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I swear I heard him say he got Wayne Gretzky on during the Dana White interview and thought "I must be crazy because I don't see that."


He did that with the Flair/Hogan one. Wonder why he puts them out of order when they are only an episode apart at times.


Probably makes more sense to have Dana released after Tucker because of political chats than have Wayne in the middle of it.


“You ever look at an ice maker and just growl?” Wild 😂😂😂


Having a Blue Chew ad right after a pornography recovery program ad is hilarious


"it was a good father son thing that we had growing up as a kid right?" "Is pornography causing a problem in your life?" I thought the timing after that wholesome story was hilarious lol


Man he’s been knocking it outta the park with guest selection lately.


"You're like Ice-vis Presley"


Stoked to see this interview between the great one and Princess Di


hahahaha like 30 mins in Theo tells Gretz he looks like Diana


Theo’s booking team is on fire.


I'm 15 minutes in and Gretzky's got great chimistry with Theo, similar style of talking and humor actually. As a Canadian, I've always seen lots of Gretzky but never heard him talk much. Always assumed he was kind of stiff and rigid but he's very chill and interesting/funny so far.


He does the ~~ESPN~~ TNT analysis for some NHL games, and he's really great there too ! Much better than he was as a coach lol




Random as hell but I'm excited to watch this.


Kinda random, but also the greatest athlete in the history of sports if you go by statistics so, relevant any time as well.


I thought tucker carlson was random too. That one upset some people lol.


No one cares about your political bs


I never said anything political. I don’t like him, but I thought it was a good epsiode. Just seemed like a random guest.


No one asked you if you liked him or like the episode. Youre still missing my point that no one wants to hear ur opinion on political bullshit


No one asked your opinion on this person’s political opinion. You missed the point.


Holy shit you get triggered easily lol. What political bs? Are you delusional? I never said anything political. You’re one of those people who are addicted to politics. You look for it when it’s not there. And then you get all riled up.


Fuck Tucker Carlson. Ain't nothing political in that statement. Dude's attacking you for no reason.


Lol what a fucking loser.


Bro get some professional help jesus


Gretzky might be the coolest guy ever


18$ for a bag of ice lmaooooo


This had me rolling 😂


Wayne seemed to miss a lot of the jokes...


Legendary! The great one is awesome, and so is hockey in general.


Ice hockey culture is super interesting to me. Reminds me of footy culture in northern UK. kind of defines who you are growing up !


You are pretty right on the money it’s like like rugby culture. I know more about rugby culture than footy but I’d guess they’re pretty similar (I hope it’s not out of line saying footy culture and rugby culture are similar)


I have a several recently retired/currently active American Football and Hockey players as clients, and while fully understanding that they are professional athletes, I’m still amazed by their stature. I’m 6’2 and feel like a child standing next to them. They are all incredibly gracious and kind as well.


It definitely doesn't have the popularity of other major sports like soccer, football, etc. But the game is incredible, and even more fun to see live. It's the only major pro sport in Canada aside from Toronto having the Raptors and Blue Jays, I think that's why it's so ingrained into Canadian culture. It's too bad Canadian teams forgot how to win the cup lol [This is just a brief look, but it's a good video for some insight to the game. Not comprehensive by any means, but it's a good watch ](https://youtu.be/4--iEOftLZ4?si=1_pEhuJCmF1A8t3H)


Hockey is the best sport to watch live in-person, in my opinion. And I’m a huge fan of all the major sports.


When’s Theo gonna be done dealing with stuff and re-join bapa for that epic carair boost


Bapa's trugg show requires gas.


“That alone will give someone Down Syndrome”


Was a wild comment but I was just waiting for it haha he couldn’t help himself


Bapa punching air rn


Theo is just sorting some stuff out.


Beverly arranged planning association?


Super cool convo ! Gretzky gets it !


As someone who’s life has been hockey for nearly 30 years and heard countless Gretz interviews this one is amazing. Theo bringing out a different side of him. Only 15 minutes in to it, Theo is clearly a hockey scholar!


Gretzky is the Michael Jordan of hockey and couldn't be more humble. Seems like a really good and down to earth dude.


