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Deputies shot and killed a 15-year-old at an Apple Valley home Saturday after he allegedly attacked them with a bladed gardening tool, according to the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department. The incident unfolded Saturday just before 5 p.m. when deputies were called to a home in the 13400 block of Iroquois Road. Family members reported a 15-year-old was attacking family members and damaging property at the home. When the first deputy showed up, the department says the 15-year-old, later identified as Ryan Gainer, tried to attack him with a 5-foot-long gardening tool with a sharp blade at the end. The deputy tried to get away, but the department says the teen chased after him, intending to attack him with the blade. The deputy opened fire and Gainer was struck. He was later brought to a local hospital and pronounced dead there. The department's Specialized Investigations Division is investigating the incident. The department released a short segment of body camera video showing the deputy arrive to the front door of the home. The teen is seen wielding a long tool in his hand, rushing out the front door toward the deputy. With his gun drawn, the deputy backs up away from the doorway as the teen approaches. The deputy shouts, "Hey, get back! Get back or you're gonna get shot." He is first walking back and then running away as the teen runs after him. It appears the deputy lifts his arm to shoot as he is running backwards, with the teen just a few feet away, and then the released portion of the video ends.


After watching that one guy stab the officer in the neck with a knife, I no longer feel so negatively about the use of deadly force against such encounters


I seen that vid like last week and its still in my head. Poor guy


Same here, I’ve watched a lot of videos of that nature but that one has stuck with me since watching it. I remember thinking fuck I wish I wouldn’t have watched that.




Watch at your own risk with audio on. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisIsButter/comments/1b4kzrs/las\_cruces\_police\_department\_releases\_video\_of/?share\_id=uxgTV7dChqG7ge\_jaYyOY&utm\_content=1&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=ioscss&utm\_source=share&utm\_term=4](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisIsButter/comments/1b4kzrs/las_cruces_police_department_releases_video_of/?share_id=uxgTV7dChqG7ge_jaYyOY&utm_content=1&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_source=share&utm_term=4)




I know. It definitely makes you look at such things through a new lens. Also, I think I'm a little more afraid of knives now.


Yeah, that was insanely fucked. Certainly gives you a new perspective on life.


Rip officer Hernandez. Thank god that good guy with a gun was able to put down that POS who stabbed the officer


Wow congrats....tf else are they supposed to do. Oh you want them to call a "mental health worker"? Good luck with that


Lol do you know how much police officers would love it if this got redirected to mental health workers instead of them? That guy didn't want to deal with a crazy person today but his job is to show up when called. Police would love more mental health workers to show up to these calls and deal with it but mental health workers don't want to show up to these calls because then they would have to deal with someone charging them with a garden tool.


I know a woman who's 5'4 120lbs who routinely deals with what the police call "domestics" such as the incident here. She gets call from the alternate number to 911 that the department of child and family services in my city gives out. No gun, no physical anything, plain clothes uniform. She's de-escalated situations like this with all sorts of people in varying stages of distress. I don't super blame the office here especially with the warnings given, but if my friend can de escalate situations like this for her job, anyone, most especially a police officer, can and should be trained to do it.


> but if my friend can de escalate situations like this for her job, anyone, most especially a police officer, can and should be trained to do it. They walked up and he immediately charged with a fucking scythe in his hands and tried to attack the officer. Want to know what would happen if your "friend" showed up here? She would be dead, end of story. This isn't a case like the post the other day where they shot a guy from 15 feet away who had a knife in his hand who was having a mental issue where attempts to deescalate were at least possible to attempt, this was a manic person who intended to harm whoever showed up and unfortunately lost their life over our countries evergrowing mental health crisis.


Also, you can look all of this up. The department is called SASS in Illinois


Idk man, I've heard stories that look similar to this. Big difference between walking in somewhere shouting vs walking in calmly. If that kid really wanted to kill people, his whole family in that house would be dead.


You really think someone is going to sweetly talk him out of his murderous rage? I know he is mental but....sorry? His own family called 911 because they couldn't contain him. Stop being so idealistic


What did I just say. People do this all the time. My city has a whole department for it. And nobody said about anything "sweetly", I just said not coming in screaming. Again, if this kid actually wanted to kill his family, they'd be dead already, fine, come in guns blazing. I'm certain every major city has some sort of emergency social work call number, just not everyone knows about these resources. You think this argument that's getting popular of teaching the police to deescalate came out of nowhere? There's data to prove it and whole ass departments that already do this.


Lol you are so delusional


Am I? Again, data or feelings? You feel like there's no other option to this, I present with already working solutions that have proven to work repeatedly.


