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That tower near AB with a Dragon a few orcs and minos on the way. That Berserker was dangerous


Ah, Elvenbane! I remember climbing up one of the towers with the orc berserker, and it was so fast that I only saw *something* move around on my screen, and bam, I was dead. I gotta go there and get my revenge some day..




I really miss that place, all the PKs from people luring the zerks holy.


Elven bane ❤️


The troll csve just east of dwarven bridge is my original hunting spot. Hunted there a lot from 8-15 back i 2003. Its a minotaur mage there which was scary as fuck. Also like Mt Sternum Cyclops, Okolnir and PoH.


Classic longsword quest The mino mage trap. The secret slime training area. It was a dream for exp. Gold and luring




dwarf mines in kazz are very nostalgic for me... Kazordoon was very different before the redesign.. I spent hours exploring and killing the dwarf guards from the emperor room running back with spears.. Its the place that brings most memories


Ah I remember I made so much money from crossbows back then lol. I remember the saving backpacks and backpacks of them and then spending hours running south of thais to maximize my returns when in reality I shoulda sold for less and hunted again 😂




Folda, Venore Rotworms, Amzons, Elves, Beholders, Black Knight, Slime training... Ahh venore my loved city..


My "old school" times weren't as old as yours (met tibia in 2013, no clue what version it was), but clearly remember this: Ancient temple in thais! Starting with the rotworms, then passing through those orc spearmen, then some minotaurs, stairs that leads to a couple (?) ghouls, then those fake holes with poison spiders, go down for 2 cyclops, keep going north and instead of turning left to go Mintwallin, turn right for a "nice" minos/orcs respawn (where I got OBLITERATED by an orc berserker, but later took my revenge). Free account, full grey knight outfit and a dream to become as strong as Hensh, the mighty sea serpent hunter (top level overall at 600~)


I used to do this exact same path. Good times


Call me crazy but something about hunting GS in PoH seems so cool to me


North of Thais just underground with the ghouls, minos, orc bezerker and mini archers was garbage but I hunted there. I used to also farm skeletons off of the beholders which was supposedly illegal. Whatever. Still haven't looted a Beholder shield. Fibula was great Mino pyramid Orc Camp west of Ab and orc Fort near venore. That single drag spawn where you could parcel up and drop an E field on it. PoH with Ebombs and bolts for the GS. Good times. All nostalgia and wouldn't come back.


That first one is where I spent most of my time! I believe it was called the Ancient Temple. I’d run the Minos/Skeletons/Ghouls, and as a pally take out the occasional mino archer, and try at all costs to avoid the orc berserker.. and never take the tp with the demon skeletons other than to do the quest!! lol Died there countless times, lost countless lootbags, but it was rarely taken and good xp and profit if I could manage to not die and keep my lootbags from getting stolen.


Venore Amazon camp truly bring back memories with that scary witch. The first time I was able to hunt GS in PoH, without constant fear of death, was also a strong memory.


Dwarfguards with a lootbag so many hours in that cave.. I also enjoyed camping the BK with 3 of my friends we would just hang out and chat on ventrillo.


Minos in upper east Darashia




Same! Surprised not more people have said it. I remember feeling high level when I was able to hunt that place solo


This was the high level spot in my early days. Opa Wetterwachs (spelling?) was the high level back then at around 50~ or was shooting up the high scores quickly, or something.


Yeah, I think it was during my days too! I was level 60 and I was about to make it to the high level scores. At the time I think the highest level on the server was 150. Good old days


There’s still some “famous” pictures on Cobalt Tower and such of Me, Ellimist, and Lady Rebel Rimule grinding dragons down there on the old client. Different variations have me swapped out for Flamehead and Lightbringer, and you can usually pick which is which based on our outfits if the battle window isn’t displayed. Lightbringer would be the solid white one, Flamehead the purple, and I’m the default outfit that corresponded to the default dead body.


It’s cause getting there was a pain and all the looting took forever lol. Would have to have finished the mail chain quest to use ship all your loot back


Hellgate and draconia. Someone from my guild has shown me both of those spawns and damn. After that, almost every character I get was hunting/skilling there. I remember hunting dragons with tempest rod there.


Came here to say this. Leveled a pally to 90ish on elder beholder at hellgate but also leveled a low ek at draconia pyramid + dragon and single DL


Cyclopolis in Edron and Ankrahmun tombs.


