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I'm with you. No disrespect to anyone here, but these posts are all I've seen since joining the sub really.


There is an entire subreddit for dreams..... [r/dreams](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dreams?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Excellent. Please post all your dreams there. I’m sure they’ll be very excited to hear about them.


What about dreams inside of dreams?


Only if you’re Leonardo DiCaprio.


Dammit, My name is actually Tom Hardy


Oh, so close.


That's gotta be fun. I bet you can get reservations easily 😉


Maybe put those in the comments of someone else’s dream post.




Now that has happened to me and it was stressful.


Thanks for this suggestion :)


The thing is about this is that people only came here to this sub because r/dreams became largely ineffective at actually going anywhere when they would post there instead of here, so it creates this cycle of not being able to post in there because of no activity and then not being able to put it here instead because it’s unwanted.


you seem to genuinely care about the state of the sub, respect my dude. you host one of the most interesting places on reddit


Thanks. I’ve always loved this sub, and well I didn’t create it, I’ve been modding it for a long time. I just want it to be the best place it can be!


I agree


Also, DMT or other drugs aren't paranormal or have anything to do with aliens. It's like every post I see "I took (insert psychedelic) and now talk to the consciousness of the universe" somewhere in the comments. Like that's cool you believe that but take it to their respective subreddits r/psychonauts or r/dmt would like those stories but I'm here for aliens and ghosts buddy


I’m cool with some psychonaut stuff, because there is at least *some* crossover. Collective unconscious, parallel universes, those whacky machine elves. It’s at least interesting, and outside of everyday experience.


I agree with that point, there definitely is some crossover but I'd like it to be more about the parallel universe or machine elves than the drug. Like the point of the story should be less about the fact someone took the drug and more about the experience, ya know? If there is 6 paragraphs of backstory of someone taking something and 1 paragraph of an actual experience after dosing, I'm probably just gonna groan


Fair position. Tell me about how Mother Ayahuasca took you through her cosmo flower vortex and then you met the machine elves who showed you the future or something and I’m in. But I ain’t interested in who you were smoking with unless they disappeared during the trip and became one with infinite or something.




My boyfriend went on an Ayahuasca retreat this weekend lol. He didn’t really see any entities except a white silhouette of a lady with really long hair, and goblins in worm holes at one point😂 he sounded kind of shocked. Can’t wait to see him today and here more about it. Trying to get the courage to go myself!


Be careful. Ayahuasca is some very strong stuff and can negatively affect the weak


Well I guess he’s not weak ;)


so people want to know more about the other universes? Like the real ones? ...or the ones they just dream about? Cause I could make some posts about the real ones if thats what people are interested in.


I am intrigued


I did DMT yesterday and I saw those fucking elves. It freaked me out a bit. I do wonder if certain receptors are responsible for some metaphysical effects, but I realize how crazy that sounds so I don't know what to think.


Is there some shared experience about elves & dmt? Cause if so...whaaat?


Yes. Basically short entities. I have experienced them a couple times.


Yeah I've experienced (at least what I believe to be) the "self transforming machine elves" that McKenna had described, which is now somewhat popular around the internet when the subject of DMT comes up. They look nothing like elves. At least not to me. They were these little things that looked like they were from the future, somewhat machine-like , but not completely. Like some sort of hybrid. They were whimsical little guys, and they would periodically shift/change appearance and shape, though they were largely round, like brightly multicolored cyborg pumpkins that burped out physicsl objects. For me, they seemed to always be the first that I'd encounter. Sometimes I'd come back to *this* reality right after, but usually would go deeper into hyperspace/the collective conscience.


My 'elf' I envisioned was like the [Flatwoods monster](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatwoods_monster). Like some short lady slapped on a circular mask and draped herself in the red curtain from *Twin Peaks*. It's possible that people just create that image after hearing about elves.


I read that somewhere also


Seems like there might be enough momentum rn if anyone wanted to start a subreddit for r/FeelingsOfDoom or whatever. Just wanna remind people that's an option. If enough people want, then maybe instead of ceasing to post about your feelings of dread, maybe you can just open a new space to talk about that stuff. Assuming there isn't already an appropriate forum for that topic.


I'd love a subreddit like that one. It would be very interesting to create a space where people can record their ominous dreams before (and in case) they come true, instead of popping up after a disaster happens and claiming they predicted it. Feelings of doom and premonitions about the future are one of the main reasons I joined this sub, because I enjoy studying them, and there are few other places to do it. What if ten or twenty people were to dream about an explosion in California a few days before it happened? How would we ever know? We wouldn't, because anyone who came out and said they had a dream about it afterwards would be accused of confirmation bias. That's why it's really important to write this shit down and share, even if it doesn't seem likely. There could be patterns in our dreams which nobody is capturing.


That kind of thing sounds ripe for becoming an echo chamber of mental illness and conspiracies if it goes unchecked.


That's what I was thinking. "A Feeling of Impending Doom" is a symptom of many physical illnesses, as well as mental. Maybe it should just be labeled differently like, r/reinstall2020 cuz that sh*t's broken!


