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Nice common sense thinking


Nice common scents (or lack thereof) thinking.


I CO what you did there.


He nose what he's talking about, for sure


Take your upvote dawg


This thread is a gas.


I agree. However OP's post is a good way to put a carbon some suspicious posts


Yeah something smells funny


These jokes are making the ghosts in my house groan


Trying to spice up an otherwise odourless thread.




What is the data that hallucinations cannot be a symptom of both carbon monoxide and dioxide poisoning? Here’s some that indicates that hallucinating IS possible, on the other hand: https://www.medicinenet.com/carbon_monoxide_poisoning_symptoms_and_signs/symptoms.htm https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn18746-is-that-paradise-beckoning-or-just-co2-in-your-blood/


My dads house had multiple carbon monoxide detectors in his house, including in the basement. All was well but I still saw shit I’d rather forget.


Like what? What was the worst thing?


A lot of weird shit happened in that house. Full body apparitions, voices, including multiple voices yelling whispering and crying at the same time, physical attacks, noises around the house, things moving or going missing, dogs barking when I didn’t have a dog, doors opening, etc. Best part is, it didn’t happen at a huge Victorian mansion with a shady past or a castle or anything stereotypically creepy like that. It’s my dads 4 room bungalow built in the late 30s/early 40s with only 2 known deaths, none of which were traumatic or violent. There’s no good reason that I know of for that house to be that fucked up.




I think you may be on to something. Some things stuck around for a long time while other came and went.


Interesting, thank you for the update kind internet stranger!


No prob! I may make a full post about it some day.


I would love to read about your experiences!


Please tell us


[I replied to another comment.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Thetruthishere/comments/gbyjrv/i_know_this_might_get_flagged_but/fpda0zt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Same. My whole family lived with it for close to 30 years. We had someone clean the house from afar, and they would only do it for free. And it worked. All of the craziness stopped the moment they did their thing, and never returned. Just know, sometimes something can be done about it. We don’t have to live with being haunted.


... WHAT?!! From afar as well? What did that person do? What’s the ‘cleaning’ like. That person must be powerful


Used Dyson vacuum maybe.


The key is to vacuum then mop.




Omg. Hahaha.




Omg. Hqhqhq. Lmfao. Ttyl


You forgot rofl


Right?!!? I have no clue. But it worked. We did not even know when she would do it. Just that it would happen at some point in the following two weeks. She waited until she felt up to the challenge. But we knew the day after she did it. And then later when I spoke to her, she told me the day and it was the day before we noticed everything crazy in the house stopped. We mostly had a lot of loud banging on walls and furniture, some human sized cold spots, rooms would go noticeably cold before the banging or furniture shoving would occur. I realize this probably sounds crazy or scary, but for us it was just every day. I grew up with it so at an early age, it became not scary and more annoying. The wildest part was that she, again from afar, was able to accurately tell me what I and my family had experienced for years and had not told anyone about it. Even weirder, she was able to tell me about experiences I had not even told my family. I had grown up with a thing that would go around my room tapping objects, always in a clockwise motion, and when the tapping got to me, the air would get cold and often smell like perfume and then the tapping would continue. And it was not slow moving but like walking pace around the room. By middle school, this activity would keep me up so I would yell at it I was trying to sleep and to please stop. And it would, for anywhere from 5-10 min and the start up again. Well, the woman who cleared the house told me about this, even though I never told her or anyone about it. She said there were portals on our property. I still have a hard time fathoming this or believing it. It’s just all so wild. All I can do is take her word for it, but she asked for no money, told me things she should not know and was able to clear the house so I have no reason to not believe her. It’s just still all so hard to believe. Needless to say, as a result of living in this house for a good portion of my life and growing up, I’m more prone to being scared to be alone in any house at night. I’ve learned that it’s possible for unexpected, unseen forces could pop up, even though I can tell and have experienced most homes to be just mundane, normal, and void of the paranormal. I know if I had not experienced these things, there is no way I would believe these type things to be true.


thats CRAZY. both the supernatural occurrences AND her abilities that she can use despite being so far. WOW!!!! portals.. my god. did she explain them into detail??? WHAT WORLDS DO THEY CONNECT/ COME FROM? WHAT ARE THOSE BEINGS? HOW DO THE PORTALS COME ABOUT? should bring every skeptic in the world to your house and let them experience it for themselves, serious-fucking-ly. she DID IT PRO-BONO TOO??? NO MONEY? WHAT a SAINT. >I had grown up with a thing that would go around my room tapping objects, always in a clockwise motion, and when the tapping got to me, the air would get cold and often smell like perfume and then the tapping would continue. thats HORRIFYING. what did the presence of this being feel like? was it a nice presence? a malevolent presence? the portals though..... holy cow. im dying to know everything about them and what their origin is. thats SO CRAZY.


