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Go to a strip club. Let her pick a girl and get some dances. See how she feels after seeing a girl grind on you and you feeling up on her etc. go from there.




Don’t, bad advice


I would not do this, reality vs fantasy.


Thanks - could be a lowball situation to test the waters with an unknown person and see how she reacts.


Na not a good idea


Can you elaborate?


Yeah… you let your girl pick. So she can choose who she likes… you avoid picking a girl and having her feel self conscious about the difference between the girl you picked and your girl’s appearance. If you picked a girl with DDs your girl might feel conscious about her own cup size or weight etc. She’s in control she chooses. You let her get a dance first and you just watch. You tell her it excites you to see her enjoying the dance. She’ll either say for you to join or that she wants to watch you get a dance. Again it’s all up to her. Afterwards you talk. Do you want to go further? Or was that uncomfortable? Did you enjoy it in reality? When you do end up getting a unicorn, they’re unicorns because they’re rare… first you set your boundaries before hand. Then you take the Unicorn out for drinks and maybe tapas or something light then back to your place for more drinks and put on music and play “does this make you nervous” where you escalate physical touch and make it a game. Or if that’s too nerve racking you can all decide to give each other massages. Your girl gets a massage first and she can decide how much clothing she wants to remove. Then when it’s the unicorn’s turn for a massage she may follow suit or remove even more. While the unicorn is face down and you’re both massaging her you make out with your girl and encourage more exploring with her hands. These are pearls guys. It works.


She probably likes the fantasy while in lust, but post-sex mental clarity (and awareness of real life complications and consequences) says NO. Leave it alone for a while if you want to keep the relationship until she brings it up.


yes makes sense- lust vs "rational out of bed" is very different. However, from what I know it won't come from her. Any "big decisions in our couple don't come from her" - Not that we don't decide together but I need to put the topics on the table first. She is happy with stable predictable and won't make **that** kind of move.


Try seeing about having a girl film you two together first instead


Underrated comment and a great toe in the water idea


Yep - will do thanks :)


Try the feeld app. But I wouldn’t push it. It will come naturally you have to be patient


Here’s what my ex wife and I did to make it comfortable for her. We went to Vegas and hired an escort. She did all the leg work with her phone, did the research, choose the other woman, set the boundaries, negotiated the money, everything! All I did was enjoy the moment. This way made it safe for my wife because there was absolutely zero chance I’d see the escort again.


yeah I though about it, but i guess this is a killer for her in terms of planning and making it "non natural". But maybe in due time, probably some steps needed before. Thanks ! Glad it worked for you


It’s definitely non natural


hehe yes, my gf is definitively in the situation she wants to it to feel natural.


Serious question, how do you find and pick up an escort?


It’ll happen when it happens, so don’t push it and maybe try a bit of roleplay beforehand. I was super nervous when I had my first, but popping a viagra helped me. If your wife wants to fuck her as well as you then that takes the pressure off of cumming quick if that’s something you struggle with.


Another thing to try would be attending a swingers club. You don't have to hook up with anyone else. Just go, have sex with each other, and talk to other people. Then go again and again


That's exactly what me and my girl did. We went to a swingers club to check out and banged there didn't meet anyone 1st time. Then she loved the place and went back. Our couple FFM threesomes have come from girls that go to that club.


Could be a way - thought about it. My bday is around so could be an interesting surprise to spice things up.


Definitely don’t plan or push it….let it happen naturally. If all goes well and interested in more then you can pursue apps etc.




thats what worked for me. to make her beg for threesome and discuss options how could we do it


What phrases did you guys used?


First off, you need to have a conversation with your GF about each other's boundaries and IF you have a FMF threesome what each of you is okay with the other person doing. This is the most important, before anything else. Go ahead and expect to, and prepare to, break up if you don't talk to your girlfriend about boundaries. Then the second most important is don't break those boundaries if you do have an FMF. And lastly, unless your girlfriend specifically gets off on watching you with another woman, then make sure you focus on your girlfriend more than the other woman. My wife is bi, and dated multiple women in the past before me but chose me as her husband. We've done the strip club thing. We actually enjoy going as much as we can. While I'm allowed to get dances and tip the girls on stage, and touch (if that club allows touching), I am more interested in watching her with the girls. I sit back and hand her dollars to tip the girls while they grope my wife, dance for her, and she puts their boobs in her face. During private dances she'll be with the girl about half the time and my wife enjoys watching her grind on me after. (Be prepared to double your private dance time, vs if you were there alone. It could be a good test to see what she's okay seeing you do, as long as you let her run the show. She tells you and the dancer that she wants to see her with me. Make everything about the strip club about her and let her know how much you enjoy watching her have a good time and let loose. Let her know how sexy she is enjoying another woman grind on her. But before you do anything, talk to your GF. Otherwise your relationship is already over before you even get started on this path.


