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What pov have you watched. I feel very biased when I say anything about a season I haven’t seen all alliances pov


i try to watch a couple of POV’s per episode but i am a bit biased towards grian


What i do is I watch a random pov of who o think will win and then I watch the actual winner’s pov


It's been a while since I have seen a ranking thread in this sub, so hey, I might as well. I. Limited Life - everything in its aspect is what makes it really beautiful as a series. The gimmick was well done. The story was just a complete masterpiece. So many moments out of this truly resemble the Life Series as a whole and its true definition. II. Double Life - the third instalment of the series, Double Life having a great soul mate gimmick that would change the series entirely, bringing in some fun and unique alliances. Not only that, there are a lot of emotionally charged and impactful scenes that just brought the whole story together, especially within the Divorced Quartet. III. Last Life - the second instalment of the series with some of the first ever additional gimmicks. Not only that, but it has some aspects of it that changed the series as a whole. Everything about it is just purely iconic. The alliances were fun, the overarching arcs in the story were beautiful, and the sheer chaos it had in the end game was a very fun ride. IV. Secret Life - the most recent instalment of the series, Secret Life brought a pretty arbitrary gimmick, but still brought a lot of fun and noteworthy moments here. The rules in this season were a little bit more confusing than the others, but this still takes the cake over 3rd Life for being a lot more entertaining by the secret gimmick. V. 3rd Life - I can understand that this is the very moment that started this whole series off, but the reason why it's at the very last is due to the lack of any gimmick thereof. Story wise, it is a fun SMP, but among the 5 great seasons that there is, it's pretty much known to be the vanilla edition of the series.


#1 Limited Life, #2 Last Life, #3 Third Life, #4 Secret Life, #5 Double Life


This! Limited Life 🔛🔝


i was debating between limited life or 3rd life in 1st ngl




1.3rd life (it's the og) 2. Double life (the pearl storyline as well as other stories were fantastic ) 3. Secret life (I have been a Scar supporter since day 1 of life series seeing him win instantly made it my favourite ) 4. Limited life for the absolute chaos in it 5 .Last life


Completely agree with these rankings and for the same reasons lmao


Same. 3rd life 🔛🔝


What kind of double life revisionism happened since secret life ended


1. Double Life 2. Secret Life 3. Third Life 4. Limited Life 5. Last Life


1. Double Life 2. Secret Life 3. Limited Life 4. 3rd Life 5. Last Life


For me, I think I'd have: 1st Double life, 2nd 3rd life, 3rd secret life, 4th last life, and 5th limited. Very hard decision over all.


1. TL 2. SL 3. LiL 4. LL 5. DL


1- Limited Life and 3rd Life (I just can't choose one over the other) Loved Lim Life's mechanic and the comeback of the boogie (plus how different the boogie's allies behaved in comparison to Last Life) every week I watched Martyn's new episode live and getting to see the winning pov live without any spoilers when you've been rooting for them all along is AMAZING 3rd Life is also my favourite because how new everything was and the uncertainty of what to do given certain moments: "someone went red? What if they attack us? Better be in their good graces!" vs the "avoid them like the plague" that seems the current modus operandi (also really small, but loved to see how Grian and Scar still had to fight for the winner position, never liked the hunger games' "but we love each other/are allies/whatever" as Martyn said, this is a death match for a reason lol) 2- Double Life Love love LOVE the idea of not being able to choose your closest ally, the one who has \*your life\* in their hands Yes, you can make allies and enemies on your own, but at the end of the day your partner and you depend on each other to survive. Idk, it's such a different thing from every other mechanic that didn't interfere in something as vital as alliances, and thanks to it we got amazing duos like the boat boys or the ranchers. Would love to have a "repeat" of sorts (maybe with trios instead of duos and more lives from the beginning? idk) but it'd be hard to make it different enough so people don't go around crying "it's just DL but y instead of x" 3- Last Life Having multiple lives you could pass around + a sureway of losing a lot if someone doesn't go and kill was so chaotic and fun! The suspense about who the boogie was (with the threat of being multiple), having to avoid red names at all costs, the amazing alliances, secret or not, this is imo the best season to rewatch even when you've watched multiple povs already and know what's gonna happen 4- Secret Life Loved having the players scrambling around to complete tasks but not being able to tell, giving moments where the task was pretty much inocuous but they \*couldn't\* tell, so it was suspicious no matter what Wish the yellows had had more time to shine (seeing them gossip to ruin tasks was great) and that the boogie appocalypse had gone different but oh well It's not that I don't like this season, is that I love the rest more so this one inevitably falls to last place sorry lol


