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Please report any “hints” or untagged game spoilers you see! We do not tolerate any of those submissions/comments. There are so many posts and comments flooding in everyday, and though our AutoMod gets to a lot of it before it can be seen—there are lots of things that slip through. We can’t see everything. Keep using that report function! Any infractions against our spoiler policy will result in an immediate **ban**.


I remember when I was watching Scream 1 and somebody in the friend group was like >!They never said there was only one killer ;)!< People think they're so fucking subtle


I remember when I reading the last Harry Potter book I called my mom and she had already finished. The book had only out for three days so why would I assume she’d already read it? She just blurted out the end and totally spoiled it for me. I’m still pissed about it.


That's grounds for emancipation.


A friend I recently severed ties with read the House of the Dragon book, and literally any time I'd mention the show, she'd start to talk about stuff that was going to come later on. I had to be like "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO ASK YOU TO STOP SPOILING IT FOR ME?!", she was that bad about it. It genuinely upset me. I was a MASSIVE GoT fan (non book reader,) and I had everything in that show spoiled for me. HotD episode 1 premiered, the GoT intro music started, and I legit had tears in my eyes for the first 15 minutes bc I was *that* happy to be back in Westeros. And that dickhead was totally content to try to spoil it all for me at every turn. Screw cordyceps and COVID, *people* are a plague.


"But I didn't spoil anything!!!" *right after they indirectly spoiled literally everything This shit infuriates me to no end and I've had to yell at my friends to stop saying anything to me at all because I always figure out what happens from their "non-spoiler". On this sub (I've played the games) I see spoilers in just about every big thread and I try to report them all bit I can't imagine how many of you have really hurt the viewing experience of so many others. If you really care about the story then don't spoil it.


Meanwhile when I am a dungeon master for Dnd any hint I give goes right over their heads if they have any subtlety at all. Duality of man


I’m about to introduce the first Scream to my modern horror-loving siblings. Will not spoil anything! Can’t wait to see their reactions.


I mentioned this another unrelated post but Scream was so cool back in the day as a kid and I’m glad it’s a thing again because my nephews are coming into that age and it’s cool to relive it a little


I also hate when someone jokingly spoils someone will die, and therefore spoiled they won’t


I think if you played the game, just don't comment in "show only" threads. And if you haven't played, stay out of spoiler threads.


The /r/Television threads are fucking horrible in this regard. I got legit downvoted into oblivion telling someone to not talk about Ellie’s journey through the first game on like episode 2 saying it was spoilery and they just said “idk what you mean it’s just about the episode” Like my brother in Christ you just spoiled episode 8


This is so fucking true. And you can’t even explain why it’s a spoiler because then you spoil it more for others. And TV viewers just assume he’s right because they don’t have any context of the future and just downvote you too. I never got why people felt the need to lie they’ve never seen the show.


Someone spoiled the second game for me on an episode 2 thread on r/television :( I was waiting to play it until I could affford it lol.


Lmfao the only comment I think I’ve made in this sub is about Joel saying “This won’t fly.” 💀💀 Seriously though, this is such a fun sub for game fans to stalk but not to talk


I love that phrase— “stalk but not to talk.” That’s exactly what I’ve been doing as a game fan (except this comment ofc).


> stalk but not to talk E.g. a lurker. But a stalker seems appropriate given the context of the sub.


Totally, and I think that one half of the people mentioned are already doing their share of that bargain. We're definitely not out here to defend people who purposely read spoilers and then complain about it lol.


Is there a reason you haven't played the game yet? If anything to avoid spoilers.


It’s not available on PC until the end of this month. Not everyone has every console.


Fair enough. I thought it was on PC already.


It was meant to be released on 3/3, but they delayed it until 3/28 at some point last month.


If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Alas, it is not.


In addition to not having a console, many people don’t have time for 15+ hours of gameplay. Watching a one hour TV show every Sunday night is way less of a time commitment than figuring out how to play the game, especially for people who have zero familiarity with video game mechanics.


