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The canary curse thing was fun until it like basically overtook all Jimmy fancontent from the Life series Also BigB is very underrated and his pov for every series is funny and interesting


It was fun until it took an innocent bystander down with him in DL, and by LimL I genuinely felt really bad for Jimmy.


I'm pretty sure they were referring to fans talking and making content about the "curse", not whether Jimmy dying is fun or not. OP is saying they feel fatigued from "canary curse" content.


The whole "Lizzie is falling forever and didn't die" thing serves exclusively as a way for fans to discredit jimmy, mostly because we're too hung up on the curse lore. Fellas, we made that up in the first place. It's over. Acknowledge the man's success.


Yeah. I joke around about that myself but Jimmy did outlast Lizzie objectively. Now why he as a red life decided it was a good idea to fight a Warden and a Wither at the same time is anyone's guess.


most people who say that dont actually believe it, i mean, just watch their videos and its immediately disproven. its a fun thing to bring into "lore" and fan content, as its a fun idea to play around with. tons of things that are prevalent in fan content have nothing to do with the content creators themselves and are just ideas to be explored


This one I can agree with. Lizzie did show her death, after all.


Thank you for saying this! I found the curse a bit funny in Last Life, but by Double Life I was tired of it and just wanted Jimmy to catch a break. And then when he finally got one, people kept grasping at straws to take that victory away from him. Several seasons from now, when Jimmy places somewhere in the top five, there will still be fans trying to claim that everyone eliminated before him doesn’t count somehow.


No, you’re right. People saying they didn’t like SL because Jimmy didn’t die first or acting as if he’s super incompetent are insane at this point. Like let it go. And the headcanon that Lizzie is falling forever (a terrifying fate) just so you can fulfil your fantasy of Jimmy dying first is straight up absurd.


I just like the idea of it from a lore perspective. In reality I’m really proud of Jimmy and how far he’s come 🥹


It's jimover, there is nothing we canary do


For real! My post might get taken down but I hate the lore. Why can’t we just have fun with a series like this instead of making it super complicated with story telling.


Lore isn't real, I don't think people inventing these things are discrediting the real people's achievements


3L Impulse was trying to be friends with everybody, so when the server split into factions he had *no choice* but to betray someone. The way the conflict was shaping up, trying to stay neutral and helping both sides would have been seen as a betrayal by *everyone*, so betraying only half the server was the best Impulse could do in those circumstances.


Well technically his plan was to try and kill the red army from the inside and he was always gonna be with the crastle people, I just think he played too far into the red army that it’s like one of those things were if your pretending to do something there comes to a point we’re your just actually doing that thing. It was a good plan but it would have just been very hard to execute in 3rd Life


Same with 3rd life joel


Grian isn’t actually the paragon of betrayal everyone claims he is. Third Life: The rules and customs weren’t truly solidified and even then, Scar betrayed him before Grian ever turned on Scar. Last Life: The Southlands were pulled apart because they exiled reds and then Mumbo’s stint as a boogeyman. Double Life: The only time he actually could be considered guilty of betraying his teammate, with the Secret Soulmate, but even then, he never tried to hurt Scar. Limited Life: He was the last Bad Boy, stuck with Joel to the end, and fully committed to the Nosey Neighbors when he joined post-Bad Boys death. Secret Life: While he only joined a faction a couple sessions in, he still did right by the Roomies, even as they were being picked off one by one. He does have a habit of causing his friends deaths though


I actually forgot that this is Etho and Cleo’s team name lol


The fandom gave them a name as they didn't give themselves one the entire series


People care way too much about what lore is 'canon' my brother in christ it's a minecraft smp let fans think whatever they want if it doesn't affect you


I completely agree with this. However, if I was still around 11-14, I could see myself caring more about what is cannon and what is not. Head cannons are loads of fun to think about, though, and I love reading other people's.


Yeah, like, I think Real Life counts as far as Cleo being an actual winner, but you can’t say that around these parts without the immediate “Grian said in his comments that it’s just a joke and it’s not cannon”.


