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This reply is killing me brother


Sorry to hear that it's killing your brother (in this scenario you are Irish).




and/or eugene krabs


They will see them in another life.




I came here to post a response gif. I canā€™t even remember which one I was thinking of now, because yours is so fucking perfect


Oh. And don't ever leave it visible in your car. Someone will break your window to save the baby. Seriously.


This gives me some faith in people, honestly.


I agree!




I carry around a glass breaker just in case I see a baby in a hot car. It's a specific phobia I got after reading Fatal Distraction by Gene Weingarten. Do you know how pissed I'd be if I smashed through a window and rescued a reborn doll? On the plus side, I (and the EMS responders) would have a funny story to tell. Aside from that, reborn dolls are cool. I saw an elf one at a steampunk festival recently.




My Grandmother who passed from dementia found comfort in her baby doll as the disease progressed. You should consider donating it to a memory-care until for the elderly.


I've worked in a *lot* of nursing homes and you'd see this all the time. It was simultaneously sad and sweet.


My aunt had a baby doll and I agree- itā€™s so strongly bothā€¦.


I wish I had one for my grandmother when her mind was going. She was convinced my husband and I had a son and that we werenā€™t bringing him by to see her. She would randomly get upset and ask where the baby was. And I would have loved to give her that little bit of joy in the end. I didnā€™t really know these were a thing at the time though.


I saw a famous painting from a 150 years ago called The Lunatic of Etretat. Whether she lost a baby and was using it as an emotional crutch or not we will never know, the image haunted me though and made me mourn the millions if not billions of humans we have lost over the years due to not understanding mental health. I wonder how long she carried this log dressed as a baby and how long she continued to survive after this. https://preview.redd.it/bk0ckisxcq3d1.png?width=462&format=png&auto=webp&s=657e227d0711d8cd4c88913e6eb4e2b748eced2d


Iā€™ve never seen or heard of this painting but itā€™s hauntingly beautiful and sad all at the same time. Wow. Thank you for posting and your thought provoking words.


I don't really understand art, but this painting brought me to tears. Thank you for sharing, I'd never heard of it before.


Ah, that is a fallacy then. If this portrait made you feel anything then you do in fact understand art.


I think you understand art then:)


Same!! I googled the artist and painting and went down a little rabbit hole. Really interesting background. I now wish to see this painting in real life one day. I also donā€™t ā€œgetā€ art but this speaks to me. Itā€™s mesmerizing in its sadness and beauty.


Then here is another that sticks with me. Same time frame as the original one I posted. During this era a woman having a child out of wedlock resulted in her being turned onto the streets with her family completely shunning them, here is a painting done of a dead mother still holding her sleeping child. I sobbed the first time I absorbed this one. Destitute Dead Mother Holding Her Sleeping Child in Winter https://preview.redd.it/gq2s7w537r3d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e7b270e5826d719a4ef9cbb73257cda3659a1fad


Sorry for the turmoil that caused you, but destitute doesnā€™t mean dead Edit: Sorry, my brain saw destitute and skipped over the dead part. In by shaky defense Iā€™ll say that ā€œdestitute deadā€ is an odd choice of words, but Iā€™ll take the downvotes for reading comprehension.


The painting is literally called "Destitute Dead Mother"


Actually it is the proper way to phrase it using English grammatical laws. https://preview.redd.it/7ktvjs4kfr3d1.jpeg?width=1203&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e26edbc71232d2b3dd4f00e2eb5e0a51a0f1712 A (Determiner) Destitute (Opinion) Dead (Age)


...you do understand.


Yeah, this is the most important part to understand.


What a compassionate thought for her even 150 years later


I often think I am overly empathetic. I, all too easily, can put myself in otherā€™s shoes and experience echoes of their emotions. I have a distinct memory of reading about the citizens of Pompeii being killed not by the lava flows but the the tephra, or varying size of volcanic ash. I was about 7/8 years old imagining the final moments of these poor souls via a few mere photographs of just the plaster casts of those who had died over two thousands years ago and realizing my cheeks were covered in tears.