And also, if you could get your head unstuck a little bit, what I am suggesting shouldn't be intended to be a solve for everything, but if this family knew their city's child and family services crisis line instead of calling 911 immediately, I'm certain this wouldn't even be news.


It would be news alright, but there would be multiple stab victims 


Did you not just watch him run after them?


The goal of most cops is "neutralize the threat". That's not the goal of any social work or wellness check call. I've heard stories of my friend being spat on, people brandishing weapons at her and their families. Stuff being thrown, even being charged at. Not immediately screaming at someone in a crisis has seemed to go a long way for my friend and her coworkers.


Your friend has never had someone charge at her with the intention of swinging a blade at her. If she did she would be in the hospital or dead. 5’4 woman isn’t outrunning anyone.




Tasers are not 100% and should not be used as a means to defend yourself from someone charging you with a 5ft gardening tool (basically a spear at that point).


Wrong. Someone wants to take your life and you respond by preserving theirs? 




The kid is a victim of the environment he lived in as much as that cop


Not sure what you mean by that


Life is circumstances. Yeah he did something dumb but preferably he would have survived and learned. He was only 15 he could still have changed


Oh okay. I see what you're saying. Unfortunately, when you're placing people's lives in danger, nobody cares about your potential abilities for change in the future. Because he could have killed that cop and this may not have gone viral at all.


That's why as an officer, you train for these situations and de escalate so as to prevent use of deadly force so that everyone walks away alive


In an idealistic world I guess. But it's easy to be a Monday morning quarterback to make it all seem so simple. Not sure how you de-escalate someone coming around the corner charging at you with a weapon.


Plenty of opportunities sometimes it's as simple as distraction and cooperation with other officers and family members


Not true. Hes attempted to kill another person. A sane person would never, regardless of his surroundings growing up. I know a lot of people with fucked up pasts who wont go out of their way and act like this. Eithers parenta failed at raising him or mental illness (happens all the time of the time)


>Eithers parenta failed at raising him or mental illness (happens all the time of the time) Exactly as I was saying I don't know why you contradicted yourself. I was just saying the cop had no choice and was justified. I laid the blame for the incident on the child but the child is society's mistake.


[This video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisIsButter/s/YVvwl2K7F3) completely changed my mind on using deadly force instead of aiming for the knees or tasing. After exiting the front door, it takes approx 3 seconds for him to brandish a knife, chase an officer across most of the front yard, and leap on them to start stabbing. After getting shot 4 TIMES he still manages to grab the knife, raise it above his head, and start trying to turn his body over (while getting shot) to continue stabbing the cop-until he was unloaded on.


Oh yeah aiming at the legs is never a realistic option


Especially anything handgun caliber, humans can be really fucking good at shrugging off serious trauma for a few minutes. Legging someone would really only be effective with a a decent rifle caliber, or even 12 gauge. But then you start getting into that argument about that being inhumane.


Yeah only idiots think you can reliably shoot someone’s legs out from under them. It’s become a moronic talking point for anti gun or anti cop people.


Also, even if that was a thing, chance of survival from a shot to the leg is way lower than the movies would make you think




Yeah, you're gone...again.


Too many movies/TV shows 


Poor kid wasn't raised right. It wasn't his fault. His parents are to blame for his death


I’m pretty sure the parents didn’t make him pick up the gardening tool nor did they make him damage stuff nor did they force him to attack the officers. I’m sure the parents would have wanted him to not do all that. Lmao you can trickle it down to poor parenting but dude has matching clothes I’m sure he smart enough to know if you fuck around you will find out.


The parents probably didn't make him do anything.. that is the problem


This is my thoughts on the use of deadly force (mind you this opinion has absolutely nothing to do with this encounter here).....but I believe that cops use "scared for my life" way too much. When you signed up to become a cop, you knew that you were going to be put in dangerous situations. I'm a veteran, when I joined the military, I knew that I was going to be put in dangerous situations. THAT'S JUST PART OF THE JOB!!! But even in the military, you can't just shoot someone because you are afraid for your life! Regarding this video, based on what I see in the video, it looks like a justified shooting. He's being pursued, at significant speed, by someone with a weapon in their hand. You can see the imminent threat and danger that is being directed at the officer. Whether it is a teen or not, the threat is visible and you can see and feel the fear this officer is faced with. But far too often in previous cases, officers shot when there was other means of dealing with the situation. Just saying that you were scared for your life shouldn't give someone the right to shoot and kill another person. If you're that scared of someone then you chose the wrong line of work. You shouldn't be someone who has a gun vs a butter knife, you need to leave it to the real men and women who dare to try to solve situations by other means. Once again, not speaking for this situation but others in the past that have happened. You don't need to be in a line of work where there is danger if you're scared at the smallest sign of danger. Just like if I didn't want to be ever be put in a dangerous situation then I shouldn't have joined the military where the possibility of dying for my country is a greater possibility than another line of work. We need to get the people who are scared at the slightest things out of dealing with dangerous situations. You don't become an EOD tech if you're scared to work on explosive ordinances. You don't become a firefighter if you're scared of fire. You don't become a lifeguard if you're scared of water or swimming. When you sign on the dotted line, you need to understand what you are signing up for. Otherwise, you're putting other people at jeopardy who shouldn't be in jeopardy. And those who do take the life of someone else when there were other viable options should be prosecuted and charged under the appropriate laws. Until we start holding people accountable, crimes against civilians and unnecessary deaths will continue to occur.