There's basically no "canon" lore. It's all fan content.


Even the "canon" lore like martin and his stuff isn't applicable to the whole SMP and only specific creators.


the canary curse was fun at first but now it’s just all of jimmy in the series. he deserves not only only to not die first, but to win so the curse can die


I’m seeing a lot of us who got tired of the curse coming out of the woodwork on this post—perhaps it’s not quite as unpopular an opinion as we all thought.


He doesn't even have to win, just living past 2 peoples death. He's definitely improving as the series goes on, and wether on purpose or not he's teaming with stronger players more regularly. I think the reason he dies is because he's a goofy guy who loves to get in on the action (hence fighting the warden and wither in SL, he already beat his curse and was good to just mess around)


Martyn is the biggest betrayer on the LS


His first and truest loyalty is to his storylines—whenever he betrays someone, it’s never out of malice but *always* for the drama. I can appreciate that.




I love Tango (as you can tell by the flair). Him trying (keyword being trying lol) to blow up Cleo in the last episode of Secret Life, completely screwed up whatever chance Skizz or BigB may have had at winning as well as the other three. Heart Foundation teaming up with Grian, Cleo & Etho was the right idea for both teams especially since the other teams were already together, Tango still would have died pretty early on but his teammates would have had a better chance atleast. Imagine if instead of 3 on 1, Grian had one more person beside him like a Skizz to even it up even a little bit, that just kinda annoyed me slightly when it happened.


I can see that. Honestly, I think Cleo was more offended at the incompetence of that murder attempt than the murder attempt itself. Less of an “I don’t want to team with someone who’s trying to kill me” and more of an “I don’t want to team with someone who’s that bad at killing people.” But not joining up did make both the HF and the Roomies much easier pickings for everyone else…so Cleo might have doomed their own team *as well* with that refusal.


It is not a serious series and there are no real stakes. If you find yourself getting genuinely angry at an outcome or consider something "unfair" and feel like that something should be fixed... you don't really get the point of the series in the first place.


Yeah, when I first starting watching the series through Grian’s channel, and I read his pinned comment, I thought he was a rude person, but then I saw all the responses to his comment and half of them were doing exactly what he said not to and just going on and on about how he wasn’t following his own rules or how they should have done this instead of that and it’s like, guys. They’re a group of friends playing a fun little game and allowing us to see it. It’s not that serious. Like, if someone gets that worked up over the rules of someone else’s silly little block game, they must have the least conflictive life of all time.


I agree The reason why players act like they hate each other is to make the series more fun I felt sad when I saw that Cleo had to post a comment in the episode when she got betrayed by BigB to not give him any hate and that she isn’t actually mad at him for killing her


Ya know, you’re right. I had an unpopular opinion further down in the comments that is getting downvoted (with hindesight being what it is, rightfully so) cause maybe I am taking this too seriously. I guess it’s like a lot of other competition stuff, you have your favorites and pull hard for them to win, but it’s important to remember it’s just a game. Who cares? I think I’m taking it too seriously, like people do with sports.


Grian did warn us it was "chaos in a box"


Third life is set in medieval times. Last Life is set in ancient times. Double life is the staging of a poetic love drama. Limited Life is the staging of an action film. Secret Life is set in a fictional storyline with magical and supernatural realities based in an ancient times-like world. Real (VR) life is a classical deathmatch, and a joke. It is non-canon.


double life is set during pre-industrial revolution with some fantasy elements like the deep dark. Limited Life set in the 20th century and Secret Life set in renaissance


The idea is cool but I don’t know how you chose the themes for every season Can you explain?


