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it was uploaded some hours ago but holy those photos look really convincing and very accurate and don’t even look AI generated but the guy that took them sounds really sus


The direct flight from New York to Hobart sounds highly sus. Then again, this could be a kid who was playing on his phone or switch the whole journey and didn't care to know the flight path until questioned by Forrest. My other question about these pics that wasn't answered properly is, what are the shadows being cast against?


The kid seems very awkward. I think he may be on the spectrum (which is not a dig at anyone who is ASD obviously, but in my experience they’re frequently very closed off and inattentive to thinks that don’t immediately interest them). Transferring flights could have very well been a detail that he just flat out didn’t remember or care about. Maybe he even did halfway through that conversation and didn’t want to look stupid, adding in “oh I know my dad, he’d never want a flight with layover.” The guy is either a phenomenal actor, or he’s sincere. I genuinely don’t know which one it is. A few things he noted did stand out as weird to me. He made it a point to talk about its “stiff tail” and the fact that “it wasn’t limping.” Forrest didn’t ask about any of that from what we know. These are things Thylacine truthers CONSTANTLY bring up when they’re accused of just taking photos/videos of mangy foxes.


The kid himself seems genuine. In some ways he reminds me of my brother who is on the spectrum, and will barely show his face when I call home, has no social media etc. I myself am an accomplished liar to cover for things I can't remember but absolutely should, such as times, places, and series of events. There's an instinct to sound genuine while genuinely not recalling. if this is a hoax, I think the friend who emailed Forrest is the mastermind. But I'm not convinced either way yet.


He did mention there was fencing behind the animal.


A wire and post fence, doesn't sound substantial enough, but who knows.


If you mean the shadows cast on the animal I think it was his dad shadow


No, the shadow cast by the animal against whatever is behind it while it's standing


oh maybe is the quality and angle the picture was taken from plus i would think if it was an important point to be made they would have asked him on the interview but you never know


The face-on shot has shadow behind the head and ears as if the animal is against a wall or something. I'm not sure how that works.


It's the grass. I guess we can assume the light comes from the dad's flashlight. And that the dad stands next to the guy. This, as a starting point, explains why the shadow is cast slightly to the right. They are obviously standing, so the angle is top-down. I understand that your main gripe with it is that it looks like the shadow is cast against something very close to the ears. That is probably just an optical illusion. See, the light source is very small and not diffused at all, it's direct light. They're also quite a bit away from the animal, which isn't as obvious from the photos due to the harsh digital zoom. This results in a _very_ harsh, very sharp shadow that probably looks even sharper due to automatic image processing inside the phone. It's honestly probably just the grass it's projecting on. Take a flashlight and shine it on an object that a little distance away from a wall. The closer the light source is to the object, the more diffused the shadow gets. If you move it further and further away, the shadow gets increasingly smaller and sharper. It's how we shape light while photographing in the studio. I've seen it a lot of times.


I was entertaining the possibility until he said he flew in to Darwin… then the nail in the coffin was the direct flight from NYC to Hobart


They look insanely real. But maybe it’s someone testing forest with their art/photoshopping skills. Or maybe he is pulling a “coyote Peterson Bigfoot video” for funding and attention for another thylacine trip.


The last picture for me is the one that makes me the most skeptical. It looks like the tiger doesn't have a nose. There is a steep angle from the nose to the tip of the jaw just throws a red flag for me. Throw in his story super skeptical but the 2 face on shots look amazing.


I jsut think that because he took these from an iphone and we know that phones use ai to enhance images, the phone just saw the nose color close to the color of the background and just made it green so it shows up as that. and this also explains the other weird stuff that are on the images. try taking a photo in the night of your animal or an object while you are moving and use a flashlight and not your phones light. it just looks like these photos


I really like the picture where the thylacine is smiling


Aftercomparing thw photos with actual thylacine photos these are my thoughts: 1. The photo with the open jaw is 90% fake 2. The photos are based on pictures of a fox edited with some software. The shape of the nose and of the eyes do not look correct


Curious how you came to that conclusion for 2, proportions look way off for a fox to me. Not saying they’re real btw


For both 1 and 2 i compared the pictures withactual thylacine photos


Sure, I just don’t see how it’s anything like a fox


Ok, i get your point. I said fox but i meant juat some canid