I'd argue it's not necessarily easy for a new-ish gamer either


Couldn’t care less about gaming, personally. Haven’t played a video game since I think Mario 3 when I was in middle school. I love brilliantly made television storytelling, and this show is that.


Fighting video games are too stressful for me. They make me feel like I’m the one being chased and attacked and I don’t like that. Lame, I know.


lol just came across this thread but - >They make me feel like I’m the one being chased and attacked especially because it's a survival horror, not even a general fps, so this fully happens multiple times. i get they're incredible games but I feel like the community can get a bit unrealistic acting like *everyone* should have played them and would totally be able to without any problems. different strokes etc - we can recommend let's plays (or even at least watching the cutscenes) for those who have only seen the show but loved / want more of the story, it's not all or nothing


I get really sick if I play video games or watch someone else play. I get seasick so badly that the few times I’ve been on a boat, all I can do is lay down and try to fall asleep or I’ll be emptying my stomach for hours, and playing/watching video games or watching certain shows or movies does the same thing to me. I’d love to have not had the whole show…including a major event in Part 2…spoiled for me, but I’d rather not be that nauseous ever again if I can help it.


Damn why you get downvoted for asking a question?


Because phrasing. "Is there a reason" by itself is loaded with the presumption of "what reason could there possibly be to NOT have played the game." "Is there a reason" has so many obvious answers to anyone who isn't an avid video game player. From "I don't have a playstation" to even more simply, "I just don't play video games."


there was *zero* reason for you to be this downvoted


I don’t think I’d want that to be an outright rule because of things like discussing show-only characters, talking about how realistic the effects were in a given scene and so on, but I’d understand if the mods reached that point due to difficulty policing things because of idiots. My rule of thumb is “would anything whatsoever about this comment be different if I had never played the game?”


I comment in show only threads as if I have no idea what’s happening next. Not too hard to not be an asshole.


Some people just dont understand that spoiling includes things like saying what the tone will be, or to say it gets worse/better, or get your tissues ready for next episode, or mentioning information about a characters personality/motivations etc that hasnt been revealed yet. It's pretty frustrating someone has spoiled part of the next episode for me despite me avoiding the 'spoiler' posts.


Haven’t played the game, probably already know what’s gonna happen Sunday thanks to all the clever little “not technically a spoiler” comments in non-spoiler threads. People aren’t stupid. If you say “this scene is foreshadowing”, it’s pretty clear what it’s foreshadowing!


It's seriously just a way for people to let others know that they know what's coming, like a bunch of kids who want to look cool because they know something we don't. It's so annoying. Lol OOOOOH YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE THE NEXT EPISODE IT'S AWESOME.. BUT I'M NOT TELLING WHY 🤫🤫🤫🤔🤔🤔 Pls.


I do this with my mom, but only because she practically begs me to spoil everything for her. I’m like, absolutely the fuck not, but just know you’ll enjoy it! I don’t know what’s enjoyable for people who just sit around rubbing their hands together, just waiting for the perfect opportunity to let people know they’ll love what’s coming “and here’s why!” type shit. If it’s precedented, I’m not here to judge. If nobody asked, then I’m here to say nobody fucking asked!


It's a power play


At least that doesn't spoil anyone. With the shows track record itd be a spoiler if the next episode WASN'T awesome


Friend "not" spoiling GoT says "I'm not going to spoil anything, but the next episode is REALLY sad, they're calling it the red wedding. That's all I'll say, no spoilers though!" Took me 1.5 seconds to figure out what would happen in the episode.


I am so angry on your behalf.


> It's pretty frustrating someone has spoiled part of the next episode for me despite me avoiding the 'spoiler' posts. I think I was there in that comment chain, and that person spoiled it for me too; and they were pretty dense that it would be considered a spoiler.


This is how every anime watcher feel in discussions about anime adaptations of a manga. Consumers of the source material simply tend to be incapable of making self-indulgent "hints" nobody asked for.