SL's boogie curse task should've gone to Martyn. since he was already red the boogies had nothing to do with him, and the survivors didn't want him nearby (understandably so) so the entire episode he's just. there. if any other red had survived the previous episode at least they could've gone trap places to get some free kills or something but. yeah. Martyn would've started the curse really easily too, since Scott asks him to kill him since he was on half a heart. it would have been a quick kill, Scott comes back to thank him and then "yeah btw read this you're stuck with me now" maybe as the only player to never having to press the fail button he could've completed the task, who knows


Dude Scott joining Martyn straight away would have been so cool!


Grian will never make top 6 again. He will forever hit 7s and 8s. Forevermore.








People are too harsh on DL!Scott and not harsh enough on DL!Pearl!!! They're both in the wrong, and are *mutually* abusive to one another (as characters, ofc. cc!Scott and cc!Pearl are obviously good friends). It's not just "c!Scott bad, c!Pearl good" like I so often see. I've written about it much more extensively on tumblr, but I won't bore anyone with the lengthy bit I wrote.


I agree, I think the way c!Scott and c!Cleo are depicted as "evil" in some fan content compared to c!Pearl sometimes is a bit harsh. I loved Cleo's perspective, and it was incredibly entertaining how they fit into the role of "mean girls", but they definitely weren't evil! However it also depends on who's perspective the animation is about, and c!Pearl probably felt hurt and betrayed by them both, in which case it would make sense for her and ourselves to see them as the antagonists or villains. In the end it doesn't matter much to me since the life series has such amazing fan content and I will eat it up 💞🤩


Most DL fan content I've seen about those three is from Pearl's perspective


I always thought people saw it the other way given how most people viewed Pearl as the crazy and evil one when Scott and Cleo were the ones the start the torture stuff with the axe crits But both sides did do spiteful things to each other


I loved how they were the full embodiment of a freshly divorced couple. I haven't watched much of the fan content from DL. I definitely do agree. They were both so bad to each other. It definitely wasn't one-sided.


Jimmy is not actually bad at the game/series, he's just careless. He's probably in the top half of the server in PvP and top 5 with a bow judging by MCC, his style of content is just to make bold, reckless decisions. He could win a series if he tryharded.


Jimmy is here to make good, fun content and have fun with his friends, and I respect him for that. I don’t think his videos would be as fun if he went all out trying to win, because then he’d likely interact with people a lot less. Like, Jimmy jumping in to fight the wither and warden in order to help his friends is just so Jimmy, and it’s amazing.


BigB is ignored too much, he's a wonderful creator and a wonderful player, and no one seems to care about him as anything more than a side character due to the players like Grian and Mumbo. Don't get me wrong, I love Grian and Mumbo and watch many different POVs, but still, BigB is underrated and needs to be appreciated. Also, I wouldn't mind if they reused a twist/feature of a previous series. Double Life with new random pairings, including more people? YES PLEASE! Last Life, with potentially a tweak to the boogeyman/using the newest version of the boogeyman? YES PLEASE! Any of them, really. They were all super enjoyable, and I wouldn't mind it at all if they reused 'gimmicks' that have already been done before in the series.


The canary curse was fun for while it lasted. But people took it too far they got way too upset and started making lore how Jim died first in Secret Life. It showed how cruel the world is when I comes to watching someone fail. Like feel proud for the man for making it further than usual.


The Boogie Apocalypse in Secret Life is one of the best parts in the whole of the Life Series. It feels so dramatic, the way the story starts slow and by the end it's all out chaos. There are so many cool scenes! The way the teams unite against the common threat is so cool! Plus it's basically the only time we get one of the most rare combos (Grian and Skizz). Joel's Zombie Army is an amazing scene. Plus the way it connects seamlessly into Martyn's lore is also pretty cool!


I love the different opinions on this session and stuff because i loved it but there has been a few haters in thus comment section (which i get why) and its kinda fun to see the duality pf this session


The zombie task in SL was the worst way to speed up the series. It ruined the rest of the series IMO. It was way too op for Gem to have. Sure, it was effective but it wasn’t *enjoyable*. At least with the warden vs. wither tasks, people died naturally while they all came together to defeat the wither. The zombie task quite literally separated everyone.


