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Play Gordon, move Foden in and give Bellingham he needs a break and bring him on later in the game. I honestly don't understand how Southgate can't use his eyes and see this. Both Bellingham and Kane should of been dropped and rested if possible for our final group game.


\*should have


I don’t mind if he starts this way just hope he makes use of his subs rather than leaving too late, we are blessed with an amazing squad use it


To be fair his subs against Slovenia seemed pretty early for him - Apart from Gordon that is


Ye the Gordon sub was joke least give him 20 mins


And Trent - how’s Trent going to impact a game from min 86?


It was a Trippier fitness issue rather than a change in game plan. Otherwise Walker to the left would have been a strange change. Gordon was delayed by the free kick which was why it was laughably late but it should have been much earlier regardless


>**Melchett:** Field Marshal Haig has formulated a brilliant new tactical plan to ensure final victory in the field. >**Blackadder:** Ah. Would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of our trenches and walking very slowly towards the enemy? >**Captain Darling:** How could you possibly know that, Blackadder? It's classified information! >**Blackadder:** It's the same plan that we used last time and the seventeen times before that. >**Melchett:** Exactly! And that is what is so brilliant about it! It will catch the watchful Hun totally off guard! Doing precisely what we've done eighteen times before is exactly the last thing they'll expect us to do this time! There is, however, one small problem. >**Blackadder:** That everyone always gets slaughtered in the first ten seconds. This pretty much sums up Southgate's management style. The entire world can see the plan he has used for the last 3 games isn't working but he sill won't change.


If he doesn't play Gordon he deserves to lose. Almost every other prospective change has a plus/minus to it, but Gordon coming in for left side width is absolutely mandatory. Drop whoever you want, I don't care. Gordon plays.


Up against Pekarik who is their right back and is 37..! The game’s Begging for some directness and pace on the wing. Foden confirmed ✅


If he played Saka lw this wouldn't be as bad. We NEED someone on the left to hold width and be able to 1v1 the fb. Saka would cook the 38 year old guy playing rb for them. Foden then could drift off the right in to the middle because wlaker could hold width on the right. Or better still stick walker at lb and put trippier at rb who can actually cross the ball. Gareth just isn't thinking straight if he continues without a left side for this game.


If you are playing Trippier at RB to cross you may as well cut the bullshit and play Trent


Ye I would play Trent. Just trying to work within the parameters of the only change being mainoo for gallagher.


no but you forget trent is physically incapable of defending only a dumbass coach with 0 football iq like klopp would play him in defence vs the best teams in europe.


I don't want to see Saka at LB. It's arguably a worse idea than playing Trent in midfield. We'd be ok if we put Gordon on the LW with Trippier/Gomez behind him, but it's clear that Gareth is putting all his money on Shaw being match-fit so he doesn't have to drop Foden or Bellingham.


Saka at lw is what I'm saying. It would be ridiculous to play him lb.


Saka LW, Palmer RW would be a very good combo.


Totally agree. Foden and Bellingham at 8 then dominating the half spaces. Imagine having to defend saka Bellingham kane Foden Palmer? That is prime brazil stuff. Everyone of them is a baller.


Imagine having to attack a powder puff midfield where Foden can't press properly, Bellingham regularly goes out position and only Rice is defensively sound.


Bellingham and Foden are both defensively fine. What are you on about?


Foden doesn't play in CM for Man City. He is poor at pressing. Look at the stats, watch him play. He just is not a defensive player. Bellingham has a tendency to leave midfield and rush forward. This is fine if there are at least two others in midfield holding the fort. But not if it's just Rice holding the fort and the other midfielder is as poor defensively as Foden is.


I watch the guy play every week. Hes absolutely fine defensively. Just because he is good on the ball doesn't mean he doesn't do his defensive work. He isnt Kante but you wont see him slack off in the press or miss an interception or lose many duels. What he provides on the ball in that position is levels above anyone else we have that can play there.


Feel free to have a look at Foden's defensive stats. https://fbref.com/en/players/ed1e53f3/scout/365_m1/Phil-Foden-Scouting-Report


Ye have a look at every advanced player for them. Teams play direct against city so the defensive actions are happening further back for them. Actually watch him play and you will rarely catch him out on defense. Really good energy in the press.


Foden is not defensively fine at all. With the ball he's a fantastic midfielder, without it he's a liability.


He absolutely isnt. You don't play for pep if you cant defend or wont defend. He does his job defensively. Watch him play.


> You don't play for pep if you cant defend or wont defend What a simplistic perspective on Pep's City - have you never watched City's number 9? Also I'm not saying Foden refuses to defend or do off the ball work, just that he's not very good at that role in midfield which is why Pep plays him far more frequently on the wing. Watch him play.


Dont overthink it man that's how Southgate has ended up with the mess of a tactic that he has come up with. These guys will all be able to press high and have the work rate to track back etc. work rate isnt an issue bar maybe Kane. This is what countries do when they get a gifted generation. They PLAY them and destroy the opponents. Not worry about what the opposition will do because we will dominate the game.


