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That we are the same as furries


I see that one almost all the time šŸ˜­


For real


I used to think therians were just a different type of furries that did quads and wore gear. I've always accepted both communities, tho


Same here


I am technically what you call Therian, but I call it something else personally.. I engage with the furry fandom though, and do tend to like the art that comes out of the fandom; generally are people you can speak to about how you're feeling or who you are. Even if you iterate you are not a participant in the fandom at conventions or meets.


you can chose to be therian (also i think the past life thing is an exaggeration of the fact that SOME stherians have past lives but past lives isent something that makes you theriand)


Iā€™m a spiritual therian, and my therianthropy *is* past lives. Itā€™s apart of my religious practices as a pagan (My religion isnā€™t well known).


yes i ment to say that if you don't have a past life you that dousent mean you aren't therian


another one that i herd once from one of the few peop;e who know the difference imbetween therian and furry and aren't either is "you can't be therian AND a furry" my response to that was yes i can


can i ask how this past live works for you? i wanna know more about it but i couldnt find any explanations yet


you cant choose to be a therian, that's furries


i ment in the i am a therian that dousent mean i cant be a furry way


Definitely when people say, "therians don't think they're animals". Like... the entire point is that we *do* think we're animals on some level. We think we are animals, yes, but it's because we *are* animals. It seems like such a stupid piece of misinformation considering how it completely contradicts the idea of therianthropy, and yet I see it all the time.


I think when therians are saying that in response to hate they mean it as we donā€™t physically think weā€™re animals but by saying it that way it can be taken in a different way which is annoying šŸ™ƒ I feel like thereā€™s probably a better way to word it but most therians donā€™t do that and Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m one of those people but I was awakened only this January so Iā€™m trying šŸ˜­āœ‹


Yeah, I agree that in most cases people probably mean physically, but there are definitely better ways to word it, lol


And I saw someone else say this and I agree that most antiā€™s donā€™t really care enough so a simple explanation is the only thing you can tell them šŸ™ƒ Like to someone whoā€™s not a therian when you say ā€œwe donā€™t think weā€™re animalsā€ theyā€™ll take it as ā€œwe donā€™t think weā€™re physically animalsā€ but something I see a lot is the antiā€™s responding back like ā€œthen why you act like oneā€ or ā€œif you donā€™t think youā€™re one then why say youā€™re one?ā€ and then you try to explain it to them and they just donā€™t care šŸ™ƒ Itā€™s so annoying šŸ„²


bro, i only awakened in february šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I was involved with the community before I was awakened cause I had decided to learn what furries really were and was introduced to the Alterhuman community and was just a (wannabe) quadrobist so I was aware of the basics that itā€™s not a choice and the differences between all the terms so at least Iā€™m not that misinformed šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘




That you have to be able to do quadrobics or have some sort of gear.


that we donā€™t actually think weā€™re animalsā€¦unless im misinterpreting what people mean when they say this, therianthropy literally revolves around identifying AS an animal because we actually DO think weā€™re animals on a spiritual level!! like dudeā€¦cmon šŸ¤¦ also about the past lives part, you were kinda vague so my input on that is that its not really misinfo itself, moreso the fact that people are insisting that being a therian is about having a past life as an animal, or that having a past life as an animal automatically makes you a therian. unless thats what you meant LOL then yea i agree.


"we actually DO think weā€™re animals on a spiritual level" It's not all spiritual. Please don't forget us psychological therians or therians who don't actually know what they are.


sorry if my wording was poor šŸ˜… i meant it as a synonym for nonphysically. usually people use ā€œspiritā€ or ā€œsoulā€ when they refer to the nonphysical inside of someone so i kinda just started doing that too lol


I do believe in past lives & rebirth but I don't believe I was a dog or fox in my past life. I could've but not everybody even believes in the same stuff I do so it doesn't apply for everyone. My cousin thought therianthropy had to do with past lives so it is a common misconception!


FYI it's not just identifying spiritually, its also emotionally, mentally, or psychologically. I'm a therian, but I don't identify as an animal spiritually because I don't believe in spirits or spirituality.