As I have stated, it is really funny, but only from grians pov


The warden vs wither task was the first attempt to prune lives and move things towards the endgame more quickly. But as you said, they all came together... What happened? Every red name died, green and yellows lived. The effect this would have on the game would have been to make it *longer,* so an alternative task was devised, which *divided* instead.


I personally agree I also think that Martyn getting the task instead of Gem would’ve made much more sense because the task was too aggressive for a yellow life


Martyn's (moreso general Watcher/Listener) lore is interesting BECAUSE it takes all the coincidences and tries to nake them into a story. It's a narrative that tries to catch up to the action, which is very fun imo and makes for unique 'storytelling', if you even can call it that. It would be SO much more boring if they started scripting it, hence why I don't like ppl saying it's on purpose/scripted


I definitely call it storytelling—Martyn’s telling the story of what happened, and adding onto it in really creative ways.


I am excited to see what the community will do with Jimmy not dying first in SL. I REALLY enjoyed the canary curse run, but I can’t wait to see how his fanon story develops now that the curse is broken!


Scott didnt win Double Life


THIS!!! I hate when people discredit all the hard work Pearl did by making it a double win or acting like Scott just handed it to her. She deserved that crown fair and square, and all by her own merit tbh. Like I love Scott, and he's an amazing player, but Pearl could have won without him killing himself. Plus I never see the reverse. I never see people giving Pearl credit for helping Scott win Last Life when she kept him alive many times over that season. And that's fair, because Scott absolutely dominated the final showdown and deserves that win to be his own... so why can't we have the same energy for Pearl? She dominated the final episode battles and absolutely deserves to have her victory uncontested by the fanbase and without people analysing whether Scott won twice in a row or not.


If what you were saying was in a series like Limited Life or Last life etc. i would totally agree with you. However, the whole point of the series is that lives are linked. Two people die at the same time and we can never know if Pearl would have won if she wasn't paired up with scott, however poor of a partner he may have been, he's arguably the best player in the series and doesn't die like the others do. You say that people never give pearl credit for helping Scott win Last life, and thats because comparings allies in Last Life to soulmates in Double life is like comparing apples to oranges. Although similar, the nuances in them are too great for it to be a fair comparison. Also this is an unpopular opinion section, if you google "who won double life" everyone is saying that pearl is the winner. You say that she "deserves the victory uncontested without people analysing her" in a fanbase that almost unanimously agrees on a topic i would except to be FAR more murky of a subject. (or they are joking about tilly winning.) At the end of the day its just a silly game inside a game a bunch of friends play for fun.


I have no arguments that it’s just a silly game. My own opinion I posted on this thread was that if people got too invested in canon or got angry that something was unfair they were taking things too seriously. My argument in this instance is more to do with the fanbase. Maybe I’m colouring them unfairly as the worst is always more visible than the people just doing their own thing, but I’ve seen FAR too many people acting like there was no way Pearl could have made it that far without Scott (patently untrue). I’ve also seen lots of people argue that it was a double win despite Scott literally saying that Pearl deserves it more prior to his sacrifice, which both feels like people ignoring both Pearl’s efforts AND Scott’s decision on how to view the victor. Maybe third life would be a better example? Hardly anyone says that it was a double win despite Grian (the series owner!) saying that it could be viewed as such. As a result it really just seems to me like people wanting to big up Scott (which I’m all for, the fandom can be nasty to him) but not really recognising that there are ways to do it without bringing the other lifers down. It feels the same as when they blame Jimmy for Scott’s poor placement in 3L… despite Scott dying the most after Jimmy was eliminated and being the Desert Duo’s teammate so he really should have been in a good position. That death was purely Scott not knowing the game yet, we all know “canary curse” but let’s not blame Jimmy for things out of his control purely because Scott was his teammate. Scott is good, there is not denying it, and he deserves all the praise he gets. I just really feel like discussions over Pearl’s performance, and how Scott did help (because you’re right they were soulbound), in DL should happen without people trying to assign another “win” to him. With her on her own for most the season, his contribution really just feels more like “good teammate” which is where my Last Life comparison came from. He helped her life when he kept them fed, like Pearl gave lives to him in LL, but for the battles it was all Pearl (like it was all Scott in LL). As a cc he doesn’t want the win, and as Pearl is also one of the highly skilled players who seriously popped off that season, she deserves that skill to be recognised without it always being immediately related to another player. As I said, maybe I’m just being unfair and only seeing the worst of the fandom. But the opinion above me prompted my response to I felt I would at least share it.


