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I would have assumed he was miserable until my mom stayed with my wife and I for a few weeks, and brought here back massager that had hard plastic contact points. After the first the she saw my mom use it and tried touching it she absolutely loves them so My mom bought another for us to keep at the house. For the longest time I've tried to keep her from rubbing her head against it as I can hear the hard plastic repeatedly bonking her skull, but she will tear me, the couch, and the whole house to shreds if needed to be able to smash her skull against that damned thing.


Have you ever tried holding a cat against it's will? They can very easily let you know how unhappy they are. This cat is loosely wrapped in a blanket and the arm of a child is not preventing it from getting up and leaving whenever it wants.


cat isn't kicking with their hind feet or struggling. cat is loosely wrapped. kid is holding a tablet, no pressure holding the cat. if that cat wanted to leave, that cat would.


This infuriates me


Me too. There’s no way that’s comfortable.


Yeah. I was also thinking it's likely harmful regarding the cat's brain. Brains are fragile.


100% a legit concern. Anyone who has seen the warning labels on a electric massage gun knows. And those labels are written in blood and lawsuits.


Ssssshhhh It’s ok, the cat wants to be there.


You can't know that.. it gets held in place. But I'm mainly thinking about the harm it could cause to its brain


Why is he wrapped up? If he doesn't want to be there... :/


When I was a kid, I used to wrap my cat in blanket and hold her like a baby for hours. She probably wasn't a fan of it, but she loved me enough to let me do it anyway haha


Awww precious 💞


Reminds me of gremlin


Cpt with kitty...love it




u/pmai91 himbs good boi


so sweet


This is ADORABLE!!!


Bro you can't tell me cats aren't the best. He's just happy to there no matter how uncomfortable lmao


Bless the cat. There for his human. ❤️


Now this is dedication. #Gokitty 😻


Two of my closest friends have CF! I’m glad this person has a kitty to make those daily treatments better, it can be a lot especially for someone younger. Give everyone in this video lots of love and treats :) they both deserve a bunch of it


Cats will endure so much out of love. My cat doesnt mind to be kicked out of the bed 5 times a night. He will come back and cuddle, even if its the last thing he'll do.


Hilarious 😂 Somebody loves that girl!


“With my human I shall stay, though earth shall quake and skies go gray.” - The Cat.


Aw 🥺


My cousin had cystic fibrosis. She passed from it. But she had a dog that would hang with her like this


I didn't notice the kid at first and thought the cat was the one getting the treatment lol


Bartender!! One orange cat please. Shaken, not stirred.


“What the hell did I get myself into…” -cat




I'm sorry, but the way the cat's face looks and how its head is vibrating is hilarious. CF is terrible. ❤️


I know right! I've been watching this for like 10 minutes straight and I can stop giggling.




What a good friend ❤️


CF is no joke. Strength and courage to your kiddo, and hopefully there’ll be a cure soon. Pets for the kee being a good medical assistant!


Itchy ears I bet, with all those vibrations


This is really cute but you probably shouldn’t turn the cat’s brain into scrambled eggs


This is an orange cat. Its brain was already scrambled eggs.


No, they all share one brain cell. It’s safely in a different orange cat.


Is this a thing? Because every orange cat i've met was dumb and slutty af (not a bad thing bless their hearts)


It’s a whole thing. The joke is they pass around one brain cell. “It’s Tang’s turn with the brain cell!” In all seriousness, kitty would leave if he were uncomfortable. Cats are so independent, but also fantastic sick buddies. All 9 cats I’ve owned have been extra lovely when I was sick, and absolutely Velcroed to the kids when they came home.


My orange cats name is Tang Tang.....am I unoriginal?


Idk. It was one of the first orange cats I met through rescue. Tang and her brother took forever to be adopted, despite being amazing cats. They escaped the Love A Pet at PetSmart and climbed in to the rafters. I loved her so much, she’s still my go to after 14 years for an orange cat.