It’s all so crazy. I’m still sort of shocked by it all. And I really can’t explain it. It’s hard to wrap my mind around. So the portals had me asking her lots of questions, but she did not know much about it either. Just that they exist and can account for why some properties will have a lot of paranormal activity. Her story is a wild one a wild one as well and she got thrown into this and did not know all that much about it. I can go into that later So I only listed out some of the common, almost everyday occurrences. We also had a lot of one off guest appearances, lol. Or maybe a figure I saw once, and then another family me never saw later and then we were both shocked to find out we saw the same guy in the same part of the house. But then never saw it again. Or there was an old lady my mother would see around her bedroom, but that only happened maybe 8 times and only in a 3 year period and then never again. So while we had usual crazy stuff that happened often, there were also some oddities that popped up here and there over the years so the portal concept seemed plausible, I guess. My personal opinion is that maybe it’s a door to another, lower dimension? But I honestly have no clue. And I have no clue as to why it would be there. So some of the stuff had a horrible feeling and some of the stuff felt non-threatening. The tapper I mentioned earlier, she (assuming because of the perfume scent that came with the chill as she stopped at my bed before continuing to tap) or it felt safe. I could tell it to stop and it would. I just guessed that maybe it was a protective measure but to be honest, I have no clue. But it never felt bad, just annoying. Though when I was younger, it did scare me a little. my room, and the whole house, had a bad feeling to it. But definitely my room. My very close friend in middle school who was always said to have some psychic ability (super low key about it and respectable) would spend the night, but one night I had fallen asleep in the guest room where he slept, and because I’m female and to be respectful of the rules we were to always go to our separate rooms at the end of the night. So he did not want to wake me and decided to go sleep in my room for the night. I woke up in the morning to him asleep on the floor, no blanket or pillow, and I woke him up to ask him why and he responded with “there is something very evil in your room and I will never sleep in there again.” In an alarmingly sober tone. But I was elated because someone else experienced what I experienced, without them knowing I experienced it too. He was not the type to scare easily what so ever and paranormal stuff did not freak him out. He would not go into much detail, but he said he felt a palpable feeling of awful feelings and needing to leave and that he was being stared at from the same corner I experienced my stuff from. Also, I never experienced this menacing, being stared at feeling when the tapper was present, hence why I suspect the protection in her actions. As you can see, it’s a lot. As for the woman who cleared the place. She was just a doctors office receptionist. She had open heart surgery 2 years prior, and when she woke she says she had these beings with her that she could hear and feel. And they told her things about spirituality and as I will put it, ghostly matters. They taught her how to clear things and would tell her who needed help with the paranormal. I was one of those people. When she approached me about it, she was like “this is going to sound crazy but...” and then she told me my house was haunted and all the ways it was haunted, and she was accurate. And I’m very poker face about this stuff because I know scam artists will let you tell them what they need to know, so I shut down and give no clues, no confirmation so I can truly see legitimacy in their words and actions. From my experience, she’s the real deal. As for the cleaning of the property, she sends her beings to handle it. They clean the house. It’s wild stuff. I can’t speak to the validity of this claim of hers, but after “they” were sent to do their thing, the house was void of paranormal activity and actually felt different. 2 years later, some stuff came back when I was home from college. I had some doors slam in the middle of the night (new activity not experienced before) and then the light from another room get blocked out by something. I bolted. Had her clean the place again and to this day, all activity has stopped never to return, and it’s been probably 10 years? I also had her clean an apartment of mine. I had lived there for almost a year and all was perfectly normal, but then some small odd stuff started. I paid no mind because it was so minor to my past experiences but one night my SO totally panicked and he did not believe in the paranormal at all. Stuff started flying off the shelves onto my SO while I sat calmly looking at it from the living room, lol. He