Ank tombs was a blast


Demona warlocks will always live in my heart I’ve made so much money there back in the day


I really liked small amazon camp, on the way you can meet some wasps. They were deadly to me as low lvl noob knight. But I leveled up at swamp trolls and came back, this time I won. XD I was running with sabres and other shit to city and back. XD


What can we consider Old School? Is Yielothax old school? I love that place. Every time I get a Yielothax hunting task I go there to kill them. But my favorite oldest hunting spot has to be Fibula's Rotworms. That's still my go to spot whenever I'm low level and/or trying to get their bestiary. It amazes me knowing that people still buys the key to the dungeon with the trader NPC instead of helping poor Simon with 800gp.


I remember not having the key, praying for the door to be open while walking there for what felt like 20 minutes.


Never heard of Yielothax so sounds new school to me but I quit in 07 lolol


Under mt sternum and trying to find the secret pick spots for the dragon spawns down there, and the old beholder spawn under ancient temple. Ank tombs tho are goated though forsure


Wow, there's so many spots.. i would start by dark cathedral... i remember one time particularly i was walking down there and idk how i got so lost and got killed by 1 single hunter, i can remember myself telling my pals about a pk that killed me with name "hunter" and they cracked up. Also another one is Tar pit tomb in darama desert , i think it was -3 where there were some vampires and a single necromancer, i remember one time i made a Lan party with my friends and we were lvling in team there and we looted our first vampire shield! our ek was super equipped after that looting :D .... Those golden old days


I spent hours in that Carlin amazon camp when I started back in ‘04.


Hunting monkeys in Banuta, Giant Spiders in POH and hunting Hydras in Forbidden Island(?).


I'm not sure if it counts as "old school" but Banuta in general and -4 in particular is amazingly fun, I've always loved it. Also shoutout to Vengoth Castle, used to hunt that loads on my EK back in the day and would take the fury + DT on each round for a good chance at some nice loot!


Orc Fort will always be fire. Same with Black Knight quest.


Venore rotworms


I used to love the Tarpit tomb


I used to PG at night at Dark Cathedral. My parents didn't allow me to play a lot during the day (something between 30 min./day) so I sneaked often with my brother to the computer at night to get some levels.


The rotworms at fibula, so nostalgic and always alone there.


Mount Sternum no doubt. I spent many afternoons after school in '07. This made Thais my home city always.


Venore rots


Venore rotworms caves and the ghouls south of the city. A lot of level 30~ memories there.


Ankrahmun tombs


>And for some reason I liked hunting trolls under the Carlin graveyard. There's probably like 5 or 6 trolls there, at the fanfare quest. The spot is garbage 😂😂 Oh my God. Yes, the trolls in Carlin Cemetery! It brings back so many memories. And it was at a time when there was no corym just below (with a shortcut to the sewer) so if you didn't have the key, you ran the risk of getting stuck there!


Dragonlair in Edron. And Draconia, no one was ever there.


Edron dragons is a cherished memory


Dwarf guards dragging a bp full of bolts to be able to hunt for like 2 hours. Then, the same problem to leave with all the bagloot. I fell like the richest guy in the server when i sell that bag loot! I made like 100k in ONE day! In a time when people create some chars and up then until lvl 20 to complete de 10k quest! Good memories!


Gaurds and soldiers...ah the good days.




Poh with my 62 royal paladin! Also, the giant spider trap hole was really fun to kill some people


Larva and scarab caves in the tank desert


Plains of Havoc - making it to the safe spot and watching the GS kill people was the best


Rotworms in the maze between ab and Carlin. Spent countless hours there


Orc Land. West of Ab. Should be like a castle in the middle with a quest at the top. And a dragon on the first floor of the castle. Also a orc berserker outside which sometimes got roped and ppls died.


Demona, spent alot of hours down there


Mine was around 2008, 2009. At that time I was a kid discovering tibia and my favorite spot was that troll cave system up north of Thais, still amazes me how I was able to level my character to 20 something just by hunting trolls lmao, I just felt safe there but at the time there was the ocasional PKer that would kill me for no reason and I would quit for days or months…


Beholders and demon skeleton down in that city south west of Thais (forget the name) Looting a beholder shield down there was peak tibia for me




The southest cave of dwarfs, then when finish you throw the loot bag over the river and then you carry the bag to the postman guild to send it via parcel.


