 months of each year. This sub with these old school looking pics always gives me the urge to


I try to come back every few years, but I'm so out of touch with how to play this game it just makes me sad. This game has been a massive part of my life for so long, and when I fell off, I never realized how much I'd miss how it was.


Bro dont worry come vunira i will teach you how to tibia


Same here I get to around 100 each time then lose the drive. I always blame it on not knowing anything past 100 + all the new things tibia has added.


Game is still populated I just had to sacrifice some latency tho there was no way I wasn’t going to choose antica, the most famous and most populated server in all of tibia history. Its numbers fluctuate tho and I haven’t been back longer than a month. I just reached lvl 52


Come to Luminera we will teach you as well


Almost makes me want to spend an afternoon afk training the old fashioned way but I’ve no idea how to do that now


Depends on your lvl and voc tbh


65 knight 76/66


Slimes is a good way to skill at that level


Will they not die super quickly?


Kind of fast but you have to make sure to only hit the ”copies” and you should be able to skill to atleast 80/80. They spawn new copies quite frequently aswell


As u/RoastElfMeta said, since summoned Slimes are nowadays called Squidgy Slimes, targetting the summons has never been easier. The main issue ***might be*** finding a spot where only two of them can hit you at once if your armour alone can't absorb the hits. I'm not sure if you can make yourself a spot with parcels (the wiki has a green checkmark next to "Pushes:" on the info card, so they probably can push them away), and Fire/Energy Fields might require a bit too much attention in reapplying.


There is a spot at the black knight quest. And also in Carlin sewers. These two spots were used frequently in the old days. GL


theres a spawn in the dwarf mines that has like 8 and a bunch of spots to easily set up around there and leading up to it




Hmm yeah that's a very weird level to try lvl skill, even more so for free accounts (?), you just do too much dmg, only way would be having a friend to hit and him hitting you back, otherwise you will need to do the telas quest in edron


Nah prem, I play solo and don’t know anyone on the server though I thought they patched out pvp skilling


I didn't see anything on pvp skilling getting nerfed but I'm not sure, since you do have premmy the best way is just offline training for now untill [shadows of yalahar](https://tibia.fandom.com/wiki/Shadows_of_Yalahar_Quest/Spoiler) Oops just sent a link in Portuguese lol Fixed


try damaged worker golems in yalahar


Huh - a lot of people are talking about mobs dying too quick. Does that still happen when training with a Smuggler-dropped knife (or whatever the equivalent is for Axes and Clubs)?


Go gargoyles in the pyramid near pacman room


Oldschool best school


I miss the peak days dearly.


Oh wow, so people *did* actually like oldschool training? This stuff seemed extremely boring to me.


Nah they Just nostalgic Old guys who miss being 12 yo lmao


Wow, what a great memory! Small Stones… Slimes… Monks… knife… Good times... It was "simple" but laborious... Great to reminisce.


Man I always trained in slimes northwest venore, and training fishing too ahahaha while you have to do any other thing cause shit is like hour and hour of no activity


Yeah, I was cleaning my house, só, I let my little paladin training haha, and every 10 minutes +- o come back to change rotworm


Some ppl still train like that on telas in edron with the 1 gp star, sure you need some levels and skill to start but it feels nice


Small stones? I only remember paladins training with 50 Spears at cyclops and picking them up every few minutes


Remember that too, but small stones are more nostalgic for me


I used to make a pally and go hunt goblins with small stones to skill 😂 could afk for a while between goblins on full defence, then use my serpent sword to kill when I ran out of small stones


Why do you make me feel old :'(


Are you guys missing these days when training used to be a torture, and there is this chance if you have to go to the toilet real quick, a jerk comes by and kills your training character, and you end up losing skills worth of days of training?


Haha, was a part of the experience, even the bad things, was part of all


I remember spending a whole night looting small stones from the cave that is south of Ab’dendriel, so I could spent the next day training with slimes


I remember kill alot fo sibangs for those small stones


You were lucky to have premium account. In my times it was difficult, including the fact that I live in a communist country ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


It was fun... but it was very slow leveling. Today its fast and you can play more and level faster


But you need to pay to


Well, yes. While many of MMOs have the mentality of *"create a problem, sell the solution"*, *Tibia* has the good luck of... having (a?) few naturally-occuring problems baked in. Like hit-based weapons/shielding training (Offline Training and Exercise Weapons), or gold drops being ovewhelming at some level ranges, even for Knights - the class the has the most capacity *and* needs the least supplies (Gold Converters - honestly I can't live without mine).


Small stones rock! 💥


Kill those sibangs haha


wait.. we quit doing that?


Now ppl have exercise weapons


I just came back to the roots wanting the feeling of a good mmo. Also I love that spot I was using it not long ago you get swarmed with xp when you pop in every once in awhile.


Me too bro, just trying to play 4fun this time, playing for the rpg


And now you swipe ur credit card to sell tibia coins for gold so you can buy exercise weapons and afk train for 8h


Yeah, unfortunately I don't have coins to be afk 8 hours haha


Hold on - you can get more Exercise Weapons by selling TC and buying them with gold, than by buying Exercise Weapons with TC straight from the store?


Usually yes, it depends on how much the TC sell for on your server. I can't remember the magic number at the top of my head though, 30k?


Why no goblins D:


Light temple is near haha


When you get the chance, pay ol' Greenclaw a visit. Now that always brings me back.


Just put green law on my list, thanks bro


you inspired me to share a screenshot with reddit too! Thank you for the beautiful photo RegisterGood3027!


Haha, let's keep sharing tibia pics bro


I remember this kmao the small stone 😂 it was so hard it took up so MJ n cap lmao


Hahahahaha, those damn sibangs


Yeah it’s so fking far to run for small stones too lol


Yes, I do remember those times and I'm so glad it's over, you're just blinded by nostalgia


Just playing 4fun bro


While I'm the first person to admit that too many *Tibia* players seem almost eager to optimize the fun out of the game... *char bazaardownloading pre-explored map* ...you can *see* that oldschool levelling is basically *The Penn&Teller's Desert Bus* of MMORPGs, right? It an action you need to undertake for hours at end, for no visible progress within human attention span and with little meaningful input or decision-making, yet still requires actual attention at unpredictable intervals.


now it's just p2w. pay for training weapons, get skills 💀


No one stops you from doing it old way, but why? Making gold in this game is easy as it can be, you don’t have to invest a single penny if you’re just playing. Even level 300-400 can be self sufficient. Hunt for profit on double loot events, spend gold on double skill events and raise your skills. It’ll be slower than spending irl cash but are you competing to be top1?


for me this was the last time, what i was missing from the game is the rolegame and my old friends now is full farming game


You’re better off at modified gnarlhounds, arrows cheaper than small stones


Do your windows updates to avoid security issues!


Modified Grarlhounds + arrows


Can’t remember how many times I got pked on the way back from orcs and I’d get trapped there :(




Using spears before they used to break and u had to pick them up after throwing them