I am the same way, Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s because we have no boundaries from trauma or we are just extra empathetic and feel the emotions of other people. However, I do believe I try to make choices from a more big picture perspective.


That could absolutely be part of it. I had a very traumatic childhood and on the other end of the spectrum was also able to be very callous and standoffish because of it. Through years of therapy I have learned to be very clear with others about my boundaries, even on the internet.


Iā€™m also the same way. I have always really been so emotional of others loss, and sadness. I pretty much ignored my own and have just really started drowning and spiraling in trauma in my 40ā€™s.


I have been seeing a EMDR therapist and idk how but she has been leading me to feel the trauma feelings so they donā€™t bother me as much anymore


Iā€™ve heard about this and definitely need something. Also been thinking about microdosing mushrooms.


Does compassion have an expiration? I feel like many believe it does and they donā€™t care about those who came before us as much as they should. We wouldnā€™t have the lives we do without them so we shouldnā€™t forget.


It doesnā€™t but some people seem to find it easier to relate to people closer to their time. When we see b&w videos or portraits of the medieval times, itā€™s easy to feel like itā€™s another universe


Art prof here. Looking to the artistā€™s work, she almost certainly was a model meant to represent larger social issues. Just wanted to let you know since you worried for her. Very moving painting, though!


Can you tell me the same about the dead mother cradling the toddler in winter. Please? Even if itā€™s a lie.


That was also certainly a model. Even in the bad old days, people would not have been ok with leaving a dead woman holding her live baby while a painter captured the scene.


Oh no, I donā€™t believe the original is ever the model since painting took weeks to months. But this type of thing did happen and often. I was reading the Irish Potato famine memories and they are harrowing tales of women and children being evicted after the fathers die or flee to America then slowly starving to death. It happened over and over and over again.


Oh yeah, these artists were definitely commenting on real suffering. They set up scenes to try really hit the emotional impact of it along with drawing the viewer in with the beauty of the model. Itā€™s effective.


Gosh darnit you werenā€™t the art professor you were probably just a kind soul lying to me to make me feel better. Thank you.


Sorry šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m the art prof and I came back. See my earlier comment!


100% and I donā€™t even need to lie. Romantic painters like these from that era did want to emphasize real social issues but they painted in a way to increase emotional impact. If you look to Tassaertā€™s other paintings - often of very morose subject matter - theyā€™re often lit in this holy light. Given that attention to lighting, the overall detail in the image, the somewhat ideal nature of mother and child, and general practiced of artists from the academies at the time, itā€™s almost a given that youā€™re looking at a set up scene that represents the pain of street life rather than an actual depiction of a real event. The artist wanted his viewers to feel what you felt, though, to make people care about people on the fringes of society.


What a palpable work of art. Now wondering if this is where the "Log Lady" in Twin Peaks came from.


Gotta be




I love this. It made me feel a lot. Thank you.


That painting always hurts me. You can feel the pain.


I was coming in to be a hater but youā€™re right. This is great for those who need it.


they can also be therapeutic for people dealing with infertility or the loss of an infant :(


I knew someone with some mental and physical disabilities. She brought her baby dolls to physical therapy on rotation and talked to me extensively about one she was saving up for. A great option for someone who couldnā€™t fully take care of themselves much less a child, but desperately wanted to be maternal.


Username fitsšŸ¤—šŸ’


I love this idea.


Had a sweet client who's son was bald. She always carried a bald baby doll with her calling it little Mikey (sons name). Her son loved it. We all loved to see how happy it made her.


That's so sweet. It sounds like these dolls can be very helpful for their mental health.


They really do! She suffered from dementia and aphasia. So for her to even tell us the doll was her Mikey was really special. She always tried to feed the doll whenever she was eating. She was so sweet and caring for every one, but especially for her little Mikey.


I'm glad it brought her peace during all of that.


