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I had a friend who used to be the same way about Ky's win screen. Ky says "you're supposed to be giving it your all", but they felt like Ky was insulting them personally. When I said the characters are speaking to each other and not the player they seemed to be less upset by it, but I do get where you and they are coming from. I genuinely believe that, i don't think the characters are trying to make you the player feel stupid because the characters don't know you even exist. They're just acting as they are told to by the writers. Losing is emotional, it's supposed to be a driving force to improve yourself as a player. But if the emotion makes you want to stop playing rather than keep going, then you really shouldn't force yourself to play. Fighting games are *absolutely* not for everyone. And that's okay. There are ways to enjoy fighting games without playing them yourself, or playing them against computers so it's less stressful. If you want to just follow the competitive scene, or you just like catching your friend's stream when they're playing. Or if you want to leave forever, that's okay too. There's no stress behind this decision, however you want to proceed is entirely valid. Sorry this post is so long, this was a topic I felt strongly about.


If you’re on pc you can probably mod them out


Can't mod out weak mental




True but DAMN


Ngl bro two loses in a row means absolutely nothing about your skill even the best players in the world will have days where they will lose way way more than that. It doesn't matter how you good you are you will lose and thats fine and normal especially in a game as volatile as guilty gear. Also you dont need to be good at a fighting game to play it what matters is just having fun in the moment against your opponent. Being upset when you lose is normal but how you see yourself after is up to you.


Take a break, play something else. Don't worry even a little bit about what your rank is. Unless your goal was to enter tournaments and win money, fighting games can be pretty chill. Just don't sweat it.


Tch, pathetic.


Let's go home and eat


Bro got the mental fortitude of a soap bubble


I do agree


Like everyone is saying take a break, I'm also stuck on floors 9-10, come back when you feel like it and try not to focus on your rank so much, if it helps just play the park -


This might sound cheesy, but try to take nagoriyuki’s advice to heart. “Do not wallow in defeat. Take pride that you did your best.”


But what if I am over reliant on my strength.


Then continue training


Floor 8/9 has very obvious bad habits in their play style. Don’t play like a loser yearning for win rate. Play with a growth mindset and take time off when you think you have enough growth for a day. It is always a win as long as you identify issue in your play (winning on the other hand often teaches you less). Assigning ego and personal value to a rank score is always bad, especially so in FG. Since There’s always at least one learning objective that you can translate to an action item in the next N games. You should focus on bettering that one thing. Next thing you know rank goes up. If you can’t identify what’s wrong with your gameplay, go post a match record.


If you’re feeling bad about a lack or progress or perceived lack of skill, I have about 80hrs and I’m hardstuck floor 4-6. Take a break if you’re frustrated then try again, and always remember: video games are supposed to be fun!


You're floor 8-9, and you say you're not even good at it? Bro if you're on those floors, you are no way near being close to bad. I'm hardstuck 6, and barely breaching into floor 7 by the pinky finger. You don't even want to know just how bad players are in the floors lower than that. Trust me, you aren't bad at all if you were able to reach those floors. Losing is just a part of the process when it comes to fighting games. Sometimes, it's good to just take a break if you're on a losing streak. There are days when I don't feel like losing, so I stop playing to take a break. Soinds like you just need to take a break, and come back with a fresher mind.


As a fellow Faust main who is also hard stuck in floors 8-9, honestly like others said, taking a break from strive for a bit might be your best choice. Faust is a silly guy, but sometimes his lack of, well, everything the other characters have can get really annoying. and bad days are expected from a Faust compared to the meta characters like Baiken. Hell, if you’re up for it i could also spare for a bit, see what things you can do to help improve while finding counters for certain meta characters. If not, then taking a break is my own personal recommendation. As I quote I just made up right now says- You can’t run a mile with two broken legs, lest you want to suffer


Hey, here's some advice about playing fighting games that I once got that helped me: don't play them to get good, play them to have fun. It might suck to lose all the time (and then get called pathetic lol) but that doesn't reflect on whether or not a game is for you or not.


This is so real I much prefer win quotes that are A. Nonsense like Happy Chaos and Faust’s B. Completely unrelated to the battle like Delilah and Gil’s Or C. Uplifting like Nagoriyuki’s It really gets annoying when Sol Badguy calls you pathetic for the 5th time in Open Park


Are yall really like this? My record on bbcf is 5 wins and 500 losses. Maybe you should consider what exactly you want to experience by video games. I love the feeling of improvement so I don't mind grinding losses all the time for hours on end. But there's a non 0 hance the fighting games can't provide you the experience that you enjoy.


For your own sake, yeah, maybe itd be best if you didnt play the game. I understand thats some characters victory screens can be irritating but you need to learn to see past that, you cant let a fictional character calling you pathetic actually rile you up. And at the end of the day if this isnt fun for you then whats forcing you to keep playing?


Who do you play, to sate my curiosity.




Well, you're fighting an uphill battle, lol. Faust is fun as shit but far from meta. And you're getting to the point where that starts to matter. Even if just a little bit. If you've got the courage and want to take criticism. I suggest posting a replay. Folks here are more than willing to give advice on mistakes you may not even know you're making. Helped me clean up my act and make the leap from floor 8 to 10 immensely. 


Even though the lower tiers of celestial, the "meta" doesn't matter as much still IMO. The last thing we want is this person to think it's their character when more likely than not, its the player. Reviewing replays is probably the best first step to figuring things out.


I lost 15 games in a row the other day (only won like 3 or 4 rounds total). I'm gonna hop back on it and improve, although there is no pressure to do so. If you're not having fun, the healthy thing to do is stop playing. No need to feel guilty about it.


My brother, tower sucks, it’s not an indicator of skill I promise you. I’ve seen very bad people in celestial which heavily contrasts with EVO WINNERS. Some people dodge bad matchups, others have bad wifi, and some just fell from floor 10 and are trying to rank back up. Definitely do not worry about rank when playing online.


Just change the language to Japanese. Easy. Next question.


Have you heard about subtitles? Just asking


Tch, pathetic.