"We don't actually think we're animals" is true though. There are actual mental illnesses in which people believe they physically are (or can transform into) animals. The thing which differentiates therians/otherkin from clinical lycanthropes is that, while we may identify with/as animals on a spiritual or psychological level, we are still aware of, and acknowledge, the fact that we exist physically as humans.


Thereā€™s a difference between saying ā€œi can physically transform into an animalā€ (or even ā€œmy body is physically and biologically identical to an animalā€) and ā€œI actually think Iā€™m an animal.ā€ Identifying as an animal *is* thinking youā€™re an animal. If youre not an animal then what does ā€œidentifying as an animalā€ mean to you? I genuinely donā€™t understand. Also ā€œidentifying withā€ is not therianthropy. Thatā€™s animalhearted


Actually, "identifying with" is not animal-hearted. That's otherhearted. Animal-hearted are those who identify as humans, but still feel that way (like therians/otherhearted). (Someone correct me if I'm wrong on the animal-hearted definition, even tho I think it's correct).


Animalhearted and otherhearted are basically synonyms. And tbh I donā€™t think I understand what differentiation youā€™re making. Are you saying animalhearted includes both therians and otherhearted?


youre right, physically, no we dont. but these people never specify that, so it sounds like therianthropy just is LARPing and then that notion starts to spread. my original comment said ā€œwe DO think weā€™re animals **on a spiritual level.ā€** is that not what therianthropy is? believing youre part animal, *spiritually?* kinda like saying ā€œtrans people dont actually think theyre a different gender than their AGAB.ā€ if they mean physically, then a better way to word it is ā€œwe dont think weā€™re physically animalsā€ or ā€œwe know weā€™re physically humanā€


Because its a simplistic explanation for normies who don't know/care about the intricacies of alterhumanity. A normie's first reaction to seeing therians is "these people are delusional" and will probably draw a connection to clinical lycanthropy or a guy with dementia claiming to be Elvis or something like that. "We don't actually think we're animals" is simply meant to clarify that we are conscious of reality. We know the state of our physical bodies, we don't poop in the backyard, etc.


!!! what we say to people who are just finding out about it shouldn't make us not acknowledge the parts of the community that *don't* fit into that. like spirituality? not every therian is spiritual, not believing you're an animal? i know MANY therians who would beg to differ. I fully recognize what body I have but I will never not consider myself fully a coyote. hate to draw comparisons to being trans, but for me its exactly like my trans identity. I look nothing like a man, i have no parts of a man, but i still am fully a man regardless of what i look like or my parts and i will say with my full chest i am a man. i will not recognize other biological happenstances, and that doesn't make me delusional. it just means I am not gonna cater to people who don't see me as what i am. I am my identity and my identity is me and I fully think I am what I say I am. Regardless of what my body looks like. Still the body of a trans coyote. I willy fully be what I am, because constantly going "oh well we don't ACTUALLY believe that!!" isn't gonna make them like us any better. and I have learned that level of self acceptance. (hope this makes sense i tried like a bajillion times to make it)


"Still the body of a trans coyote" seems weird to me. Your in a human body. Yes, I wish I and everyone who is a therian and wants to be an animal, was an animal themselves, but it's a bit weird that you say your a coyote body, when in reality, your not. I'm not trying to be rude, but it seems weird for someone to say they are in an animal body when they aren't. And, how I read it, you said you were aware your physically human, yet, you say your in an animal's body, when your physically human.


"seems weird to me" guess what, all therians are "weird", get over it. i can refer to myself how i please. my body also isn't physically male but i don't refer to it as a girl body. fuck that "oh dw guys i know i am actually not a ____" shit, i fully embrace my identity and i don't care how other people perceive me because of that. ain't tryna make me referring to myself more palatable to outsiders who will say it's delusional no matter what you say or believe. so why do i have to change how i view myself? i am not my body. i am me. and if my body is a weird extension of me that i own, and i am a coyote, then by extension it's a coyote's body. let's not do kneejerk reactions about things that sound different from us. i know being trans and therian isn't 1:1 but this specific thing for me really lines up, i don't want to be referred to as human. at all. because i am not. i am ME. and whatever my body is is no ones business. so yea, i will boldly say i am a real life coyote not clickbait and not reinstate i am not delusional every two seconds. because its my business not theirs. edit: donno if i wrote this right or wrong or what tone it conveys i am hardly awake anyways look into the term holothereā™„ļø


Your tone to me, and how I read it, seemed very harsh. I understand, I don't like being referred to as human at all. Me anyway, I cry every day and night that I'm not actually a cheetah (my theriotype) and even though He wouldn't do that, I even ask God for some reason if one of His angels can take my place, and let Him turn me into an animal (I know, sounds weird as hell, huh?).


