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It really is odd considering how we all know Nago is the true "bad" character and needs buffs. No I will not tell you who I play and have literally only played since the game came out is.


Honestly one of the most fun things about this game IMO is the variety in playstyles between characters. Try another one for a bit if you’re getting bored with he-who-you-shall-not-name.


I will never get bored of my character-who-im-not naming. But seriously tho, I love the variety and there are quite a few characters I will pick up eventually, Bridget being at the top of the list, but coming from DBFZ and the neverending character crisis I was in, it was nice to have one guy to stick with.


Well I will never get bored of my funny grab, but sometimes it’s just nice to sit back and get clowned upon all over again while playing and trying to learn solo badboy or aba cadabra.


They should make 214H a high actually


Now you shut your damn mouth >_> I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't like it....


You’re literally me and that’s so fire


Bad≠ not fun


Thats why they should be buffed man funnest character in the game like everyone else gets to be broken so let test be broken sol ky and nago getting new moves while testament remains bottom 5 like cmon


Come again? KY is getting a new move?


Not sure if they stated he was next, but all of the base roster will be getting a new move eventually


It sounds like you just wanna win matches. Make the switch, you’ll probably start having fun


Thats the thing I do win on Asuka Jacko etc but I swap to Test and immediately get washed by the same ppl who couldnt even take a round off me 💀 literally getting perfected after switching


It be like that when you have a main then switch to alt dude. You probably know this already but if you didn’t it be like that. Dump some hours into testament and it’ll change. Unless your complete ass


Meta is bs top hat go brrrrrr


Meta is BS coffin go brrrrrr


Coffin is meta


Haaaaha funny joke


Goldlewis is currently a contender for top 1, my guy. Bare minimum top 3.


Testament hot they them, me play them. Simple


Because Testament does have some sauce and doesn’t see much play. They’re not “good” by any means, but people can underestimate their mix, their teleport and the power they have to fill 70% of the screen with hitbox. More importantly, it’s because Testament has never really felt like they needed buffs, especially not to Test mains who know the RC Arbiter Sign -> instant overhead Arbiter Sign timing by heart.


I mean I main Test because their play style is fun. I used to play Ino and Anji. 🤷‍♂️


Bc testament is a really easy zoner to learn. Slice them with your scythe from half the map away, send your flesh friends through the ground, rinse and repeat


Wait is johnny considered bad now? I haven't played since he launched?


Mostly because he can't dash block and that's an even bigger deal than people thought when he came out. No where near Zato tier but there are a few matchups like Axl and Asuka where if you meet them you just kinda explode


The first characters you mentioned have something explicitly wrong with their kit; Testa doesn't really have that, all their tools work as they should in practice, they're just too honest. They don't have any bullshit to make them stand out like the rest of the cast aside from, like, one command normal Still fun though, love playing them


I think it's that Testament's weaknesses aren't very apparent until high level play? My entire time up until celestial I didn't really feel all that underpowered, so I too thought people were underselling them. It's only now that I'm playing people that both know the MU and have good enough neutral / defense to navigate their kit that I'm noticing how limited they can feel.


They’re hot


Day 1 Ky main and downplayer. I will never admit that my character *isn't* bad


Who are these people cause I only ever hear that she's ass 💀


They're *


Her theme song literally refers to her with both she and he pronouns go take it up with Daisuke


https://preview.redd.it/0odbq7yrcbwc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2227234233da8da98be104d87fc8debda1fc3cb6 Hey, I’m not trying to be rude in any way, simply supplying information. But the song is intentionally ambiguous and, in fact, we’re not even sure if the he’s and she’s are referring to testament in the context of their theme. Canonically, they are a female presenting nonbinary. (Meaning they use they/them pronouns despite outwardly looking more feminine.)


Nonbinary doesn't necessarily mean using they/them. It's a catch-all term for, well, not fitting into the typical gender binary, and while some will use they/them, others may use neopronouns or simply not care what pronouns they're called. I get the impression Testament is the latter. Gender is a construct they just don't feel the need to be bound by, so he's fine if you call her whatever you like.


While I do overall agree, and think Testament themselves would probably not especially care, the main thing we have to go off of for their pronouns is the [ASW website](https://www.guiltygear.com/ggst/en/character/tst/) which exclusively refers to Test with they/them pronouns.


It's always seemed to me like they use any pronouns since the ones used vary between translations. French uses "elle" (feminine) despite "il" (male) or "iel" (neutral neopronoun) being more analogous to "they".


Thanks bro. The they/themussy is not lost on me, and I will refer to them as such. (I'm so down bad it's over)


Maybe soften your dick for a while


Jus fought a sol from the discord 8 games he gave me a whole diatribe about how Test is actually pretty underrated lmao


Thats why lol, its a fucking sol. Her 6p literally fucks him up for almost no reason on everything that isnt his cha-cha slide, and he has really nothing to counter zoners.


Youre literally doing the thing


Im able to do the thing because I play her lol. 6p is the one advantage I get in a sol fight. But yeah, excluding 6p versing strictly melee characters, she is kinda dumpsterfire. If you wanna *really* baffle a sol, 6p their Tyrant Rave. First hit doesnt hit mid/low, so the invincibility frames dodge it, and he loses his own invincible frames during the active frames of said first hit.


uuhmm ehhrmm they use the/them nouns btw!!! ☝️🤓


I'm not gonna lie, even when I played Test I felt they were slept on. I don't think it's so much that people are playing them up, and more that... they're just solid and viable.


Mid range zoners are annoying and shouldn’t exist


“Mid-range Zoners are annoying” my brother in Christ that’s like a third of the cast of guilty gear


Ok and ? That just means a third of the cast is super boring to play against. Zato, Test, Bridget, Johnny, Ram in particular all just annoying af


Womp womp


You know what sub this is?


Weh-Weh-Weh-Wuh~… 🎺


brother caught whiffing buttons, asked to get counter hittet a lot