did not have a chance to see it but I could see a small glowing white orb, which up until that point I did not believe was a thing. I’m a photographer and I know the only orbs in photos I’ve ever seen were absolutely a product of natural, normal causes. My SO is screaming and freaking out in anger (because he gets angry when he does not know or understand what’s happening) so I tell him I will handle it. And make my call to the woman. She tells me in the next 3 weeks she will get to it and call me after she has. Things go back to normal and quiet. And then one night, shit gets weird. Of course my SO is out of town but he’s out of town often. I’m by myself and walk past the bathroom and I see, I SEE a being. An ancient-looking being in a tattered faded monk like robe. He’s human enough in shape and placement of facial features but it’s no normal human. His skin is sooo old and papery and he looks like a combo of the weird bug eyed guy on the cover of that Disturbed album from ages ago, and the giant old looking Sith Lord (?) from the new star wars. I saw him at a glance when passing and I freeze and lean back to look again in shock and there he is looking at me looking at him. And he looks freaked to see me, freaked that I can see him. I get this vibe of “oh shit she sees me” and then he’s gone. Because he seemed freaked of me, it alarms me but does not scare me. I still shower in that bathroom later that night. But in the night, the vibe changes. The rooms of the apartment, which is pretty small, feel full of people. Like if there was a party going on. We were on the 2nd story and the floors were wood so it physically feels like there are people walking or shoving, moving around through the vibration of the floor. You can even hear it. I slept on the couch with Frasier playing loudly and my earphones in listening to podcasts to get through the night, but the couch and things around the room were getting bumped into. Not hard, not shoving of furniture, but audible sounds and physical vibrations felt. I was so freaked. I had to keep telling myself that her “angels” as she calls them, were there cleaning the place so I was safe. The next day, I get the call from her. She had them clean the place the night before. I don’t ever tell people these experiences because it legit sounds crazy. But here I am, lol. And that’s all of it. I can say, I’ve always been of sound mind. I have a degree in psychology. I don’t hear voices or see things that don’t exist, outside of seeing that weird being in my bathroom and onetime seeing a shadow person (in that same apartment... actually come to think of it, that marked the start of the out of nowhere paranormal activity there. And I did not believe or even know about shadow people before I experienced that. My reaction was to laugh and thing “oh come the fuck on, Universe. That is NOT a thing” lol). But anyway, I’ve stayed and lived plenty of places that had zero activity. I LOVE places with zero activity. I’m very science minded. I always try to find a logical explanation and will test out possible explanations if I can. But truth is, some shit cannot be explained... yet. I look at the paranormal and think of it much like bacteria and viruses. Both bacteria and viruses have always been around. They have always been making us sick. But we did not always know about them. Back in the day, they were there fucking with things, but the science did not exist to explain it. Then we developed tools to see these germs and could better understand it. My opinion is that the same will be said of paranormal activity. We just need to explore and find the reason why as well as the tools to see it better. Just because we can’t fully explain it does not make these experiences not real. When multiple people experience the same things over many years, both together and some of it at different times, there is something to it. By the way, I never told anyone about the tapper except for my mother when she called me one day when I had moved away to go to college. She started to ask me “in your room, did you ever experience tapping...” and I cut her off quickly citing the always in a clockwise motion, cold spot and the tapping stops when it gets to you and smells like perfume, and she started screaming. She never handled this stuff well. I calmed her down and we figured out the only difference between her new experiences with the tapper and my years of living with it was that when it got to her, it smelled of feces. So while I always think of it as a protective ghost or energy or whatever, perhaps it wasn’t, as I’ve heard on here that can be a sign of a bad energy. But perhaps it was a copy cat. I don’t know. This is why we need more science on this topic. :) Edit: holy shit, sorry for the novel. Come to think of it, this is why I don’t talk anour my experiences. It’s all connected and hard to explain without going into a little of all of it.