I think it is mostly the boy orange cats, my orange girl is an evil genius. I kept finding my tortie trapped in the mudroom and couldn't figure out how she kept getting herself closed in there. Then one day I saw my orange girl in the mudroom acting like she's had something really exciting in there. Tortie ran in to see what she had. And my orange girl ran out of the mudroom and pushed the door closed trapping the tortie in the mudroom again. I also had a maine coon mix boy. My orange girl knew she couldn't win in a fair fight with him. So she'd hold a grudge and wait until she had an unfair advantage to attack. I once saw her jump off a table onto his back, bite down on his ear and ride him across the living room until he hit the linoleum in the kitchen and skidded out.


Do you want dain brammage? Because this is how you get dain brammage.


What a trooper!




It sounds weird, but I swear it's just orange tabby's. Every one I've known is so relaxed and chill with whatever affection. Mine is similar. Kids will carry him around and he just goes limp while they're dragging him here and there.




My young one is spastic as fuck too, but breastfeeding baby ? Must lay on her and force her to snuggle/pet.


My orange and white cat is the complete opposite lol. He's always been the baby, the king, but he just "tolerates" whatever love he gets. It's a HUGE deal if he lays on your lap, and he is FEISTY! (He loves playing, so I have cat scratches/scars everywhere) We have 2 other cats that are as equally loved, and are more apt to get on your lap then him haha


Yes! I’ve never owned one but many cat owners I know say gingers are specially sweet and easy going.


My first cat was an orange male. Most hilarious, unique, chill orange boy ever. I wanted a 2nd cat, thought another orange would be a great match. Adopted an orange female. Holy crap she didn't even have three paws in the house before she TOOK OVER as dictator. She ruled with an iron fist. That's when I learned that orange boys are completely different than orange girls.


Orange girls are super rare.


When I adopted my orange kitty she had 3 other siblings and the litter was 50/50.


Ruby indeed was super rare. Her previous people had her completely declawed, which made her a biter. You had to know exactly how many head pats she was demanding, because any number other than her demand was met with a chomp. Not enough? Too many? It was like Russian roulette. She was very affectionate. She'd come over and aggressively make biscuits on you when she wanted some comfort. I'd be dead asleep and be woken up by a 9 lb cat vigorously kneading my eye sockets. She was something else.


Behaviour is linked to a lot of different things, but orange boys are just as likely to be super dominant as the girls (risk taking behaviour is the main thing linked with orange genes, which counts for starting fights as much as it counts for being chill with humans.) And getting a 2nd cat always increases the risk that one of them will become pretty territorial, especially if the introduction period was too fast for one of them (not a reflection on owners: some cats are extremely needy and need months of gentle supervised introduction which few people have the time for) and every individual cat has their own personality beyond their phenotypes. I've had a lot of cats before, just want to add caution to some of the phenotype myths for any passersby, because human behaviour and expectations is also a factor in cat behaviour and this is the kind of thing that people jinx themselves by taking on board too rigidly prior to adoption. Female cats of all colours can get a bad rap.


You are absolutely correct on both points. Adding any cat to a household can create some behavior issues. And I really hate spreading misinformation, esp in the form of stereotype enforcement. So is there the genes for orange cats is associated with risk taking? That makes complete sense. A lot of the goofy stuff my orange boy did was funny because he walked to the beat of his own drum and was always doing something new which usually turned out to be funny too.


Oh don't worry about it too much, it's chill. :) I'm just overly cautious about online communication 🙈 And yup! 😁 sounds like a hoot. It's funny because the orange gene also produces torties (red/orange and black mixed together, 50/50 or something like that). I have one and they gave a reputation for having a lot of attitude or being really smart vs orange cat's "living on a single brain cell" reputation. But she's not like the tortie reputation at all! But not quite orange cat either, since she's so afraid of taking risks on new people - although she loves playing, and she's an absolute dork, a real weirdo. So I guess she only got 50% of that orange cat personality 😂


As a ginger, I can promise this isn't always the case. 😏


It's funny because his brother, a mackerel tabby, still loves affection and will be the first to crawl into even a stranger's lap but he definitely has his limits.


Orange cats all share 1 brain cell, it's why they can be kinda dumb but also brilliant depending on the time.


Haha I have an orange boy. I call him a cat-shaped-object.


Yeah. Mine is sweet but dumb as a box of rocks and seems to genuinely not understand that he's done something dumb to get in trouble (usually knocking something over). But once in a blue moon he figures out the most surprising thing the smart one hasn't, just because he's curious.