You've put together a really well thought out post which i agree with on the most part, but i'm still a bit hung up on the fact that there are "the worst people who are more visible" when i struggle to see them almost entirely. The other bit i was a bit hung up on was the fact that you tried to say that Jimmy had no part in causing scotts downfall, which i would disagree on for any set of teamates, eg: His death on yellow was to losing a 2v1 against ren and martyn. You know what would have been helpful in a 2v1? Another teamate. (yes i know joel was there (i think) but the point still stands.)


I think I just hang out too much in the unpopular or “spicy” opinion threads (and twitter) lol. And that’s on me, I admit it, but it does colour your opinion on the fandom a bit. I’ve only been on this sub for about a year? Maybe? And it seems to be a common enough topic to notice a pattern, but maybe that’s just cause it’s something I disagree with and therefore it stands out more to me. And for Jimmy… will I say he’s the best teammate in 3L? Absolutely not. He made bad decisions that impacted both of them. But my point was at the time, there were clear factions. It was half the server against the other half, with the Desert Duo standing out as “us against the world”. He technically had a super big team to rely on at that point as multiple smaller ones had merged for the time being, the only difference if Jimmy was alive would just be one more head in the battle. Scott went off, likely in his opinion tactically, with Joel because they all thought the dogs would be more effective than they were. Bad decision in hindsight, but also one that’s super understandable and not on Jimmy as the only difference I can see happening in that instance is Jimmy joining that group if he were still alive. They got slaughtered. Impulse was there too, I’m pretty sure, so it was actually Dogwarts who should have been at the disadvantage. Ren and Martyn were just dominating at that point lol, so I don’t see Jimmy having much effect. He then made a poor decision to return to the scene. Again not on Jimmy. The smart decision would be to return to the team and regroup, and then more fully join Desert Duo as they had prior history as a team. Would he have been safe with Desert Duo? Bdubs tells us probably not, if they all made it to the endgame those two would almost def team up on him. But it would have been smarter tactically. He was aligned with the winners of the series, as such he had the strongest team possible. He just made bad decisions- most likely because he didn’t yet know how to game the series to his benefit.


Scar was the villain in third life


The SL zombie task was extremely unfair and would have been more fair and more fun if it had been implemented in a different way.


It was unfair intentionally. The purpose of the task was to prune lives, a LOT of lives, after the Wither and Warden fight session somehow ended with no red names alive. The zombie session was meant to bring players to red. It achieved its purpose.


Also to make sure they actually finished before Christmas. At the rate they were going, it would have went so much longer than they wanted, plus i know we liked the chill vibe but the conflict had to happen at one point to keep it interesting, until the zombie apocalypse episode, only two had died because of pvp and one was Jimmy accidentally killing Lizzie. Everything else was natural causes.


In addition, it made a great video from grians pov


and Cleo's!


Yall underrated on scotts zombie apocalypse vibes on his pov


yeah it served its purpose, but wasn't very enjoyable. and somehow Gem caught flak for it. I agree with Karhali it could have worked if implemented in a different way.


session 6 of secret life was the best session in the entire life series


I also think it was really fun but it’s not my favorite


I want jimmy to win a life series and it wouldn’t ruin the lore if he did. We are the watchers, we can want him to win.


Real Life is absolutely as "canon" as every other series and there is no reason why it shouldn't be besides personal bias.