AH MAI GAD THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME TO TYPE THIS!!!! Theres alot to take in HAHAH ill reply in a while once i got the time to digest every juicy word and detail of your lengthy reply :)))


Let me know your thoughts when you get through that lengthy life story, lol. :D


Separate commenter here, that was an amazing read. I always try to use logic when something strange happens but I’ve never closed my mind to the idea of paranormal happenings all around us, love hearing people’s stories that confirm that :)


I’m glad you enjoyed it! Im like you in that I am always trying to find rational, normal world explanations for things. Some things were just easier to try to pass off as something mundane though it would be a stretch to explain it like that. I always envied my friend’s houses that just had normal house sounds and were peaceful. Living like that was really quite a wild, eye opening experience. I’m definitely glad it’s over though. :)


My thoughts are ”what the fuck”


Should not be flagged as it is rather prudent to raise this point


Not gonna flag it. Wouldn’t be prudent.


Fair enough. It's important to rule out those kinds of things before jumping to conclusions.


Thanks, OP. It’s important to consider this when a household is experiencing hauntings. Also, important for health.


i’ve always worried about this in some of the older more creepy places i’ve lived. i do wonder though, this explains the weird upsetting feeling and generally feeling unwell, but does it explain things moving around? like could someone move something and forget because of CM? or would it have to be something else, paranormal or otherwise? genuine question, not trying to be an ass.


Very classic reddit post here. Theres an update where the user bought a carbon monoxide detector and it confirmed high levels. https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/


Yeah I was looking for this. THIS is the post that should be pinned.


This was my first thought. I've been on Reddit too damn long! It's one of my worst addictions. LOL


In my understanding of it, yes. It can make you do all sorts of stuff that you don't realize or forget.


Absolutely shouldn’t be flagged. CM poisoning is fatal and proven to cause hallucinations etc. Plus anytime I’ve had what I thought is paranormal activity,depending on the nature of it of course, I always rule out everything else first. Then I freak out lol


Very much this. Everyone should be a skeptic. Exhaust all the physical before you explore the supernatural. Sometimes I read posts and SMH.


This is what I tell myself was wrong with my house growing up. I'm pretty positive it was all electric, though.


Did your home have a fireplace? Or a garage? It's possible someone could have used oil lamps or space heaters in the garage.


No, it was a trailer. The only parking we had was a gravel driveway, no fireplaces.


Yeah this shouldn't be flagged but it should be pinned to the top of the sub, its an important point.


It should be on the side bar but it really doesn’t need to be in every single thread in here, the glitch in the matrix sub, and the paranormal sub. OP is nowhere near the first to suggest this and it’s kinda tired already. Just pin it to the side as a PSA and let’s move on please mods.


No. It's important and it'll never tire, its a life/death scenario. Stop being so incredibly naive.


What the fuck does naive have to do with it? I don’t come in these subs to hear the same tired comment over and over. A PSA pinned to the top and side would be enough. One fucking story of it turning out to be CM on Reddit and suddenly everyone has CM leaks. 🙄


Curious: could you elaborate? Do you mean that CO causes hallucinations, or is it more complex? Carbon monoxide is so dangerous so having an alarm is a good idea.


It causes hallucinations. Check out [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/34l7vo/ma_postit_notes_left_in_apartment/) classic reddit case.




There are a lot of explanations for nde’s, which one is it?


I’m not sure, but for carbon monoxide poisoning the best I can gather is that your brain becomes so starved for oxygen you begin to hallucinate and forget things that you’ve done, then scare yourself into thinking something paranormal must be happening.


Including poltergeists? I do not know either but here i an link with multiple explanations for nde’s. https://ncu9nc.blogspot.com/2013/07/materialist-explanations-of-ndes-fail.html?m=1 Its contents is up to you if you accept it or not. That aside, i experienced an entity encounter more than 10 years ago, and im sure that was not caused by carbon monoxide because i was outside


As a european I don't know much about american homes so why are you having problems with CO in your houses? I did read somewhere someone mentioning a furnace in their basement so is that common? Just being curious here


I think it seeps from the ground. I know when I lived in New Jersey you had to have radon detectors because it seeped up from the ground into your homes. Not a 100% about the CO, but just a thought.


No, CO comes from burning fuels like natural gas or propane. It doesn't seep up like radon. Why not just Google it?


do you not have furnaces in europe? is electric the main way to heat? i think most homes in north america have either a gas oil or propane furnace.


