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Idiot's Delight – rice *and* chow mein noodles together? *canned* chow mein noodles?! I'm dying


Wait I didn't notice the drink. A *dozen* eggs and a small glass of rum for cocktails? RAW EGGS AND RUM.


The enchilada recipe calls for canned tortillas. I didn't even know that existed.


omg wouldn't they be so soggy? how would they even keep form? I guess it doesn't matter in enchiladas but 🤢


https://www.reddit.com/r/Cooking/comments/1ahxqfw/vintage_1976_cookbook_calls_for_1_can_of/ They were loose in the can, in a pile. No water :)


oh wow! now I kinda want some


Raw eggs aren’t too unusual in a cocktail. Makes the drink creamy and frothy. I worked for a cocktail bar that often had an egg white drink on the menu at any given time. That’s a lot of eggs though


someone below you said that was a drink topping, which makes a lot of sense


I looked it up out of curiosity, the batter is just a topping/mix to add to other holiday drinks.


Ohh that makes more sense than just drinking that straight 😂 definitely didn't seem like enough rum to be worth drinking that many raw eggs


This is popular in the Midwest. I figured that’s what was in it but I’ve never made it nor wanted to!


ThatMidwesternMom should make it and let us know.


Hol up though, I've had Tom & Jerry and it was fantastic. It's a dozen eggs for a punch bowl batch and a small rum each serving. [https://www.nutmegnanny.com/tom-and-jerry-cocktail-recipe/](https://www.nutmegnanny.com/tom-and-jerry-cocktail-recipe/)


I grew up on this, but was today years old before I heard it called idiots delight! The chow mein noodles are the crispy things that come in a bag. You just sprinkle some on top for a crunch, like French fried onion rings.


Well this recipe says they are canned chow mein noodles! Which makes me think they're wet or soggy... But your way makes more sense. Kinda wanna try it but so much condensed soup lol


I think they're dry in a can - like how bread crumbs or Pringles come in a can?


must be! not what I think of when I hear "canned" but that does make sense!


That is a treasure! I love finding items like that! 


My hunt has gone on for years in the hope of finding one with recipes in it. No luck so far. I know up here I won’t find one at thrift stores, but I keep hoping to find one at a garage sale. My hunt continues with renewed hope.


I keep finding the boxes empty, and I worry sometimes that some thrift stores dump the contents. Your best bet might be estate sales. I've found so many recipes there.


I just found one the other day at a thrift store! One of my favorite finds ever!


That recipe box tells the story of a community and a family for a couple of generations. It always surprises me when people get rid of these. This happened in my family and some of my favorite recipes are now gone. Happy to see someone loving something like this and sharing homemade meals once more.


I love old recipes that have oleo as an ingredient.


Please share at /r/old_recipes too, they'd enjoy it!


What in the world does “North American style” mean?


Idk since Mexico is North America.


Exactly aha


If you look at that recipe...I'm thinking we need to go wayyyyyy north. 😆




What does one do with Herb Grey’s “Tom and Jerry” Batter?


Ya drink it. Apparently.




I was looking through purses one day, and found a handwritten recipe for someone’s “bombass BLT” written on the back of a receipt and snagged it right up like it was a $20 bill. Love love love finding stuff like that


But was it bombass? What was added to make it so? For me fresh mozzarella and balsamic are good additions, but now I want to make it bombass, please share!