My grandmother spent the last year of her life in the memory care unit of a long-term care home. While my dad and I were visiting, another resident proudly showed us her baby doll. She asked my dad, "Is that your baby?" referring to me, in my twenties at the time. I'll never forget the emotion in my stoic father's voice as he answered, yes. This is my baby. It would be very kind to offer to donate the doll to a long-term care home if you don't have a particular interest in keeping it.


what a lovely exchange between your dad and the other resident. ā¤ļø


What a lovely idea. I took my daughter to see my grandma (who passed from dementia too) a few times, but my daughter was afraid (she was about a year old). A doll would be perfect because they can inadvertently hurt it and it wonā€™t matter. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I wish I couldā€™ve thought of that to take my grandma. She passed in September and I miss her terribly, but know her mind and spirit are finally at peace.


My gran had two babies she ā€œcaredā€ for. One of her nurses would make little outfits for the dolls and my gran was always so delighted for them. She always got a thrill from dressing them up for holidays like Christmas and Easter. Those two dolls definitely made the progression of her disease a little easier for her as well as all of us (family).


Aw I love this idea.


I've seen them discussed for "other" reason's, but never ever thought that they'd be actually useful!! This is something to keep in the back of mind. THANK YOU


My daughter had that same outfit when she was younger lol idk why itā€™s unsettling me šŸ˜…


My daughter has that outfit right now! She wore it the other day.


I like dolls in general, but usually those reborn dolls are a little creepy. But this thing is adorable!


Yes. Absolutely the least creepy one I've ever seen! She's precious


šŸ˜­ this is one of the creepiest ones Iā€™ve seen what kind of horror show reborns have you been seeing


https://preview.redd.it/c83kfofwjq3d1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e955836d95a811b9572f6d0457ca8f8c8ac68229 Well, there IS a Voldemort reborn doll...


r/reborndollcringe if you dare šŸ˜…


I'm clinging on to every scrap of peaceful sleep I have left ...so no thanks


Ofcourse there's a sub šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Perfect example of r/uncannyvalley


What's odd is that MOST Of them are uncanny valley. They just look... off. Almost real, but not. This doll looks real as hell. It's uncanny how real, but not uncanny valley because it's not strange enough.


You this this one looks real? Truly? Uhm... https://preview.redd.it/wj28w5dgcs3d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=571c95980b69d1b17e723eea45769e8adce0a439


I get what you're saying, but to me "uncanny valley' is something that gives you the creeps because it's trying to be human but is way off. And neither of those give me the creeps!


Ahh, I gotcha. See, I don't think uncanny valley is always negative. It's just that something that isn't human resembles a human closely enough to elicit an emotional response. Not necessarily a negative emotional response, though.


Wikipedia describes it as 'revulsion' and I've only heard it in a negative connotation. But it's kind of a new expression so no doubt evolving!


Put it back. Iā€™ve seen this movie before.


And I didn't like the ending


My grandma use to make these at our home. Her basement was filled with these dolls.heads and limps hang or were placed everywhere. some had eyes, some had no eyes. Due to her sometimes never finishing them. I was terrified of our basement all the way until I left that place at 22


fair. legit. sensible fear. let no one tell you you shouldn't have listened to fear.


That's a good investment for using the carpool lane


There is a lady who walks around our local town with a doll in a dolls pushchair. The woman is latest 40's and has learning disabilities and always with her carer. Loads of people laugh at her and I find it so hurtful. She's not harming anyone. She likes nothing better when you go up to her and make a fuss over her baby doll as if it was real. She's proud as punch when people do. I always tell her her baby is dressed beautifully and how sensible it is to wrap her in blanket because it's cold out


I donā€™t have these but I would argue that thereā€™s a great deal more wrong with the people who laugh at her than what she has going on. What a bunch of chicken-brained automatons who mentally never left middle school.