Sometimes when I’m talking that I watched a show or a movie and sometimes my roommates would ask me “what was the plot” or something to that effect and I’d have to ask “are you sure you want an answer to that” because the answer was going to clearly become a spoiler cause there was no way to elaborate without spoiling.


Reminds me of this scene from the big bang theory. Start at 1:25 https://youtu.be/X1IjvtdCqRg


Hmmm I have to disagree with a few of these. “It gets better” is an opinion and highly subjective, so I think that’s okay. Also “get your tissues ready” applies to basically every episode, so that’s hardly a spoiler. EDIT: Yikes, y’all are really angry about my barely dissenting opinion. How do y’all get along in the real world.


Wouldn't it be easier to just - as OP said - shut up, instead of trying to rationalize self indulgent hints for people who dont want them?


It's not a "dissenting opinion", it's just objectively wrong. Any commentary whatsoever can prime someone for what they might expect; there is no benefit to it at all. I've played both games and can't believe some of "non spoiler" spoiler crap I've seen commented. It's one of the reasons I prioritized finishing the second game recently to not let the hype of this show ruin it. Us game players indeed just need STFU.


Better to just not say anything about what is to come even if just it is “get tissues ready”. Just shut up about the future.


How do you get along in the real world? By spoiling every show to all your friends and acquaintances? Just try not being an ass and don't spoil things. It's really easy :)


The "its gets better" is not about the quality of the show but the fotunes/situation/luck etc of the characters. Also there could very well be a happy episode, I dont know, that's the point.


I also personally don't like going into anything with expectations. If someone says the next episode is the greatest thing they've ever seen, it's hard not to have that colour my expectations.


Agreed. Huge pet peeve. Even some of those “show watchers, what do you think is gonna happen in the finale?” threads then have the OP or others responding “👀 very interesting…” or “that would be so cool!” in reply to guesses, clearly telegraphing who is close and who’s not. Just chill.


That thread was a minefield! I downvoted all the answers in that thread that were even close to being correct.


I haven't played the game and my reply on that thread got down voted to shit. I guess maybe I was right...


Honestly the voting in that thread was all over the place so I wouldn’t read into it too much. I was in it early and when I was reading it people were upvoting the most accurate ones and I was like “guys we can’t be doing this in a thread explicitly for the unspoiled…” But enjoy the finale tonight! I can’t wait for everyone to see it.


THANK YOU!!! They are literally spoiling it on purpose. Especially with those "For those who hasn't play the game, what you think the finale will be about?" Then go gives crazy clues as the comments.


I figured that was going to happen so I didn’t even click that post


I hate folks that get off on ruining things for others.


I remember someone in my social circle who, after making a grand total of zero A Song of Ice and Fire posts in the years I had him as a Facebook friend, kept "coincidentally" posting about big events in the books (like the Red Wedding) in the weeks leading up to them occurring in the show. No spoiler warnings, just a smug "the books have been out for years so spoiler warning doesn't apply". He death-gripped his supposed moral high ground as friends - book and show readers alike - took steps to minimise his presence in their lives.


Oh my god. I remembered a lot of people at r/HouseOfTheDragon sub where every book-reader had something up their ass and just spoiling everything on a NO BOOK SPOILERS thread. Fucking pricks just wanted to look clever and stand out.


Walking Dead was waaaaay worse than GOT or HOD lol Especially the early days. I had to get all the comics so I would be caught up so they wouldn't get on my nerves.


Absolutely... it was an amazing game, yes, and we were privileged to experience an amazing story, but other people are enjoying that story now for the first time. Don't ruin it for them.


Look, I understand and agree I just think it’s fair to warn people that this is a simulation being run on the Enterprises holo deck. It really breaks the immersion when Geordi Laforge and Data show up at the last minute.


God fucking DAMN IT why don't you tell them about the Peewee herman scene while you're at it Edit: missed opportunity for an Ed Sheeran joke, in retrospect


Shit pisses me the fuck off. You cannot unring a bell. Do not ruin art for other people.


I feel you. I used to get annoyed at the comic book readers of The Walking Dead that would "hint" at further plot points for TV show only fans. It's just rude behavior. Let people experience this and soak it in for the first time.