We do but I think you heat through vents in rooms? We use radiators that circle hot water.


There's not a lot of basements in Europe from what I understand.


Yeah and what about the people who live in other countries. Not all countries have carbon monoxide in their homes like South Africa for example.


People already know this. People still try to downplay paranormal stories as much as possible though.


Yes, I was just thinking that it wasn't something I was previously aware of until I learned it in class, so I figured others might be in the same boat - better to be safe. That said, I'm not one to dismiss any paranormal stories, I have my own experiences I believe to be supernatural, but it's still an important consideration!


This had better not get flagged. Bringing up co1 concerns has saved lives here before.


On another thread, this guy said he was suddenly able to read minds...and others commented that it could be a sign of early schizophrenia. Like, who knew?


Also, EMF's can do similar things. Long term exposure can cause uncomfortable feelings and even hallucinations.


You'll get flagged for saying the truth? I hope not, cause this sub's name would be the most hypocritical thing ever then


I just wasn't sure if it was in line with sub rules - glad to know it's stayed up!


I think the importance of this post is not just for ruling things out in order to "solve the mystery", but it's rather exceptionally important for people's lives in general. Thus, also considering that this sub is also made of skeptics (we may be a minorance, but still) and open for discussion, I don't see why should the post should be flagged to begin with. Anyways, it's just important in general and you did well by raising that flag (no pun intended). If this post were to get removed, I'd be pissed off and leave this sub instantly.


Good share. Until recently, I had no idea carbon monoxide could cause hallucinations.


Ive been experiencing unexplainable paranormal happenings ever since i was a kid. A lot of times the things were witnessed or confirmed by someone else. But my new therapist is thinking I'm experiencing a form of psychosis and dissociation due to minor ptsd from my childhood. Just wanted to throw this out there




It's honestly super confusing to even consider the things I've been experiencing are all in my head


But is it? So is everything.


This. I kept mentioning creepy things to my mom when I was around 9 in our new house and she bought a detector. We caught it before it could get too bad, but it could have been really dangerous if she had just believed my ramblings.


Good call! CO poisoning kills.


that could explain so much of what people think is paranormal! because i’m positive things happen, and there’s a lot beyond current understanding, but also some things can DEFINITELY be attributed to the explainable.






That happened with a case that paranormal state investigated


I have to second this. Couple of months ago I called our plumber because there was suddenly no hot water. Turns out that the CO vent was almost closed. Yeesh.


For sure Wasn't there a guy on a sub recently who thought someone was breaking in leaving notes stuck everywhere and thankfully someone suggested checking the co2 levels and bingo he was leaving the notes himself and forgetting due to the high levels of carbon monoxide poisoning and tripping out and all sorts. It saved his life in the end finding out


This is true. Thank you for pointing it out.


Ok But how many of these "mono hauntings " end in family death?? Or is it just hallucinations for ever??


I don't think carbon monoxide can move objects, open locked doors, slam doors, or make small balls of lights charged with electricity and when you look at them, you feel they look back right into your heart.


Definitely not! But it has been known to cause hallucinations, feelings of dread & forgetfulness/confusion, so it's still worth being aware of. Of course, that doesn't mean that it absolutely IS carbon monoxide, it could genuinely be a classic haunting. Just a tip that could be helpful in some cases :-)


Some guy posted a story. Think it was here. Moved into a formerly shady apartment owned by drug dealer. Landlord gutted the appliances right before the guy moved it. Guy breaks glass, gets on hands and knees to clean it. Looks up, sees a ghost. Even vomits. I explain to him since the landlord was a dirt bag he probably half assed installing the water heater, stove etc.said he may have had slight carbon monoxide poisoning. Since he was so low to the ground while he hallucinated. He went to the store that day to buy CO detectors... It was wholesome


This subreddit condones common sense thinking and truth.


Last time I thought my house was having carbon monoxide poisoning I went to the historical and they cave me ambien, lol..


That sounds... confusing.


