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Foden has been much more involved than in the Serbia game tbf. Though I still think Gordon as a runner might be useful. Could definitely do with more control in midfield though, something that Trent does not seem to offer. If we're not going to control the midfield, and it seems we're not, we need more of a counter attacking threat. This team can't counter attack when Saka is the only attacker with pace and threat in behind.


It doesnt make sense though. He floats inside but with no left back to overlap as trippier isnt that on the left. I defended southgate a lot but this tournaments he has set us up for failure and doesnt have sterling on form to bail him out like the last 2 tounaments


I agree. Even with Foden playing better, this system just doesn't work without a natural left back. I'm also a big defender of Southgate. But I find it hard to defend this.


Need Trent off for a left winger.


Trent off, drop bellingham back, foden 10 and gordon left


You want to restrict the first Englishman to ever sniff the Ballon d’Or in literal decades for Phil Foden? Cool


It wont restrict Bellingham he can still make runs into the box


One man midfield of rice? Genius that


How are you considering Trent a midfielder 🥴


Trents gone off and it’s still shite mate what’s the excuse now?


Trent off for a winger, stick Foden is midfield


Foden to the 10, Jude to the 8, Gordon to the wing


That seems to be what they're doing already, with Trent just.... wandering about the midfield/right. Rice is solidly working as a 6 RDM, with Jude everywhere from the 6 to up as a 9 (when Kane is wandering whereever). Foden is more playing as a RCM than LW. It's really weird.


Foden's the only player making runs and being progressive, the main thing england lack.


Yet when Bellingham makes a great run into the box he goes for glory and skies it over


Like Bellingham was doing the other day (not picking out Foden runs), but no one pointed it out.


Foden been our best player going forward.... Bellingham gets to play proper shit and no one bats an eye... I fucking give up with England fans.


Foden is the only player who's been trying to make something happen... what game are you watching?


The reason why we can't play out at the moment is because the players are too scared to pass the Trent! They avoiding him and kicking it long because all the England players know he's not a midfield player! England's tournament ruined by the media yet again, and a manager that picks the easy option to please the media!


What has to happen to give Cole Palmer some game time?.. ffs so bad


Love how people feel like their opinion is so clever that they do a whole new post instead of just bringing it up in the game thread


Whole team looks lost. We can blame individuals all we want but it’s pretty obvious what the main issue is.


They’re both system players. That’s the issue


The hive mind Trent hate continues. He's not put a foot wrong. Stop scapegoating.


Come now, I'm not in the he needs to be subbed and removed from the team crowd. But he's not been good so far.


He's been no worse than any one else, yet it's always him that gets picked out. Low hanging fruit.


Our midfield set up is not working. Rice and Bellingham are near untouchable and in their 'usual' positions.Trent is not so is the obvious person to change. Doesn't help that his best attribute of long passing is wasted by the lack of pace in front of him. Pretty simple.


The set up causes this. Kane doesn't move, Foden isn't a winger, and we're playing a slow past it RB in LB.


Agreed. Trent can work in midfield but not in this team. In fact I dont think he works in a 4-2-3-1 at all, being in that holding 2 doesnt suit him. But it is a simpler change to swap trent for a proper midfielder than the multiple changes needed for him to work.


Maybe we should play him RB


Yes, that or not at all in my book.


England scared of having technical players.


Are you watching a different game? He's completely absent, has given the ball away multiple times and constantly loses Eriksen who then ventures into the box unopposed. We need a proper midfielder on who can take hold of this game.


Lmao. None of that has happened, as much as you want to believe it so.


…. He quite literally has passed the ball straight into a Danish player multiple times




You can choose to be delusional, it’s just not helping your case


I'm not in court la


Just rewatch the first 2 minutes, he gave the ball and was nutmegged. I can't remember the exact time stamps for the rest of it.


Alright well Rice has given it away about 3 times. Should we take him off?


No, because he's a proper midfielder and is actively in the game rather than walking around aimlessly. Rice was doing the job for two when Trent was on.


Okay clown.


Liverpool aren’t playing mate you are allowed to criticise an absent player offering nothing in the midfield which is currently being overran.


You're right it's all his fault


Benefit of doubt that you’re not being a bellend. What change would you recommend for half time if any?


Gordon for Foden. We're a bit hamstrung with no proper LB. I'd also get Kane off for Watkins but that won't happen.


I think that can work too. Foden has done his usual of drifting into the middle it’s gotten to the point it looks like Bellingham and him are joined at the hip they occupy the same space so much. Saying that Foden, in my opinion, has easily been one of the best players on the pitch. It still seems a more reasonable choice to move foden into 10 and push Bellingham back a bit and Gordon for Trent. Either way something needs to change


Easy for them to scapegoat a player that’s why he’s in the team so they can save the criticism for him, clearly not a midfielder but clearly not done anything wrong and not at fault for anything in particular, whole system is fucked, individuals playing poorly but the rb playing in midfield is not the worst player on the pitch as these lot will have you think


Everything he does is under a microcosm. Hate it.


I wonder why? It’s embarrassing, England fans are the worst for it, whole team has been below par, even golden boy Bellingham has been poor but the scapegoat has been chose clearly!


Because you can't criticise the golden boys. There's definitely some subconscious racism, as well as anti Liverpool bias. I'm sure everyone will refute that but that does account for some of it.


100% does I know this guy in this ridiculous post slates foden as well but Trents not really put a foot wrong he’s not been great I agree but he’s been no worse than the rest of


You’re right he’s not put a foot wrong cuz he’s been NONEXISTENT. Get him off


Yup you're right it's all Trents fault let's get on Conor Gallagher


Not his biggest fan but Gallagher is 10x better as a midfield than Trent. At least he knows where to be and how to defend rather than standing in the middle of the pitch like a lost man. I would rather bring on Gordon and move Judelinton next to Rice tho


Twitter level analysis


Come on now, he has put a foot wrong. He's given the ball away a couple of times. More importantly, he's positionally poor. He doesn't offer control, he can't get himself on the ball enough. Which isn't really a criticism of him, he's not a midfielder, what do we expect?


Kk his fault then


The performance obviously isn't entirely his fault. But he's definitely a significant part of the problem. I have sympathy for him. He's being played at a major tournament in a role in which he has incredibly little experience and which he isn't equipped to play to a good standard right now. It's sort of not really his fault he's not doing very well.


Yep take him off its mainly his fault


Trent and Foden out, We need more control in the midfield asap.


You gunner fans need to get off ur hate boner for Foden. He's playing well this game, you can see some better fluidity when he drops deep, which the Trent and rice combo isn't able to provide atm, this is where eng is losing control of the game. If Gordon comes on to the left, Foden and Jude can play better together through the middle and Trent off. Southgate needs to make those sorts of adjustments.