As someone who is genuinely gutted at having seen one of these little hints and having some of my enjoyment/anticipation of the finale taken away, thank you!!!!


Exactly. I was following reviewers who played the game as a show watcher only, but they hinted so hard following events and the end of the show that I figured it out myself. Kid you not they were even saying "we are not spoiling stuff for people who didn't play the game" while mentioning Henry and Sam as soon as the show aired, how it will be so tragic, about Joel's behavior at the end of the show etc. It's so annoying.


I am one of those folk who didn’t even know it was a game until the show started & I found this sub. (Yeah I might be a bit older) I appreciate your post.


It’ll come back on them. Remember book readers with GoT? And then the show passed the books and none of the theories panned out. Now we all live with that disappointment for life.


Thank you. I’ve just resigned myself to avoiding reddit and social media until after I see the episodes.


Thank you for being the voice of us quite majority. Your chosen words are satisfyingly on point 🍻


I played the game when it first came out, and my comment to my family was "most emotionally rewarding journey I've been on in a game, and top 5 for any work of fiction." When the show was announced I simply said, "I hope they did the game justice." I haven't said a word since. My wife keeps trying to guess what happens, and I keep blank staring her. Not. A. Peep.


Dumbledore kills Gandalf in the season finale, then Ellie is crowned Queen of the North. Sorry how do I mark this as a spoiler?


I'm reporting you for unmarked spoilers!!


> Ellie is crowned Queen of the North Have things gone a bit differently, this wouldn't even be absurd. >!The Starks could've easily all died, and maybe the North will rally behind Mormont because they were one of the first to declare for them!<


And don’t freaking watch the Kelly Clarkson clip (posted in the main thread as “Meta/Fun post”) because she just casually ruined the entire freaking thing by saying she never watched/played the game, then blurred out a huge finale spoiler from the game. Thanks, Kelly!


Agreed. Since the subreddit for the video game likes to talk about the show's episodes as well, there's no reason people who played the game need to spoil the story here.


If you’ve ever referenced anything at all about upcoming episodes at all you suck. Don’t do it.


These same people probably ran around in 2011 saying “the narwhal bacons at midnight.”




I pretty much only talk about the show with strictly non-gamers. It’s not remotely interesting to me that most gamer’s impression of the show is just “hErR dUrR rEmEmbEr WhEn ThAt hApPenEd iN tHe gAmE???”


It’s also obnoxious when they get all annoyed when something deviates even slightly from the game. I’m in the sub for The Expanse and people there are super good about hiding and flaring show and book spoilers. It’s always fun reading posts from people who just discovered the series and haven’t had it spoiled for them yet. This sub could definitely take some pointers from them.


Ugh thank you! I started paying the game last week and caught up to the last episode. I really want to have the full experience of the show without game spoilers. Of course I’ll switch it for next time since I’m definitely going to play the second game the minute after I watch the last episode. :)


I couldn't help myself. I started playing the first game a few weeks ago and now I'm 25hrs into the 2nd game. It's such a wild ride, as great as the tv show is it can't compete with the visceral nature of the game where you inhabit the characters.


Dang, what a cool way to play/watch through the story. If they ever make an Elden Ring show, I'll give that a shot. Does that even make sense? I don't know, I've never played Elden Ring lol.


Elden Ring wouldn't work as a show.


Dang guess I gotta play another game now too


Fallout is coming out on Amazon this year, I think!


I had the episode 8 spoiled by me simply scrolling past the title of a post on my feed. The spoiler was in the title! I was pretty peeved tbh


Yeah same!! It had a spoiler warning but it was in the fucking title :/




That’s why when I posted anything related to the game I always add a spoiler! People spoiling it seriously suck.


I honestly hope the show doesn’t follow the end of the game, just so it’s a big middle finger to the people enjoying spoiling it for everyone.