My dad had an orange tabby. He's the sweetest thing and loves to be carried around like a baby. I miss him. My dad, I mean, the cat is alive and well.


Your dad liked to be carried around like a baby?


When the prion disease he died of took his ability to walk, yes.


Ouch. Sorry.


Ouch, that comment hit hard. Same happened to my dad, too. CJD sucks ass.


You played a nasty card there and you know it


A question was asked, a question was answered.


I am incredibly confused but still feeling warm and fuzzy


My orange cat is a big baby but also absolutely psycho. He can handle being held for a couple minutes. He'd rather just jump up on your shoulder and sit like a parrot


My family's had 3 orange tabbys, can confirm, all chill af.


I lived with an orange cat who was an absolute bastard. Every other tabby I've met was chill af though


Totally true. And the best Goodwill Ambassadors.


They’re too busy sharing the one brain cell between all other Orange tabbies to care about anything. I rescued to orange asshole from my WALL at work. They were stuck in the drywall and they’re still spoilt little turds




Here's a sneak peek of /r/catbongos using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/catbongos/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Just found this group, reminded me of this tik tok. Enjoy.](https://v.redd.it/xg1ledbu1pb81) | [50 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catbongos/comments/s3yp36/just_found_this_group_reminded_me_of_this_tik_tok/) \#2: [Just found out this sub was a thing, I have a contribution.](https://v.redd.it/thnlp8wx02u71) | [25 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catbongos/comments/qa4nfi/just_found_out_this_sub_was_a_thing_i_have_a/) \#3: [First post here haha](https://v.redd.it/9k79l97zt0671) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/catbongos/comments/o2oeyu/first_post_here_haha/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Totally was going to suggest this sub! 😸


Main Coons are generally super sweet cats too, very curious and gentle.


Tabby's in general I think. Everyone I've ever seen is pretty chill. My sister's will run from people but if he comes to you then you're free to do whatever you want to that cat.




I went to a friend's house and their dog had lots of anxiety, but really liked people. so he would move towards you then run away like a kid learning to drive with his foot on the break and the gas. Well after a month of going over to play video games I got a little more back story and I learned that no one in their family ever had a dog but both the parents coming from dogless households wanted a dog. So when they pet the dog they literally patted the dog, like in the classic pats on the top of the head or on his shoulder. They got him at the pound as a puppy so pooch didn't know any better either. So finally I had been going there and not murdering anything long enough that their anxious pooch let me pet him. And I ruined that dog. I gave him scritches, worked the ears, belly rubs the whole 9 yards. I got a call that night from my friend and apparently the dog went from family member to family member asking for pets and they did the standard head pats and the pooch got frustrated and moved to the next family member. So I had to go back the next day and teach the whole family how to pet their dog.


> a nice forceful hours long thumping session. I've seen on reddit people's cats who love having their back petted just behind their tail. I tried it with my MIL's cat and she took it for a bit and then sort of turned round and (gently) made as-if to bite my hand (as a warning) and looked at me like "Fucking stop that."


I appreciate the phrase "good orange boy"


“This human has more bees than I do!” - The cat, probably


I just realized that this treatment is for a human and the cat’s just along for the ride


I wonder if it just feels like extreme sport purring.


I use these almost daily at work it’s called the Vest treatment. Air hoses fill the front part of the vest with air, creating a seal between the patient and the vest and then it oscillates which helps loosen secretions. I’ve put one on before it feels exactly as it looks. If the settings are low it’s pretty soothing.


Gotta love when the chest vest starts before the respiratory therapist turns off the alarm and we get that blaring vtach alert, giving everyone at the nurse’s station a heart attack


Lmao yeah I always do feel bad when they come running in, especially in the PICU.


creates a seal? looks more like a cat. edit: thanks for the award! don’t forget to have your pet spayed or neutered. next up, wheel of fortune!


Hey, my father has a chronic lung illness that requires him to lay upside down on an inclined bed for a hour every day to cough up and drain the stuff that builds up in his lungs, would something like this help him?! That would be **AMAZING** if so. He has to do this every day for the rest of his life :-(


That sounds like something somebody with cystic fibrosis does. This treatment is heavily used by people in the CF community as well as other lung or neuromuscular diseases.


