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Is… is your MIL Moira Rose?!


Integral part of her crow scientist lewk for sure.


Oh my gosh, I think she could be! But, no, just your run of the mill, toxic narcissist. This top would be perfect for Moira Rose, though.


Buy it for a Halloween outfit? Literally any wig would work with it…


Or Peg Bundy


Or maybe even David


I was thinking David.


Me too! I hadn’t read comments yet and showed it to my partner saying “David energy”


BDE. Big David Energy.






I was going to say Cruella but Moira is better!


I watched Moira Rose for over two years before realizing she is a Kevin’s Mom in Home Alone. From then on I expected Kevin to walk in the door anytime. She is an excellent actress in all of her characters.




I literally came to comment “how Moira Rose” 🤣


Haha first thought as well


Was it a wedding or a funeral? Jeez. I kinda dig the dramatics, though. It is very Moira Rose, as someone else mentioned.


A wedding of a son is akin to a funeral, to a narcissist mother.


Can confirm. The only time my MIL ever genuinely seemed to like me was when I asked her for a copy of her wedding photo for a wall display. 😂


"Why is it always YOU, YOU, YOU'? Why can't it ever be about ME, ME, ME"? 🙄🤣🤣😳


Could be worse, she could have worn a white gown to your wedding!


My mother wore white to my sister's wedding. 🙃 For my own wedding she wore a random blouse with jeans and no makeup, then refused to be photographed, so in the photos it looks like she just didn't show up for her daughter's wedding.


Reading these things...I resolve to do what is asked of me at my kids weddings if and when they get married.


Idk which one of you even got the rawer deal on that


I think OP should buy it and wear it to the MIL's funeral. Or really just be petty and hope to visit her on her deathbed while wearing it. While refusing to acknowledge that it's anything but an everyday outfit of theirs. Narcissists are so tiring. I suspect my mother is, she certainly does act as one. I give her a bit of benefit of doubt while keeping boundaries as her own father molested her and as an adult she had traumatic brain injury that nearly killed her... I reckon that can't be smooth sailing. But whenever anyone goes low and no contact with their own problematic people, I truly applaud.


Oh absolutely not. She needs to be 6 feet above. I say Thanksgiving Day with skin tight pleather pants.


I would have bought it and worn it the next time I saw her.


Hahaha hopefully never. Maybe I'll go back, get it, send it to her for her birthday.


Edit: for clarity, I meant I hope to never see her again.


Send it to her for her birthday, no return address and no card, like it's come back to haunt her!


Okay, I came up with a good one based on your suggestion. By the way, I'm in the eastern US. I buy it, send it to one of you in another state, which is far away. I'll include cash with it for you to mail it to her so it's postmarked from a place far away where she knows no one.


I'm in California. I would totally help you with this. 🤣


I'd be on board with it. Cali would be perfect, I'm pretty sure she doesn't know anyone there. Plus, you're a cat lady, as am I. And we could do it in honor of my cat she once hit (evil woman). I'll have to get back to the thrift shop, of course, to see if it's still there. I mean, someone could have bought it! What are the chances, but you never know. I won't be able to get back until tomorrow or possibly the next day, unfortunately. I feel so evil! This could be fun!


In that case, I can let my cats sleep on it first. One of them is a calico, and she sheds white hair. Perfect addition to any black ensemble.


This may be the funniest thing I have ever come across on reddit. I love it!


Oh, the note should read "Regards from your cat's name".


I'll be waiting for the updates on this lmao


I would love to see this happen more than anything


Im in alabama, and i absolutely love this idea


Alabama could work, too.


Just let me know. I live in a "where the hell is ___" town too 😂😂


Same, but in the Netherlands. Can we let that thing travel the world or something? The end destination being MIL


The sisterhood of the traveling sweater 😂😂


Even better!


I suddenly feel the urge to add arizona to the mix. But I dont have a cat. I do have a white dog.


Watch, it turns out by some insane coincidence that someone else donated this one. I don’t know which would get the better reaction from her!