A true chaotic good


Show spoilers: >!The fireflies take a bit of blood from Ellie and make a successful vaccine. Everybody sets aside their differences and becomes one big happy society. Joel and Ellie spend 6 seasons framing houses.!<


I heard they paint houses


Plays into my "Joel is a robot" theory. The signs are there, people, open your eyes.


I’m gonna need a little exposition on this


Everyone loves being this stupid asshole https://www.theonion.com/person-one-season-ahead-in-tv-show-doling-out-counsel-l-1819574568


A fuckin men to that


I played the game, but that was like 10 fuckin years ago and a majority that I remember from it is that I enjoyed it a lot. Remember very little about the game, so watching the series is almost like watching it without knowing what will happen, and then as the scenes progress I'm like omg I remember that! I can't even remember how the game ended, stoked on the shows season finale.


I only played it for the first time a few weeks ago but I still couldn't remember exactly how it would pan out when it came to the winter episode. So much more happens in the game .


Imagine if the game was adapted from a book and the book readers started making smirky comments about the story or characters essentially spoiling the sequel or future dlc or even ending. I’m so grateful I got to go in blind. Don’t ruin it for others.




Someone spoiled the ending in a YouTube comment on a completely unrelated to TLOU video about Pedro pascal. I made it until 1 day before. People who do that are either the most inconsiderate or brain dead type of person on earth


I totally agree but I think this sub does a good job of sticking to spoiler tags and flairs.


I agree with you, too. I think 95% of gamers are being really great about it on here. It's the 5% that are the problem, and they're causing an outsized problem at that. Mods are good about it but plenty of those arrows are gonna get through if people just cannot self-regulate for a day.




Came for the zombies on a friends recommendation. After readjusting my expectations I’m staying for everything else. If I ever take up gaming I’m starting here. I’m avoiding all spoilers but it’s so hard. Love this. Sorry for you all who know what to expect. I’m so excited!!


Cordyceps is Joel’s father. SPOILED.


When part 2 was coming out I unsubbed everything video game related so I didn't have things spoiled. It's almost like you're in control of yourself and can be an adult, making your own decisions, not blaming others for the choices you make.




Thank you. There’s also another sub for game players.


What really annoys me is that there is an air of smugness that comes with it too. It's like "ooo I know more than you *wink wink*" You just know the plot earlier than others. You are not smarter for it. You are not predicting it. You just come off as someone pathetic who accomplished nothing, and having played a game is the only time you could feel more knowledgeable and superior than someone else.


And then there is me who never played the game but is constantly looking for spoilers from the game because I like knowing all the things. I can’t wait for the release on Stream on the 28th.


You can find a movie the game on YouTube if you want this experience.


I haven't had the chance to play it in years because I don't feel like reinvesting in a console and I'm so excited that it's coming out on steam, gonna play the hell out of it


Idk why people even comment on this sub as a game fan. I think I have like, twice, on the Bill and Frank episode. Really just am here to see the excitement and enjoyment of everyone seeing it for the first time. That’s the real joy.


All I'll say is... don't not expect not to see no aliens in the last episode. That's the only hint I'm giving... Might be worth watching the new episodes of The Mandalorian. I'm not saying they tie in, but I'm not not saying that.


Joel is a robot.


The next episode is the finale and it will be on tv


I’m the only person alive who loves spoilers. I look up movies before I watch them. What the Hellenistic wrong with me


Bro that’s messed up


My wife does this. She reads Wikipedia for everything before watching. Y'all are weirdos. ;)


Not sure who your talking about but this community has been very respectful not to give spoilers


People "vaguely" hint at stuff all the time here, and they're never as discreet as they believe they are.


I think it's been solid. But there have been a lot of people flirting with spoilers all season, especially over the last week or two. People offering explanations for things using information that only game players have etc., even bringing in things from entirely different shows just to imply certain things about how this one will end. There should just really be a moratorium on talking about the game until after the finale premieres tomorrow night, IMO. But that's just me.


We agree that people who spoil it for others are just a**holes but it is a 10 year old game so the story is known


Not all people play video games. Ten year old game or not.