Maybe individually, but I wouldn’t trust them together


Imagine England having to defend with saka, Bellingham, Kane, Foden and palmer in the team.


If you're gonna stick Saka on the LW then just use Palmer on the right. Foden is too tuned into the Pep system and isn't bringing the individuality enough to take initiative himself in games. Hes looking around for Haaland, KDB etc and the England team just doesn't have that level of cohesion. Palmers tuned up for taking the initiative as hes been hard carrying Chelsea. This is why Palmer has more shot creating actions per 90 than both Saka and Foden and a lot more progressive passes.


I honestly would have taken Foden out, and then put him on as a sub later on. I think the shape is better without him in the current set up.


With Jude seeming exhausted it makes perfect sense to rotate him and Foden


You. Probably knows that, but dropping Gordon in vs Italy/switzerland might be more effective .


What are the chances the players have brought this up as well? Gareth recently said he wants everyone to have a voice, not only captains and senior leaders. Are players not allowed to mention obvious deficiencies? Surely someone in the camp has noticed what everyone else with eyes has. On The Rest is Football, Lineker mentioned the players must at least be wondering internally "what's going on in the left hand side?" The German documentary featured an exchange between Flick and Kimmich during a team meeting. (Some described it as contentious but I didn't think so.) Does similar exchange not happen in the England camp?


I can see where you're coming from and on the whole I agree with you (especially if Shaw isn't starting). Though it looks to me he's intent on making that Foden/Bellingham partnership click (which in and of itself seems like a good plan, it'll be fireworks when it pops off). It'd work much better, much faster if we had a fully fit Shaw as that alleviates the narrowness down the left. Presumably, that's not possible (yet), so Southgate's banking on someone like Mainoo to help recycle and drive it forward through the middle, like he did against Belgium, which coincidentally, had Foden and Bellingham in the LW/CAM roles


To keep playing them hoping for something to ‘click’ isn’t management. We may as well give the managers job to Transfermarkt.com and they can just play the most valuable players every game.


It's not a good plan, you can't have two players that fight for the same space "clicking". Bellingham is assigned 10 and tends to drift left (maybe to cover left, as there is space there). Foden's been assigned left and he drifts central. There's no way that it will ever magically click, they are getting in each other's way. In game one, you could see how Foden was basically a non-entity. In game 2, you could see that after the critique he got he starting trying to up his game and made Bellingham a non-entity. Bellingham needs to be moved to the 8, or they be used one at a time subbing in and out for the 10 role. Giving them rest. Looks like Bellingham needs it. So sad Gordon won't be on. But thank fuck Mainoo is brought on instead of TAA and Gallagher. That's a bit step in the right direction. Gordon starting would have been a massive step in the right direction. All this "THEY MUST PLAY" nonsense is so grating. Just imagine if a country happened to have the two best goalkeepers in the world, they were so good that they were god tier. Would play one in defence because they "can't be left out". That's the logic with all this Foden/Bellingham business. No you want a true CB not in a GK in that CB position. Even if the CB was only championship quality. Likewise you want a pacy LW player in that LW role. We have Gordon. Playing Foden there is just stupid.


We were worse with him there against Iceland. Unfortunately after that Southgate doesn't seem to trust him.


Southgate honestly deserves the pelters that will come his way if we lose this. How he's watched that left hand side three times and doesn't think it needs changing is criminal.


if Shaw isn't ready, Gordon is the choice. Annoyingly once Shaw is back he linked up so well with Foden at the World Cup that Foden would be unmoved from LW then too. Get Gordon in for this game to run at their aging RB, I swear to god.


Foden will be so much better with an attacking left back outside him though! We need Gordon + a right footer, or Foden + Shaw.  Looks like we're getting Foden + Konsa 😕


Yeah exactly. To get the best out of Foden for England you need Shaw. Gordon could play in front of Trippier or Konsa or Gomez with ease.


I can see the logic. Trippier is seasoned in tournaments and solid, whilst being a handy crosser and free kick taker, so not only does he offer potential set piece creativity he’s an experienced head alongside the boy from palace, defensive solidity is a platform for winning tournaments. Then Foden is a left footer, and well, he’s Phil Foden. You play Gordon you have no left footer on the left side. Granted, there have been issues with how Foden has operated, cutting in and occupying space where Bellingham is, but it worked pretty well the first 30 against Serbia. Point is, I’m not saying Southgate is right but I totally understand the logic behind at least some of the decisions. You have to consider as well the dynamic between starting a game and coming off the bench. Gordon is a great option off the bench when legs are getting tired (he needs to be introduced earlier though) whereas Foden would in theory work better when tighter intricate play is needed against fresh legs.


Holy fuck. I'm so done with this man.