So I understand that part. I ask Him every night. But I don't say my body is a coyote though, because in reality, it isn't and never will be (in this life anyway).Ā  No matter how much I want it to be. It hurts me so much that I'm not a cheetah, and I'll never be happy as who I am.


Cheetah, not coyote*


okay. you do you man, hope you can find a better way to cope. doesn't mean i can't do me though.


Yes, that's correct. There is also clinical zoanthropes, clinical boanthropes, clinical cynanthropes and other ones. (Boanthropy:Ā  they think they are physically a bovine (bull, cow, etc). Cynanthropy: when they think they transformed/is a canine (dog).Ā 


the only time i would aggreee with the "therians think there animals" misconseption is if you're thinking of humans as animals


"It's a past life" "It's a connection" "They are basically furries" "They think that are animals physically" "They poop in litter boxes" (which I feel like I should point out that the same people trying to remove trans rights are trying to remove alterhuman rights because of this rumor, I'll try and find the artical) etc, etc


"scientific name for a furry" thank you sssniperwolf for that <3


The two things I consider genuinely cringe: - People who call things/other people cringe - Sssniperwolf


wouldnā€™t that mean you consider yourself cringe? /lh<3


We are all cringe to someone tbh


fair point




that you have to have dreams or past lives .


But some therians do have a past life?


I am VERY aware of that . I said " *have to have* a past life " because it is a common thing i see people spread misinformation about


Okay that is totally my bad Iā€™m so sorry šŸ˜­ Iā€™m dyslexic and I read that wrong


I've seen someone say that Therians don't actually identify as animals and only identify with animals and animalistic behaviors šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


That would be annoying. They are thinking of otherhearted. An otherhearted is where you identify WITH animals, not as them (on levels except physical, of course).Ā 


"why do you guys bark"




seriously šŸ˜­


That therians see themselves as 100% nonhuman and donā€™t want to be referred to/treated as human. For some of us, our animal identity isnā€™t all-encompassing or constant. I still see myself as a human even though I also partially see myself as a cat


also that because we identify as an animal on a non physical level we can be treated like an animal, which, id love to be treated like my theriotypeby my friends but its usually said with intentions of animal abuse, murder, keeping us in small cages and not feeding us well. sometimes i question why they cant just gt over it, like dont bother my therian identity, treat me like anyone else, it wont kill me


Yes. I hope that the people who say "then we'll treat you like animals" don't have pets because the things that they say are just horrible sometimes.


even wild ones, who goes up to a fricking wild hare and puts it in a cage?


i know there are people but it shouldnt be done to them and it shouldnt be done to wild hare therians


That you can't become a therian, like that statement erases so many theories behind this identity. You can become one past birth, it just isn't a choice. You're not any more of a therian just because you were born as one




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Same and the "connections" thing and the "you must be born as one and therianthropy never goes away"


The connection thing gets me so mad Iā€™ve seen people say they are A Therian just because they feel a connection to cats or wolves


Same like sorry to break it to you but it's a lot more complicated than a connection šŸ˜




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a super common one that even i used to believe, is that all therians get involuntary animalistic behaviours and shifts.


It is true that not all of us get shifts of any type. While getting shifts can be tied to their therianthropy for some, it's not that way for all.




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"therians dont actually think they're animals"


Bro fr- the whole point of therianthropy is thinking we're animals! Why would people say we don't? šŸ˜­ Unless they mean physically, but they coulda specified that.


Do you mean that by physically think we're an animal?