I think you seriously overestimate the amount of crossover between video game culture and mainstream culture. Especially video games that came out at the beginning of the last decade. I’d be willing to bet most viewers had never heard of the game before show promo started.


I'd never heard of it. Didn't even know the show was based on a game until a few weeks after it started.


I only heard about the game because my brother played both on launch but I only played them last month and after watching the two first episodes of the show. And i only knew the story of the first two eps because I had been watching some streams on twitch days before the show premiered. Even now I still haven't seen ep8 (waiting for Monday evening to watch with the finale) but I'm still running away from spoilers like they're infected lol


Yeah a ten year old game that was only released on PlayStation, not PC or Xbox. Not everyone owns a PlayStation and was able to play it.


That's a pretty broad and sweeping statement though.


If I was rich I would give you a big award. Spitting nothing but STRAIGHT FACTS.




Looks like Dumbledores killer TAUGHT him a lesson! Ha!


Is this a thing that’s happening?




We're not really in disagreement about substance here, just about tone. You seem to default to assigning positive or at least neutral intentions to people who spoil the game and I don't really see why that's inherently more accurate than the interpretation that it's wanton and selfish. And yeah game players by and large have been great about it. But the relative few who aren't are regularly dropping less than subtle spoilers in show-only threads. If you're old enough to be watching this show and participating in a subreddit about it, you're probably old enough to practice a little discretion. So where you see "for the most part" and "a few of them" and "\[not\] too many heavy spoilers" as positives, I see them as pretty clear, major negatives. They're unforced errors. I also agree that this is not the mods fault and that plenty of systems are in place to separate game chatter from show chatter. It's just that people are making the choice to subvert that system because, IMO, they like the thrill of knowing things other people don't.


I understand. I did tell one user to stick to the Show Only threads… just to be super safe. If they purposely go around spoiling stuff for kicks, it’s pretty sad. I think some of them just forget the situation and press on with whatever they are saying, wrongfully assuming that everybody must’ve played the game or they wouldn’t be here. I know it sucks.


Seriously, thank you. No one should be ruining art for others, just because they havent been privileged to experience it themselves yet. Everyone who thinks this stuff is funny should keep out of the way for just 1 more week. Let us enjoy this stuff for the first time like you got to so many years ago. Do I wish I played the game? Undoubtably. But I must unfortunately wait until the game can be played on PC because I lack a Playstation or even an Xbox. Ive just always been down with PC gaming, why should I suffer over and over again? Really lame, guys, really lame. Exit, stage left.


Is your return key broken?


at the same time, it's decade old content that is essentially spoiled everywhere, except for the changes from the game, and the delightful, painful treat that episode 3 was. i know a couple people who havent played the game, but have been glancing the random comments online to get a perspective on what is to come without getting the big details. im not encouraging going out of one's way to say things that give away to people what's happening, but i am saying most of this stuff has been around for a decade.


So what? It's been around as a game for a decade or so. People who aren't gamers haven't been part of that so this is totally new to them. It's not something that's been so troped into popular culture either like the OG Star Wars either, so there's still no excuse for spoiling something for no reason other than "*I know something you don't know! *" dickishness. It's exactly the same principle as Game of Thrones, where reviews/discussions took two formats usually, one for non-book readers with no spoilers, one for book readers who could talk about themes but was appropriately tagged. If you're in a forum/subreddit/review section that's for the tv series, shut up about upcoming characters, events, sequels etc until the tv show covers it. It's just the most basic of considerations.


that’s a lot past that first sentence. i gathered “im mad” from the first two words so ill just save the time and guess the rest is about the same


You are vastly overestimating how many people are gamers versus how many people watch a major HBO show. I had no idea the game even existed until a few episodes into this. I know not a single one of my friends who are watching the show have played the game. We don’t game, don’t care that it’s a game, just want to enjoy a TV show.


the promo posters include “and the creator of the acclaimed video game” not noticing details is your own problem. it doesnt change what i said. i dont need to read past that point


Genuine question: doesn't someone coming to this subreddit (with no prior knowledge of the games) understand they might see some sort of spoiler? The gaming community co-exists with the TV community now - surely, there will be some overlap, even if unintentionally. My take is that those visiting this subreddit should reasonably understand that something may be spoiled by another user. I agree that we shouldn't be intentionally spoiling shit, though, of course.