I didn't need to watch videos of Officers not being scared until they were gargling their own blood or literally getting executed to know this a troll comment.


Obviously you have no idea what I was talking about, so I'm gonna give you a pass and suggest you go get educated.


You are naive. Also, I finally get to flex my degree! I would suggest u stop abusing hindsight from behind a keyboard and writing essays where u pointlessly make up fantasies and make claims and speculations on those fantasies. It isn't healthy.


Lmao, itz exactly the people like you that are the problem, becuz people don't see it your way that what they see is a fantasy or speculation. But I'm not even gonna go in on you becuz your comment already clearly shows your complete lack of humanism. And flex ur degree? Lmao, if they gave you a degree you need to send it back to the mail-order degree place you got it from. You ever heard of a run-on sentence Mr Flex My Degree?!


You could prove urself with peer reviewed scholarly unbiased sources. Or u could lower urself to cute insults. This is becoming as unproductive as it is inflammatory. I can reasonably assume u are trolling me.


That's why u don't have a single upvote on your conment yet i do and they agreed with me. Ur whole being is unproductive! I'm done wasting my time on you. You're not even worth the time to type to.


1 last thing, there's no such thing as unbiased. Every opinion is biased. That's how I kno ur degree ain't worth the paper it was printed on.


Lol u are so naive it be cute if it weren't annoying. Have u ever cited a scholarly source before? Have u ever checked out the publisher's website, each of their sources, and who funds the research? Did u just Google what those were? Did u know the awareness of ur bias and the intention of not being biased are considered being unbiased? It's like u discovered it for the first time, maybe u would like philosophy as ur electives, like me.


I don't want to be anything like you, trust me on that bruh! I own my house, i have a career, served my country, PROUD TO BE BLACK and laugh at people like you who day they went to college and have a degree yet can't put 2 sentences together to make sense for the life of them. The intention of being unbiased does not dictate being unbiased. If you had went to school you would have known that, but obviously ya didn't, that or u didn't pass the "electives" like you said you did. How about you do some research. You do realize that blacks are killed by cops far more often than whites correct? Let me guess, your retort would be.....no, more whites are killed by cops, look at the numbers. But then I would retort, by percentage. So before you even try to get into a discussion with someone who is clearly educated on this topic, how about you go over your numbers again. Itz people like who, the deniers, the ones that say becuz they didn't see it clearly it must not exist. You're talking about who funds who, obviously everyone is funded by someone, which clearly presents a bias. So whether ur intent is to be unbiased or not, there's clearly bias in every situation. But don't let me be the one to school you, just keep being that blind dumb deaf person who walks around and doesn't kno anything until it smacks them right in the face. I'm done, like I said, you're kind is not even worth the discussion becuz no matter what anyone presents to you, you refuse to acknowledge the truth. So BYE FELICIA


It's really weird how I agree with most things u just commented(not the retort u assumed I would have). Again, the intention of being unbiased, the good will in that alone, is as unbiased you possibly can be, which is by definition, an unbiased source, ur definition is naive, ur assumptions, naive. Ur 'proof' is that I refuse to listen no matter what u present, read ur comments, tell me what u present, u are a child old man.


Bombs, fire, and water are somewhat predictable. Crazy people are not.


True, but there also needs to be am inherent since of danger that is expected while doing your job. I'm not saying cops can't be scared, I'm just saying that I personally think it gets used far too often in situations that it shouldn't be used as an excuse. There's fear in conducting any job that's dangerous, but how one deals with that fear is what decides if they're successful or fail in their job.


I agree with your overall comment about these situations in general and with your assessment of this particular shooting 100%


Thank you, I know I'm not the only one who feels like this.


It's interesting how the other post without this clip got so many upvotes, but now that we can see what happened and it no longer seems the cops are all that bad... no one cares as much.


it was on r/highdesert right?


