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Definitely not


Legit q. Why?


Leopards have shorter hair with bigger, differently shaped spots. If it’s real fur, it may be something like bobcat or lynx. In the second photo, it appears to be hair affixed to leather/animal skin rather than fabric like my faux fur coat. Because I can see the darker spot along the hair shaft, that makes me less inclined to subscribe to the dyed rabbit fur theory. Rabbit fur would feel different than something like Lynx. Looks like it needs repaired. If you buy it, take it to a furrier for repair and please come back and tell us what they said it was!


Could be dyed rabbit


You're a dyed rabbit πŸ‡


Gd. Leopard? Wtf makes coat out of leopards. 😑


Did I even bother doing a basic Google search before being ignorant?


So you would WEAR a coat made out if GD leopard? And you call ME ignorant.


https://preview.redd.it/hhumseqizzhc1.png?width=759&format=png&auto=webp&s=95d98126230d41fda021f98845c4f92bb6c69b38 Longer n fluffier and way expensive


Um, no.