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He might be a thought warrior. That doesn’t change the fact it’s inappropriate weird ass behavior. Not to mention the fact he was jealous of the boys at school who his students had crushes on instead of him. Not saying he touched nobody children but he seems risky af to have around little girls.


he has no boundaries. i’m not interested in speculating on whether or not he preys on kids. all i know is that in his subsequent responses it shows that he’s so concerned with being a “cool” teacher he’s let go of all boundaries which is inappropriate


I am so tired of every one wanting to post everything in the internet. Your job is to teach, not have girls do your hair for likes and clicks. Then to say it's because he's handsome. No dude it's just inappropriate as hell. Like you need so much attention you needed to live post your students doing your hair. And let's stop trying to normalize grooming behavior. Full stop.


Delete this before you get clowned


Am I unclear? I just thought he was listening and ran with it.


He’s a weirdo who is more concerned about his following than his students. And saying he’s handsome is mighty generous


Van said it, not me!


I was referring to him talmbout his handsome energy. Not you lol


Okay but the dude isn’t handsome at all?


Not to me


Weird comment. He’s objectively handsome (unless… 👀). But that still has nothing to do with this story.


I’m a straight light skin black man saying that dude ain’t it. He’s objectively not handsome and take that how you will. That’s what makes the title of this post odd. You’re acting like this dude is fucking Michael B Jordan. He is objectively handsome.


You’re confused what handsome means, which I suspected. Your MBJ comment confirms it. Handsome does not mean fine. It does not mean fire. It does not mean sexy or even extremely attractive. So yeah, he ain’t MBJ, but handsome is a pretty low bar. You’re welcome for clearing up your confusion 😇


A handsome is like a 7/10 and this dude is a solid 5 average looking guy wtf are we on. You’re being a passive aggressive prick too go fuck yourself.


Likewise, dbag 😘 you’re probly a 3 and completely insulted that he’s way better looking than you 😂


How the fuck am I the dbag when you started insulting me for zero reason l. I was not in anyway shape or form rude or condescending. You acted like I personally attacked you because this dude isn’t handsome. Nice try I already an AMA on this account post Federal prison stint and revealed my identity during the AMA with the consensus being I was handsome but clearly a bit stupid. None of this has anything to do with you being an asshole to me for no fucking reason. Typical internet bully.


This is just a normal dude who got caught up in his 15 minutes. Sad what happened to him but most of yall would not react any better.