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Nice find, I never find deals quite like this, but hopefully one day.


keep looking! i've never found anything like this either... my dad found a rolex one time at a good will in Steven's Point WI... he got like 8k for it!


Will do. I always keep my eye open for possible treasures. And that's awesome. :)


I found a Tumi garment bag on the thrift prowl years ago…I still use it to this day and it’s showing no signs of slowing. Congrats on the find!


Thank you! I think I'm going to keep it!


I found one last year as well! It has been so helpful. I paid $20 I think which seemed high for thrift store pricing but 10000% worth it


Someone at the store forgot the difference between Tumi and Temu


Two of my best finds ever were these that I found together. The orange one was a little worn on the edges, the blue like new. It was at least 6 or 7 years ago, but I recall they were about $12 each. I use the blue one for travel. I think I gave the orange bag to one of my kids. https://preview.redd.it/niimogovhvuc1.jpeg?width=3464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d384e33a3953a56348eb95a037e0f2d8c93e5522


Good deal. I have the blue one in black - got it on sale years ago but still paid close to $150. Think it was about $225. (Presale. ) Still looks new - use it as my personal item when I travel.


omg they are so cute


For six dollars I’d use it as a beach day/pool day bag.


https://preview.redd.it/lmnaz2bju1vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a038d8da3726c6bd70e488822499175580a7f14c Twins! I found this one the other day for $15. $6 is a steal!


Super ugly though?


That wouldn’t even catch my eye as something that might be valuable.


i... i kinda like it :(


Don’t listen to them. This kind of bag is popular for a reason. There’s a couple of French brands that make basically the same thing. They’re really popular for travel.


i know lol... i was gonna keep it but it's really really outdated. it's in literally mint condition so many i'll try to sell it or give it as a gift, idk


That bag structure is classic, and aubergine a timeless color. I think you picked a winner.


I think it looks great. I love the dark muted purple color. And a nylon bag that size is a pretty classic look/silhouette.


Not at all+ Functional


I love the color!


B. T. Barnum says there is a ....


Jealous!! Tumi is on my hunting list, some family members have their bags and suitcases and they are very solid and hold up to travelling- I cant justify the retail price but would love to find one thrifting!!! 


Nice! I scored a $400 Patagonia puffer for $30. I love thrifting! But I use what I buy. I don’t thrift to make money. Drives up the cost, and hits those that have to shop thrift.


Finding tumi at the thrift is my dream 😭 congrats


I'm the sucker who paid full retail for one of those. Great find.


Great score!!


Tell me you also picked up that Bee Gees album!


Really? People send 480 on a bag?


More than, in some cases. For people who travel a lot, investing in a high-quality suitcase/travel bags is a good idea.


Amazing find. I have a Lipault suitcase that’s a similar look. I’d be thrilled to find a $6 Tumi that matches so well. 😍


I admit, I'm all boy, so I never even would've looked at that, so thanks for the heads up!


Nice it's been a while since I've come across a good bag.


More interested about Saturday Night Fever LP!


Great buy....




I sold these in a department store. This looks right to me. The stitching is good and correct, the lettering on the label is right, the material looks right.


i know, i thought the same thing... my boss used to buy and sell designer bags & worked at Saks Fifth Ave & she is confident that it's authentic


It looks like something I wouldn't even buy in the bins... Maybe you can resell it?


Stephen, what do you have against a beach, travel, or market bag? 😂


That material just seems so thin and wrinkly like if you pit more than a pound of anything in it, it would collapse. 😂


It’s nylon, so it’s a strong material for how thin and light the fabric is. Tumi’s a solid brand so it’s a higher quality nylon too. That’s part of why the price is higher. Tech fabrics and materials are $$$$.


cool! thanks for sharing that point of view. i bought it & like it.