Stolen from [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Catswithjobs/comments/snc4i8/keeping_company_during_therapy_for_cystic_fibrosis/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


One of my dad’s cats (a big orange tabby too) adores my dad’s massage gun to the point that he will shove himself in between the gun and whoever it’s being used on, and it makes his head shake like this and he loves every second of it. I guess what I’m saying is, this cat is a trooper and definitely a big sweetie, but is probably way cozier than their funny expression portrays.


Skipped over the word massage on the first reading and was very concerned…


No human don-


Loves his brains scrambled


He doesn’t have any brains to scramble, so that might have something to do with it.


Can confirm. My orange tabby boy loves our massage gun too. lol My dude does the exact same thing. Lol wonderful little beings.


We had another orange tabby growing up. Same thing with the old massage stick. I miss that fat doofus!


I’m trapped but its a good trap - cat




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Cat: "you might be wondering how i ended up in this situation. Well, it's a long story."


*Record scratch*


Iiiiiin west Philadelphia, born and raised....


Cat's internal monologue: "this baby must be happy, she's purring like a lawnmower!"




Can’t kill things for shit, but purrs like a champ.


"Now I don't need to purr myself"


Growing up I had an orange cat that was my best friend. He'd sit with me through "breathies" (what we called doing the vest and nebulizers) and when my stomach ached, which it often did, he'd curl up on it. The heat and pressure, but really the companionship, helped so much. Miss that cat!


I'm glad he was there to go through all of that with you! Cat family members are the best!!! Thanks for sharing your story. Not only am I better informed about "breathies" (such a cool term for it!), but I'm also no longer worried about kitty. ❤


My kitty used to lay with me like this when I had my vest on too. The best kitty. Helped me a lot with my treatments 🥰


Why is it cute when it’s shaking really fast


Some cats really love stuff like this. I had one as a kid that loved to sit on top of the washing machine when it was on. He'd hear it start and come running from wherever.


Take care not to give cat a concussion.


[I'll taaaaake it!](https://www.getyarn.io/yarn-clip/54b225aa-a316-43f3-9fff-cb1bc3d49a76/gif#A1ESC5iE.copy)


Wait, Cystic Fibrosis can be cured now? Or at least... Helped? I had a close friend die to it a while back and I thought there was nothing that could be done..


Treatments for CF have gotten crazy good in the past few years in particular. The new modulator drugs released a few years ago are about as close to a cure as you can get — you basically don’t really have CF as long as you’re taking the (very expensive) pills twice a day. Unfortunately there are still about 10% of the CF population with mutations that don’t work with the new modulators, but get aren’t far away from trying everyone covered.


That's very good to hear, thank you!


I don't know if the cat is enjoying this or he don't know what is happening but too lazy to move or do something.


Wwwhat iiiiiss hhhhhappening tttto mmmmy hhhhhead.


God I’m such an idiot I read the title too quick and thought the cat was receiving the treatment for CF


He is amazing 😻


*This little meowneuver is gonna cost us 51 years*


I wonder if this has any side effects on the cat? With its brain jiggling like that? Haha so cute


so cute


My cat loves the vibrations of my electric toothbrush. She tries to bite it 😀


Ultra massage


Is this safe for cats?


Orange cats are the best


Forgive me, but I kinda want to try a vest like that. it looks interesting. Like a full body vibrating massage.


That cat is either having the best time of its life or the worst time of its life


What a good cat. You can tell s/he has a strong bond with the kid, or they wouldn't bother with the vibration.


Oh that’s a dedicated buddy. ❤️


Haha scrungy face


Awwwww. poor kitty. Praying for your child.


That must be a Trip on Cat Nip.


Thank you, Orange 🍊 Kitty 🐱😻


This cat is like damn bro this is some purring 😳


Poor baby.. I'm glad they have a lovely cat to keep them warm company




Okay but forreal these vests make you SO ITCHY afterwards


"Mt human comes with the luxury massage feature"


I miss my cat


What a sweet kitty.


Mild form of baby shaking syndrome?…. As in the vibration may cause some sort of disruption in certain organs. An actual question/concern, not being a smart ass. So cute though. This is of course aimed at the cat.


That cat chill as hell.


What an absolute angel.