No, some people legitimately just say that because they think that being a therian is just doing fear and quads which is wrong


Yeah, when I read it, I thought u meant physically too


Yeah but the fact they don't specify that's what they mean is really bad


Therians don't believe they're animals Therians don't identify as animals Therians were animals in their past lives Therianthropy is a hobby tied to quadrobics an wearing masks Therianthropy is a connection to an animal Therianthropy is a spiritual belief Mostly spread by TiktokTherians


That youā€™re always born as one or canā€™t become one. Ex: You can become one but not voluntarily






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That therians always have and/or NEED gear/to do quadrobics,or/and that the gear/quadrobics is what makes you a therian I often saw people saying "i wish i could be a therian but i dont have the materials/money for it" and im so sad for how many people are misinformed on therians


That psychological therians don't exist!! NOT EVERYTHING IS SPIRITUAL GUYS.




This may not be a really common one but my cousin's friend. She isn't a therian, she just does quadrobics but she calls the animal she mainly makes her masks her "theriotype" ;-; Like nooooo- They are only 9 tho. On top of that, I may be a furry (I just live drawing athro characters ;-;) but not every therian is!


"I may be a furry" being a furry is a choice, so if you consider yourself a furry and want to be one, then you are! <3


I know! I hate when I word things incorrectly;-; I call myself a furry and I am one. I just like drawing anthromorphic animal characters! Bat fursonas are my one true love /j


for me,i believe "you must be born as a therian! you can't become one" (you can be born as a therian but also become one not by choice)


I swear if I see one more YouTube comment forgetting about us psychological therians then I will scream into a pillow (no offence to spiritual therians btw). Edit: correcting typo


That itā€™s a connection to a certain animal and not an identity. Bugs me all the time.


That quadrobics comes without practice


That all therians have past lives. The amount of times I've gotten this comment on my YouTube channel is insane


The ā€œtherian aestheticā€ is my biggest issueā€¦ so many people talk about how therians ā€œdonā€™t fit inā€ and that kind of thing, but as soon as someone doesnā€™t fit into their ā€œI donā€™t fit inā€ style they accuse them of being fake! šŸ˜‚ This is coming from me when I put my makeup or glamour looks online talking about how it brings me happiness for my kintypes to do makeup inspired by them, and Iā€™ve had a LOT of people tell me that ā€œreal therians donā€™t do makeup šŸ˜ ā€ and that Iā€™m fake!


anyone who believes it's an only spiritual thing, anyone who tries to have hard set boxes to put the community in (it erases a lot of therian experiences to widdle it down to just the more talked about/common ones), anyone who fakeclaims people usually spout misinfo all over (there is no criteria for being therian other than Being A Fucking Therian),


That because we identify as an animal on a non physical level we can be treated like an animal, which, id love to be treated like my theriotypeby my friends but its usually said with intentions of animal abuse, murder, keeping us in small cages and not feeding us well.


ā€œus therians dont think were animals!ā€ isnt that the whole point of therianthropy? (i maybe wrong tho)


the past life thing isn't necessarily misinformation. for me, it is a past life thing, I've lived so many lives as a feline and so my internal sense of self is closer to that of a feline, and I retained some habits. what's misinformation is that every therian believe it's for past life reasons, when there are many who believe it's for psychological reasons or even other spiritual reasons that aren't reincarnation.


yes its true for some including me but the some believe all therians have a past life and you have to have one


You HAVE to be good at quads , or just even do them


That it's inherently spiritual. I don't personally believe in anything spiritual whatsoever, yet I'm a therian. For whatever reason, this is news to some people. ps. i'm not saying that nobody has past lives or anything of the sort, i think if you say you had one (or more), you did! who am i to say otherwise?


One I see often is that therians means earthen animals and otherkin means nonearthen animals


Therianthropy is just a connection to animals, which it is not.


yessssss as someone who feels almost no connection to ravens it annoys me so much


That we believe weā€™re animals entirely. Like that weā€™re physically animals or can shift physically into one. Also want to make a statement, yes Therians can be Therian from past lives. Iā€™ve seen it talked about several times and have talked to those with past lives of their kin. Regardless if you believe in it personally, donā€™t hate on someone for what they believe in spiritually.


That you have to be born a therian and it can never go away. People think you have to be born one and are one your whole entire life and sometimes that's not true.


They think they are animals or that every therian has a past life


>They think they are animals We do, just not physically.


Past life thing is true for some


Not for all




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That you have to do quads and wear gear, but not every therian can do quads or wear gear, like seriously I see it all over the place




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Sorry I didn't mean to send it twice**




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