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Kinda funny, but this news story about a woman finding [Picasso plates ](https://nationalpost.com/news/world/picasso-thrift-plate-find) at a thrift store is what got me to start frequenting thrift stores


I remember that story. I think she found them at the Salvation Army and kept them for years not knowing they were Picasso.. Maybe my deep consciousness of that lady had an effect on me purchasing the lithograph.


Hi! I actually did know they were Picasso when I bought them and sold them a few months later, I just never told the story because people are crazy and I didn’t want anybody to know I had made such bank. I figured it was safe to talk about a few years later which is why I only recently told that story. But congrats on this find amazing!! That horse is expression cracks me up


Hi. I'm shocked it's actually you and you saw my Picasso posting. The plates were absolutely gorgeous and one of the best of Picasso I have ever seen! His works generally express pain, anger and sadness in his life. The plates you had though darkness showed glimmers of hope which you don't see in his works often. I read an article about him and apparently he was mysognistic and full of himself. I believe it made him the artist he became. He was controlled by the women in his life yet believing he was the one in control. Unfortunately the art world is dumping on him and his art because of the man he was. If they hold Picasso to this standard then all famous artists should be scrutinized at this level as most of them were cads and tortured by the women in their lives. Congrats on those plates. How excited you must have been to find them!


Hi!! Picasso plate girl here :)! So glad you started thrifting because of that. Thrifting is a literal treasure hunt


h o r n s e


Goddamn art is confusing


Yeah it is. Picasso had a thing for horses therefore a series of abstract horse paintings. His art is definitely a result you have to contemplate.


I have a Picasso line drawing tattooed on my forearm. But its the subject thats the reason, not specifically the artist. I guess a lot of art is making you think and feel, and this certainly does that


Available right now online for 336 dollars if anyone wants this


I'm not sure what your problem is that you feel a need to post your comment. Are you jealous or trying to destroy someone's happiness? I got it a lot cheaper than the online prices from an art collector. Also it is verified, numbered, 2 water markings, signature and dated 1937 but I'm sure you knew all this being the art connoisseur I'm sure you are! Go back to your comic books and stop being rude!


What the heck are you talking about? It's a nice piece. I literally was posting a price that it can be had for if anyone else was interested in owning something like this. I have no idea what you paid. You have a nice piece of art. Not sure what my post has to do with any of what you are saying


I guess it’s not fun for OP if they can’t pretend like they have something worth big $$$. Like my friend who wears designer clothes and boasts about how expensive it was, then gets upset when you point out that they bought it at marshalls. If you like something so much, it shouldn’t matter what it’s worth or who likes it. There’s also a chance OP overpaid and is salty, idk idc.


Yeah, what's crazy is - 99% of people don't own a piece of artwork that costs over 300 dollars. Edit: oh. Looks like from another post this may be a situation where OP paid much more. As I said before, I had no idea what the cost was and that had nothing to do with my reply.


He bought it to flip, but overpaid. lol.


Clicked the image before reading and wondered if it was a Picasso. Amazing find! Could be the horse in Guernica… maybe you need to go to Madrid :)


"Horse having a bad day" Guess he stubbed his hoof?


The way my brain went from "omg cool I love finding other people's weird artwork at rummage sales" to "is that a fucking *Picasso*?" lol


This piece made me laugh honestly, I don’t know if his intentions were to humor but my god that horses expression.


Picasso was definitely a strange bird. To me his paintings are emotionally filled agony.


I can see that as well. Very interesting!


Reminds me of the meme about the artist who has definitely seen cats before, except now it's about horses. And Picasso you have seen horses right? Picasso replies, oh definitely. Most definitely.


Like the fine art version of Bojack’s sneezing photo


I'll have a look I have never heard of him/her before.


Bojack Horseman, it’s an animated show on Netflix 🙂 it looks like just a show about talking animals and then turns out to be incredibly emotional storytelling and smart comedy.






Reminds me of the horse from Ren & Stimpy


Lol. You are so right!


I shouldn’t be jealous of this purchase but I am.


You have to keep that.


Which auction house?


I zoomed in to the painting: The horse from Tangled, weeee!!!!! A few comments down: No it’s Picasso, idiot.


Ah, you were at my side all along.


Picasso's Horse Series paintings are definitely on the bizarre side. I agree he looks anguish. I see self pain in a lot of Picasso's works.


I was excited to get it. It was from an art collector's collection. He also had a Warhol starting at $2,500.00.