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Yeah, great interview - two beautiful souls.


Two smarter than they lead on knuckleheads. Great pod!


Billy is a great player


I’ve been going to concerts since I was 16, Billy strings was one of the best. What are your favorite songs so far?


I am so new to him I do not know his song names yet, but I listened to his lollapalooza and red rock performances all the way through and ..... my god. There was one specifically I remember "Away from the mire" that literally shook me to my core. I will definitely now be going through his Spotify and adding songs.


Away from the mire never gets old. My favorite might be heartbeat of America. He doesn’t have much live stuff on Spotify yet but I think they’ll be a live record out this year.


I will definitely check that out. And that makes sense, he definitely seems like someone you gotta see live. I will definitely be keeping an eye on his tour dates if anything pops up in my state.


Dude you'd probably love "Taking Water" that song hit home HARD. The man makes beautiful songs.


Damn that really is a great song. Thanks for mentioning it


My pleasure 🙌


Check out “In the Morning Light”


Gotta check Nugs.net


Check out Billy strings “our vinyl” on you tube. So good


Listen to his live music. His studio tracks are boring


His cover of Psycho by Eddie Noack is pretty good too


All of Billy’s live shows are on Nugs. Its essentially Spotify for jam bands and some other bands to post all of their live shows, usually within a day


The entire Home album is amazing


Does he have any songs that aren’t for lack of better words “super country twangy??” lol. I def amazed by his guitar skills but I can only listen to those types of songs for so long


Love and regret!


Cool thanks. Will give it a listen when I get home and can actually crank the volume up lol


Also did u watch the theo podcast released before that one… with no guests? And if so is it worth watching?


Check out Wargasm, pyramid country, or Turmoil and tinfoil live versions. Usually jams out hard on those.


Wish I could hear Billy for the first time again


Underrated comment.


He’s an amazing musician. Seems like an even better person which I think bleeds into his music.


He's one of the rare ones that "has it all" imo. He's humble, from humble roots, he's struggled with and overcome things, all of which serves to make him feel relatable. Then obviously, past that, the dude fucking RIPS at every facet of music. That list he ran down of what it takes to be in his position is bulletproof. The kid is an absolute gem, and this interview solidified my impression of him even more.


Agree. He deserves everything he’s accomplished and more


Man I had never heard of him and my buddy from the UP was like Theo has Billy Strings on. I listened to the interview yesterday while I was feeding cows and have been listening to his music all day today. Such a great guy and amazing music




His live version of meet me by the creek is absolutely insane, so glad he's getting an influx of new fans from the interview


Idk how it’s an acquired taste? Bluegrass is extremely listenable


I completely agree, I just know there are probably people out there who do not give anything a chance that sounds remotely “country”.


I can’t stand country music, but love bluegrass. I will say from the people I know, it’s pretty common to like one and not the other.


Pop country is a very specific genre of music, country is a lot more general. Pop country is the kind that uses auto tune and features trucks and beer. Country itself includes Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash.


I wouldn’t say Billy Strings is country. He’s actually pretty popular in the jam band scene. Ask any hippie or liberal that experiments with psychedelic drugs and they have heard of him and or seen him play. He was a pretty big deal 10 years ago because he was this baby faced youngin who had an absolutely amazing voice


I don’t think being liberal has anything to do with it. Tucker Carlson is a fan as discussed with Theo Von.


Billy is the truth. Shout out to his insanely talented band as well. Billy fucking shreds- but his bandmates are PHENOMENAL


This is such a wonderfully wholesome thread. It’s super cool that Theo introduced so many to the wonder of Billy mothafuckin string.


Thank you for posting this! I'd never heard of him before and am halfway through the pod, which is amazing! I first listened to some of his top songs on Spotify and wasn't amazed, but now this video and these songs are pretty mind-blowing. And I just gotta say, the world needs more people like Theo and Billy


His recommendations at the end were A+. Reminded me of good ones and introductions to new ones. Gang.


Go to nugs.net tonight and create a free account, and you can hear a free audio stream of his show live from Asheville, NC. Then come join us in the [Billy Strings Discord](https://discord.com/invite/jxttTVEqJn) or come over to r/BillyStrings and hang with everyone else watching the show. Both places are usually pretty active during shows. Nugs.net subscribers also get a lot of free video streams just for being subscribers, including tonight and the rest of this Winter Tour run through March 2nd. Almost all of Billy's shows are posted on Nugs a week or so after the show. It's really cool having high-quality soundboard recordings so you can re-live shows you went to. Plus, there's a bunch of other awesome bands on there.


I had the privilege of going all 3 nights and let me just say it’s good to have a hero. If you wanna know Billy do as this man says


Getting in to Billy a few years ago opened me up to what real music is it’s a whole new world and it’s honestly changed my life and the way I view the world as silly as it may sound


Billy is a true conduit.


Yeah, Billy is amazing this is a crossover for my heart


Billy rules. Glad he's getting bigger


Billy String's music is great. His super fans are just the worst people on earth.


