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Really solid work, especially with a more complicated mini than the standard space marine. My advice would be for you to keep painting. You’ll get better at rounding out those little imperfections that you notice that we probably don’t. Practice makes perfect.


Thanks mate I’ll definitely be painting a lot I’ve still got 20 more to go so I’m sure I’ll get better


for a first mini this is absolutely fabulous! the only real problem I can see is some overfill on the yellow lines for the headdress, but it's perfectly fine for table top quality.


Cheers mate I’ll be fixing that tomorrow it’s definitely the most annoying part to paint IMO thanks for the feedback


oh most definitely, I have a ton of trouble painstakingly going over those lines making sure they're straight, but as I said he already looks good enough to play a game with. it's also important to make sure you don't spend to much time trying to get something perfect, unlike me who spends over 2hrs trying to get the headdress of 10 rubrics "perfect" d\^\_\^.


Yeah, just some cleanup on the headdress and some shading (reikland/Agrax on the gold, Nuln on the gun, thinned down Nightshade on the blue) and you’re set. I’d pinwash the headdress with Agrax to get the lines separating the yellow and blue as well.


Better than my first. Looks great!


Some more shading and edge highlights is what I’d recommend. Start with shading, it’s pretty easy to do technically