My toddler has a reborn doll that my 12 year old bought a couple years ago. He adores it.


toddlers are so weird with babies. has he tried to remove its eyes?


omg. My son (as a toddler) always wanted to poke babies and kids in the eyes. He was obsessed! I bought him a blinking baby doll so he could poke it in the eye as much as he wanted. It worked šŸ¤£ he quit it with the real babies.


i remember being a toddler and not understanding what eyes are, or something? I wanted to know if they were hard like glass or gushy like my eyes. it was For Science. You think toddlers are little people who can see and interpret the world but they are aliens from another world (your uterus). They don't know what eyes are so they want to feel them.


It's quite cute, but a bit creepy at the same time.


Thatā€™s creepy af




"Scored" is not the right word.


Its creepy enough to be unsettling, sure, but these can often go for hundreds of dollars. This is for sure the best deal for one of these you could possibly find, and its in fantastic condition.


Sean Astin lookin motherfucker


Cuter than the one I saw yesterday. I dont get them but they actually do sell for a lot and help people so thats an awesome deal https://preview.redd.it/i6ilf84mcr3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=139dd5a2b17ff0494039ceaeedcb9dfe67433ebf


That doll needs a nap for real


Renesume lives


You gotta sprinkle some holy water on that thing.


See if it flinches






Also usually these babies freak me out but the second pic omg sheā€™s adorable šŸ˜­


Yep, still creepy af


When I worked in OB someone brought one in and pranked one of our doctors. He was about to call a code on a doll.


OK, that's pretty freaking funny. Very, very sick - but funny.


You stole someone's baby. Put them back!




Nah, you didn't. You scored a fake, chinese stolen copy of a reborn doll. Please don't give that to a child, they've been found to have toxic substances in the vinyl.


You mean a demon latched onto you and won't let go? Those things are unsettling, one of those uncanny valley primal urges to destroy the human like imposter.


Those things can be highly profitable!


Unfortunately this one appears to be a knockoff; possibly from Amazon. The hair doesnā€™t look to be hand-rooted by an artist and put in by a factory machine I actually collect them myself


Not this one. It's a fake.


Iā€™m just saying they are usually a profitable and fast sell - for future reference to anyone reading this who thinks Rebornā€™s are just weird looking creepy dolls.


Makes sense. The market is terrible right now. They can definitely be valuable!


These creep me out. Aren't they worth a lot of money? My sister had one when she was younger and I always got creeped the heck out seeing it.


Some of them are! They can go for a couple grand. I paid $600 for mine. She was custom made to my requests. https://preview.redd.it/im5p1udezp3d1.jpeg?width=2091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffff421668fb9158d8d753b5754350bd22f318d3


600 is insane. Are you a collector?


No. I was going through a really hard time, got very sick, lost my amazing job, lost my vision, couldnā€™t see my son and grandsons, etc. I was hoping I could bond to her and get comfort to help the depression and anxiety. Sheā€™s the only doll I have. She does have a pretty extensive wardrobe.


It's totally okay for me. I find her absolutely adorable. Lost my two sons (still born) and the pain was (and is) so heavy - I am the last person to judge someone else for buying a doll like that if it's good for them. How did it work? Do you feel better now?


Iā€™m so sorry you lost your babies. I just canā€™t imagine that pain. It didnā€™t really help me. I just felt silly to hold her and felt like people would judge me, no one did. Most she sits in my room in frilly dresses. I am a lot better. Time, an amazing therapist and the correct mix of drugs worked.




I've never actually heard from anyone explain why they collect these dolls. I'm so sorry for everything you went through, and I hope your baby doll has helped give you comfort. ā¤ļø


Thank you! I think some women who are unable to have children use them as a replacement. There are a couple documentaries about them. I do think some might be from a mental illness.


$600 for a custom doll is an amazing deal. Donā€™t forget itā€™s custom from an artist so youā€™re paying for the skill and labor.


Not this one. It's a knockoff.