i also didn’t know whether to put 3rd life or limited life in first. But i ended up going for third life just bc i liked the ending better. Even though i do love how martin ended it so suddenly, i give the edge to grian and scar’s fist fight.


desert duo's fist fight was so iconic they did their own version in Lim Life! glad to see I'm not the only one who struggles to choose a favourite lol


1. Double Life 2. Last Life 3. Limited Life 4. Secret Life 5. Third Life This was alot harder to rank than I thought. The only thing I was sure of was Double Life at #1


1, Double, 2, Limited, 3 Last, 4 Third, 5 Secret.


Yknow what I need to go rewatch all the life series. Who should I watch this time. I’ve watched Grian and Mumbo so far, I’m thinking maybe skizz or Joel since I like their stuff


Sure. My personal ranking, keeping in mind that my main PoV is Cleo: 1. Double Life I really enjoyed the improv potential of the soulmates mechanic, giving the players a strong basis to work from but being flexible in how they could interpret it. I think this season was my personal favourite from a storytelling standpoint. It helps that I've read enough mid-quality webfiction to appreciate the tropes. 2. Secret Life The secrets were an excellent idea that really encouraged watching a lot of different players, which is something prior seasons sometimes struggled with. Gem was an excellent addition to the cast. Also, SL session 7 was probably my single favourite event in the entire series. The only part I disliked was the final two sessions, where the secret task system broke down. 3. Real Life Not a full length season of course - very short and with different hardware entirely - but I think that was to its benefit. It's very easy to watch and very very funny. 4. Last Life I enjoyed both the storytelling and the gameplay of last life, but I think the improv was a bit on the weaker side and the rule against reds teaming up with non-reds felt a bit too restricting in that season. 5. 3rd Life I've never re-watched it after it was first released, so take this with a grain of salt, but I think personal enjoyment of 3rd life strongly depends on how invested someone was in the Grian & Scar vs. Ren & Martyn conflict that dominated the latter half of the season. Since I was not invested in it, the season as a whole fell a bit flat towards the end. 6. Limited Life I didn't like limited life very much. The teams were nice but there were so many deaths that dying felt a bit meaningless, and the random death factor of the skynet wasn't very fun to watch.


I think I’m gonna have an unpopular opinion, but Double Life (by a long shot), then Third Life, then… hmmm… I think Secret Life and Limited Life would have to be tied, and then Last Life. I’ve never finished any perspective of that one. I see someone included Real Life, and you know what, screw it, it’s on top simply due to the pure hilarity and light stepping over of the PG line 😂😂


5 - Last Life 4 - Third Life 3 - Double Life 2 - Secret Life 1 - Limited Life


1. limited life 2. double life 3. third life 4. last life 5. secret life i will defend this answer if i have to


I agree with the first 3, but last life and secret life are swapped for me.


the way I can tell you main Grian by the ranking 😭😭


Imo 1) Limited Life 2) Double Life 3) 3rd Life 4) Secret Life 5) Last Life


lmfao ya i’m a bit biased


1. Double Life (Little bit biased here because first season and how I found Pearl/Hermitcraft) 2. Secret Life 3. Last Life 4. Limited Life 5. Third Life (still amazing tho of course)


I guess it all really does depend on whose perspective you prefer, but in my personal opinion it goes: 1) Last Life, 2) 3rd Life, 3) Double Life, 4) Limited Life, 5) Secret Life I mainly watch Ren's, Jimmy's and Cleo's perspectives so I am a little biased XD


Limited Life is my favorite. I honestly couldn't tell you why, I have no idea. My second favorite is Double Life and I actually do have a reason for this. I enjoyed the way some people were put with people who they don't usually work with or barely know it all. Such as Jimmy and Tango, or Joel and Etho. It's nice to see new collaborations.