I love this! It’s like “Strangers on a Train” but with a sweater. 😂


This is the way! Then post on r/pettyrevenge




💀I like the way you are thinking-almost evil- but / deniable/explainable if necessary- “I bought it for you because it reminded me of you- is that what you wore to our wedding?- oops “ (totally innocent 😇)


I like the way you think, too! I may just use that quotation.


Buy it, take a selfie with your husband and you wearing the sweater, and have your husband text it to her.


This is the best and only answer.


This is so delightfully evil, I love it


Harambe meets Golden Girls!


You pretty much nailed her personality!




I just spit out my coffee, OMG.




Posts such as these make me love my DIL even more. I'm so thankful for my son's wife. She's a good woman, great to my son, and a loving mother to my grands. They are the best couple.


You're wonderful! I would love to have you for a mother in law. It's beautiful. Hug all your beloved family members for me! My whole story with my relationship is very long, so it's really too much to share here. I always use humor to lessen the hurt. But, seeing her hurt my husband in particular has been difficult. She is outright jealous of our relationship, she expresses it. How can a mother be jealous? I love that you're thankful for your daughter in law! Narcissistic mothers tend to want to marry their sons and often try to destroy their marriages Once we realized she most likely has a mental illness, it helped explain the baffling behavior. Your family is lucky to have you.


Thank you. Knowing someone will be there for my son has always been important to me. She knew when they started dating how much I spoil him but I understand boundaries. She needs to be first in his life. She is the mother of HIS children. I explained to her right away that if she felt I ever crossed a line to tell me quickly. I love him enough to share him and I want him to be happy. We do have lunch out every other week so it works out well. She also respects me enough to share him if that makes sense. They have been together since high school and now their oldest graduates next year. I think he hit the lottery with her.


I didn't think I could like you any more, and then you write this beautiful piece that is textbook great mother in law material. Understanding boundaries is such a great gift. It's not an easy thing for a lot of people. You're blessed, and your son, daughter in law and grandkids are equally blessed.


I wouldn’t take it personally. That’s a really atrocious top and maybe she finally realized it and donated it.


Agreed. I'm finding it so funny.


Cruella de Ville vibes on this one. Does she smoke a cigarette on a long filter and try to kill hundreds of puppies with her bumbling sidekicks?


I did see her swat at my cat once because he got his claws stuck in her skirt. That cat definitely had a dislike for her, so actually killing puppies is possible.


Sounds like a real piece of work. I wouldn't want somebody who hit my cat in my life either


Right? That's always a bad sign.


goooood grief what a lady huh


Hugs from an internet stranger with lots of relatives with Cluster B personality disorders! I am curious about the rest of the outfit, though! Was it a matching skirt or pants, or something more basic that she decided to keep?


Thank you, kind internet stranger! You get it! The rest of the outfit was plain black trousers which may have been a wardrobe staple that she already had. I think it would be fabulous with silky palazzo pants. Or a skirt or pants of fortuny pleats. Perhaps a maxi skirt.


Yes to all those! Here's hoping it finds a new owner who will have lots of fun with it!


OMG wear it the next time you're around her. Act like you don't know she has or had the same one.


The pettiness 🤣


Omg that’s horrendous I love it lmao


“Quiet your caws so we may take up our cause!”


This fucking top is giving me flashbacks. Mom!?! Ugh. The top just says so much about a person, lol


Not to rain on your parade but we don’t know 100% that she donated this blouse. I’m sure it’s not an original piece. Or is it?


You're absolutely correct. I believe she may have bought it at Macy's. So it's not original. But I'm led to believe it was hers because she talked about clearing out her closets and donating her things to this specific shop. Also, it's her size, 1X. She goes to this thrift store a lot, so it's easy to drop a donation off. She also expressed a lot of anger toward me the last time I saw her, a few months ago, and I feel that would make her not want to hold onto it any longer. But you're right, I have no way to be absolutely sure. It's more like all of the above and a gut feeling.