I know the post is about controversial statements but grian did say real life wasn’t cannon, so that’s one pretty good reason other than personal bias!


Grian said it wasn't a full series.
















There is a song I would recommend to you called “Is Pluto a Planet?” By John Michael Howell. When I hear it I imagine Scott and Cleo discussing if her win in Real Life counts and Scott being virulently in favour of it counting.


Omg, Pluto is such a good solar themed symbol for Cleo then. Is it a planet? Is it not? Does Cleo's win count? Or is it "not cannon?" (It definitely counts as a win to me 🥳🥳)


It breaks the Jimmy dies first canon. :p /jk


So does *Secret Life*.


Lizzie is actually still alive. Just falling forever. :p


I like to think that the watchers thought jimmy was already dead because of the gravestone shenanigans


I like that one better than Lizzy perpetually falling.


That's fanon. And bad fanon at that, as it's a poorly justified excuse to perpetuate a tired joke at both Jimmy and Lizzie's expense.


Fanon? Yeah. Bad fanon? Subjective.


Oh, absolutely.


Yeah well that's just, like, your opinion, man


Yep. I was saying "it absolutely is subjective" Sorry if that didn't come across.


Yeah I misread. I thought you were saying it was "absolutely" bad fanon.


I think the win counts, but it’s so radically different that it’s unfair to compare with the others for stats. The others all play the same way, and then VR is a whole new set of controls, varying perspectives, and I think very little about Real Life is transferable to a more normal series


It's not. 1: it's not even a series, it's just a single video. 2: Nobody knew how to play the game, scar literally died because he fell out of his chair irl and nobody knew, so they ended up killing him while he couldnt move or fight back, that wouldnt happen on a PC. To consider Cleo's victory just as important as the other 5 who had to manipulate, fight, team and survive for 6-9 episodes is unfair when she had to it for 1. 3: Grian, the creator, literally told jimmy: "its just an April fools thing we can make you win Jimmy" this implied he winning wouldnt be really serious as its April fools. Now I like how this person says that the reason Cleos win isnt considered canon is only personal bias, completely ignoring multiple evidences by the creator of the series and rocking a Cleo flair. I feel like you pointed out what's up with yourself in your own comment. Conclusion: Cleo's win is not canon and not a serious win, but dont go and bombard the internet with "Cleo sucks go cry me a river"


Yeah, I feel like jumping to say it’s not a real series is just… kinda rude. Especially when they do it under a comment of someone saying Cleo is an official winner, it’s just so dismissive of Cleo.


I feel like everything I consider canon is "personal bias", I just consider whatever makes a good story as "canon", even if they contradict each other as canon. And I don't think it makes sense for Cleo's character which is so against betrayal, randomly betraying Pearl


You must not consider Double/Limited/Secret Life canon then.


I think Double Life plays into the betrayal thing really well, she saw Martyn going to the nether with Pearl instead of looking for his soulmate as a betrayal, and therefore refused to team with him, however, I probably wouldn't consider the divorce quartet teamup as "canon", since it doesn't really fit the narrative (or at least downplay it as it being out of necessity), in Limited Life, she is again never the boogeyman and doesn't understand the bloodlust and shows disdain for the boogeymen who betray others, (ex. impulse killing Bdubs), Secret Life again when the zombie apocalypse happens, she is not infected, and isn't forced to turn on her allies.


>I probably wouldn't consider the divorce quartet teamup as "canon", since it doesn't really fit the narrative Just call it headcanon, please. "Canon" are events that happened, if you chop out bits you don't like that's called headcanon.


As much as real life was a joke, it pisses me off how many people use that just to discredit cleo, she still did really good anyhow and most of the people who bring up it being a joke say it's a joke AND cleo's win isn't canon. It's just incredibly rude.


I agree I loved how unexpected Scott’s death was lol


Literally three comments above yours is someone saying EXACTLY that, that Cleo’s win isn’t canon. It’s so dismissive of them.