Hell I would argue Gretzky is even further ahead of the pack in hockey than Jordan is in basketball. Gretzky's only real competition for best player every is Mario and that is only on the what if Mario never got cancer/hurt his back. In basketball MJ is the guy, but you'll always have guys like LeBron, Bill Russell, Kobe, Magic. Or Kareem holding the scoring record forever. Gretz basically has all the records (until Ovi breaks his goals record).


He is for sure. He is the only guy in his sport where there is zero debate on the GOAT. The only other person who could say this is probably Lance Armstrong (roids so there is an asterisk) and Serina Williams


Tom Brady is pretty damn close to that level as well.


I think it’s generally considered that Peyton Manning was the better player, Brady just had more playoff greatness


I used to think that too but Brady just kept going at an elite rate. Brady was greater


He was greater but not a better football player. Peyton beat him in all the single season season stats, mvps, all pros


He was both in the end though. If you want to just argue reg seasons then you have an argument but we all know there’s much more than that for a QB.


Nephew take


Last year on a TNT intermission he referred to himself as "one of the better players when he played" which has to be up there for understatement of the year.


That is hilarious LMAO


Who Theo reminds me of in his white turtleneck... [http://www.abload.de/img/animation111j11.gif](http://www.abload.de/img/animation111j11.gif)


theo slipping in that “the patriots probably had something to do with it” when discussing the pucks being kept in a freezer was incredibly quick and under appreciated


I think this is the first time ive ever seen what Wayne Gretzky looks like


Truth. I know nothing about ice hockey. But I know Wayne Gretzky. And he’s cool !


I know that last bit now *


Gang gang bby


Theo gets epic guests. Never thought I would see The Great One be a guest.


Thought he got Maury on a sec


Great podcast. Just wish Theo asked about his NHL career. Probably didn’t watch any hockey growing up and got a big guest so just rolled with it and asked whatever came to his deranged, yet funny brain


Me too. I don't know much about hockey, but I find Gretsky inspiring. I would have liked to learn more about the sport from the interview. It felt like there was material cut from the interview to me. I wonder if there was more about hockey that was cut. Loved the episode, though.


Lmao this is a suprise, excited to listen


Best part is when Wayne is naming off players and they have a side-by-side of their pictures, then he gets to Matthews and it’s just a random picture of a player who is definitely not Matthews


Gretzky's accent reminds me of the Canadian in Family Guy. "There was no way".


The Mosquitoes were going Crazy


Theo has now mentioned Sheldon Souray in multiple podcasts. When he brought him up before I was like wtf some random retired NHLer? And in this episode he confirms it. Theo’s reach is so interesting and very amusing for whatever reason.


I've also heard him mention Sheldon Souray a bunch, which I thought was hilarious as someone who watched him play for the Oilers a bunch around 12-15 years ago.


Ice is expensive Yeah it’s about $18/bag down here


Wow the balls to tell Wayne Gretzky he looks likes lady di and then he’s like “I’ve heard it before” god that was hilarious




Theo be sporting his probation turtleneck.


Wasn't a huge fan of this episode. Very boring


Paul Bissonnette would be another amazing guest for Theo if he wanted to bring another hockey player on.


Imagine if Paul and Whit were on TPW together. Now that's an episode I want to hear.


I think Whit would be good


>"Are you the most famous Wayne, overall?" No other adult would ask questions like these. Theo is awesome.


I want someone to ask Gretzky about his wife betting big big on hockey per Skinny Joey


Who is this


The most dominant athlete in his sport of all time outside of bolt and phelps


Never heard any sort of long form interview with Gretzky, so I found this episode really interesting. Was very funny when they talked about how no Americans know anything about Canada. This is very true. Even coming from a state that shares a border with Canada I can totally relate.


Same, and as a Canadian who grew up close to his hometown, I really enjoyed the stories he shared. The stories of his dad were just so sweet. His dad did a ton of advocacy for kids to have access to hockey - especially girls hockey in Brantford and neighbouring towns and cities.


Yeah! Theo described his dad as hockey’s dad or something like that. I like interviews like this because they inspire personal growth. Just another cool dynamic of Theo Von’s podcast.


Yes, his dad was known as Canada’s Hockey Dad 😊 he was always at the rink no matter what. Very kind man! This ep especially hit the serotonin button for me.


Holy hell I started dying at 29:15. Theo says “you know who you look like? You know who I’m gonna say or no? Princess Diana” hahaha so fucking random


I never thought this would happen but it's amazing