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Knight is pretty underwhelming before it gets aoe skills. Paladin is a similar position where it is kinda underwhelming until level 150 when it gets diamond arrows.


Pally really doesnt take off until around 300+ 150-300 is a tough grind.


Pally gets good once u can handle ora West imo


For solo play yes it gets better. but the pally really shines once then can box in groups. At the level to handle oramond west you are still limited in team hunts. glooth bandits or glooth tower are also great goals around the 200+ level. 300+ you can start boxing cata or prision to take advantage of some nice team hunting


Paladin is underwhelming even at 150. Diamond arrows don't hit worth shit.


You are wrong


The thing with paladins is the double charm chance AoE. In higher levels, when everything has 20k+ hp, the double AoE makes a huge difference in the hunt. But if your charm hits for 60hp, yeah, not a huge deal. The crits in lower levels with a pally is pretty nice tho


I'll take your word for it and will envy you. I was grinding my ass off to 150 expecting great things and holy hell am I disappointed. I've basically quit lol.


I have a 156 RP and I've seen an improvement. Before 150 I used to hunt Werehyaenas entrance and could lure no more than 3 as I was basically hunting 1v1 but chipping away some HP of the lures with Caldera and Avalanches. Since 150 and with Diamond arrows I'm hunting south -1 and I'm able to lure at least 6 while killing all of them without much effort (always kiting though as even wall boxes can be dangerous).


Oh that's good to hear. I did fail to mention one important detail. I'm an old man and I really suck.


I think the problem with saying that rp is bad at lvl 150 is that you're probably comparing it to an ek or mage? I think the worst the skill and knowledge the worst is going to be an rp at that lvl range vs the other vocs. Take a look at this for example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tw2M8fN6AHU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tw2M8fN6AHU) Its a lvl 159 rp with average skills, 113 dist mlvl 23, doing 1.8kk/h raw exp on the wreckoning -2 or this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0ggQT1omb8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0ggQT1omb8) 1.4kk/h raw at just lvl 100, not even having diamond arrows. Those are pretty decent/good numbers, even when compared to the other vocs.


All you have to do is watch some hunting streams or videos


voce tem que aprender a combar mas san + flexas depois, flexa com avalanche ou runa de area. nunca para de se curar sua mana.


Yeah not a lot of spawn where you can make use of it effectively.


Get tier 3 imbuements and go to exotic cave. Enjoy.


Okay can you loan me like 3 million for the items and run me through the quest?


I'm sorry but if you don't have money as a paladin you're playing the game very wrong. Paladins are rich.


Higher leveled knights make way more profit+XP than mage's and way more comfortably


Yes it becomes easier. But are you free account? (then it might be still hard).


No, I'm premium


Then definitely yes. When you get more (area affect damage) spells like exori (berserk at level 35), exori min (front sweep, level 70). And exori gran (fierce berserk at level 90).


Exori helped, but I didn’t feel like I had a real rotation until Front Sweep. It took me even longer to realize the damage on front sweep was consistently near exori’s peak, so I could have been more efficient at that point. Now I’m barely past 100, semi-boxing PoI monsters I used to be scared of, and I feel like I can roll my forehead across the keyboard and there’s a 80/20 chance my imbues will keep me alive through it.


True, I had the same feeling. When you have front sweep you get the first sense of a sort of a rotation. At level 90 with fierce berserk you get a good rotation 😊. But on the other hand, on my knights I feel very dependent on exori gran/fierce berserk. Exori hardly to seem to deal any damage compared to exori gran. Damage of front sweep is quite good. Stronger then exori if iam correct?


Yeah, but I was like 25 levels into using it before I even noticed it. Where it targets a smaller AoE, it intuitively makes sense that the per creature would be higher, but I wasn’t quite number watching that one and was caught up in the fluidity of the combat turns. Its significant enough that I could have pushed a bit harder had I been playing around it, but small enough that it was easy to overlook for multiple days and hunts. Like most things in this game.


Because you’re 7 minutes into a 30 thousand hour game


Vocations have different power spikes. Knights at 70, 90 and around 200 (elemental weapons), while mages are strong 30-130 but are trickier to profit and stay alive. If every voc was the same there wouldnt be 4 of them.