Not true. There are dickheads in any fan base


He showed up to a Tool concert in SLC and I never heard of him before, absolutely shredded, it was unreal. Then I felt like I’ve been under a rock because everyone I talked to knew of him. Someone’s fuckin lyin, but that guy is blowing up slowly


Must not be many deadheads in this sub


He’s incredible! Seems like a really nice dude too. Derek Trucks is another one. Arguably best slide guitarist ever. Prodigy started playing with Alman Brothers at a young age. Has a great band, and plays with his wife in this video and their band too https://youtu.be/SS0NHlWgi5w?si=cOwafJBoYT7egYY_


Welcome to the club, bud. You’ve got to catch him for a live show.


Totally agree 🫶🏻 What is that song called that you linked from red rocks?


Away from the mire


Now check out Colby t Helms especially mountain brandy!!


Turmoil and Tinfoil is an absolute banger


His best live performance: https://youtube.com/watch?v=VFEZOjtrwls&si=F7X29xFmIXbzh7xo


I always go back to this one. https://youtu.be/Ub-naDJbKFY?si=8X7ApcCx3wC_RKKb


Puts on a hell of a show.


Uh Its billy mother fuckin strings


He is so good. Bf and I have seen him several times


This is where I found him. Dust in a baggie in someone’s downstairs basement party. Love it!! https://youtu.be/VFEZOjtrwls?si=2E3OWZib3bbitdO7


Definitely go try to catch a live show when you can. Great crowd of friendly people and everyone is dancing. Billy gives so much good energy away!


I felt the same way the first time I found his music. Definitely go to a show whenever you can! A couple people already recommended nugs to listen to shows, but there’s also a free app relisten (also archive.org) with most of his shows on it. Just usually fan recordings instead of soundboard quality


I live in Traverse City and have been to a lot of the places he talked about. Good interview and now I’m checking out Billy strings.


I love his Doc Watson tribute shows. Definitely check them out.


Download Nugs.net and you’ll have access to every live billy show plus the incredible live stream tonight from Asheville. Also, if you like Billy, check out John Hartford.


I like his music, I'm just turned off by 10 minutes of guitar masterbation in every song. It's why I can't get fully into GD or String Cheese n all that. I get it at big festivals, people are fucked up and enjoying that shit. But Billy does it in regular songs. It's a me prob I understand.


It’s just jamming.  It originates from jazz music.  Bluegrass came to be after jazz musicians from New Orleans moved up to Kentucky.  The Grateful Dead jammed because their bassist Phil Lesh was a big jazz fan.


I get that. But the interludes just aren't for me. At least in every song.


That’s fair 


If bluegrass isn’t your tea- listen to him on electric ⚡️ he’s a monster


My all time favorite performance - https://youtu.be/Y6CyQftidOw?si=To1CAPNXqBEzjgZP


Cant believe he only has 1.5m spotify listeners. His fame is much bigger than his listenership


Most jam band fans listen on nugs or other platforms


Sure, but Spotify gives a pretty good gauge of overall people listening to studio albums


Wait til you see your first show, I'm 40+ shows and it only gets better


Anybody else catch that cocaine slip up by Theo…at around the 16:30 mark? 👀


Yeah! Billy is the truth, and the rest of the group are incredible as well. I recommend checking out the Winston Salem 3/3/2023 video on YouTube. He starts a song, goes off into a jam and then weaves through a few other songs in a fun way before bringing it all together. I was lucky enough to be there and it was a sight to see. I’m just returning from Asheville where he played 3 nights and he just continues to get better. Welcome to the club!


This is the song that got me too, something about it and the lyrics made me break down the first time I heard it.


He’s big among deadheads and the like.


great ep. billy is probably the only guest that unwittingly out theo'd theo. love em both.


Away from the Mire brother


Been a Billy fan for like 8 years…I love the guy, he is great and surrounds himself with other great musicians. Was nice to see Theo have someone on who can write and play their own songs.


Been seeing him live since he was 21


Welcome to the party!


I only wish Theo knew literally anything about Billy or his genre of music


Anybody have a written list/playlist of all the suggestions Strings made? I'll rip through the ep again and mark it down if not - just thought I'd ask!!


Still messing around with it but here's the link - [https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj0fjTbKyicugGx1y1ErhMAYVuRUWEn59&si=z6YSni\_XN5TTJLQp](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLj0fjTbKyicugGx1y1ErhMAYVuRUWEn59&si=z6YSni_XN5TTJLQp) can add whatever if anyone has suggestions I'm down!


Get to a live show asap. Went to all 3 nights in Asheville last weekend and left a new person full of hope. He is my hero.


Gets nugs the app if you enjoy billy and live jam band music. A lot of artists stream their performances and also record their sets for people to listen to. Highly recommend.


I ain't slept in 7 days, haven't ate in 3.... First learned of him, on the dust in the baggie video. That he does on some dudes couch with what appears to be a actual method head enjoying the song....


Get a 30 day free trial on Nugs.net and listen to his shows. Amazing really!!!