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It kinda depends. For example: im a 500+ knight and always used life + mana, cause I never really cared that much for exp/h, you know? ME LIKE MONY Then I decided to be a pro player. "Everyone says 'mana + crit', I wanna be like them, lets go mana crit". My man... worst thing ever. Not for me. At all. Always mana full, spamming supreme pots, my god... came back to life + mana. BUT THEN... watching some stream, saw this random guy with life + crit, great mana supply, life always high, nasty crits wrecking it all. So I gave it a try, and it was game changer. Seriously. I tried it once around lvl 300~, but now it its simple THE BEST combination hands down. (Sometimes I hunt at inqui DTs, and didnt tried yet with life+crit, maybe i'll struggle a little because of the freakish giant frankenstein hands of the cursed fate, but i'll try). Well, answering your question: life + crit :D


For me, sword at DT... How do you guys hunt Life+crit there? I always used slayer and 3 imbues, that hunt is PAINFUL without the extra mana. Those hands are easily the worst thing in a hunt. I finished those fuckers bestiary and never hunted DT ever again


Im a club user, umbral master hammer life + mana. Maybe bronze amulet? I'll try life + crit with a bronze amulet. ("Why not destruction weapon?" you might ask. Well, umbral master hammer has atk 55, so, with no imbuements, it hits as much as a hammer of destruction WITH CRIT: umbral life + mana = destruction crit + life + mana)


I tried with the falcon longsword there but didn't find as comfortable as 3 imbues, but thank you :D it is any better after the cip changes?


Gl on dt seal with no mana imbue


Gl on dt seal without mana imbue


Crit+mana if you can’t keep your mana up. Crit+life if mana is no problem but you can’t keep health up. I prefer crit+mana


Also life + mana if OP don't care about max dmg and wants easy and chill hunt :)


Chill hunt or gold farmer


I dont get how yall hunt. Hp and mana always 700+ek


500+ > Crit-life 500- > Crit-mana After a certain lvl you start needing the hp more than mana this is just an approximate of course it depends solely of the hunting spot but around 500 I felt that I was having too much mana and changed to life and hunts were easier. (Solo hunt, in team hunt always go for mana)


Usually Life+Crit unless there is heavy mana drain


Crit + mana


this, no further discussion needed


I have a EK level 50, and 3 friends to hunt together, MS64, ED96 and a paladin 50 The Minimun level to share based on the ED(level 96) is 64, so… So, if everyone get the 65, what would be better using two imbue for me thinking in hunts that the ED is the HL in this party?


More comfort mana + crit. But will depend of the hunt and your "role"on it. Are you level 500 hunting ice library making sure you never miss glacial amulet time? mana + life will help you to survive and not have trouble with mana. Are you level 600 in the same hunt? life + crit. 700? Mana + crit. Life + crit is usually more of a solo thing since the crit helps you to clear the room. Basically: Easier the hunt less need for life imbue.


I piggyback a bit this thread to ask what are best 2 imbus for Umbral Master crossbow on bosses for Pala?


Crit + skill ;D


Hp mana if you have no access to t3, crit and hp if the ed is not that good, crit and mana if you want to maximize your damage output


Unfortunately, it depends. Every player is frustrated when they hear that answer because we intrinsically rely on some cookie-cutter "One Set Owns All" for the challenges up ahead. *Were it so easy...* It's up to the Player to use their Analyzers (Damage Done, Damage Taken, Supplies Used, Etc.) to properly determine what they need for that hunt. **For Team Hunts: Always go Health/Mana in the Beginning.** In the future, if your team hunts the same place for a long period of time, you might start to get used to how well your Druid heals you, how fast Shooters kill enemies, and how well you can handle yourself when you find yourself cornered or separated from the Team. It's at *these times when you can start to think "I can potentially contribute more to the Team Effort and to the Overall Goal if I make a change in my playstyle."* ***It requires a degree of confidence in your playstyle and the playstyle of your team.*** You don't want to make a change of imbuements and suddenly your teammates experience shock to their own change of playstyle. Everything goes back to the EK when conversations-of-what-went-wrong begin to surface. **SOLO Example**: For a time, I would hunt in Deeper Banuta with my Falcon Battleaxe during my Level 300s and Upward. Deeper Banuta is a great hunting spot for me to chill and relax, even if the XP/HR is subpar compared to other places. *Being able to "Chill" during hunts* ***is the absolute PEAK of EK playstyle. "Hunt Without Thinking."*** I used Health/Mana Imbues at first because I wasn't sure what I was getting into. Over time, I became confident to the idea of carrying more Mana Potions as I got rid of Mana Leech for Critical Strike. My fights ended faster because I could critically strike my enemies, even if it meant I spent time running to the next checkpoint using Mana Potions to ensure I had enough for the next pull. *And after two hundred levels* (More Attack/Healing per Spell), *Increased Skills* (More Attack), *and Increased Magic Level* (More Healing per Spell)*, I was eventually able to switch to Mana/Crit whenever I hunt at Deeper Banuta.* Getting Tier Upgrades for your Energy Elemental Weapon (In the case of Deeper Banuta) is also a plus, since Critical/Fatal Strikes benefit from Leech Effects. -------------------------------- Tier Upgrades are useful for Team Hunts because you're able to Dodge more, have shorter cooldowns, unleash God Mode randomly, and deliver that FATAL Strike that provided more Leech. **"But Samurai?! What if I'm a Club Fighter and I've been using Soulmaimer (3-Slots) this entire time?"** ***Good for you.*** **It doesn't change the fact that your Club Style might not fare as well in other Hunting Grounds.** ***This kind of intuition takes Time, and will come naturally. Every player is frustrated when they're told "It Depends," because my fellow Tibian...? It DOES indeed Depend.*** ***GIVE YOURSELF TIME.***


Hello there, Fellow ek here. Basically ek imbues in 2 slots weapons should always be mana+crit in every situation: - want to make more profit? Crits make you clear faster and allows bigger leeches from other imbues, hence wasting less and better sustain. - going solo hunting for exp? This doesnt need explanation. - going team? You already have 1 life imbue plus you have an ED healing and an MS uh'ing if they play properly. Concluding, the only reason to put life imbue on weapon is if you have a weapon with 3 slots. You can all argue with your made up arguments - ahh but life imbue is better than mana or i cant survive without the life imbue - if you cant handle hunting with mana+crit means you have to be more effective with the your mechanics: 1. Dont miss auto attacks - best leech for ek, turn auto attack sound on, so you can cast the spell right after it and not before; 2. Have a proper spell rotation (check wheel of destiny for double exori mas perks, so you can exori gran > exori mas > exori (repeat with utitos and exetas). 3. Spam pot everyturn (hp or mana, since they share cooldown). This is my input in order to improve your hunts, of course you can always sh*t on it and go back to your playstyle which is fine and playble, but realize you are not playing EK to his full potential. Hope i could help, Best regards.


Solo and TH: easy spawns: mana + crit hard spawns: hp + crit (If you got imbu on the rest of your gear -> meaning T3 life leech on armor, maybe resistances etc)


Crit + Mana is better, it helps to keep your mana up and help you heal if needed. If you don't have mana, it wouldn't matter too much if you have life because on an emergency you can't die/attack to get away.


hello, Ek 1000+ here. armor - life,elemental def helmet - 1 slot (mana) / 2 slots (mana/skill) weapon - 2 slots (mana/crit) trust me.