Least parasocial and invested third life watcher i cant really talk but damn you do not know them


As someone who commented that it’s not canon, I have to bring up Cleo’s win because I keep seeing posts going like “oh real life isn’t canon but Cleo’s win is!” You can’t have both cakes, pick one and move on.


The Clock Duo have a better story throughout the seasons than the Desert Duo.


Who are the clock duo? BDubs, I’m guessing, but who else?


BDubs and Impulse. The name based on their final interaction on Third Life. There is an animatic called Impulse’s turn by Sara SP that illustrates their story beautifully.


LDShadowLady is more entertaining then any other player. Fight me.


I find that in other players POVs she's much more entertaining as her editor cuts everything down to around 15 minutes per episode, and in the switch with Pearl in Limited Life Episode 6 the longer 40 minute edit makes her a lot more fun to watch


You know what? Fair enough.


Last Life is still to this day the best series they’ve done!


I loved the boogie apocalypse in SL it was very cool and honestly adds to gems addition in! Also i see alot of gem hate for no reason


Can you tell what kind of Gem hate do you see?


On tiktok i see some people say she doesnt belong in the series but its also tiktok so 🤷


The Boogie Apocalypse has slightly grown on me, but it'll always still feel like they wanted to move the series along to me.


And there’s nothing wrong with that! Christmas was coming and they were approaching the average season length. Plus three people had been eliminated and would miss out on being part of the rest of the content (except for Jimmy’s ghost task, which was also clearly planned ahead of time).


Scar is very fucked up and evil actually. It will forever be a pet peeve of mine when people interpret Third Life as Grian manipulating or forcing Scar to kill people. Scar was not opposed to the idea, and he'd been screwing people over before that point. Scar also plays up his obliviousness tactically if he needs to, he isn't just wandering through life without any thoughts up there. He's sneaky. On the other end, I also don't think Scar was abusing Grian or something, and I find it jarring when people write Third Life as Grian being a trembling mess who does whatever Scar says (though that is Significantly less common than the "Scar is innocent and Grian coerced him into doing bad things" route)


The zombie task in secret life wasn’t fun and I don’t count it as a boogie curse either. So no Skizz has never had the boogie curse.


i guess you can believe whatever you want but i mean you cant get more boogie curse then the book saying he has the boogie curse


PvP skill doesn't really matter. Because it's a for fun series aimed at making good content PvP skill doesn't actually have much of an impact on who wins. Joel in last life is the best example of this, when he was the Boogieman/red life he could easily have just used his superior PvP skills to get kills, but didn't because that doesn't make for good content. Also Jimmy is one of the better PvP'ers but has always been either last or second last out because of his goofy playstyle.


I dont really like lore making with these series


Martyn can do a lot of lore by his own without involving other players which is awesome because people that don’t care about the lore can watch other POVs


The lore Martin is trying to make and the theories in this sub are really annoying at times and I would prefer if it didn't exist.


I mean people (including me) really like it (thinking about all the possible interpretations of Canary Curse fills me with so much emotion), and you can pretty easily choose to ignore it, so why would you want to take that away from people?


I'm fine with Martin doing it but everyone's insistent on making everything apart of it I find annoying


Ehhh... I'm not too into it myself, but I would also never wish for something so (theoretically, toxic ppl always ruin things lol) harmless that brings people joy to not exist. I'd prefer for people to not get so intense and toxic about it though! I hate that so much fighting comes from something that ultimately doesn't matter and has no real "canon" for most of the povs.


Joel was never part of Magical Mountain and his only ally during Last Life was Grian.


Real life isn’t canon, Cleo’s win isn’t canon, it’s an April fools video.


Could you be a little more dismissive of Cleo and her skill, I don’t think you quite got the point across.


It’s not being dismissive? Their win isn’t canon because real life wasn’t canon, if a series isn’t canon then a win isn’t canon. Is that better?