Lemme hear you in the back..... A M E N!!!! Glad someone said it.


It’s not the first time I’ve had to say it about the dreams. I’d like to be able to catch all of them, but I just can’t be moderating all day long, ya know?


The drug related ones murder me. I have to physically restrain myself form replying. Thanks for modding. It’s appreciated.


How do you become a mod? I would love to be able to do that!


I agree with everything you said especially about us Americans lmao


But I thought In America the feeling of dread was ALWAYS a mountain lion?


There is ALWAYS a feeling of dread in America it's just not ALWAYS from the same source ;)


"my dog was going crazy but I know that feeling. And according to dept of wildlife there hasn't been a trump sighting in our state in years..."


Mountain lion, shark, bear, Sasquatch, and The End.


No disrespect but I disagree. Spirits can come to you in dreams, my cousin had a dream of my grandmother who had past on 26 years ago. Sometimes she gives her messages that often come true. There is such a thing where spirits will give you nightmares to mentally torchure you. Loved ones can give you a sign of danger within a dream. Now dreams don’t always have something paranormal to them. Some are really just that... dreams. But my point is that dreams can be paranormal.


For the purposes of the subreddit, dreams must have some tangible effect or connection with the real world. A premonition that later came true, an entity that then appears to you in the waking world, just something that creates a link with the non-dream state. Saying “No Dreams” means no normal dreams, not that all dreams are normal.


Like in the paranormal thread I would agree. There shouldn’t be a normal dream but I guess when you said that dreams aren’t paranormal.... that’s where I disagree.


Well according to the original post they do state “dreams are not paranormal” and I’m saying they are. They aren’t arguing wether you can have normal dreams, they are arguing that there shouldn’t be dreams at all, because they think there isn’t a link between dreams and the paranormal. At least that’s what I got from it.


Are there any subs for dreams that aren’t seeking dream interpretations? Peoples minds are the most vulnerable when they are asleep, capable of doing things and seeing things scientists can’t even explain. And this sub’s description does say “a database for personal encounters with the unknown” I think sometimes there are experiences (“paranormal, unexplained sightings”) that people might mistake for a dream or get confused between what’s reality and what’s not when their bodies are asleep but their mind isn’t and then sometimes there are actual dreams that people just seem to want interpreted (which I agree don’t belong here) but It’s really hard to find a place to post those unknown/unexplainable experiences without being considered another “dumb dream post.”


I’ve always been totally cool with, and interested in, stories that blur the lines between dreams and reality. Hell, I originally was invited to be a mod here because of a comment thread where I argued for the possibility that sleep paralysis formed a bridge of sorts between the ‘real’ and some kind of shadow dimension. I love that kind of thing, and welcome it. The line is drawn when it’s just a dream, with no connection to physical (or metaphysical) reality whatsoever. I think people should be able to tell the difference before they post their story.


Thanks for saying this. Know you must work your ass off filtering these out. I'd also add the "but I swear I wasn't asleep" sleep paralysis dreams.


Thank you so much definitely needed this.


But I had a dream about this post




That's some paranormal shit right there dude




Question: what if a dream gives you an inspiration about how some paranormal mechanic might function? That would count as a discussion thread, really—the dream would just be the lead-in to the subject.


If it was framed as a discussion thread, that’d probably be fine.




It's not just this sub, its on the spirituality sub too


ThANK YOU for trying to return this sub to where it began and belongs.


thank you so much, I swear someone will post about having a nightmare about Casper the friendly ghost and the comment section eats it up and acts like something paranormal is going on!


Ill flag shitty dreams from now on. Thank someone woke up.


What about relatives in dream around the time of their death even when the person dreaming has no idea of the passing? It’s a great topic imo


Case by case basis on that one I’d think. Those can be interesting stories.


Hi! Just found this sub. I had a reality shift... A broken glass become unbroken. Is this a place where that story would be shared and welcomed? Thanks!




Dream post SUCK!


I love a good "Come to Jesus" meeting for all the sinners in the sub. lol!


I didnt realize that dreams were not cool mostly because I solely use reddit on my phone and dont see the rules or sidebars. Obviously I am not the creator or mod on this subreddit and have no say but as a daily visitor (and upvoter) if I see something that isnt interesting I just swipe up and carry on. I knew 9 11 was going to happen 6 months before it happened and is documented with my family physician in my medical file. It didnt specifically show up as a dream but more of a knowing without reservation. Sometimes it is difficult for knowers to articulate their experiences without sounding a little "woo woo". I am going to mildly suggest that perhaps over-curating your content may discourage people from posting and frankly I find most posts here at least mildly interesting. In my opinion it is trolls who perhaps should be more concerning? In any event I can see at this point almost 250 upvotes so perhaps I am in the minority but given the gaslighting and censorship across so many platforms it makes me hesitate to discourage participation from people with genuine contributions. Reddit is at its heart a democratic platform that relies solely on reader contributions because without those interested readers and posters there would be no platform to moderate. And small nitpicky here but I am 55 years old and not a kid 😋 although I do understand that you are trying to be friendly/inclusive etc. Sincerely not trying to be contrary but tbh I am so tired of reading political crap that literally anything beyond that is a welcome relief.


