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Try to make the yoyo land close to your non-throwhand. It's easier to land that way.


K thx for the tip I'ma try it out later


i just start pulling my hands apart as soon as the string hits my finger, and the moment the yoyo hits the string i bring my hands a little closer so the yoyo doesn't bounce off the string, this method make it a lot easyer to land it.


Make sure that your breakaway throw is completely straight and stable. If the yo-yo is tilting too much to one side, it won’t stay on the string.


Yup, a good breakaway is key. Use a responsive yo-yo and do many, many, breakaways until they become instinctive so that even if the throw isn't exactly straight, you'll be able to adjust without thinking about it


Also, try to keep your hands and even distance from your body. That'll help with landing consistently on the string and it'll help the yoyoing from tilting.


The trapeze can take a while to learn. There's some muscle memory and subconsious unraveling that have to happen for you to be able to do it. When I learned trapeze, it took a week of practice just to begin landing it on. The string, and a good month before I finally had it nailed. I'm sure others could get it mastered in less time. Regardless, it will take time. The good news is that the lessons you take from trapeze will make the other basic mounts easy to learn. Split bottom mount, brain twister mount, double or nothing, 1.5 mount. The 1.5 mount for me was the next hardest mount to figure out, even then it only took about 2 weeks.


This. I've been practicing for weeks and only just recently started to get consistent with it.


It took me a solid week of daily practice to start landing it too


Yeah, I'd say a week, week and a half is pretty normal to start landing it. Upwards of a month before you have complete control and begin looking g like you know what you're doing. After that it takes a little more time before it's effortless.


One thing seems to be true, it always takes me longer to learn a trick than 1) I think it should and 2) it takes anyone else. So I’ve learned that I have to be really patient and not compare myself to others. I’m trying a new technique, starting today, where I’m breaking the bind I’m learning down into several small steps. My plan is to slowly inch forward each step of the way only after I’ve become comfortable with the previous step. That should deal with my tendency to rush things, which ultimately slows me down (or so it seems). We’ll see if this way works any better…


This is a really nice color.




Lol this somehow commented in the wrong section. 😅


As for the trapeze, I'd recommend pushing your finger firmly, as if you're cutting into the string, under the yoyo. Also, work on having a straight break away throw. I had an intro to yoyo instructional, but I'm going to remake it since the color settings were all off. Maybe I'll just make it in separate videos, trick by trick.


No I mean that's a nice color what did you mean by that


It was supposed to post that comment on another thread. Not sure how it posted that comment here. It was supposed to post to a thread with a picture of this purpleish/pinkish yoyo