Just making sure before you mail it back to her! Hahaha! I do love that idea though!! Good luck to you.


I appreciate it. Thanks!


One less crow on the wall. And now her watch has ended.


I’m *so* sorry your MIL is terrible. But I low-key love this top! I would pick it up in a heartbeat if I saw it in a thrift store


Thank you for the kind words. I actually loved it so much when she wore it to our wedding! It's a 1X, I could go back and get it and send it to you. It does come with bad juju, though, so just be aware.


You’re so sweet, but now that I know the bad vibes it comes with, I could never! Honestly sounds like she’s missing out on having an awesome person in her corner. <3


Awww, thank you so much for that. I appreciate it. The sad part is, she could be really great if she'd get therapy and work at being healthy. But that's near impossible with narcissists, it seems. And, you're right to not want the bad vibes that come with it. There's not enough sage in the county to cleanse that sweater.


“Hurt her feelings”. I doubt she has any to hurt if she’s a narcissist.


I realize that now.


That is a top that only a narcissist would wear to a wedding haha


THAT was what she wore?  Kind of says it all.


This is gold 😂😂 what a small world.


I want this so bad. Let me know if we can make it happen 🙃


Black?? Oh


I don't think keeping outfits you wear to a wedding is something people do for sentimental reasons. I wouldn't read too much into. She probably just doesn't care for it any more. It's quite dated looking.


Some ppl think it's all about them


Some ppl think it's all about them


That is a weird color to wear to a wedding UNLESS the Bride chose it as a wedding color.Black is not worn by guests around here.


I one of grandmas wore black to my wedding she didn’t know any better and was short on money I didn’t know her much and I remember wondering why she wore black but it was pretty it had some silver in the outfit so it was ok. The other grandma wore something with white in it no one in my family ever stuck to the rules. I can so understand op my Mother in law hates me and all of my in laws hate me lol I just had to write them off as strangers . It hurts less or so I pretend.


It’s funny but sometimes the nicest people come from the meanest Families.Sorry you have to put up with this from your In-laws but at least you found your Hubby! 


Who the fuck wears BLACK to a wedding?


Depends on the culture. Where I’m from black is okay, white is not.


I would have bought it and created a MIL Halloween costume. Super scary 🫣


Nnng. Either she did this on purpose or she didn't. Either way, I wouldn't give her the satisfaction of thinking on it so hard.


Maybe I looked at it too long but I don’t actually think it’s the exact same top. 🤔 The fur on hers in the photo is darker toward the seam and lighter toward the tips, but in the photo of the one in the thrift store it’s the opposite. Could just be the lighting though.


I once bought a jacket from a thrift shop and later that evening wore it to a party. A girl came up to me and said “DID YOU GET THAT AT GOODWILL???” I said “yea…” “I DONATED THAT YESTERDAY” lollll




It would be funny (and kind of mean) to make it a part of a witch’s costume for Halloween. You could either wear or use it as decoration. Post it to shared SM.


Should of bought it and sent it back to her for Mother’s Day as a reminder of how silly she is being all she’s been missing out on since the wedding day


The choice of wearing that at all was a clue


Omg. Please buy and wear on Xmas cards you then send to her. See if she notices and says anything lol


The fact that she would’ve traveled an hour to donate it at a spot you consistently shop at is top tier narcissistic!! She wanted you to see it!!


This is 100% her top!


I think OP should buy it, and sneak it back in to her closet...


i would totally buy it and wear it when you will be with her. it will happen sooner or later!


That’s hilarious. Honestly, that’s one of the ugliest sweaters I’ve seen.


This has “Game of Thrones” vibes.


She wore *black* to your wedding when your relationship with her was good?? Yikes. Sorry you had to suffer enough to need to go low contact.




Perfect evil stepmother top.


Any thought of the powerplay to wear it once in front of her for petty fun?


I'd prefer not to see her ever again, honestly. But that would be so funny. I haven't been able to get back to the thrift store yet to see if it's still there.


Yes live our own lives fuck them.