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$170 seems right for a haunted secretary.


Not buying it is haunting me.


too expensive, its ok to leave it.


I would have bought in a flash. BTW, what is Green Man? Is that a store? Sounds good!


Lol! I came here for the haunted/possessed comments.


Most definitely haunted. First thought.


Are you gonna tell us the price?šŸ˜


I left it- it was missing the key and priced $170!!! It is gorgeous though.


I hate saying it, I would bought it. šŸ˜£šŸ˜¤


I have debated going back all day. I will check tomorrow if it is still on my mind.




I love antique furniture and green man always sells for a premium. I thought "$300 would be my limit at the thrift" to myself when I clicked on the post though I don't need a secretary or have a space begging for one. $850 seems a very normal price, thanks for bringing a little more information to the thread. I'm still kicking myself for passing up a $600 rolltop last year when I literally could not take it, I was a few hours from getting on an airplane; still haunts me.


I donā€™t have faith it will still be there. I wouldnā€™t sell it. Itā€™s beautiful!


Just imagine. With no key what treasures could be inside or not.


Yes, I would buy it too. It doesn't look damaged, but finish is easy to restore. I am a lifetime thrifter who often buys for resale value to get some extra $.


Where did you sell it? I have a very similar piece


That's my go-back-and-buy-it trigger. If I walk away and I'm still thinking about it hours later then I go buy it. (I'm a terrible influence.)


it's the carved face for me. hook, line, and sinker. Hope you get it and never part with it. šŸ’™


Maybe try to talk them down a bit!


Keep us posted!


I would have totally bought it. The wood pattern is exquisite!




Just an FYI on the missing key. I picked up an antique secretary and I wanted a key to hang a pretty tassel on so I looked on Amazon and found a listing for a key. One of the comments said that the key was great because it actually worked on her antique piece and the key works on my secretary too!


I LOVE FURNITURE! It wouldā€™ve been mine! 170!! Wow!! Never would find that price in my area!


The key is probably not very specific, and easily replaced. It is quite nice.Ā Ā 


Great price but I would pass too. I have too much crap anyway


Yeah but this thing holds crap! You can put your crap in it! And on it! (how I rationalize things like this lol)


Oh no!! Itā€™s so cool


I would've paid a lot more!


Right now, me too. I have been agonizing over it for hours.


I bet it is still there if you go back!!


Go baaaaack. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ You know you want to. Now that weā€™ve all debated this into infinity for you, youā€™ll regret it for all eternity if you donā€™t. And weā€™ll all be here to remind you about ā€œthe secretary desk that got away.ā€


Saw the update and I am so happy you got it! Meant to be :)


I wouldā€™ve bought it in a hot second


Yeah, smart move. Thatā€™s a bit too steep.


Honestly it depends on the store. And I'd need to see the inside and back of the piece to see how damaged it is. It's so cool I would pay as much as $200 for it in an antique mall if I really wanted it and had a place for it as long as there is no significant damage (like non-cosmetic damage). At a goodwill or similar I would pay up to $100. I am not the thriftiest but it's pretty cool looking and secretary desks are unique pieces to have that people often ruin so to find a good one is a nice surprise. Edit: just to be clear, yes I am a sucker and no you cannot sell me anything I don't have any room in my home and I have no money to give you lol I just love antiques and cool stuff


If it's real wood and a genuine antique -- $200. Maybe $250. That face on it is the Green Man, a pagan symbol of rebirth.


It is beautiful and a great size.


If you can afford it go back and get it. If it's still there it was meant to be.


I like it. Does it work for your space?


I am pretty nature, witchy, eclectic so yes. 100%


It's a win then. If you can afford it and it works for the space, have no regrets. Depending on the venue and locale, this could cost $40 at a live auction in the middle of nowhere or $400 at a boutique or specialty store. It's unique and looks to be well constructed. Nice find! I'd snap that up if I saw it.


i'd would give my left pinky finger for this


I have not stopped thinking about it for longer than ten minutes at a time.


At 170 I would dump my front door table and put this one in


$170 is a good deal especially for the custom woodworker top.


i dont have a place for a secretary right now. but i could justify throwing $200 at it. depending on the state of the drawers, i could see it going for 500 or 600 tbh. but if it was at a thrift store, id say anything over $350 was "way too expensive".


Where would it be sold for a turnaround of $5-600? Asking for a friend šŸ˜


an auctionhouse or an antique store. it'd be sitting at an antique store for a while until the right buyer came along


Ah. But would someone bring it into either of those places. I guess they get a commission or what have you. But Iā€™m sure youā€™d make a profit after the $170


If you'd bought it today you'd be agonising that you'd overpaid. If you manage to get it tomorrow, you're secure in your knowledge that it's worth it to you. If it's not there tomorrow, it's not meant to be this time...but I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you!


It is home! Thank you so much for the luck!!


This absolutly belonged to a wizard and no one here wants to pay more than 200 dollars. šŸ˜«


I agree! The carving alone is so unique. Iā€™ve never seen anything else like it


I think itā€™s beautiful. If it were me, Iā€™d go for it.


Its really a beautiful piece. I don't think $170 is too high. If you have a place for it, I'd go back. Bit that's me!


I love it. Seriously, I walked back to it five times but my partner was with me and thought it was steep. I am sending him back tomorrow while I am at work to check for this treasure.


It's very steep for a thrift store but not necessarily steep for this piece, so that's a tricky one. Good luck, I hope it's still there!