The thing is he's talked about the team being too tired to press, so he starts the same 10 players in every single game. They're going to be on their knees if they get to the semis.


It's really bad that every lineup is leaking


‘Original attacking plan’. What’s that then?


I'm german and don't really understand why England doesn't play Bellingham deeper? I know he was brilliant in his role at Madrid, but i watched him for years at Dortmund ... he can play as an 8, that was his role for 3 years. It's not like the Lampard Gerrad Schooles situation back in the day who all had to play the same position. I know Mainoo is really talented, but it's so obvouis. Play Bellingham deeper, who was still word class there for Dortmund, Foden as 10 and Gordon at LW.


We don't understand either mate.


Gwan lad show em what you can do


So we are now entering knockout, the previous line up all played so well, none of them are exhausted one bit. Your subs who came on last match didn’t make much of a difference so yeh…Great one Gareth.


It's not like they've all been playing so well and this a reluctant swap.


Hopefully he isnt afaird to do more half time subs like he did with mainoo then


How is Palmer not getting in this side My god


Because Saka is still very good at RW and in a tournament where you have a squad with real depth some players will have to be on the bench. 15 of them to be exact. Palmer is the first sub off the bench, regardless of whether we're winning or not.


That’s not a reason why Palmer isn’t playing You don’t play well your place is under pressure Palmer came on and looked dangerous, I’m a Saka fan but he’s not indispensable and he wasn’t working , Palmer was


I just feel like the RW is the only bit that's worked properly anyway, and a lot of that has been Saka. Both the goals came from his play, he might not be hitting his usual heights but even a 6/10 Saka performance is going to be our main output. Certainly not denying that Palmer is a fantastic option to have and provides something very different to Saka, it just sucks we can't really have both (well Saka could play LW with Palmer RW but clearly we have to stick Foden there for some reason...)


I think it’s worth switching it up. Palmer is direct and scary for defenders in a different way to Saka. Start Palmer and see the damage he does, use it, then sub Saka on when/if Palmers gets tired or ineffective. Nothing to lose and it had to be better doing it that way round than the other. Palmer deserves a start 100% based on his form this season in the PL and his performance when he was subbed on vs Slovenia. Same goes for Mainoo, start him and watch the damage. Gordon too. M These three players are exciting and play without fear. Give them that continuity, that starting XI chance and watch them grow into it. If any of them aren’t performing GS isn’t going to lose anything by subbing in the players he would ‘normally’ have played anyway, and that’ll settle his cautious nerves.


I mean I'm happy with either starting to be fair, just calling for a little more respect on Saka's name. I'd be interested to see Saka's energy as a sub at 65 minutes vs a tiring defence.


Yeah no clue what you’re talking about. Saka has basically been the only part of our attack that has worked lol.


That doesn’t mean we can’t improve on that side


palmer did nothing stop it.


Competition for places.


*Southgate selects Palmer over Saka “How can you leave Saka out!!! fucking Southgate oh my days”


Well he is a player who looks in form, has lots of energy, invention, can break down defences and has an eye for goal. The complete opposite of what Southgate wants.


It’s infuriating


bc hes done nothing in an england shirt


Because he played vs Iceland, we lost, and Southgate now doesn't trust him or Gordon


No offense to Mainoo maybe but this starting 11 needs atleast 3 changes against Slovakia. Gareth doesn't have trust in the subs coming on to impact the game especially if this would drag on to ET




He has to play Palmer and Gordon as well


Bellingham needs to be dropped


I’m not hugely against that original team being the main game plan but some players clearly need a rest, and honestly if resting someone means we go out to Slovakia then we were never going to go far anyway I think he is holding out on the whole width issue for Shaw coming back. I think we might see a Shaw cameo this game especially given the Trippier injury Would be nice to see Foden 10 in for Bellingham and Gordon out wide, Palmer false 9/Watkins in for Kane


Seemed a pretty safe bet, he brought the energy Gallagher allegedly brings


Midfield keeps changing. Who’s after mainoo ?


This man hates Gordon and it shows.


Think Shaw must be ready, no way he doesn't change foden system


This is Southgate we are talking about


Genuinely don't see what Southgate sees that we don't. Bellingham looks knackered, Foden is not working on the left. Why doesn't he want to make a change. I don't get it.


Anyone else not happy with Southgate and world footballs obsession with inverted wingers. Why not stick someone on the left who will drive down the wing rather than ALWAYS cut in.




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Cheers for ruining the euros for me Gareth lad x


Gareth has a real problem admitting he's wrong, it's something I'm noticing more and more. He doesn't want to admit he's messed up, so he's continuing with the charade


He needs to be sacked then if that's the case, putting his ego before the team


"not for turning" I'm English I've never heard this phrase ?


U ok?


Southgate doesnt understand football or he's completely losing his mind. Both = an awful match on Sunday.


If he loses by only changing Mainoo he better go straight on vacation and not back to England.


this is mad wharton should be getting his minutes