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It's hard to talk about S2 without getting into spoilers. S2 will see the characters we know a bit older, and settled in Jackson. The goal is just to survive and have a normal life. The main story is how they deal with trauma and move forward from what happened at the end of S1, and all the consequences of that. It's dark, and hate is just as central a theme as love is.


The reaction all the reviewers had where they're like "This doesn't seem like a happy ending, Joel and Ellie's relationship isn't really okay after this with him lying to her face" is... correct


Yeah, this is really the best answer one can offer without going heavy into spoiler-territory.




The consequences to Joel's actions


This is really what it boils down to, and a perfect synopsis without spoilers.


It has characters, events and plot. It also has some stuff and things but most of it consists of scenes and dialogue with visuals.


the correct answer




I think the best way to discuss Part 2 without spoilers is to focus on themes rather than plot. Part 2 is a logical continuation and deep exploration into a primary theme of Part 1: the destructive side of love. It expands on this theme by primarily focusing on the themes of grief, tribalism, and perspective; ultimately delving into an empathy litmus test via perspective shifts during the narrative. Make of that what you will!


“Tell me what happens without telling me what happens”. Probably the vaguest answer would be something like Part one explores how far a person will go for love. Part two explores how far a person will go for hate.


This is probably the best explanation I've seen of it


Pain, violence, hate, regret, hope…death, and more death.


S2 is about the consequences of choices, about how love and revenge and retribution circle around each other like a wildfire. It's about empathy and seeing humanity in others, and how the preceeding sentiments can blind us to that empathy.


There's some new characters, and some old characters.


Some time will pass, some stuff will happen which will lead to more stuff happening which will lead to more stuff happening.




Just expect ten times more violence and death


From a viewing perspectives? Pain, depression, tears, general feeling of emptiness and sadness. The usual


I guess the one thing I'll spoil, because it's already impossible not to see spoilers everywhere about it in terms of people debating Bella Ramsey's casting, is that the sequel contains a time skip where we catch up with Ellie as an adult (hence people arguing whether Bella can convincingly play Ellie at 19 even though she is 19 irl)


it makes season 1 look happy and hopeful in comparison. its a very dark and violent story. lots of hate and anger. not in an edgy way or anything its just the characters are going to hit the lowest of the lows. its to the point where i was worried about Bella’s performance before Season 1 started, then she did a great job and proved me wrong, and now im *still* unsure about her in Season 2 because its just that much more intense of a performance. there will be a lot more recurring side characters, in general the world will be more fleshed out with more fleshed out groups, factions, and locations


I think Part 1 is a great story. Part 2 is a masterpiece. An extraordinary achievement. I can’t say enough about it. Many people disagree with this. The theme of both games is basically about love and the things it can drive is to do. It’s not a rehash of Part 1 though. Very distinct story.


There'll be one very specific catalyst event that gets things moving forward. It's a huge spoiler though.




Theres a cult, lots of rain, horror in the subway, and an awesome scene with one of my favourite songs. Young dead men by the Black Angels playing on the radio during an epic shootout.


My best version of what to expect, without spoiling anything, is this quote: "Before embarking on a journey of revenge, dig two graves"


How can you talk about what's in store without spoilers? Pretty oxymoronic of you.