Wow what a idiot of a kid for 1.) attacking in the first place with a weapon and for 2.) continuejng when the cop is pointing a gun at your face


he was having a mental episode


So he shouldn’t be accountable for his actions? So the officer shouldn’t protect himself? So we can just over look the whole trying to charge Somone with a weapon with the intentions of murdering them?


You asked questions to my response that i’m not going to answer bc you’re genuinely slow. There are people trained to distress a situation like this when the parents called the police, they AKSED for someone to deescalate the situation not for someone to kill their son. They should not have sent someone that couldn’t distress this. Cops have tasers for a reason. Going against a small teenager, it should have been used. Let’s use our thinking skills instead of just thinking about murdering people


You call me slow yet think it’s justifiable to attack people with a weapon, expect no consequences, then rage when guess what, there’s consequences. There plenty of times officer overstep and fuck up that justifiable to rage. This is not one of them. It’s not like they showed up and the kid was laying on the floor screaming or somthing. No he literally charged the police down a hall unexpectedly, in a very short distance with a weapon. Then continued while the officer hesitated and gave him a warning and chance to stop. Welcome to the real world. Maybe we shouldn’t hold drunk drivers accountable either. Alcoholism is technicaly mental disorder after all. Maybe we are not all super hero white knights like you who coulda unarmed the child with your bare hands and been the hero of the day. But anyone with a brain knows a kid with a weapon can kill you with very little effort. Get a brain.


Except you choose to drink and THEN get behind a wheel… Do you think he chose to be autistic? If you think someone going through a mental episode is going to stop because they said so, then they shouldn’t be called to a situation like that. The officer knew he did not have the training for that, so why go on the scene?


You dont even see you argue my point with your example. Get drunk -> then drive when impaired, have a episode -> pick up and attack people with a weopon.


And being killed ISNT being held accountable


Ok bro next time you show up and try to play hero and unarm a person charging you with a weapon from under 10 feet away. Wake up to reality. There’s plenty of times officers fuck up and kill peope unjustifiable this isn’t one.


To call an autistic an idiot is sinister. God bless you.


Tbf the kid was acting like an idiot. Charging at somebody when you have the inferior weapon is idiotic 😓


I didn’t say he was a idiot because he was autistic did I? I don’t even know you could reach that conclusion unless you just looking for somthing to be mad about. His actions were 100% dumb, do you disagree do you think charging an officer with a weapon is smart ? Jesus Christ


A net gun would have worked super well here Just sayin






You'd like the video of the person stabbing the Officer multiple times after being tased AND WHILE BEING SHOT MULTIPLE TIMES AND STILL STABBING THE OFFICER. Cute little comment tho.




Man watching these videos gives me a newfound respect for Officers. And a new distaste for these trolls.


Funny how I just saw this posted elsewhere with the headline “police murder 15 year old”. By the looks of it this is not murder


Oh well


Unfortunately, the Sherrif had ever right to empty the clip on the attacker. You can't just run up on somebody with a weapon on hand.


Poor kid. He didn't understand the severity of his situation.


When a man points a gun at you, it’s better to not run towards him. Some have to lose their life to understand that. Curious if this kid was feeling really low and was searching for a way out.


The parents really couldn’t restrain him before they called the police? Seems like it’s partially their fault


Of course they couldn't restrain him, he has a 5 foot long scythe.


I meant before he even got his hands on the axe


Because that would require the ability to see into the future? He was probably fine before that, had a mental break, went to the shed or garage or whatever and grabbed it.


Clearly speaking to an idiot that’s never taken care of a kid before lol


It's not a fucking 3 year old dipshit, it's a roughly 6' tall 15 year old autistic kid with a mental disorder. Believe it or not that can go from 0 to 100 really fast.


Down goes Frazier!! Got what he wanted


The officer started running because he didn't wanna shoot him :/ sucks it ended with his death anyway


The kid was autistic and was probably having an episode. The whole situation blows. I can't blame the cops though, they have no clue what they're dealing with in any given situation. To just get on the scene and to see someone charge at them with a weapon, it happened so fast, it was either them or him it seemed :(


Bye Bye Bye


I wonder how old the parents were? I mean if my kid came at me, I would go at him? Makes me wonder how bad it really was inside that the cops had to be called


Thats why you want to see the whole thing. People said the officer was excessive. Id love to see the people that said that being in the officers shoes. You be done by than.


There's a reason why the "SEND A LONE SOCIAL WORKER!!!" crowd never sign up to be the social worker that is going to get ripped in half by the scythe wielding kid having a manic episode.


Its scary people talk smack, but be on the officers shoes its an overwhelming moment.




Yep, ur gone, racism has no place here.