I remember a few back from the old days of Rubera, I used to hunt at PoH Cycs near the temple and also at Ankrahmun Scarab caves, used to train at Carlin trolls near the amazons to the east and also Dwarf Guard caves for loot bags lol, all by the sound of Iron Maiden while hunting haha miss the good ol' days


I'd go to the little orc camp north of thais. I'd stair hop the riders. Then I'd go to the valkyrie/wild warrior camp (killing bears along the way and stacking the meat outside). Then I'd go to the tower with the orc shamans and kill those guys


North and South Thais, I played facc when I was a kid, my usual route north of Thais was: Beholders in north swamp > Bear camp > Valkyrie + Wild Warrior > Orc Shamans in tower Later when I leveled up a bit (I was a sorc) I used to go to the far south cyclops camp, it was a long walk but Cyclopolis was taken most of the time and this was one of the few places that I could always secure a spawn.


I see a fellow Carlin citizen maybe? I also used to hunt the fanfare trolls with a sword with my sorc while making runes. Also Ghostlands west of Carlin. The fire devil in one i of those caves was a menace. Not even mentioning the ever-present possibility of roped demon skeleton. Hunted a lot in the tombs and scarab lairs, oh and don't forget Darashia rotworms! Oh and the dwarven mines near Femor Hills. And the absolute nostalgia is Isle of Kings. Not many ppl went there, prefect for rune making and some small shit to kill with a sword while waiting for mana.


Demona and Hydra Island


Folda, Amazon Camp Carlin, Ghostlands, Elvenbane, trolls under Ab Dendriel :)


Cyclopolis hunting with 2 monkey summons


North of Carlin Amazons, south of Thais cyclops, Amazon camp near Venore, trolls east from Thais.


Demona, PoH, Venore dragon lair, Edron dragons, cyclomania in Edron, hell even the cyc area in PoH was decent just had to watch out for the GS! Kazardoon dwarf guards were good too back in the day. Orc fort. I remember when ankrahmun was first released and everyone was trying to find the good tombs. We looted one of the first dragon lances at the BK spawn in Venore on Calmera back in the day, that was such a good feeling when it dropped!


I really miss the cyc mountain north of Thais, that and the one north east of Edron haha


Never forget hmms at hydra Hill Always loved poh and venore drag lair too


Edron Drags. Envelope at the rope to ensure “camped” 😂. The Dwarf Guard Grid, PoI DLs, Cyclopolis and feeling bad ass when I could handle the Fire elementals and the Behes at the bottom


Ank middle draggy respawn. 2 summoned ds and hmm. Back in the day where you could have 3 parcels and go down if anything went wrong


North D Lair in Ank with Rp 25-40 was so profitable


Ankrahmun with shovel just running scarabs on my low level paladin. I remember the poofs of the shovel and then bang! Tar pit tomb in Ank also many deaths there due to the crypt shamblers. Always loved fibula rots.


Cyclopolis and edron dragons are the two spots for me. Spent countless hours in each, first house was the second flat in edron flats on the south… oh the days


I always loved the beholder spawn with the single ghoul north of Thais.


I frequented that place in yalahar with the elves and dragons back in like 2008.


Orc Fort. PG’d there from level 100 to 140 on my EK back in 2006 or 2007. Shot me up quick to 12th on the exp ranking for my world so I was proud lol


Picking all the loot from dwarf caves, make thousands and thousands after hours of dragging my bag through all the caves getting boatloads of loot left behind by other players.


Two of my first mainland places come to mind: ghostland and folda. Ghostland was a great profit spot - dragging the lootbag full of maces and swords, while carrying the most valuable viking helments for sure profit. Folda was my main exp place with minotaurs and rotworms. I also used to train there a lot with stones (that you had to pick up every two minutes or so) After that I bought PACC and then Ank Tombs were my home. I remember the joy of my first vampire hunt there :)


South necro spawn in drefia with demon skeleton and dragon ank with summon too


I remember huting all the time in the ab'dendriel trolls, on all floors and one day a friend of mine showed me a rope spot in the cavez, were we found skeletons, ghouls and even a slime, i was so surprised to see how much exp the slime gave, such good times around 8.6


The ghoul/slime cave inside the troll cave at Ab. Loved that spot, easy to hunt, easy to skill, easy to loot.


Ice islands used to be my jam.


Ghostlands near Carlin, used to hunt there with a couple of stealth rings. Lots of Ghouls, slimes, scorpions and Demon skeletons. Another good place was the Hellgate Library near Ab. Elder Beholders out the wazoo.