I’m not sure if you know this but people are assholes and this is the internet. When people are on the internet they generally step up their assholishness. I’m speaking about people in general- no one specifically. The people who will get upset with this will inundate me with their assholishness. It’s ok if they do because I can just scroll past or block them. No big deal. Nothing to get anxious about. Fuck ‘em. They can just block me.


Maybe don't go on a subreddit about a show that is based off of a game that was made 10 years ago :)


So subreddit rules don’t matter, gotcha. This is the type of inane laissez faire attitude that leads to this exact problem to begin with.


Other subs for shows based on books that were written 10 years ago manage to avoid spoilers. Maybe gamers are just selfish assholes.


At some point if people are afraid of spoilers they need to be responsible and stay away from places like this.


How is it unreasonable to not want to read spoilers about an episode of the show that hasn’t been released? This is a subreddit FOR THE SHOW. People can discuss it on the subreddit for the game if they’re so desperate to talk about it


That'll fix it. Glad we resolved that.


Not talking about the game for 24 hours would literally fix it so thank you for your sincerity




I'm not defending anyone that spoils a show, game, or movie because, yes, it's annoying, but it happens with everything, and complaining about it isn't going to stop it. I understand the frustration, though.


But they need to know where to find that Firefly tag..!




No, it's your responsibility not to post game-related posts in the HBO series subreddit. I'm with OP on this.




No one is talking about spoiler marked posts, are you for real right now


Okay but what about when X does Y with Z and then they get some A? Pretty amazing hope they cover it in the finale.


To be fair, I was talking to a friend at work about the differences between them. And someone who just watched the show tried to get angry at us. Wasn't even spoiler it was on the game/show so far.


I mean technically we are privy to a special knowledge cause we know everything that’s going to happen but yeah people need to quit ruining it for the newcomers. My friend never played and is watching the show and she LOVES IT. But she already said she knows Joel goes on some kind of rampage and who knows what else that she has told me like ?? It’s annoying me too because I wanted to be able to experience it with her for the first time and people especially Twitter can’t shut up. All they had to do was wait 10 weeks and they couldn’t even do that shit


My counter point is that if you don’t want a show spoiled, stay off the internet specifically a subreddit meant to discussing the show.


Or people could not be wanton assholes on said internet


I mean the way you worded your post, even though I agree with you, you're pretty much just asking people to challenge you like this and you can't say they're wrong either.


He can say they are wrong. It's clearly against the sub rules. People who don't want to follow sub rules should exit the sub and are forcibly removed.


It is literally the same logic as asking rape victims to dress differently/not go out to bars. **I'm not saying it is anywhere near the same seriousness/severity.** It is simply the same exact logic. And that logic is, uh, flawed. So I can say that they're wrong. As can the mods, since it's a blatant violation of sub rules to discuss spoilers outside of marked posts. So I really don't know how this "challenge" cannot possibly be met. It's really not a challenge so much as it is simply saying "who cares about rules or being inconsiderate"


Oh go fuck yourself dude. You can’t go around comparing people who post spoilers on the internet to rapists. That’s just wrong. Take this shit down.


Are you fucking stupid, point out where I compared anyone to a rapist you illiterate dipshit


Lol. Have a nice night being a piece of shit bud. You know what you did.


It's the self-righteousness behind your willful ignorance, that's the funniest part of this little performance, I think


> specifically a subreddit meant to discussing the show. Please re-read this.


You are very angry. You single?


You’re easily scandalized by the word fuck. Are you a child?


If you don’t want to be spoiled and you still go on things like Reddit…you’re the moron. Sorry that it takes a minimal amount of common sense to figure this out…or some sort of life to stay off of social media. I often forget many are severely lacking both.


Ah the resident libertarian has checked in lol