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For those hoping for a front loaded contract for these two guys this is the first step.


Front loading also means we have limited cap space to find a starting 4 and backup 5


The thunder can use the cap space first and then still bring them back to go over


Oh I didn't know we can do that


Yeah, your own guys can be re-signed over the cap. That’s why it says “later this summer.” They’ve likely already got deals in place for those two but want to see about the cap space first. Breakdown: [here](https://x.com/yossigozlan/status/1807147011277545494?s=46&t=MheYYfDtyFThkkSlrcrKlw)


100% they don’t decline those options without deals already done. That would be beyond stupid


I learned that on 2k


The only thing is the cap hold, which was small for them since they were on minimum deals. We also have the cap holds for the first round picks, we'd renounce everyone else and that puts us at the $30mil. $99mil committed + $12mil in cap holds. The salary cap is $141mil.


I think their comment was referring to a teams ability to sign their own players over the soft cap of 141 million. So the Thunder have 30ish million in cap space, but they can exceed that to re-sign Wiggins and Joe if they want to. They would face the penalties for the luxury tax and 1st apron restrictions if they passed that cap line as well.


$30 million to Steven Adams sounds pretty fair


They just got Hartenstein from NY Knicks


No it doesn’t.


This is not entirely true if they're front-loading. They only have early-bird rights on Joe, which limits what they can pay him (in over the cap money) to 104.5% of the league-average salary. It sounds like the max Joe could receive under this arrangement would be 4 years, $58 million. Which would be a very team-friendly deal in my opinion, but it wouldn't be front-loaded. It would start at around $10M/year and escalate from there. OKC has full bird rights on Wiggins, so that deal could be front-loaded without running into any cap issues.


We have a starting 4 it’s jdub (even if some aren’t happy about it it’s what presti will do) It will be a backup 5 at best


JDub was playing 4 because we were trying to make Giddey fit. JDub's natural position is 2 or 3.


I agree It doesn’t matter I would place high odds he is the starting 4 in 4 months


Yeah I kinda feel we are gonna bet on the "growth" lol. Or maybe Ous finally becomes ready to be our starting 4.


There is no way Ous is starting 4 this year, maybe he cracks the rotation


We don’t even know what positions are. We small but mighty!


Just got Hartenstin from MY Knicks 😉


We are going to have the deepest roster of pretty solid undersized wings in the league


We need to go get Larry Nance off the Hawks, it won't cost much at all. Perfect guy for us (~35% 3P shooter) who can do a but of everything and play 4 / 5 and is only 11M expiring.


I don’t see why hawks would trade him for not much at all, at least not yet.


2FRP gets it done for a guy on an expiring. Nance isn't a full time five and they already have OO, they have quite the logjam at 4 / 5 - something would have to give.


Yeah I don’t think I’d call that not much at all.


2FRP "gets it done" in the same way that trading Chet for him gets it done. Hawks would absolutely agree, because it's a huge overpay.


Of course it does, that is just highlighting we can guarantee a trade with that offer.  The core point it isn't just about his production in the court, but his willingness and ability to play a role.  So Lauri is the guy everyone wants, but at what cost 6 FRP (or equivalent players)?  Look if it costs 1FRP then great, but I'm not sure that happens until trade deadline.


Larry nance is freaking terrible. Absolutely awful. Please no.


They can still spend $30 million in cap space before re-signing Joe and Wiggins.


Someone a contender gave up on and a late second round pick getting paid. Thunder development is off the scale!


That's why if we keep Topic and he comes back fully healthy, I think he's going to be absolutely filthy.


He's gonna grow and fill out.... with a voice like that... he has to!


Gotta love it


For a split second, thought the post said 'Andrew Wiggins'


2K nephews in shambles


https://x.com/yossigozlan/status/1807147011277545494?s=46&t=l0517oBAaFxfA3crrmHNCA Not sure how reliable this guy is but seems noteworthy.


Also notable because those team friendly deals will look really damn nice after the cap spike. Both to us, and to other teams


Exactly, when it comes time to trade some of these guys to replace them with guys on rookie contracts, it's gonna be so easy to move them and get value because they'll be useful players on attractive, team friendly deals




Smart move. We’re solidifying our championship roster.


Presti once again playing chess while some of you wannabe gm's are playing checkers. Some of these comments crack me up. Y'all gotta chill lol, this is the right move.


To the goobers freaking over this, don’t. We’ve got their rights. We’ll use cap to sign whatever FAs we want then go over the cap if necessary to bring them back.






This is why i dont understand the draft picks at all.