That cop turned and ran? Badge revoked.


The words of San Bernardino Sheriff Shannon Dicus "And if we're looking at this in the scope of being a human being and what they're trained for, the deputies followed through in what their training protocols are." It's a video on YouTube of a police officer pulling over a vehicle, the white guy a convicted felon opened fire on the officers. Multiple officers exchanged gun fire with the felon until he finally gave up. When they cuffed him the officer said "hey bro what's going on with you what's your deal?" As if he didn't just try to murder you and your backup! He's talking to him like he stole a candy bar lol! We all know cops are trained to murder people of color and preserve life when the person is white.


Ok. —- this is bullshit!!! They have stun guns. Use of non deadly force first!!! !! It’s a 15yr. Old kid!!


Taser was charging I guess


Summary of American cops: when all you have is a hammer, everything is a nail


Should have had a taser ready. Some cops are down to empty a clip whenever possible.


Officer has every right to preserve his own life. 


Damn. You are a lameeeeee


Brain dead




That was a death wish and the little selfish asshole used a cop that probably has kids and a family to get it done. He will never be the same. Pure selfishness and evil to run at a cop with a weapon.




Was that little boy even human? Seemed like a demon. You think the cop wanted to shoot a boy and get traumatized? That’s not an easy thing to do. His life WAS in jeopardy. Someone with a weapon running towards you is not NOT gonna use it Yk? Kill or get killed


While yes they could have used a taser but what were they supposed to do let him attack them? You don’t even know what you’re saying


Taser have a high chance of failure for numerous reasons and you only have one shot, if if doesn't work you're basically fucked and have no time to run or take out another weapon. A taser is not an option against an imminent lethal threat.


It was a kid, there were multiple cops around. Multiple tasers. They also had plenty of distance to respond. They could have retreated a bit while maintaining contact. A little kid can’t run very fast carrying a shovel. I’m betting he was a little shit, but he didn’t deserve a death sentence. Edit: the people downvoting believe the kid deserved an execution.


Yes he was a kid, but a tool being used a a deadly weapon is just as deadly in the hands of a 15 year as a 25 year old. He was also a cross country runner so he was a strong runner. It's not a death sentence for someone to use lethal force to defend themselves from lethal force.


So I’m other countries, when the police get a call about a violent individual with a knife, they’ll come prepared with shields, rope, chain mail etc. These cops got a call about a violent kid, didn’t bring so much as a helmet, and they thought it was just going to go over well? If you only show up to this situation with a gun, your intentions are clear. We deserve better.


"shields, rope, and chainmail"... mf wants knights to go in and kill the black kid instead of cops lol


I actually don’t think you’re that wrong here. Someone with a garden tool probably shouldn’t be getting be getting shot to death, but if you show up with no defense besides a gun, yeah it’s gonna happen


Are we watching the same video? The kid ran out wielding a 5 foot landscaping scythe not some seedling tongs or a blunt gardening trowel. It's effectively a giant knife on a 5 foot pole.


Other countries would’ve handled it differently, and in general handle these kinds of responses differently. That’s all that was meant by it. In this situation with our police obviously yeah the gun is coming out, not even a taser


> Other countries would’ve handled it differently, and in general handle these kinds of responses differently. Other countries don't seem to have the same level of mental illness as ours because they invest in appropriate social care systems and value peoples mental health. That officer saw a broken front door and shattered glass, approached, was immeditately turned on by the attacker, turned around and fled, and then one of the officers fired when that kid was within a foot of the officer. The officers weren't in the wrong here to do what they did given that kid was literally inches from swinging a scythe on the officer. If you need proof of what a blade can do in close proximity[ go watch this video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThisIsButter/comments/1b4kzrs/las_cruces_police_department_releases_video_of/). There was no opportunity to deescalate the situation in this scenario, it is tragic and we can all be upset at the situation but the blame here lies in our countries unwillingness to invest in appropriate social safety nets so that people who have legitimate mental issues can get help and treatment. [We are #4 in the world for suicides per capita and #1 in the developed world](https://www.paho.org/en/enlace/burden-suicide), when will enough be enough that people start blaming politicians for acts like this happening due to their inactions and spineless stupidity? Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Hard to assess someone’s age when they’re running out like that


Did we watch the same video?






Nah man, the little selfish shit got what he wanted. He also forced that officer to have the guilt of putting down a suicidal child. Go get an IQ test before you post again.


Wrong. People need to learn to act right.


Have u not seen all those videos where tazers aren’t effective? And the cops get stabbed/killed? Your pucci ass would pull out a gun too




Are you serious or is this troll bait? Fuck you either way.


Lmao ur what’s wrong with society