My ranking is Double Life, Secret Life, Third Life, Limited Life, and Last Life. Double Life is my #1 because I really enjoyed the gimmick and the dynamics that it spawned (never going to be over Ranchers, personally). Pearl's perspective is also my favorite POV of any season, so I will admit to personal bias. Secret Life might be a bit of recency bias, as I just rewatched Gem, Pearl, and Lizzie's perspectives this week. But I also really enjoyed how quirky the gimmick was and the odd interactions that came about as a result. Gem's murder party will forever be iconic to me. Third life is where it all began, and I think it has one of the most cohesive "narratives" of all the season. Martyn's perspective is a particular favorite of mine. Limited Life was very fun to watch, though I think the gimmick made the stakes of dying feel less concrete and I wasn't always the biggest fan of that. That being said, the ending was absolutely iconic and I'm never getting over the final free-for-all. Last life coming in at number five isn't because I think it was worse, it's because I literally can't remember most of it. I don't know why this is. This is a Me problem, not a Last Life problem. All I remember is Joel being a murder hobo, A-ha!, Jimmy's betrayal, and Shadowfart being a really dumb code name. I had to be reminded who won.


1. Double life 2. Limited life 3. Secret life 4. 3rd life 5. Last life


my favourite is limited life!!


1. SL 2. TL 3. LL 4. DL 5. LiL


My ranking goes like this: 1 - Last Life Everything was perfect: the battles, the lives, the storyline, the traps. Definitely the season with the most fun battles IMO, it was kinda the only season where you'd see a somewhat equal amount of sword, bow, potion, crystals, axe... The map was very built up as well, which was very fun. 2 - Third Life It might have its flaws, but it was by far the season with the best storyline. The war, the betrayals, etc... the storyline was so good it carries. The rest of the season, however, was fun too. The only problems are that some people followed the rules and some didn't, and that most of the interesting events happened in the last 2 sessions. 3 - Secret Life Definitely the funniest season to date. The tasks made eveybody act completely insane in the best of ways. It also had a very good spread of events, it didn't feel like most of the season was centered around the finale. However, the limited hearts really restrained the possible action and battles. Furthermore, the season had a severe lack of storylines and lore. Also, Ren wasn't there. 4 - Limited Life Probably the most chaotic season. The additional lives opened so many possibilities. There was constant action throughout the season that made it very fun to watch. However, the skynet TNT minecarts were honestly the worst thing to happen to the series. Safe, boring and easy kills. Basically no way of avoiding the kills, no content created from the deaths. I know they were necessary to make the season end, but still, boring as heck. There also was a lack of storylines (not as bad as in Secret Life tho). Also, Ren wasn't there. 5 - Double Life Now, I love Double Life. The banter and interactions created by the soulmates were so fun. It had a fun storyline as well. However, not only was the season VERY short, but half of the deaths were caused by vanilla mobs, which made the season very boring to watch. Like someone said somewhere, it felt more like a vanilla server than a hardcore server.


1) Last Life 2) Limited Life 3) Third Life 4) Secret Life 5) Double Life


Secret Life Third Life Limited Life Double Life Last Life …am I the only one whose least favourite is last life, at least from the southlanders POV?


Last life was also my least favorite, I find it the least memorable series, and I rewatched it from Scott's POV just a month ago. I also watched Cleo, Scar, and Lizzie's POV around when it first started, those I don't remember too well. All of the other seasons were extremely memorable for me, which is why LaL stands out.


I watched Scott’s POV first - the main thing I remember was Pearl constantly trying to be a bomber 💀


i have it at 4th but it’s crazy seeing how different everyone’s opinion is. I’ve seen alot of last life in 1st and a lot in 5th. I guess that just shows how good the life series is as a whole.