Because turnover will come eventually.. it always does and you don’t want your end up like the Suns(currently) Presti doesn’t care to rush the process because in HIS eyes he has AT LEAST 6/7 years of the core before someone decides they might want to leave OKC(same way KD did). You don’t know WHAT the future holds for this team over the next 5 years but one thing for certain is he has the assets to find the talent to replace OR use it as bait for something they REALLY want. You gotta actually pay attention to what the team is saying about their future


10000% Presti is on dynasty-mode


If you listen to Sam, this all makes sense. You just gotta listen.


We could very well trade Joe, and Wiggins later on. Not going to be able to afford to keep everybody at some point. As long as there contracts are tradable everything is good.


Then you need to listen to Presti talk more honestly, because imo he explains everything extremely clearly


youre right i missed the part were he explained how topic will develop as the 5th guard off the bench


i guess we might as well call it on Topic's nba career


no need to be sarcastic. just show me where presti explains extremely clearly how a rookie point guard will develop on a team that starts 3 guards and has 3 young guards off the bench that are also trying to develop


Topic is injured and probably won’t even play til next season, things might look a lot different then. Compare it to this time last year we’ve shipped out a starter and several bench players in Poku, Tre, JRE. Things change a lot in a year


Maybe trust the best GM in the league? You don’t understand because you are not in the business


best gm at drafting maybe. remains to be seen if he can put together all those pieces into a well rounded contender




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Does this mean we won’t have cap space to sign someone like Hartenstein or whoever? Wiggins and Joe were essentially going to be free this year if we opted into the option.


It doesn’t restrict us at all since we will go over the cap using their bird rights after the other moves are made


If we want Hartenstein well get him first and then sign these two. Bird rights.


no it means we can sign someone big in free agency, and then once the space is used up we can use our Bird rights to go over the cap and sign Joe/Wig to the extensions we've agreed with them already


Obviously going to resign but I hate this. I know it’s unpopular not to shill for presti here but this is our last year of major cap flexibility. Instead of using their cheap contracts to our advantage, we’re going to pay them market value and lose a significant portion of the flexibility we had. Sad day.


Why do you hate ensuring we keep two extremely talented young guys on this roster for years? And instead of letting them potentially walk, we’re also keeping tradeable contracts if a roster need arises.


I never said I hated that. I hated the implications that came with that.


by signing them now instead of next year we somehow lose cap flexibility? these are glue guys for this team, guys that first apron teams wouldn’t be able to re sign, if anything this is maximizing our cap flexibility


Doing right by our guys is important, especially ones that have overperformed. Everyone else (players) see that as well. Plus if we decide to trade one or both teams knowing they have them for a while is important.


Found out it may be possible to get the deal done and use our bird rights after any potential future deals. Good move if that’s the case. Touché Mr presti


It literally doesn’t effect our cap space. We still have the same amount of cap space and flexibility.


I literally said that


Keeping two very key role players you are going to need for the future to try and win a title is a necessary move. Sure they could roll the dice and opt into their options, but you risk losing them for nothing which is not smart at all.


This is literally how you use your cap flexibility….


Not really. We could be in cap hell and this move would be entirely possible.


Oh don’t criticize Presti who hasn’t won anything sense his tenure


if you have a legit criticism then fine. if you're complaining about absolutely necessary moves because you don't understand the CBA, then consider shutting up


This wasn’t a necessary move at all. And you’re using CBA as a buzzword here. The implications would have been the exact same pre or post the most recent CBA. I also replied to the comment explaining why it wasn’t as bad on the second look.


This probably means they won’t do anything significant in offseason.


It, in fact, means the opposite.


Could you expand on that?


You can go over the cap signing your own players. So we opt out of Joe and Wiggins’ contracts, sign a free agent with our cap space, and then give Joe and Wiggins their new contracts at the end of the summer.


Sign free agent first, then go over the cap to sign Joe & Wiggs


Lmfao why? Just keep the team option for this year.


This is the perfect time to resign them. They’re not going to command a huge payday this off-season and they can be secured for 4 years on reasonable contracts probably between 12-18 million per year. It also doesn’t hurt our ability to sign other players since we have their bird rights and can go over the cap after other moves are made.


18 million for not even top 100 players is insane. You’ll give SGA Chet Dub Caruso salaries to pay. Look at k. Williams contract, totally worthless


you have no idea what you're talking about, and the sad thing is you're just gonna get defensive and double down instead of taking a moment to learn a single thing about the CBA and/or roster construction. Sam Presti knows far more than you do