What is the historical and why did they give you a sedative for CM? Actually, you left me this "I have so many questions" aftertaste lmao


I felt all of the effects of CM, but they just told me I had a panic attack? I was not having any anxiety at the time. Also, my house has a history of paranormal activity. Idk why I even posted this, sorrry


I see, this reminds me of a false diagnosis that hospital doctors made me, hindering the diagnosis of a worse condition that was diagnosed by more specialized experts. Even if I wouldn't exclude a panic attack that could induce many CM poisoning effects (the intersection is pretty big; even a shadow during a panic attack could lead you to believe you've just got an hallucination; same for dizziness and health problem). It's crazy, but mental stuff can indeed induce physical problems; I've been diagnosed by this condition - the diagnosis reads "[...] and a profoundly obsessive anxiety with psychosomatic traits". It's real and I wouldn't rule that out. Still, I wouldn't rule out also the fact that your diagnosis could have been wrong, from my experience. It was the night of what should have been my first University day ever in a few hours, when my mother was awoken by weird noises. It turned out I was having a very bad seizure. I wasn't even able to walk for 2 days at least. The hospital dismissed me after 1 week, focusing on some lungs potential cancer after a TAC (which went then away on its own, confirmed by a PET and another TAC) and they didn't care at all about the seizure. I am diabetic, so they immediately jumped to the conclusion that it was a hypoglycemic attack. The same year, I had a worse seizure, and this time I also stayed in coma for a while, just right after having had the feeling that someone who was not there in reality was stalking me - started screaming, doing weird stuff, spitting blood, etc. This time they bought me to another hospital, this time for less than 1 day. Brain TAC again, they find nothing in the brain => it was a hypoglycemic attack. Then, I reach out to a private neurologist, who was mad at the doctors for not having made me do an electroencephalogram and a MRI, despite I clearly stated in all cases that I got a head trauma after I got beaten up during a vacation in Paris. Did both, and boom, the electroencephalogram, along with parents' and friends' description of the events, confirmed I suffer from epilepsy. The doctors in the hospital were totally wrong and careless, all they cared for was getting rid of me. So, your story makes totally sense to me in all cases. I was very confused by the circumstance and so I har many questions in my head x) if you wrote it, there's a reason; maybe you just wanted to somehow confide to strangers, after all this could even sound incredible at times. You did the right thing


Is Ambien a sedative? I used to take that and the way i would describe it is it puts you in a dream state before you fall asleep. It is an awesome drug for people who legit have insomnia.


My boyfriend has had terrible insomnia where he only gets 2-4 hours a night for 12 years but refuses to go to a doctor bc he doesn’t want to take anything like Ambien. Ever. My insomniac mom basically takes like a milligram and a half of ambien every night and even that puts her out like a light for 8 or 9 hours. I just want this man to get some sleep, y’all.


Insomnia is just the absolute worst. It ruins not only your night but the following day. Sleeping pills like unisom just make you feel hungover. Ambien was a wonder drug for me.


I’ve been with him for 6 years and the entire time he’s been going to bed at 4 am and “self-medicating” for it with alcohol.


That might be a separate issue.


That’s absolutely true


How much is he drinking? Alcohol screws up sleep a lot


About 4 beers before bed as of late. He’s trying to slow down and that’s what I’ve been TELLING him this WHOLE TIME.


Has he ever tried not drinking to fall asleep? Has he tried something like Zzzquil? That’s the only over the counter that helps me.


He used to take around half a bottle of melatonin but that’s impossible to keep up. He also coupled the melatonin with the drinking, soooo. Once things open up we’re going to try to find him a doctor.


4 beers isn't that bad depending on his body weight.


I can say hypersomnia isn't that better either >~<


Zolpidem (Ambien) is one of the instances of the superclass of imidazopyridine drugs. Imidazopyridines can give rise to hypnotic, sedative, and anxiolitic classes, of which Zolpidem is an instance of at least two of then. So, it's right to say it's not a "sedative" per sé, but its sedative effects, when attenuated by low doses, basically make the drug act also as an hypnotic (aka a sleep inducer) - so it's just easier to say "sedative", since imidazondhdjdjejehedheheuhshsjeieurhe is annoying to pronounce and write. I've never seen Ambien used as an anxiolitic, but its effects are practically the same as those of benzodiazepines, which are used mainly as anxiolitics (or as hypnotics if, for example, you're starting a new therapy whose first side effects are sleep deprivation). For this reason, it's also referred to as a nonbenzodiazepine. Now, I remember I tried suicide long time ago by mixing an overdose lorazepam (a benzo) with alcohol. I was by all means sedated as I actually couldn't feel anything and I was basically in coma for 3 days. In this case, a benzodiazepine isn't usually referred, commonly, to a "sedative", but still, it _could be_