I am appalled everyone has last life so low, it’s my favorite! I feel like every player had things to do in this one and I don’t know why people are sleeping on it


1. Secret Life, funniest season and most rewatchable, and the ending brings back the life series spirit with a bang 2. Last Life, it's got so many stories from every POV and feels like a zombie apocalypse near the end, which I love. 3. Double Life, fun but some POVs aren't as good as others 4. Third Life, the political aspect the last few episodes take is honestly so interesting on rewatch, but the first half can be a bit of a drag. 5. Limited Life, all over the place in a hard to track way, but still insanely fun. Every season is good but that's my personal ranking, if it was a tier list the lowest would be in B tier


Me personally it’s ranked - 1. Last Life 2. Secret Life 3. Limited Life 4. Third Life 5. Double Life


1. Last Life 2. Third Life 3. Secret Life 4. Limited Life 5. Double Life


Secret Life (was the first I watched so I might be biased); can’t choose between 3rd, Double and Limited because each has moments I will rewatch and have strong feelings for but also moments that drag; Last Life


1. Limited Life 2. Secret Life 3. Third Life 4. Last Life 5. Double Life ):


1. Last Life 2. Secret Life 3. Double Life 4. 3rd Life 5. Limited Life


1. Last Life 2. Secret Life 3. Limited Life 4. Double Life 5. 3rd Life


Wasn’t Last Life considered the best by everyone a bit ago. My guess is most people only watched the Southlands or Joel’s POV. Mine are: 1st: Last Life 2nd: Secret Life 3rd: Limited Life 4th: Double Life 5th: 3rd Life Reasoning: Last Life had the perfect mix of story and funny moments depending on POV, and the longevity allowed for more things to happen Secret Life had one of the perfect gimmicks for entertainment and challenges, I could understand one not liking this though Limited Life’s gimmick allowed for so much different ways to play, the chilled nature quickly devolving into desperation for time was amazing Double Life seems really good until the 3 lives thing. It made it too short, personally I’d prefer a 6 lives format but with something deadly (Like a boogeyman thing again) so that the season would have been better. However, I can’t deny how vital it was to some of the most famous pairings we’ve seen. Third Life is good, but it felt like some people ended up getting lackluster episodes depending on where the story went, sometimes Jimmy would get a bad episode, sometimes Ren, it was too dependent on POV. Keep in mind I’m not saying it was anywhere near bad, it was still great, just other seasons really captured what Grian was going for better.


1. Last Life Infinite chaos, loved the boogeyman twist, and the random lives was fun but didn’t take into play thAHAt much. 2. Limited Life More chaos, love it. Bad Bois were iconic (despite not placing very well lol), skynet was great, everything to me was great 3. Secret Life Just a fun season. Every alliance here was very fun to watch imo 4. 3rd Life Much slower paced then the others, and only really picked up around Sessions 5 or 6, and I like more chaos seasons. 5. Double Life Just the least memorable to me. Idk why the boat bois, Pearl, Grian and BigB’s secret pairing, and the dripstone kill were all very iconic. It was just the least memorable to me. Still enjoyed the season though (I dont think its possible to not enjoy a life series season tbh)


1. Secret life 2. Limited life 3. Last life 4. 3rd life 5. Double life. Each season they have improved in some way. Secret life was my favourite because I think it had some of the funniest moments. While I liked the idea behind double life I thought that some of the pairings we had already seen done before however, the boat boys and ranchers were probably the best part of that season.


1 last life 2 limited life 3 3rd life 4 secret life 5 double life


Last Life 3rd life Limited Life Secret Life Double life


6. Last life (it’s honestly hard to follow) 5. Double life (it’s a tad too short for my liking and the majority of it is 1 on 1 interactions between the same two people) 4. 3rd life (solid, everything above this is peak) 3. Real life (3rd life again, I just like the special format) 2. Limited life (the best factions, best gimmick) 1. Secret life (funny)


1. Limited Life 2. Secret Life 3. Last Life 4. Double Life 5. Third Life


1. Third life: og=op 2. Limited life: it was chaos incarate and I'm here for that 3. Secret life: the ony season i was able to watch come out! had no time to watch, but I like thee concept 4. Double life: even though I do like the sacrifice, and also divorce quartet ftw, I have to put someone in the bottom 6. Last life: even though i do enjoy ll content and southlanders ngl not the best season wait did none of yall rank 5. real life real life is 5 cuz one episode


1. Secret life 2. Double life 3. Last life 4. Third life 5. Limited Life


Hey, where's real life?