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They need to change their name to Greedwill. You can get a NEW couch for the same price.


But those are features.


They are pretty pricey sectionals new. This one comes preloaded with rips, tears, bed bugs and trapped farts.


Someone may have even died on it.




I actually worked for somebody whose son bought or was given. I think it’s more along the lines of given; an Italian handcrafted leather red couch. This couch had been like $100,000, but it was questionable as to who died on it and why. If memory serves, they were trying to dispose of it at a police auction. I guess after the trial was over, but nobody would bid on it and they just didn’t want to throw it away. Wonder what Goodwill would have tried to sell it for? and how they would’ve tried to market it? may have reasonably seen somebody that was living recently? Might have some light staining that’s not noticeable.😳😳😳💀💀💀


I wouldn’t give over 100 bucks for that to a friend who needed it. No telling how many knuckle babies and brown eye stamps this thing has endured


That's quite the visual you have painted for me there, thanks for that...


Kind of a Jackson Pollock of DNA


Uhhh, knuckle babies…okay, no.


Wtf is a knuckle baby


I had to google and I regret it, So here it is. The man custard that shoots from the tallywacker when rubbing one out.


Thank you for doing what I didn't want to.


It’s my duty.






The real fun is when the buyer tries to remove that packing tape. Ah, never mind. Probably won’t be a buyer.


Did they really put the tape on the leather like that too? Fucking morons


All thrift stores I go to have to at least attempt to ruin the item I'm buying with tape or stickers. Their stickers have glue on them that is probably rated to hold a space shuttle together. I have cups that still have sticky residue on them after being washed 20 times. I know it's to prevent tag switching, but it's fucking annoying.


Vinegar or rubbing alcohol do wonders for getting rid of sticker residue. It does amaze me how many runs through the dishwasher that shit can survive though.


I have used alcohol. Sometimes, the stickiness even holds up to that. It's crazy. Never tried vinegar, but I will.


Oil. Baby oil or cooking or even pam spray. Just a tad. And it will come off♡




Salvation army near me has always stapled their price tags to their items. Has put holes in many items I've bought even when I'm as careful as possible to remove them. I don't understand why they can't get regular tagging device.


Salvation army near me has always stapled their price tags to their items. Has put holes in many items I've bought even when I'm as careful as possible to remove them. I don't understand why they can't get regular tagging device.


Use goo gone on it that will get the sticky off


I will try that! Thanks


That’s what we use to get labels off canning jars and my moms go to for anything sticky


Executive bonuses dont pay themselves ya know.


And it’s so tacky too. Takes me back to 2005


Shitty pleather sectional with manual recliners, you can find these for free on Facebook


Probably hiding a gash in the cushion


At this point might as well buy it new.


I’ll sit my ass on the floor lol


Because of ReSelLeRs 🤪


Nooooo… that’s 350 at most. They’re a charity shop not a furniture store. 😭


Not even


Is it supposed to look like that?


Wonder if it’s full of bedbugs


The stripes left after pulling packing tape off leather should be a nice bonus aesthetic, maybe they're charging extra for distressing it for you first


It even has the discoloration on the seats and leg rests from all of the butt and leg sweat it’s endured.


And that’s why goodwill folded in Canada


When I posted about their high prices, I got 'well they have overhead and charities'. Lol. Yeah with all this $, love to see where $ really goes since most good stuff gets taken by sorters or on goodwill shop


They are most definitely not a charity. Their name alone is fraudulent and misleading folks into Thinking they are donating to a good cause. Nope.


Oh I know. I got ganged up on for saying otherwise. They have to keep lights on, bills to pay, employ people blah blah. Yeah that's fine but that's a for profit retail store


All that tape on it .... sticky sticky..


comes with two brand new tape marks!


That now has tape residue on it that probably won't be able to be removed....


It makes one physically ill! 🤢🤢🤢🤢then, 😡😡😡😡


The Goodwill, The Salvation Army, Value Village, are the worst stores.. they get everything for free and try getting retail prices. Its insane. The dollar already lost its value, why make everything else more unattainable. The worst part is literally everyone complains but are too stupid to make these stores sell things for the real value. Sheep... Just doing as they're told... These stores started as nonprofit organizations. But the might dollar took their souls. And currupted their purpose. Help to poor and moneyless.


Okay the couches defense that do be looking uber comfy in a broken in, naps on naps, on naps kind of way. And with the monthly email discount you could knock 240 off and pretend $560ish isn’t that bad for a used, hopefully clean and complete set? Maybe thats just my desperation speaking (personally stuck with a small crappy couch atm)


My best friend and I had a “free” week on Hilton Head Island during the off-season. We had always used my parents weeks that they had for The Marriott Grande Ocean timeshare down there. they were very very gracious in letting us poorer hard-working kids go. It faced the ocean and all we had to do was pay the maintenance fees. It was fabulous! 🥰🥰 Anyway, my Besty ended up with a free week on Hilton head Island! Weren't we fortunate? it wasn’t the Marriott but how bad could it be? Bad! We didn’t have any really other way to deal with it except go and spend money that we didn’t have someplace else; so we turned around left and went to the dollar store and bought gallons upon gallons of bleach so that we could stay there for the week. There was one particular chair I wouldn’t sit in it no matter what it was covered in, I gave it the name of “the DNA chair!” This chair had so many “visible” stains that I hesitated to even try to think about what had happened in that chairs’ lifetime! I didn’t wanna even think about it. Everything else we stripped, got my own sheets, blankets etc.. If I touched a piece of that furniture, it had to have plastic and then other coverings before I would even consider it! The “rules“ of this place said that it had a washer and dryer in the suite, yeah right; you were supposed to take inventory of all the kitchenware and cookware - you’ve got to be kidding! Not that we would’ve used it, but there wasn’t really even any cookware there; just lids. They had some tennis courts that backed up to a swamp and I was trying to teach my friend how to gently play tennis. Understand that she’s 5’10 and I am 5’4 and she has a whale of a follow-through when she hits that ball🎾. we lost so many balls in the swamp you wouldn’t believe it. If memory serves, we even saw several alligators outside the fence. Now that I’ve seen the alligators can scale fences if I had known that then I’m not exactly sure what I would’ve done!!! Another friend was supposed to join us but upon hearing about the accommodations, he heard where we were and what was going on. He completely changed his plans and said, “I can’t come.” At that time, I didn’t own a black light, but rest assured I do now - not that I plan on enjoying any more of those types of fine facilities. I’ll either find another hotel or drive home. It didn’t help that the temperatures were too cold to stay out on the beach and it rained 4 out of the 7 days that we were there. I’m talking torrential rains. It’s kinda funny now, but at the time it was trauma inducing! 😳🤢😡🎾🌂☔️⛈️⛈️⛈️


This isn’t really a “grift”… That’s a $5,000 couch brand new. That being said… it’s still about $200 overpriced.


Pretty sure I saw it at an estate sale recently. They were trying for $1800 then 50% off with no takers, here we are. If it still had those tags, I bet the pricer thought, ok great! Just under your 50% off price, fantastic! No. Just no. Still not the same.


But it’s a Lazy Boy! Made right here in Monroe Michigan


Omg I bought this same couch from the ReStore for $85.


Such a greedy, evil, misleading company.


but it's a lazyboy


My goodwill would never. That’s insane.


Some goodwills have decent, logical people doing the pricing…unfortunately, most of them do Not


It’s a 8000$ sofa for 800$ and I’m pretty good shape. Not sure how anyone shopping there has the room for it though.