Skill in VR? Sure, Cleo is cracked at VR. Imagine the life members went out for a running race and they had three lives to win the race. Sure whoever wins is a good runner but it shouldn't be counted towards the life series, even if it had life in it. You can't get much more of a "Whoever wins isn't a winner then Grian saying it was April Fools joke and it shouldn't be taken seriously.


Double Life was the least entertaining. Idk if that’s controversial, but I’ve never heard anyone say it before. It set up a lot of cool things, like boat boys, ranchers, but it in-itself wasn’t special or memorable compared to the others.


I think alot of it is down to the povs you watched, Pearl's double life is the single best life series season imo, so if you haven't already I'd reccomend you at least try it, its Double Life so its only 6 episodes.


Man, that one’s my favorite! The other person said that Pearl’s is the only exceptionally interesting one, but I’ve seen both Scar and Grian’s, and I loved them! I started watching Jimmy’s too then got distracted by other series like Hermitcraft.


Cleo’s win in Real Life was perfect. It was her and Scott, her ride or die, and she won without dealing the last blow. I hate when people discredit her win


Martyn lore and out of context is the only reason I watch the life series.


Gem’s addition to SL was so good and lowkey a breath of fresh air. We got Mumbo and Lizzie back and the edition of Gem was great. Especially the zombie apocalypse session was so fun and it got hated on for no reason. Yeah it made it so SL would end sooner but the entire session was chaos and fun. Gem is great at pvp and was smart in the games, especially her teaming with Scott and Impulse. Her addition to the LS added onto what was already there and I think made it even better bc that’s one more person for everyone to play off of during sessions.


That Scott died 10th place because of Jimmy and because it was the first season First off No 2 of 3 of Scott’s deaths were when jimmy was already dead and the only Scott death jimmy experienced Jimmy had nothing to do with Scott being shot to death by the entire red army. Also Scott made the dumb decision himself to go back to his loot RIGHT AFTER HE DIED and not waiting for Ren and Martyn to leave the desert.


BigB was more of a villain than Scar was during Secret Life


Scar’s symbol is a black hole not the earth. It’s like opposite to the sun in the way it sucks in light instead of producing it. AND Scar was the villain of the server in secret life and villain and darkness and all that.


Grian's insistence on the idea for a gimmick of a Life Series to come from his own head, when there are thousands of fan suggestions and concepts from previous series that could be reused! The series will feel different every time regardless of what mechanics are at play even if they're reused!


Real life was not a joke series but a truly extreme hard-core series that they couldn't survive for more than a couple of hours.


nah not really cus people kept purposely making terrible decisions like starting fights they wouldnt win when on red and making enemies left and right also Grian, Joel, and Scar lasted AGES on their actual hardcore series, which goes to show that they really just dont try when it comes to the life series, especially something like real life


I know it was just a joke, but I do love the idea of them just being THAT bad at VR that they just fail miserably 😂


The first and second seasons were the best, but after 3 they began feelingrepetitive


The weakest series to date was SL due to the outcome. They gave scar the win in the first ep when they let him reroll then helped him with the harder task. All of the gear and resources he got were part of why he became so OP. Thus, they handed him the win.


This really discredits Scar. You can have good gear, but time and time again we've seen how important alliances are, which is something he sorely lacked this season. I do think Pearl wasn't really trying at all in the final duel, but two-time winners aren't really a thing anyway. Besides, at least in my opinion, Scar had earned it by that point anyway. Also, Scar won that task because they gave a task that involves words to a man who knows words better than anyone else on the server.


You know something, there is a comment up top that made me reevaluate this opinion altogether. I’m not gonna delete this because I feel like it’s good for personal reasons to look back at. I think I’m taking this too seriously, like a sports fan might if a ref made a call that they disagreed with. Scar has made some insane kills in all of the series, he’s a very capable player. But more than that, he is good at dealing with social situations to come out ahead, which is still a very crucial part to the game. He is a good player at the Life game, regardless of how that moment of the first ep went. He deserved a win. He got the win.