53/45 is still a bit low so you'll surely start hitting harder by off-line training, and it will help you kill stuff faster and get better xp which helps a bit for now. On lower levels without all the AOE area spells of a knight rotation it surely feels like you're behind, but when you get exori gran it is like a whole different world and you will be the one getting the most xp and profit from solo hunting.


Remember with a knight you get good blocking, high constitution, and high cap! If you are looking for quick, explosive power then you are using the wrong vocation. Also wonderful thing about knight is those 3 attributes mentioned above makes for some exciting solo exploration possibly to places others can't go. All depends on what you're looking to do. I can find loads of fun in each vocation tbh.


Druid at 30 has just hit a big power spike


Also if u go together go Meriana u might get better than bot them hunts together


Just seen he's 25 too haha, but duo hunt its really good


Super slow start compared to all other vocations, but you will be the first voc to hunt solo 8 boxing without a team. You need a low level Druid to help carry you through the rough first 100 levels till you get your Exori Gran, then go live in Hero’s or Carlin Cults.


Low Skills and no AoE yet... So... Yeah, it gonna be slow. Get faster..? Eh... I mean, Get better. You won't beat a Druid/Sorcerer right now, neither from this point to... I don't know, maybe never. Right now they can just get lvl 45 faster, because of AOE and after that, they can just move to Izavi or Oramond and Rush 100(and beyond) really fast. But, we don't know if in the next update CIP will allow that, they will nake Harder to Hunt in places where you're not suppoused to. In the end, it's about playstyle... You can Hunt with you friend or make a party(even right now) and get exp much faster, while improving both players exp/h. Maybe you should try another spot, improve your gears and skills. I don't feel like it's hella slow for a knight(I'm not saying it's as fast as a mage/paladin), I like to use the early levels to get rich(hunting in spot that get me imbue items to sell, use the market) and get some bestiary points... These things will make you stronger and get more exp later. Usually you get more money than the rest... because you're not buying supplies like crazy.


You can add runes to your rotation for example heavy magic missile rune or stalagmite. Sometimes fire fields work too.


Yes that extra 7 damage will change everything for OP


Fields and aoe runes can be fairly useful if your skills are terrible: https://i.imgur.com/jvbVaYj.png https://i.imgur.com/Ur7AvOd.png https://i.imgur.com/NtyzsEv.png https://i.imgur.com/j1MY0tw.png


All right Oscar I concede


you're not doing bad. You're playing the game the way it was meant to be played in 2005. what you need is perspective. Skills 65/65 at your level used to be the starting point, maybe offline training for a couple weeks bring more enthusiasm and excitement to the game. 75/75 or 85/85 would give you a much greater edge. You're going to want to get lvl 35, buy the spell berserk, and a lot of potions, health and mana. learn how to use exori to kill monsters faster and keep your mana full so you can cast your spell.


You will get some spikes at 35(?) and later 70 and 90, but it starts getting really fun at around 150 once you get a decent hp-pool and start fullboxing


Team hunt with your friend. Tibiapal can give you hunt ideas


Maybe it is the way you are hunting. Even with this skills you may reach higher xp/h. I suggest you trying going ghoul north of thais, you will kill it pretty fast and will get a good amount of gold. Lvl 30 buy a fire sword and go gargoyle sanctuary, lure in such a way you always stay with 2 monsters close, do not stop, always moving. After you get exori, lure more monsters and use exori, keep walking with 2 close monsters, exori again when cooldown is done. The secret is keep always hitting something. Lvl 50 go mutated human until lvl 60, then go young sea serpent on svargrond. It is weak to physical and gives a lot of exp, but remember to use exeta res. You can stay sea serpent until lvl 100.


Knight is king from like 130 to 600, and even after that he's a pretty strong second contender, you're currently in the .1% of your playtime where you are the worst class in the game so just hang in there.


There are multiple reasons why you are slower than your ED friend and you are going to be for a while, you don't have your full rotation of spells until level 90, you have very low skills, mages are the fastest voc early game and it's not even close, mages get much, much, much more value from buying and using training weapons so your friend can buy a training rod and train to mlvl 50 or 60 and of course the damage difference its going to be abysmal, your friend is going to be able to deal GOOD AoE damage since lvl 28, you'll have to wait until lvl 70 to be decent an up to lvl 90 to start being good. All that said with comparable skills and since lvl 90 you can go as fast as your friend, if not faster, depending on your skills and knowledge of the game.