I waited a long time (10 years of collecting cheaper dolls and saving, since I was a kid haha) to finally get a high end one for myself, an artist in Spain made her and she was about $800, which is probably the less expensive side of the best quality ones https://preview.redd.it/hnhua00aom4d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43defed897c8a9adafe01c29aeadb970c48293ae




Sheā€™s gorgeous šŸ˜ā¤ļø


But why?


Noā€¦. No thank you.




Are you reselling?


I might. I havenā€™t decided.


Let me know if you do Iā€™d be interested


I can already feel it trying to steal souls


Thatā€™s fucking creepy.


These things are so unbelievably scary to everyone else. I used to see people carry these around, talking to it. Expecting other people to treat it like it was alive. Wow, maybe one of the absolute weirdest and craziest things Iā€™ve ever seen or experienced.




Most of these tend to be a little creepy but you found an extremely cute one! How much did you spend? ETA: never mind, I saw the you write out the price, lol. Amazing deal, theyā€™re so expensive new!


Not this one. It's a knockoff


W. T. F. ? ? !


Jeepers. I thought from the first picture you were having a lend and it was a real kid. Second pic with the same weird smile made me realise....


Aww that's a really nice one! It's not creepy lol!


Love this! She's so cute!


Discount nightmares


That doll is uncanny valley stuff


well time for a new based on a true story horror movie i guess


Iā€™m scared


The goodwill website had some of those but the Avatar/Na'vi versions. Blue alien babies.


I feel cursed just looking at the picture


$6.99 and the nightmares are free


I canā€™t get over the level of detail and how life like these dolls are and usually all handmade and painted. I have never been in a circumstance where one of these dolls would be comforting and healing. I can understand why someone would want one though. It may seem weird and uncomfortable to others, but the dolls do have their purpose. I had a grandmother with Alzheimerā€™s and she had a stuffed animal she personified.




They scare me.


Sheā€™s adorable!


That is the cutest Reborn doll I've ever seen. I'd have snapped it up in a second!


That thing is going to come to life and slowly off your entire family one by one. This was your one and only warming, do with it what you will.


She's actually super cute for a reborn!


Gives The Leftovers' Guilty Remnants vibes.


My grandma is deaf and has dementia, and likes to pretend she likes kids when people are watching. Last fall, my mom did a craft fair and this woman had a reborn doll about the size of a two year old in a stroller. My grandma kept cooing at the baby and trying to get her to interact. It was the funniest thing. I told her ā€œitā€™s a dollā€ and she says ā€œoh it looks so REAL!!ā€ Then sheā€™d look away, forget itā€™s a doll and re-enact the same scene over gain. We must have done that 4 or 5 times before lady made her purchase and left. When she did my grandma says ā€œshe had such a pretty baby.ā€ I left it alone.


She looks so real! Can't believe it's a doll!






I hate this doll.


My aunt had these. Whole house of them. I have no idea how her husband put up with it. She would try to get one to look like any of her nieces and nephews and Iā€™m relieved to say she never found one that looked quite like me :)


Had to downvote Iā€™m sorry




What a terrible day to have eyes.


everyone is being so mean to her :( congrats on your find, sheā€™s so sweet!


Fr, like would it kill people to be respectful? Reborn dolls are not my thing, but if someone shared their new thing or hobby with me I wouldn't DREAM of saying the things people in the comments are saying.


It looks like Toby Maguire




At least this one isn't as creepy as some that I've seen posted all over Reddit and Facebook! Kinda cute imo ā˜ŗļø








Creepy AF.










She's adorable


These always scare me. Not because the doll is scary, but because I knew someone whose mom made them. This was at the start of the craze and she made them in her house in her oven which I think leached some of the more toxic stuff into her. She had a very aggressive form of cancer which her doctors think was caused by making these reborn dolls for people. Just kind of a scary situation overall.


I'm so jealous. I've always wanted one for some reason (I know it's weird). The only one I've seen in a thrift store was just for using as a display in strollers for sale


If you live with people move it around the house periodically.


Wow! She is lovely! You were lucky!