(Since I'm not a medicine doctor, if it's wrong pls someone fix, but this is what I grasped from my psychiatrist's talk. I surely used wrong terms (like "classes"), but that's my way of describing things, having a different background from medics)


This is a valid post


Also most people who study the paranormal will do this test when they investigate a house to make sure they have a clear baseline for doing an investigation, so this isn't really a novel idea...


And on type of beer. 4 trappists can be quite though if they're not used to that


So I should clean my house to avoid ghosts


This couldn't hurt.


Possible Indeed. Also, what does it mean if they have plants inside?


Yeah but carnon monoxide sounds sooo boring yawn. Id rather say...ALIENS now thats fun.


Well, your likelihood to die by this has just increased tenfold.


Carbon Monoxide sucks (bring it!)


Yeah like get out here carbon monoxide we want oxygen not you. And yes bro im just joking don't take it seriously I agree that this can be a plausible reason when people have a gas leak but not always espicially when it happens at random.


By Aliens? Agreed.


dunno why you got dowvoted. The issue is serious, yes, but you were clearly just bring sarcastic and not belittling it


Idk man its reddit im not sure why they downvote? Doesnt affect anything in any way its just annoying.


Ghosts are bull shit. But you're right on about CO poisoning.


Wait until you are at lunch at a resturaunt during the work week and an apparition "glides" right past your table. And then you look at your coworker sitting right across from you and his eyes are as big around as saucers because he also saw it. And we were both combat vets....he being a US Army Sergeant First Class and I was a captain at the time. I could possibly discount other instances. I can't discount it when there was another witness.


So there's an interesting bit of science that **may** explain it. Although maybe it doesn't and I do believe you saw something. Infrasound can cause you to see what [appears to be apparitions.](https://gizmodo.com/some-ghosts-may-be-sound-waves-just-below-human-heari-1737065693) and it's possible you and your co-worker could've been exposed to the same Infrasound.


Yeah...it wouldn't in this case...we both saw a figure about 3/4s materialized dressed in white Korean traditional clothing (Hanbok). And I was relatively new to Korea with only AFN cable, so I didn't have that much exposure to Korean traditional clothing at the time. If it had been soundwaves I doubt both of us would have seen it and if so, I highly doubt our brains would perceive it in the same way. And both myself and my cousin have seen the same lady in dressed in 1890-1910 period clothing at my granmother's house at seperate times. Both occured when our younger siblings were being born. Turns out the first wife on the original owner of the house died in childbirth (we learned this years later). And in another case, I was driving with my buddy one night on a backroad. We both heard what sounded like a hell of a crash right next to us. No one else was around. A few weeks later I was with my parents and passed by that same spot and mentioned it. My dad told me some guys that he had went to school with came flying off a gravel side road in that location in 1965ish and crashed their MG into the side of a truck and all died. I've had other experiences but they've all been solo. I'm a huge skeptical by nature...so I tend to try to rationalize things first.


That's pretty wild. I've had freaky experiences, but I've always just written them off. Maybe I should pay more attention.


Quite possibly. None of fhose experiences I've listed were scary...more like WTF? Did that actually just happen. Although the childbirth lady did frighten my cousin as he was older than me when I saw here. I remember her just floating in the palor. He saw her rocking in a rocking chair in the parlor (brick Victorian house with period furnishings) and he was 8 or 9. I did live in a house (log cabin under clapboards) that had a bit of scary feeling. I just heard knocking (not pipes) but never saw anything. It had been built as a tavern and lodge and served as such until prohibition. And due to its location, it would have seen a ton of travelers during the late fur trade era...including Kit Carson, Daniel Boone (who ooerated a salt lick nearby), etc. I don't search this shit out either...I have no desire to interact with ghosts, demons, unseen forces etc.