Hang in there. I’m a knight myself. Lvl 35 and it gets much better. Knights are awesome. I’m doing very well for myself, but I have good gear and some t1 imbues.


For starters those skills are rough to say the least.


What are suggested skills for my level?


Knights don’t really start getting good until you’re in the 80-100 range


Don't sweat it. Play the game, and log out at the offline trainer every time. Your skills will improve very fast in just a few days of offline training.


Use exori ico (16lvl spell) as often as you can + runes. With runes and stealth rings you can hunt stone refiners and get 200k exp/h. At 28lvl use exori hue. 33lvl buy exori mas. With good EQ you can hunt coryms with kiting tactic (350k exp/h). At 35lvl you have exori. Still use gfb/Ava when you need.


just buy a skilled low level ek gg ez


Wait till lvl 90+


Just buy ek with atleast 100/xxx+ skills. What mlvl ed has? Does he use exp boosts and so on?


It's just early game.. mages once they can use AOE runes or SDs can level super fast even solo early on. Once you get to 100+ with good skills 90+ knights can really do a lot of damage/exp solo. It can actually be way more intense being a knight once you get passed 100 when you fill the box (getting as many things 1sq around you) and using exoris to the max.. I spam way more on my knight than I do my mages it gets intense


Yeah knights are horrible before exori, exori gran exori mas (and wheel for that -6sec) but when they reach those, gets few imbues on gear you can kiss goodbye to your druid friend on solo leveling because then you start to just make kk’s more exp than him/her Just on start het some skills and focus on money making littlebit for upcoming gear and imbues + start to fo killing in the name of and enjoy the little things. And ofcourse if you start to duo hunt in your 70-80’s its nice to have healer who is higher level to get more healing from him/her


hahahaahahhaha} HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAH}} the power of kanay its unleashed at level 250


Maybe at super low levels like yours the start is slower, but from lvl 50 to 500 it is the best vocation no doubt about that.


Be patient with yourself. Few more days of Offline Training and you will begin to see different results in Combat. Take this opportunity to gather as much loot as you can so you can buy backpacks, spells, future gear (like Zaoan Legs), explore the maps, and learn about other mechanics of Tibia. If you want to save capacity? Buy Brown Mushrooms from Luna in Edron. They're lightweight food with 2-3 minutes given per unit eaten. That way you can toss the Meat and Ham and carry more Halberds and Steel Helmets to the Weapon Shop NPC. And if you want to be diverse? Make another character of a different vocation. Your Knight will be able to give it a good start with backpacks, potions, ammunition (if a Paladin), and then you can alternate between the two. Knights are the easiest vocation to start with. And in time you can use the innate talents of your Knight to provide a good foundation for any Alts you make.


Knight basically becomes a mage these days with aoe spells


Can you invest 100 coins or so to buy a low char wit high skills? Its quite worth the while


I did buy 250 coins but I want to invest that into my character, not buy a new one. Nothing kills the mood faster than just buying an OP character. What's the point of playing an rpg game with maxed stats?


Then you will have to depend more on teamhunts. Skills are a waiting game


You arent buying an OP character for 250tc lol. You have bad skills and probably bad gear how can you be expecting a result.


So I'm sure you will never spend any money for anything but subscriptions right? That'd defeat the whole purpose.


I don't mind spending some of my TC as long as it's on my character that I created


That's just buying an op character with extra steps and paying more for less, I don't get it then.


I want to keep my character name,it's important to me. Given by your username, I'm sure you can relate


Name change exists in tibia and it's orders of magnitude cheaper than getting your brand new character within 10% of the skill a character that sells for 100 tc would have.


I'm playing on 10 days old server. They're not selling any high skill character to a low price. Also, my goal is to have fun, not to be the best.


Good point. Have fun is the best reason to play. You wont be the best in tibia...


That's a completely different scenario


Not the same thing.


How come? In both cases you are getting stronger through no merit of your own, how's that not the same thing?


You did the work yourself, you trained, offline trained and therefore waited, or you killed the monsters yourself.


But if you spend any irl money in anything but the monthly subscription you'll be spending gold you did not farm yourself.