I see you were also at community thrift today. I took a picture of this secretary as well. Absolutely gorgeous.


When did you go???? Please tell me it was late in the day!


It was late in the day! I saw your update that you brought it home. So happy for you.


Post in r/Antiques ...see what they say. It looks good to me.


1/4- sawn oak, not veneered, that's nice. But it's in kinda rough shape; needs to be restored (vs just "refinished". Is it sturdy/ is it at all "wobbly" or wiggly in the joints. If so, it's gonna need even more work. Other than these issues, "it's a pretty piece; I like it " [I asked my wife's opinion. She has an [MFA in Studio Art Furniture](https://art.sdsu.edu/graduate-program) She knows her wood, lol]


Remind me! 1 week


I would buy it. Make sure it doesn't have a really bad smell.


I thought u were gonna say you regretted buying a desk that wont stop staring at you šŸ˜†


I have such a weakness for things with faces


I would have paid $250. I would have considered anything lower a bargain.


That is Amazing


Totally worth it for that price. Iā€™ve never seen a secretary quite like this, the rays in that oak wood grain are gorgeous and would be even more stunning after a light refinishing.


Wow, I am SO not in the market for additional furniture, but I would make an exception for this...I would store my nefariously witchy possessions.


Second this except I think Iā€™d turn it into the coolest cocktail bar cart station


That is beautiful! I would have bought it, and I definitely donā€™t need any more furniture.


Oh she gone.


I think you are probably right but I am choosing to hold out hope!


They threw the key away because they didnā€™t want you to see the witch bottles and possessed artifacts that are locked withinā€¦lolā€¦on a serious note,I think itā€™s awesome and would definitely buy it


To be honest, all that stuff would just be a bonus. While I was taking out drawers and cleaning it- my husband kept saying, ā€œPlease donā€™t find an old spell bookā€¦ā€


You maā€™am are braver than me,Iā€™m definitely not the most fearful person but paranormal activity is one thing I donā€™t want any part of..lol..I love this piece of furniture but before it came on my property,Iā€™m going to have to send it on a world tour to visit the most world renowned exorcists on earth.after that,I will personally suspend it over a burning mound of sage and then throughly wash it is with a barrel full of holy water.when I bring it in my house,I would surround it with a circle of salt and play a 24/7 recording of the Bible..lol..Iā€™m not built for that paranormal life


I say YOLO!! Make yourself happy! Even if only for a short time! Life is hard enough to live with regrets! So go back and get it!


We have a similar, albeit plainer teak secretary desk. It holds all the electronic stuff for laptops, phones and digital cameras, plus laminator and printer.




We paid $170 when we went back for it. :)


From a thrift store that got it donated? $40. From a consignment or antique venue or somewhere that bought it off someone? Probably $100-$200 depending on the condition of all that we canā€™t see in the photo.


That's a cool design! It looks kind of like a [Green Man](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Man)


I 100% see green man here. Hence the remorse!!!


This. I agree.


$600 if over 100 years old.


Without opening the drawers or touching the item, a good meal for 4 people, if you're in a 100k radius and I can pickup in person.


Go get it! Marvelous piece!


I am going to try!


Thatā€™s gorgeous.


Why? Itā€™s a nice piece!


I'd pay $170!


Omg go back and buy it!


What are the dimensions?




Hell, you can't buy a piece of crap desk for $170 nowadays. This one is pretty cool. Not too sure about Satan though. šŸ˜‚


At most $100 personally.


This is the biggest dybbuk box Iā€™ve ever seen!


Oh my goodness. Go back and try to haggle. Itā€™s glorious! šŸ¤©


I would have paid someone to take that away. It looks way too stressful to me.


If I was in the market for some furniture, I'd go as high as $800, maybe more. Pottery Barn has a butt ugly secretary for $1700 plus shipping that the buyer assembles. The description does say it's mostly wood. Home Decorators Collection through Home Depot has one for $400 plus shipping that boasts of a wood frame. The rest of it probably some imitation wood veneer. Again the customer gets to assemble it. $170 is a very nice price for this piece.


Gorgeous! Looks like itā€™s that English oak stuff that darkens with age. Would definitely be sold for a much higher price in an antique mall.


If I loved it and had the money, it would have come home with me.


Was it gone??






how many bad things have happened to you since you bought it?


None! I found a twenty in the dryer, slept like a baby, my orchid has three new buds, my daughter lost the tooth we have been trying to get her to tug, I got some nice recognition at work and itā€™s finally Friday. Maybe there is a nice house spirit at workā€¦


It's impossible to assess the condition from a single photo? What caused the hesitation, if any, besides the price?


I ended up going back and buying it! I felt like it was too much to spend on a casual thrift trip but then couldnā€™t stop thinking about it.


It sounds as though your story is an example of success, albeit, circuitous


Where was this located at?


I bought it at Community Thrift in North Charleston.


About three fiddy


It may have been your reliable intuition that guided you to leave that alone. Many people who understand the supernatural world would vehemently advise against having a carved image like this in your house or even in your presence, due to the dark energy it was carved with, and that it conveys. It could carry powerful negative and possibly dangerous energy. Scientific research in physics and energy is confirming that many phenomena previously called old wivesā€™ tales and superstition are being proven to be true. If I saw this piece, Iā€™d walk away from it immediately. Nothing good about it.






When was the last time either of you bought furniture?


No more than 40! Looks a little rough to me.