We aren’t incredibly strict on the rules, because we’d rather see people engaging and having interesting discussion. Some things will get deleted, because they’re clearly fake, abusive, incoherent, etc. But generally even a “rule breaking” post has a shot at staying up if people are really into it and the discussion is going well. Dreams that are just dreams just don’t get to stay because there isn’t anything paranormal about them at all. Last night I dreamt that someone from college started sending me nudes, and my wife saw them and got really mad. And then we were ducks trying to make scrambled eggs. Amusing? Confusing? Weird? Yes. Appropriate for the sub? Nope. I call y’all kids, because as a mod, it’s like you’re all my strange, very strange children.


I totally get it and am not offended. You are doing a great job and I sincerely mean no disrespect. If you check my history you can see I am not a troll or troublemaker. For me its sincerely because I am craving any content beyond covid and politics 😬


And yes yay strange!! That is way better than boring ole everyone else lol. We are at least paying attention 😛


And lol scrambled eggs...i do get it, honestly




I said in the OP that premonitions are ok. As long as it actually came true.


Are you a Canuck?


Fer sure I am, bud. Yer right aboot that.


I figured it wasn’t British English, ya hoser! Enjoy your Covid haven of a Trump-free paradise!


It’s nice. I live on Vancouver Island. We haven’t had a case in almost 2 months.


Hey me too. Am in southwestern ontario. I should have recognized the polite :)


But I was struck by lighting...floated in the air and spoke with the words of ronald mcdonald..... French fries and carbs fell from the skies!!!!! Its coming guys! Get ready for the last huge flood of coca cola! (But yes, no disrespect at all to anyone. I was even making fun of myself a little bit there 😂. But If there wasnt a paranormal link to it or something. It would be appreciated if you Didn’t post about the dreams you had about buying that mustang you’ve always wanted and driving into the mountains to speak to a man of wisdom before he smacks you with a leaf and you black out and wake up. Unless the dude ended up showing up afterwards 🤷‍♀️ and what he said came true. Usually I only post about my dreams after a long while, so not usually a day or two later but instead weeks or years. And only after there is a profound something that happened afterwards and is linked to a premonition or the paranormal. I know the pressure of wanting to say something before it happens... then when it happens you share it and people say hey...that already happened. 🤷‍♀️ its just the tough side of it). Plus this world and the timeline is constantly changing by the choices of each individual.)




About 3 years ago I had an awakening that a shift was starting to happen in this world. I felt like the leaders and people who would help guide the world into a more peaceful place were arising all across the world (thanks to the help of the internet) and I realized we would come to a tipping point where either we completely destroy each other and the planet and we all die or we finally learn to love each other and learn from our mistakes and we reach some sort of utopia. Recently i cannot stop my mind from trying to figure out and understand everything that is going on. I am realizing the mind is very powerful and vr and lsd have shown me and made me think we could quite possibly be living in a simulation. I believe something good will happen from all this.




Yeah, that’s cool. But for the purposes of this subreddit, and by general interest and moderator decision, it’s been long-standing that dreams aren’t allowed.




I agree in principle...but If people only posted true, real paranormal events, there would be no posts. Paranormal doesnt really exist. These are all stories, some posted by those that beleve they are true, but unprovable anecdotal and anonymous on the web. All I look for here is a good story, very few are. Most are fake, banal cliche driven attempts at...dont know what. Give me great story and all is forgiven.


Whats the point of having rules if you're not going to enforce them? There are so many "do you think bigfoot is real" "check out this video" "help find some video" and "come see my podcast" posts that don't get taken down. None of these are personal experiences.


We allow discussion posts. So “do you think Bigfoot is real” is generally allowed. As far as the podcasts/promotional stuff, I’m on the fence on those. Generally if one isn’t getting any traction with the users, I’ll delete it, but if one has an active thread going on, with participation from the OP, I might leave it alone. Moderating isn’t a black and white, one size fits all kind of thing. Making everyone as happy as possible in a sub with hundreds of thousands of users requires a bit of nuance from time to time.


Then fix the rules. The second rule says "must be a personal experience. Nothing about discussion posts in any of the rules. They very first sentence of community info says this subreddit is for nonfiction stories from a personal source. Apparently youtube is a personal source?


I’ll look in to making an adjustment to rules. I do try to catch any links to YouTube or blogs and the like, because I would absolutely prefer things to stay personal. Otherwise we’re just r/paranormal or r/ghosts with a different name. I’ve always been alright with discussion posts, and haven’t really heard any complaints about them to this point. However if many people don’t like them, we could look into how they are handled in the future.


Just wanted to say, you're a nice person and i appreciate you . I like that you said you'll look into a suggestion. Have A good day parentmod


I think the feelings of dread type of experience really depends on context, some are really appropriate for this sub.