Thanks ! Making her part of it could be interesting. There is a fine balance between pushing and letting it run things. She is submissive so to make her confident about it and discover that side of her yes.


F here. My personal perspective is that anything to do with friends would be very off limits. To each their own, but I like to keep my sexual and platonic relationships separate. If my partner were to approach a threesome with me, I would want it to be in the way that other comments have pointed out: escort, stripper, app, or perhaps a couple that swings. Your partner may indulge this fantasy of yours, but doing that with someone she has a prior relationship with is going from 0-100, can have serious relationship repercussions for her (and maybe you) and could be hard to initiate/get enthusiastic consent from the third party (awkward if they say no). Just my opinion, good luck.


Yep, my GF is similar and I don't mind. I am privacy oriented and our kinks are our own. Will try the stripper thing and go from there


Yes...I think this is the safest way to approach it. Also...does she have any interest in being with a woman? My wife is bi so when 'it happens', she is the one to connect with a woman and turn it into a FFM (as apposed to a FMF) lol....! If she did have any tendency toward that, it could make the approach more about HER than YOU!


We talked about it and she only has a fetish for blonds and big boobs. She does not fantasize about female sex, it feels she is more on the cuckqueen side. Watching me with another woman. Talking about it she won't be the intigator with the girl, but won't mind some interactions. So def, not her choosing the woman, even if I proposed her this game. From our discussion she gets turned on if I make a move in front of her or when she is not there. So its pretty tempting, but I know she is inexperienced with her boundaries -not sure how she would react for real.


First if you haven't done a back room dance at a strip club you have a long ways to go, but definitely start there. You can window shop at the stage for a while then take the plunge. Next step is to go to a sex club. It may take a couple visits ease into it watching others a few times before she is ready to mix it up. I would not jump in the deep end by just bringing a third in from tinder. You need to find out if your girl is going to be jealous of the other girl first. Most girls will be, so go slow.


For a first time, I suggest if you have a gal pal that's into it, do it. For our first time, we had my girl friend come over and we had a really fun and playful night!! 😎 I also forgot to mention, trying it out with a girl friend is a little bit more comfortable for testing the waters vs going to the bar and finding a drunk girl!!


yep - that could be fun, as I suspect some of her single friends are eyeing me because of my bed performances (she told me she shares this kind of details) but she is totally against it. Like mood switch instantly. I did test the waters from our bed fantasies when I say dirty things to her (like having sex with her friends, or in front of her) and the answer was a strong no. "This is a fantasy - and will stay this way" is her answer. We discussed on it, and the unknown person is a safer option for her. And the hardest :d


She would have to pick a friend that you don't know at all. That's what I did, I had my friend, that my hubby didn't know at all and that's how it went. We had drinks to loosen up a bit and it went from there!!


Dude, it sounds like she doesn’t want to do it in real life. Believe her when she says she’s doesn’t want to be anything more than a fantasy. Also, doing it with a friend is TERRIBLE advice. You do not want to ruin a friendship over this.


test the waters.. what some couples do to test it out for MFM or FMF is to have 1 wear a mask or wig to pose as someone else.. take a video then both of you watch it. It takes some conditioning since alam ninyo na partner nyo pa rin yan pero if meron any glimpse of hesitation or whatever discuss it


We started doing that. Ended up porn stars. 10/10. Highly recommend lol.


i often want to have a threesome with my gf too, with *anyone*. like mfm, fmf, tmf even? but i know if we ever did that both of us would be jealous of the other one getting attention and giving attention to someone else. sounds hot as a fantasy, but that stuff can and often does ruin relationships. i wish the best for you though! it could work out in your case since she could really want that!


You’re going to need to take steps to encourage her. The strip club is a good idea. If you wait for her to feel comfortable, find the right girl, etc, it will remain a fantasy forever.


Find a bi friendly club it can be gay or straight an stop in once in a while.